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Anarcho-Historian Lesson #15: Europe’s Gift to World Civilization, or The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Posted: January 10, 2016 in Africa, African slavery, African slavery and genocide in the Americas, African slaves, Africans, Americas, aristo-parasites, aristocracy, Atlantic African Slave Trade, brutality, capitalism, captured native slaves, castes, categories of life, Christendom, Christianity, Church hierarchy, class, class climbers, class conflict, colonial administrators, colonial elites, colonial empires, colonialism, common lands, communal property, companies, conquest, control, convict slaves, corporate institutions, corporate rights, courtiers, criminality, crusades, cultural mix, culture, cycle of life, death, deceit, diseases, divisi et vincere, East Indies, elites, emerging markets, empire, empires, enslavement, eternal war, Europe, European colonial powers, European history, evil, export crop plantations, extermination, extinction, extremism, farmers, farming families, Fascism, Global Monopoly Capitalism, Great Amerikan Holocaust, guilt, history, Holy Crusades, Holy Orders, honor, human body, human history, humanity, ideologies, incinerator capitalism, indentured servitude, individual rights, inheritance capital, investors, Judeo-Christian Monotheist cult, kidnapping, knights, labor, land robbery, landed aristocracy, legal conquest system, legal courts, legal crime, legal extortion rackets, legal fictions, legal frauds, legal privileges, legal theft, liquidation, lower classes, lumpens, mass extermination, mass murder, Medieval Europe, mental infections, Mercantile Capitalism, mercenary armies, military religious orders, murder, noble titles, nobles, nobles of the sword, opening of lands, ownership of land, paganism, pagans, peasants, personal property, plunder, political enemies, political-economic elites, private property, production cycles, professional armies, profit, property, property rights, protection money, punishments, race, racial mixes, racialism, religious conversion, religious ideology, rent schemes, rents, repression, revenge, rights of conquest, robbery, royal authority, royal powers, royalty, savage capitalism, savagery, scams, schemes, slave trading, slave trading-raiding empires, slavery, slaves, social classes, social control, social estates, social parasites, stealing lands, struggle, subject populations, suffering, sugar slave plantations, survival, taxes, the Church institution, the Curia, the Earth, the family, the First Estate, the Mafia, the Papal States, the State, tithe taxes, torture techniques, vengeance, venture capital, violence, war, war against the human body, warfare, West Indies, work, world history, zealotry, zoological racial terms
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Durer_Revelation_Four_Horsemenfour_horsemen11ChristianMilitaryOrdersColumbus invades, tobacco crosses watersChristianity killCondottiericastapainting mestizogenocidios de nativosDutch slave tradersColonial genocidetobacco-plantation-granger w_slavesunemployed-manVoltaireFredericIIChocolate-house-london-c1708 - for aristos onlyAristocrats enjoying the life 1700sHomeless-beggar bum

Throughout human history, Evil has often emanated from the comforting lights of deceit.

For around 500 years, starting in the mid to late 1400s A.D., one peculiar social class, coming out of one particular continent, has attacked, invaded, plundered, tortured, enslaved, and murdered the mysterious magic behind Earth’s existence.

This estate of people were the class climbing ambitious ones who wanted noble titles with the rights that came from such titles. They birthed from the continent of Europe, which was a civilization that sanctified the slothful, lazy and parasitical, and yet at the same time, formulated the heinous lie of the ‘hard work ethic.’

Ultimately, this social class of deceivers invented the most evil ideology in human history: racialism, all in order to maintain their wicked clutch of power. Europe was a strange civilization indeed. Who, what, when, where, why and how could describe such a bizarre continent?

The first monstrosity that poisoned the Soul of Europe was the Judeo-Christian Monotheist Cult. This poisoning did not begin with Constantine’s acceptance of the Christian religion into the Greater Roman Pantheon of Cults during the 4th Century A.D. Most of Europe’s culture was pagan until well into the 7th Century A.D.

In the north of Europe, modern Scandinavia, northern Germany, and in eastern Europe, mostly around the Slavic, Baltic and Hun lands, such as Lithuania, Finland, Eastern Poland and Southern Russia; most of Hungary, Dalmatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, a greater part of Romania, most of the people in those nations retained their old European pagan traditions.

By the 15th century, almost all of Europe adhered to some form of Christianity mixed with ancient pagan concepts, whether Celt, Roman, Greek, German or Slav, or all the above mixed together for heightened effect. Bad historians love to praise such a cultural mix as the birth of medieval civilization.

The various medieval regions represented the Byzantine sphere of influence, the Holy Roman Empire sphere of influence, the Frankish imperial domains, the Muslim Caliphate of Spain, or around the Maritime slave trading-raiding empires of the Normans, Genoans, Pisans and Venetians, the Mamelukes of Egypt, and the Muslim Sublime Ports in the Maghreb.

Medieval Europe did have its enchanted sides, especially in the heroic epics of just kings and noble knights; however, the Judeo-Christian monotheist ideology began to rot the thinking of many Europeans. Unlike the heroic gods of the Celts, Romans and Germans, the Christian God hung on a wooden torture device, the Cross. And yet, the Crucifixion torture device gave its God supreme powers.

The power of the Cross signified the mental anguish of vengeance with the fury of extreme violence for the Murder of God, or the Grand Deicide. The story also meant the conquering of bodily sin and the guilt of confession, according to the mad monks, often using violent methods, such as chains, whips and brutal disciplines.

The further struggle entailed the fight against the Evil One, or Satan, and his demonic kingdom. Ultimate Justice implied the Final Judgment of the Victorious Sacrificial God who will punish the Evil Apostates that refused to submit to his power. All of the non-believers will end up in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, or Hell – tortured for all Eternity. Not even Hitler or Stalin could compare to this vengeful and violent God.

Christianity’s religious-ideological position has centered on a movement for revenge, extremism through faith, and the encouragement of suffering, meaning physical and mental suffering heightened together – all for the conquering of sin and evil through the example of Christ and his kingdom of the Saints.

This ideology of vengeance and zealotry explains its penchant for extreme violence, only found in the History of Christianity, such as Crusades, Papal Pornocracies, Inquisitions, Religious Wars, Witch Burnings, Ideological support for the African slave exterminations, Political alliances with Fascists, Gunmen attacking Women’s health clinics, and other fanatical acts of mass murder.

This ideology also encourages mental diseases and sexual perversions, such as madness, pederasty, sexual molestation and pedophilia, due to its obsessions with mental and bodily repressions versus sin, vices, doubts, backsliding and evil. Mental repression, guilt and anguish only cause further obsessions on the prohibited evil acts and thoughts.

In sum, the ideological-religious detritus of extremism, violent brutality and the mind-body repression-madness-perversion, infected European medieval culture. Instead of just killing one’s enemies, one had to develop the technologies of torturing the physical body in order to make the hated ones suffer even more horribly.

The World History of Torture is a nasty section of Humanity’s vices. But the European Medieval period is especially sick in regards to its favorite tortures and murders against the Human Body.

The medieval State encouraged the legal form of torture and murder, but in copying the Church and the State, ancient European families introduced the brutal disciplinary procedures of beatings and punishments. There were also the common torturers who used hand weapons, usually canes, whips and chains. Fathers, both secular and religious, often utilized such torture methods against adepts, wives, children and servant slaves.

Once the father uses those brute methods in educating his children, the children become permanently damaged and they often fight back through their own modes of violence and the abuse of intoxicants, or simply self-medication – or even using both forms together.

During the 15th century, when European class climbers began to fix their gazes at the greater Earth, they carried over their mental sufferings from those extremist ideologies. This ideological mix-up included the extermination of pagan-non-Christian religions for the one true faith, punishments against the human body in relation to nakedness, normal sexual diversity, or sodomy. The Triumph of the Judeo-Christian Cult was so thorough that most Europeans referred to their hodgepodge of lands as a united Christendom, well into the middle of the 1700’s.

While the Judeo-Christian ideology twisted the thinking of Medieval Christendom, Europeans also began to admire the lifestyle of the Christian corporate institution, The Church. The priests received the taxes, or tithes, from the peasants, and from there, they had to kick up the tithes to the Hierarchy.

The bishops, or captains of the region, lived like the Dux, or dukes, the knighted regional commanders. From the Bishops, they had to kick up the money to the Papal Court, the Pope and his consiglieri, or advisers, or as they used the term, La Curia, which included selected Cardinals who maintained each Congregation.

No king, nor emperor lived as sumptuously as the Papal Court. The most important congregations, or administrations in the Papacy, represented the Treasury, the Holy Office of the Inquisition, the Bulls, or funding, of the Holy Crusades, and the Papal mercenary armies, or condottieri.

Jealous of the pride, sloth, gluttony, luxury, avarice, legal violence and envious nature of the Papal Court in Rome, the secular powers had to copy such vileness. The Church was also the greatest land robber in world history. Unlike the Papal States, The Mosque in Medieval Islamic Civilization did not have a separate corporate identity, nor did it have a clergy possessing special powers with autonomous legal privileges.

The Church transformed into the first corporate institution to putrefy ancient Germanic and Roman Law in demanding both corporate legal rights and individual rights, through the legal theft of common lands; while at the same time, the Church also had another set of rights, meaning the rights of State, due to governing a vast territory in central Italy, called the Papal States. There were also the numerous religious orders inside the Church, who not only possessed the corporate rights of the First Estate, but also held the corporate rights of an organized, military-like, corporate religious order, such as the Franciscans and Dominicans.

Again, the secular elites, or knights without noble titles, copied their religious overlords in stealing lands from surrounding communities through their own, legal rights of conquest.

The Church seconded such pronouncements through encouraging a continuous Crusade for the conversion of souls. The Spanish first used this method in Al-Andalus, southern Spain. In the Americas, Spanish and the Portuguese knights again used the exact same methods in exterminating the native nations and then stealing their lands.

Even the Church’s religious enemies used such tactics, the Orthodox Church in league with the Tsars copied such sinister techniques during Russia’s wars both against the Catholic Polish and Germans, and against the Muslim Khanates, or Tatars. The Protestant English Knights-Lords, in league with the Established Church, used kindred procedures against Britain’s peasants, through the Enclosure Acts, and later against the Irish Catholics in Ulster – and even later, against the Highlander Clans in Scotland. The biggest supporters of Luther’s Protestant Crusade were the class climbing knights that plagued the German States of the Holy Roman Empire.

This ingenious legal conquest system allowed knights without noble titles to conquer the lands of the Enemy, and thereby receive noble titles for meritorious services, later becoming Nobles of the Sword, or in French, noblesse d’épée, Their medieval legal privileges did not stop with such noble titles however.

Due to the historical writings about the Noble Spartans who defended the Greek cities from the Persian Asiatic Horde, once a knight received his noble title from royalty, the man could not do any laborious work with the hands – or he would lose his honor.

The ‘new man’ then changed his name to the title, just like a person received a new name after taking Holy Orders, in becoming a priest, monk or nun. The nobles of the sword transformed into loyal allies of the throne becoming token administrators of the conquered lands, called the landed aristocracy.  

The landed aristocracy had to fight for the King when given orders. But as royal powers transcended into colonial empires, and as more European kings used mercenary forces, and recruited so-called professional armies from the ranks of the artisan and farmer classes, and even mixed racial castes, the nobles of the sword also changed their elite dimensions.

Many trained soldiers, or favorites, moved into the royal courts and lived as courtiers, often sleeping until midday in soft beds. They spent their days in luxurious sloth: hunting, practicing sword fights for possible duels, eating ten course meals well into the night, engaging in promiscuous sexual relations, gambling, and partying until the daylight hours.

Others took overseas political positions as appointed colonial administrators. While a whole other group just sat around their massive estates, putting about their 50 room manor homes, while receiving taxes and rents from the farmers that labored on the aristo’s lands.

The aristocracy had no ties whatsoever to the land, nor did they even lift a hand to help maintain the fragile ecosystem. The landed aristocrats, or social parasites, simply collected legal extortion rackets from the hardworking farmers – similar to the Mafia bosses who collect protection money from businesses located in ‘safe urban neighborhoods.’ Royal authority sanctified the whole fraud scheme through the legal rights of private property.

Many Americans mistake the rights of private property for the rights of personal property. The rights of private property signified the rights of a family, or any corporate institution, including the State, to the complete ownership of lands, often with no historical use of the said lands.

These corporate institutions had given themselves the rights and legal privileges to open more lands due to conquest, family title, or mystical authority. This legal fraud virtually imprisoned the hard-working families who actually worked on the lands for survival.

Meanwhile, the owners collected the rents and taxes. The political-economic system containing such legal fictions allowed for the growth of Capitalism’s second stage, Mercantile Capitalism.

Mercantile Capitalism was simply a corrupt economic system where royal families favored particular merchants or venture capitalists who also had special access to funds from the royal treasuries.

Those capitalists could use those royal funds because the same royal families, and also their aristocratic cousins, and other social parasites, were always the first investors.

The investors also formed military grade institutions, called companies, which possessed greater legal rights than the poor individuals in the flunky courts. A few of these companies even controlled large naval armies and administered their own foreign colonies, such as the East Indies and West Indies Companies. What was their most profitable business during that epoch?

These companies made most of their heinous profits through world history’s most evil, mass kidnapping and mass murder spree, called the African slave trade, with the extermination fields of export crop plantations located in the Americas. Always remember, Europe’s mercantile class of royalties, aristo-parasites and class climbing miscreants managed and directed this nefarious trade.

Through the massive destruction of native and African lives, all of which led to the agricultural plantation production of cash crop-drugs, incinerator capitalism had birthed – and still this noxious scam of an economy fumigates across the Globe.

As capitalism invaded the peripheries of world Empires, this political-economic system rammed through a greater decomposition within the modern European family structure.

Family solidarity changed its particular terms and conditions. For any and all economic survival under savage capitalism, a brutal struggle ensued to grab as much inheritance capital as possible. Surviving family members could become mortal enemies to each other.

Nowadays, millions of other class climbers, in every corner of the Earth, have forsaken their honor in pursuit of cheap profits. They will murder, lie, cheat, steal and destroy everything in their path – all for the love of money – profits and even more profits. If all the other animals, plants, trees and arable land just dropped dead – those hungry ghost capitalists would continue their desperation for the next emerging markets.

Within any agricultural plantation production cycle, the most pressing issue was labor. The first sugar slave plantations in the Mediterranean used captured slaves from war booty. The European colonial powers in the Americas: Spain, Portugal, France, Britain, the Netherlands, and Denmark also utilized captured, native slaves from Conquest, and somewhat later, used indentured-convict white slaves from Europe. Those methods of overwork through death did not function well. The European mercantile elite’s only recourse revolved around the kidnapping rings, liquidation murders and mass enslavement of Africans.

As the great death of native nations continued, due to introduced European diseases throughout the Americas, European elite merchants had radically changed the human map. Most colonial American cities possessed small communities of European elites representing political hacks, soldiers, clergy and slave-owning planters, while the greater half of the population comprised racial lumpens, often of mixed native-white-African roots, and then a large mass of African slaves, freemen and mulattos.

From the 1580s-1780s, the false Euro-aristos in the colonial plantations resorted to the old and true method in maintaining social control over subject populations, Divisi et vincere, (Latin, Divide and Conquer).

The colonial elites gave a few token privileges to the Euro lower classes, such as weapon ownership, legal rights, with a new social identity, as whites. Meanwhile, the Africans entered the lowest social class, permanently associated with hated slavery. Using older zoological terms for agricultural cattle breeding, the European aristo-parasites created the Great Lie of Race.

This monstrous perjury incubated the culture of American colonialism, and in all irony, it returned to the European metropolis in the early twentieth-century, as Fascism, so political dictators could murder millions of more Europeans.

The European elites have left no part of our Earth untouched. On every continent, hordes of aristo-parasites have invaded, raped, tortured and murdered for profit. Still to this very day, those same elites proclaim to us the wonders of Christianity, Capitalism and Racialism. They have successfully exterminated entire categories of plants, trees, animals and other humans. They have been so triumphant in their wicked deeds that there is no turning back for our Earth. There is no hope for reconciliation.

European elites have solidified the concluding contract with Extinction. The Earth can never heal with any humans living upon it. All of us now possess the cultural mental infections from our recent past. Mass murder does have its price – extinction to extinction evermore.

Yet, the universe will eventually recycle the refuse again, so that other forms of life leading to death, can grow into their full substance.