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Dangerous Ideologies X: Compulsory State Public Education

Posted: August 11, 2016 in abitrary class assignments, actual reality, administrative crooks, administrator hacks, alternative education, benefits packages, bullying, certification scam, charter schools, child labor laws, citizenry, class divisions, cliques, college preparatory private schools, compulsory state schools, conformity, criminal authority, criminal syndicate laws, crooked systems, curriculum standards, departments of education, destruction of life, education rackets, educational leaders, educational policies, enforcement agents, exploitation, false education, force, free schools, gun free-drug free school zones, gymnasiums, history, homeschooling, hopelessness, human autonomy, human consciousness, ideological institutions, ideological structures, inconsistent disciplinary measures, institutionalization of boredom, knowledge slaughterhouses, learning levels, legal fiat, legal harassment, minimum requirements, national standards, pensions, petty rule enforcement, politician hacks, prestige, private academies, public schools, Reformism, remedial classes, rote memorization, school bells, school placement, school shootings, school year, seniority schemes, shame, six-figure salaries, social justice reformers, special education classes, state muggers, state worship, state-media propaganda, tax and fine payment scams, teacher burnout, teacher turnover, teachers unions, terrible teacher pay, testing schemes, the Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths, the commandeering class, the criminal state, the destruction of imagination, the elites, the political will to power, the Prussian Education System, the school violence epidemic, truancy, university fraud system, useless knowledge
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school bullyingEric_Mohat_suicide due to bullyingschool-shootingschool-to-prison-pipelineState truancy arrest for no crimePrussian school system with happy childrenhorace-mannamerican-school-children-pledge allegiance

teacher's union well-paid bossman

Board of Education in Hoboken

Board of Education in Hoboken

School Principals six figure salary leadersdark-art-children-public school nightmare

Some of the greatest lies from history have now become our cherished truths.

One such modern ideology has the sweetest public veneer, yet this poison represents the most powerful destroyer of children and learning on this Earth. Its putrid name is Compulsory State Public Education.

The beginning part of the name gives it away entirely, Compulsory State. The second part continues the lies however. It is not public – since it forces itself through political will, top-down, or legal fiat, on both unwary citizens – and even non-citizen residents. Nor has it anything to do with real education. It is actually the opposite of education. Compulsory education actually mutates human consciousness.

This same ideology, and its willing institutions, the schools and education bureaucracies, have structurally combined into forming a slaughterhouse of useless knowledge.

Compulsory State Public Education is the modern state’s most powerful arsenal in the indoctrination and destruction of children’s lives.

It indoctrinates through bogus class divisions between students, such as learning levels, arbitrary class assignments and testing schemes. It destroys young lives through prison-like rule making, dividing students into cliques for greater control, and the institutionalization of boredom, while it severely punishes those who refuse to surrender to such a system, or those recalcitrant rebels who maintain their wills and autonomy after so much legal harassment.

This diabolical system encourages a gross ignorance of our actual reality, while accepting acquiescence towards criminal authorities. Compulsory State Public Education does not produce brave citizens –  instead, it encourages pathetic minds, mindless consumers and potential wage slaves.

Parents ought to beware. How did we get to this state of living where the criminal state now parasites off our children’s minds and bodies?

The stories that hurt me the most, in relation to this ideology, are the ones concerned with bullying. I too suffered bullying when I was kid, and I also participated in such bullying against other kids. Many of us fell into this institutional hell. We were stuck in minimum security jails for kids.

But it is the stories of the kids that eventually kill themselves after so much intolerable bullying at school, and then the school administrators suffer no consequences afterwards. The parents even resign themselves to the loss of their sacred children because it was simply their kids at the wrong place and the wrong time. Then there are the school shootings that have taken place. The most famous one was at a Columbine High School in Colorado.

The reasons for such outbreaks of violence are because Compulsory State Public Education has become the full embodiment of institutional violence, similar to bad paying retail-service sector jobs, local jail-minimum security prisons, and yes, even the army base with its soldier barracks.

Compulsory State Public Education rashes forth from the sewers of Liberalism, which is an ideology more violent, and bursting forth with a greater sacks of lies, than the Psychobabble Quack Cult. The ideology of Marxist Materialism-Socialism-Communism also loves compulsory state schooling. Most of our modern ideologies that worship the State, the government, political hacks, bureaucratic parasitism, authorities, social control, surveillance and the murder of happiness, also support the school institutional system.

Compulsory state education forces the wage slaves living under it to hand over their children, or the prisoners, for a greater part of the day. But some might ask, is it not free?

No, it is never free. The wage slaves are also the taxed and fined ‘citizens,’ and they must hand over even more payments and fees, in order to invest in their own enslavement. This is how our modern capitalist-liberal, ‘free market system’ works.

There is freedom – but only for the political-economic elites who run and game the system. They receive the second chances, while the prisons and the enlisted ranks of the military never touch them.

Super rich parents never send their kids to those state schools. Rather, their children often attend the elite prep-private schools, on the elite private university track. How do you get the children of the losers to support such an unjust and brutal system that regularly destroys their lives? The answer lies in compulsory schooling’s incessant propaganda as a ‘national necessity for a functioning Democracy.’ Compulsory Education now ranks up there in the State echelons, with the cops-police gangs of the State, the military, the flag, the president and the Constitution.

Meanwhile, the street mugger uses brazen violence to get what he wants, while the state mugger uses institutions to hide its crimes. The street mugger eventually winds his way into the prison system, yet the state mugger wins even greater power, prestige, accolades and control.

There are three institutional criminal syndicates that run this particular monster. The first group surrounds the state politicians who continue to pass laws transforming the schools into the growing prison gulag. The methods include increasing the mandatory ages of forced schooling from four to eighteen, augmenting the state minimum requirements in learning useless crap, extending the school year from August to July, imprisoning both teenagers and parents for truancy, imposing regular police officers to watch, arrest and imprison unruly students, creating gun free-drug free school zones while giving students’ names and addresses to military recruiters, so that they can become cannon fodder during the coming war.

The second junta call themselves ‘education leaders,’ or administrators, where they actually receive bogus degrees from flim flam university graduate programs. These are the chancellors and superintendents, their assessors and their advisers, and a whole slew of desk sitting, e-mail sending positions who teach no classes, rarely visit the schools, do no useful work – yet mandate ‘educational policies.’ They are the commandeering class with the annual increases of six figure salaries, excellent benefits and generous life pensions.

Under them are the junior officers, or the school principals and vice principals. All of whom eventually aspire to those Board of Education office desk positions with beginning six figure salaries, great state benefits and even greater state pensions – all paid by the same tax slaves.

The third cabal culminates with the teacher’s unions. The newer teachers are actually at the bottom rung of the hierarchy.

After doling out thousands of bank loaned money to the university fraud ‘education school,’ in order to become ‘certified,’ the beginner teachers have to work very long hours, and often receive the worst classes.

The reason for this underhanded tactic is that the unions run themselves just like the corrupt Boards of Educations. The union bosses also receive six figure salaries, with wondrous benefits and even greater pension plans. The bosses don’t care about the saps that owe money to the state and to the banks. Many of those first year losers get burned out from the terrible work and terrible pay. They rightfully escape teaching altogether.

This rotten institution leaves the few survivors who eventually receive ‘seniority benefits,’ and who often become jaded, brutally cynical and even transform into crazy people. This small group of ‘teachers’ possessing seniority, in due course, earn stable salaries, not exactly six figure salaries, but enough money to make rent paying easier, and they finally receive the cushion teaching jobs, like library positions or a desk at the principal office.

The union hacks support these teacher-parasites because they have already paid thousands of union dues money into the syndicate. After so much teacher turnover, there are not many of these hanger-ons left. This also means more personal money left over for the union ‘jefe’ crooks.

The compulsory state school system has become its own self-sustaining political economy, and now it is one of the most important management systems inside the decaying Amerikan Empire run by Sociopaths. If one travels in most small towns and rural counties across the western US, this crooked system is the biggest employer around. It doesn’t just have teachers and administrators, but also includes yellow bus school drivers, road guards, school board councils, school janitors and class-hall aid monitors.

The compulsory state school political economy is up there with the other big, exploitive employer-institutions around town: the Medical-Hospital-social services-HMO-Insurance complex, both the state and private prison system, the regional state university, civilian contractor-US military base structure, housing construction, which hires both legal and illegal workers, and general service industry jobs: legal front staff workers of waitresses and bartenders, while most back kitchens hire illegals. Meanwhile, structural inflation and unemployment continue to grow exponentially.

Compulsory State Public Education is a modern phenomenon. It has always aligned itself closely with the growth of the Modern State. The Modern State did not coalesce into its current malformations until the late eighteenth-century and during entire nineteenth-century, from 1790-1890.

From the fanatical Liberalism of the French Revolution, the dictator Napoleon began the process of a centralized, nationalist-identity curriculum, in order to further patriotism with a proud ‘national spirit’ for future wars. The Prussian Empire, first defeated by Napoleon, and later, helping to defeat the Beast, with the British and other nationalities at Waterloo, perfected this same putrid ‘educational system’ representing total control and bogus authority.

The Prussian State, implying its military machine, maintained complete power over the mental formations of its children. It imposed an imperial wide, centralized curriculum, and an instruction led and managed institution through teachers and administrators, called ‘gymnasiums.’

This rotten system included rote memorization schemes, punishments for slower students, military bells between classes, and constant repetition of movement while shuttling between rooms. This kid jail transposed the modern army manual to the actual classroom dynamic. You were either a good obedient student-slave, or a dysfunctional rebel-loser. Woe unto the ones who didn’t conform – German culture would hound them mercilessly until they dropped dead of shame and hopelessness.

While this militarist-statist imperial system coalesced, American copycat intellectuals visited the German Prussian provinces for some ideas. Two such intellectuals were Horace Mann and Henry Barnard from Massachusetts. These two rightly understood that Massachusetts Bay Colony had been the first colony to institute forced schooling for children, and so they infiltrated the state government of Massachusetts and set up a legal system for mandated compulsory schooling. This was during the 1840s-50s.

Another state bureaucrat emerged on the political scene, always anxious for more power with a good pay scale: the educator. The educator cabals in many other states also instituted compulsory schooling laws – but to their detriment, they had no way of enforcing them.

Most young people in the early American republic either learned at home, while working on the farm or plantation, or they worked as apprentice-journeymen for master artisans. Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain were two such people. These great men often attended school for a short time, or for no time at all.

With the growth of Progressivism in the late nineteenth-century, American capitalist magnates, such as John D. Rockefeller, called for reforms to the system in order to save Capitalism from its downturns. Owner potentates worked with ‘social justice reformers’ to end the use of child labor, and thereby allow moderate union influences, or company unions, within certain industries.

Some American Federation of Labor, (the AFL), union bosses joined the Reformist call, and so the US Congress enacted it first anti-child labor laws. The union hacks thought that this would open more jobs for men, and especially with all the recent immigrants to the country. As usual, they were wrong.

The capitalists had another card up their sleeves – women workers. What to do with all the children out of work, while many of these immigrants lived in urban slums? The capitalists rallied for a better educated workforce that could read diagrams and do simple math equations. They joined with the Social Justice Reformers in supporting state compulsory schooling. The robber barons never sent their children to such schools, of course.

Everything changed after World War I. In the 1920s, with the institutionalization of a National Income Tax, a federal political police, the FBI, and the First Red Scare against anti-war radicals, state governments also created enforcement agents to persecute the anti-compulsory schooling people, called ‘truancy officers.’

During President Roosevelt’s National Socialist program in the 1930s, most state compulsory schools changed their names to ‘public schools,’ and they all had state Boards of Educations enforcing not just attendance requirements, but also state-wide curriculum standards. One such monstrous school ritual introduced was the so-called ‘Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag’ with students giving a Fascist-like arm salute!

The culmination of compulsory schooling’s power was President Carter’s increasing the federal government bureaucracy with the nefarious Department of Education in the 1970s – whose agents now carry lethal weapons. The Department of Education has always been in the forefront of promoting National Standards Education, testing programs, placement systems, remedial classes, disciplinary sanctions, Special Education sections, High School Graduation to University Access, and other dubious rackets. Those federal bureaucrats only care about amassing more power and increasing their own six figure salaries with full federal benefits and pensions.

For most of us, our compulsory schooling experiences have been horrible and traumatic – and for good reason. Parents who truly love their own children don’t let them rot and torture within such hideous state operations. They often home school them, send them to private academies, set up Free Schools, or they have their children attend particular charter schools.

The bureaucrats are not finished however. They still persecute homeschoolers and seek to force alternative education programs, such as Summerhill, Montessori and Sterner schools to align their studies with garbage state mandates. So far, homeschooling resistance in the States has refused such cowardice.

As long as we demand our own autonomy as human agents, then we must always resist the Modern State and its Compulsory State Public Jail-Schools. Children are not enemies for subjugation, nor good consumers, nor future wage slaves, nor even potential state assassins in the military – they are humans just like us, and deserve such respect.