Posts Tagged ‘Megatrends 2020’

Trick or Treat, oh yeah…

Halloween is really for the kiddies and for the hipsters, and especially those young female posses who just love to dress up in competition with the other girls… Bring it on.

Well, here’s some good news coming out of the western United States. This small town where I currently live, right inside the Great American Mountains and the Great American Desert, was witnessing a normal, pleasant Saturday vibe.

People were eating at the local restaurant across from me – meaning the only one in town. While other people were driving and walking around town, maybe visiting a few mountain trails, or checking out the only local cafe-gas station in town – and there is, the one and only bar in town.

Well again, I noticed that only a few people were masking up to order food at the local resto cafe across the street. In fact, I saw people eating inside without those disgusting face masks, while the people outside eating were doing just the same, no face mask.

With the locals in my town, almost none of them were wearing masks. The outsiders coming into visit, (and there have been a lot of them this summer and fall due to the Corona Hoax), were mostly masked, and it seemed they were escaping the dreadful big city life.

Then in the late afternoon, lots of kiddies came out with their costumes and bags, and they were accompanied by their parents, who were also in costume. Some local businesses, (meaning the ones still open), gave out candies to the kids. Of course, the local town hall and local rag paper were closed. Those businesses prefer the Corona Lockdown Communist System.

Love it when the locals march around this little town. It gives a marvelous life to the small town vibe atmosphere. Well, none of the kids, and most importantly, none of the adults were wearing masks! What joy it brought to my visage.

The tyrants are losing.

Throughout the late afternoon and early evening, I spotted the same visual pleasure: adults and kids wandering around town in costume – and no disgusting mask wearing whatsoever! This is the way Halloween is supposed to conduct itself.

Even later, went up to the spiritual site in town, and did a little puja worship and walking meditation. When I drove back into town, passed the one local bar – and again, no mask wearing whatsoever. Due to the social distancing, most people were outside and hanging around the park center in town. Music was blaring from the bar’s stereo, while the adults were simply drinking and smoking, some in costume, some not – but it sure looked normal to me. Even more visual delights!

Every Thursday, the farmers will set up their stalls on the outskirts of town, and the locals, like myself, like to drive out there and stock up on the homemade, fresh, non-GMO goodness. Last Thursday, only one farmer set up his stall, (the growing season in short in the West), but again, only a few of the locals, mostly the older types, were masked up. Spotted some oldsters without masks too. What a treat!

Today, an oldster friend, a master musician in town who was also one of the local librarians, (the local library is permanently closed – and good riddance!), waved to me while I was standing on the balcony watching all the Halloween delights below. He told me that he just got up and started playing music in the local park – and simply for the sheer joy of it! He wasn’t wearing no mask either. And this guy has been a supporter of the Bourgeois Communist Alliance. Even the Liberal Boomers are waking. Rejoice, rejoice.

All the local and county governments with their newsrag paper mouthpieces are now pushing a second wave Corona. Still do not know one person in this tiny town who got Corona, and there are lots of elderly people still living here. I’m still in good health – and so are ALL of my neighbors. Thankful and happy.

We gotta let the small victories in this momentous struggle for our honor, duty and dignity – become the greatest joys in short existence.

The tyrants are losing bad. The Empire is slowly discarding its pricey rags – and exchanging them for prisoner garbs… This Bad Clown Show will soon come to a very terrible end.

Tyrant tricks, small town treats.

Peace out brothers and sisters,

Dasa Buddhadharma

They call it Paradise… I don’t know why. You call some place Paradise, kiss it goodbye...

Don Henley, The Eagles, (Hotel California), The Last Resort, 1976

Don Henley’s lyrical masterpiece was the only intelligent song on Hotel California, the session musician-studio album par excellence during the 1970s. It was quite fitting that it was the last song on the album. It certainly spoke the truth concerning the invasions, institutional violence, forced religious conversions and colonialism, which formed Modern European civilization – and its extremes, even its deadly consequences so relevant for today’s crazy world.

Henley, like other successful musician artists, eventually sold out the message to the Liberal Political Powers. In his case, he sold out the message to the Modern White Man Environmentalism Cult. However, his song still contains a veracity on something more insidious: the American Empire, with its rise and eventual fall.

All Empires rise and fall naturally, and although collapse is inevitable, it always falls brutally on everyone down below it, including its regular citizens who just want to survive… 

Some months ago, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the Mayor, District Attorney and Chief of Police, all in line with the Bourgeois Communist Alliance, which currently rules America, allowed the BLM-Antifa Marxist Terrorists to legally loot stores, commit arson, steal merchandise, burn cars, graffiti buildings, thieve from whatever business seemed appropriate, destroy city blocks, physically attack bystanders, and assault local citizens and their properties; another legal riot – all part of our political elite’s grand master plans.

One young man was quite upset that the city where he had worked previously was now totally destroyed. He decided to take action: he took his AR rifle and his medical kit and headed off to the city in order to defend lives and property. During the day, he removed graffiti from the walls, and then at night, the real action started.

Of course, the local police were no where around, also under the orders of the Governor, the Mayor, and the Chief of Police, who were all criminal accessories to this violent riot.

The first tactical problem was that the young man was alone – and he was physically surrounded by the literal scum of humanity: lowlife rioters, vile looters and lumpen losers with lengthy criminal records, one of whom even had sex offenses with young kids. Did they notice the brave young man trying to stop a riot in progress? You bet those dishonorable useful idiots spotted him – and they moved in for the literal kill!

The young man saved himself from their attacks through armed self-defense. He killed two of them, and wounded another one, who just before getting shot, tried to murder the young man with his semi-auto pistol.

All of sudden, the local cops showed up… The young man immediately faced arrest, and even before his booking at the police station, the local district attorney had already charged him with three counts of First Degree Murder and raised his bail to millions of dollars!

Obviously, the legal fix was in, and this brave young man, with a full tank of courage, would have to face some double trouble: Communist subversion and the legal arm of tyranny, all thrown at him at one moment.

The young man is still in jail for the crime of self-defense; meanwhile all the other criminal rioters, arsonists and looters walk free. That young man fought solely for justice; our Ruling Elites will make him pay! Meanwhile, the top Communists have bailed out thousands of criminal rioters from across the country.

1. An Inmate Posse controls this Great American Insane Asylum. This Inmate Posse has also become the current hegemonic bloc of elites who now run and manage the American Empire.

Our Enemies are Sociopath-Tyrants who believe their own lies. When a tyrant believes in his own lies, then there is nothing so heinous that he will not do in order to maintain political-economic power. This is the current danger to all the rest of us, so-called American citizens, who have no power, and who thus live below them.

2. Even more ominously, the so-called Law and Constitution mean absolutely nothing across the Land. Look at the previous story of the young man. We cannot use guns to defend ourselves from criminal actions, but the Communist Street Enemy can use weapons and commit legal crimes whenever and wherever they feel like it.

3. Therefore, our so-called vaunted US Citizenship status also means absolutely nothing. With the Corona Economy doing the slow boat Titanic dive, there is no hope for any Capitalist miracle on the horizon. There exists no Social Safety Net for US citizens. Only illegal aliens receive the free allowances. They get free medical care and other State Welfare benefits.

4. We have no one to protect us, no one on our side – only ourselves, and ourselves alone.

As we say in America, our future looks bleak; but it is not that bleak. All this Civil War backdrop furthers our opportunities to shine forth: in true honor, virtue, duty, strength and faith.

1. Dedication to our Spiritual Faiths and Practices, (or Works), First and Foremost. Our first and foremost duty is to our Faiths. This includes its public defense against its haters, and with all of this responsibility, there also arrives a solemn duty and loyalty to protect our immediate families. We stand on the practice of our Faiths with honor, virtue, benevolence, righteousness, piety, gentlemanly behavior and self-control. We don’t just talk the talk, we also walk the walk, as we say in America.

We never fall into the traps of angry outbursts, the telling of lies, stealing and thieving, the common use of foul language; nor do we initiate violence towards any living things as our rulers do, nor engage in any sexual misconduct whatsoever, while we avoid any and all intoxication foolishness with the vulgar human herds. Awareness and Vigilance always go together.

We exist as religious warriors for the Faith. Yes, and even before our so-called Americaness flimflam identity. If you are a hardcore patriot, then stop reading this post now, and do what you have to do.

The rulers of this country do not just criminally neglect us – they utterly hate us.

Well, we don’t hate back – but instead, disengage from their rotten System, and keep the existence of our Faith alive and vibrant through continual practice and discipline.

In my case, it is Buddhism, this means lots of time for worship, meditation practices, the reading of holy scriptures, yoga-breath work, vegetarianism and the avoidance of sloth and luxurious living, meaning, the practitioner chooses the ascetic life. Our American nationality is long gone – and so got something a whole lot better.

We possess a much more important fight ahead of us, the War against our own personal vices, and so we tame ourselves; often through the letting go of our bad habits and addictions, which still stifle our energies, diligence and moral strength.

2. Understanding and Accepting our coming Deaths. This second level is extremely important. For we cannot just gloss over this serious topic since we will all suffer under it. We are currently in the beginning stages of this American Civil War IV.

The Bad Death, implying brutal violence, serious accidents, hunger, malnutrition, and outbreaks of common diseases, will dust sweep across our lands. We must stand ready and hold mental awareness on Death’s Sacred and Noble Power. For it often comes suddenly, then quickly, and once it takes root, its overarching transformations are unstoppable. 

We are all going to experience Death, and like Birth, it comes in stages: first old age, then serious illnesses and injuries, and finally, the dying-birth-marriage unto Holy Death. The final act to our hard impermanent existences is the rotting corpse ready for disposal. As we age, it grows stronger inside of us. This is our Life unto Death. We all share this future.

But there is one very important message concerning our full awareness of Death. All Death, and even the Bad Death, is truly a noble sacrifice. For both the good and the wicked experience this final pass of extinction. Death’s Sacred Wisdom refers to this emptiness and fleetingness of sentient existence. The beggar and the king experience the same end. If we only invite Death to our daily reality and accept its future potential, then we can all fully live – and love so much more too. As the country song states, live like you were dying…

3. Discernment against falling into mental delusions and joining political cults:

One important change that I recently did was block any and all right-wing websites on my laptop that praise and defend The Trumpsta Dumpsta, the World Wrestling Federation’s Numba Won Prez, or the ex-Reality TV show guy, ‘you’re fired boss!’, ex-NYC Landlord honcho, (or in Gotham speak, Property Pimp Extraordinaire), and ex-hanger-on at the Epstein Girlie Ranch.

The guy still doesn’t know what he has been doing since Day One, and he has truly given the Communists a wonderful boogieman. He keeps appointing his enemies to the top spots, and gives a special ear to the Zionist nut job son-in-law. He definitely has done a lot for the Zio-Nazi Crusader State.

I will give the guy one thing: he at least knows how to talk to the American people, unlike the entire rest of America’s political class. The man is still a Carnival clown barker-ego maniac – who is allergic to the reading of books. No Q-Anon for me. I’d like to see one of his supporters show up at his Golf Club in Florida; guarantee that Trump would call Security.

This hatred of reading books mixed up with the American vices of Ignorance and Immaturity, sways his supporters, the Trump Chumps, to love the man religiously. He entertains at his rallies through ad-lib comments combining insult with prideful tirades all centered on me, myself and I. His supporters also see themselves in his life: the crass love of money for money’s sake and the belief that old age leads to a second lease on life.

His Obamarama-lite Executive Order madness doesn’t fool me. They have no legal standing for the rest of country. It is the Congress that ultimately passes laws and the Supreme Court that either supports them – or negates them.

Should also add that the man is also good at murdering our so-called, ‘enemies,’ across Asia and Africa. He shares this marvelous title of ‘murderer in chief’ with the Obamarama and Bush II.

What about the Republican Party? The question that I always ask myself: who hates us regular Americans more, the Democrats or the Republicans? The only group that the Republicans seem to like are the Billionaire Liberals who give more political donations to the opposition. These guys will eventually go the way of the 1856 Whig Party. If you don’t know about the Whig Party in US History, look it up online. Good riddance, I say!

We also have our Right-wing Patriot groups, such as the Oath Keepers, Border Militias, and ‘Defend the Blue’ Police people. We could also add those ‘chicken hawk’ maniacs who will defend the US Military in whatever war overseas.

Do these guys really believe that the US Military and most cops are just one day going to realize that they are disobeying the letter of the Sacred US Constitution, and so they will thus form a United Front for the Salvation of America?

Most of the military and police have families. Would they sacrifice their careers and capital for some pie in the sky Constitution, as we say in America? Of course they wouldn’t. We would all do the exact same thing in the same situation.

America also boasts of its Dissident Right movement. They used to call themselves Alt-Right, but after the fiasco of Charlottesville – which was totally of their own doing, they changed their names. A few of those guys are racialists who happen to write some pretty good articles online, such as the Zman.

Most others are Racialist Maniacs who do crazy things like create their own marginalized political party to stop the Jews, or they counter-fight the Communists in the streets as if they are heroically reliving the times of Weimar Germany, or they pathetically act like ego-manic, immature man boys who concoct public relations debacles, such as Charlottesville.

Stay away, if you want to preserve your sanity. Furthermore, Racialism is a totally false science. The Romans were not racists, but only used the term race in referring to the breeding of cattle and farm animals. Race, in its modern implications and meanings, did not enter Europe’s common vocabulary until the end of the Sixteenth-century. The Spanish Empire set up the first imperial-colonial racialist system, called castas.

On the Internet, we now have a serious danger of Prepper con artists trying to sell more and more useless crap to unsuspecting armchair warriors, right-wing keyboard fighters, and people just entering the survivalist prepping community.

All of the new equipment and special stuff will do one no good, if the person has his head in the clouds, as we say in America, and is overweight, not in good physical health, and never practices with his weapons. Keep to the Faith first, and everything else will fall into place.

Follow only a few websites these days that offer good analyses of Communist Enemy positions across the US.

We ought to start referring to this Hegemonic Power Bloc as communists, since their political tactics mirror the old Communist, Marxist-Leninist methods. No, they don’t offer any social benefits or any social safety nets, and so this is the reason, I call them the Bourgeois Communist Alliance. Those guys very much like their own sick version of Global Monopoly Capitalism.

If we want to know the Communist Political Bloc’s future plans, then we need to skim through the rag paper where they get most of their ideological ideas, The New York Times. Before we had our BLM-Antifa Marxist Street Terrorism, the NY Times had been putting out some historical drivel called, The 1619 Race Project.

But always remember, there is no right-wing political coalition ready to fight our ruling class. We are all completely on our own. As Voltaire’s Candide famously put it, ‘we must all tend to our own gardens.’

4. Non-Compliance: Since the Constitution and the so-called Law mean absolutely nothing, will not comply then. For myself, no jury duty, never. Other Americans are really ‘going mobile,’ living in cars, vans, buses, vehicles, etc., in order to avoid the tax man. If any American readers are still young, meaning earlier than age 40, there are still possibilities of relocating overseas.

5. Non-Participation: Since American citizenship means absolutely nothing, so as for myself, never vote; never, never, never, and not even for local elections. Also never attend any Fourth of July parade events. It also goes the other way around when it comes to social events with supporters of the Bourgeois Communist Elite Alliance. No participation whatsoever.

6. Camouflage, Cover and Concealment: In order to keep ourselves and our families safe, we ought to keep quiet. For me, no attendance at social events and ranting about politics, and especially not about guns and ammo. Speaking of gun practice, we can do it at home, such as snap cap practices; rather than using up one’s ammo stash on the range. There are other good tactics, such as cooking with the windows closed and the blinds drawn; reading up on first aid, history and military tactics. We can also work out at home. A good way to keep the body healthy is just walking around the mountains, desert and forests, or whatever country spot suits one’s fancies.

7. Adversities, Acceptance, Adaptations and Austerities: All civil wars, insurrections, internal wars, revolts and revolutions turn very, very nasty. We can all adapt to the circumstances and accept the reality for each life change. As humans, we can all adapt to whatever situations that happen to explode onto our local areas. Austerities are not sufferings necessarily, but openings to new ways of thinking, behaving and interacting.

No cream for our coffee and tea, then we find something else to put into our cups. No running water, then we resort to our water storage containers and keep an eye on the local water spigots, (if you live in a rural area). No electricity, then we start doing the charcoal grilling. For every snub in our modern living, we have options.

8. Never hate one’s Enemy, only stand for one’s faith and honor: Hatred causes bad thinking and we forget that we are all humans and subject to change. Our Enemies, meaning the Communist gangs-street thugs, have also felt the pain and abuse of living under the American Empire. This is the reason that they attack anything or anyone in their way. This American Empire has already executed them and humiliated them a thousand times over.

They are totally ignorant to the fact that their violent actions are defending the same enemies who have previously destroyed them. Such is the tragedy of the Human Condition.

Yet, we must continually stand for our Faiths and for our honor, always ready to defend ourselves and our families. This sacred boundary holds its firm commitments.

We have thus been thrown onto the beginning stages of American Civil War IV, and history does not look kindly on us.

We must accept our fates and move forward. Civil Wars just don’t die out, regardless of whatever bogus election; they instead, increase in fury, and bubble forth greater outrages.

If we practice this eight-fold noble program, then we will not just survive – but see and act clearly during these Terrible Times of Civil War.

Since 1790, the American Empire has used some pretty horrible tactics to maintain its growth and power. After 230 years of almost continual warfare, it is now our turn to feel the wrath of its state terrorism.

Many nations on Earth have also suffered under its gaze. We shall finally understand many foreign peoples’ lamentations, when they too had to confront the brutal savagery of Empire.

And there is one more quote from the Modern German Philosopher, Nietzsche.

“No power can maintain itself if only hypocrites represent it.”

He was right. As a historian, this truth implies that all Empires rise and fall. Don Henley understood this too, as a musician, artist and lyricist. The American Empire is going to fall – and fall very badly. It will try to take us with it unto its dark and dank perdition.

Our real jobs and our lives, as of now, force us to stand firm in our faiths in order to resist such a horrid future.

Peace. Dasa Buddha Dharma

The Communist urban riots continue without mercy… The Communist murders continue as planned. As the American Empire slowly suffocates on its own vomit – all of this legal crime and bad death will thus advance nefariously. 

Recently in the city of Denver, a so-called security contractor working for some corporate news outfit in the city, Channel Nine News, (in ideological conformity with the Bourgeois Communist Hegemonic Bloc now ruling America), murdered some right-wing patriot white guy. The murdered victim seemed to walk around alone, or with one of his buddies, after his event was over, (the first security problem).

After the assassin and his accomplices spotted the victim, the so-called reporter and the assassin had a consultation session in preparation for the murder.

The assassin then baited the potential victim. The victim, instead of immediately walking away, fell for the baiting tactic, (the second security issue).

Of course, the string of nasty insults led to touching-posturing matches, and then the Communist assassin shot the victim in the face. The Denver police later arrested both the assassin, and his reporter accomplice as an accessory to the murder.

However, the police soon released the murderer’s accomplice, the so-called reporter – with no charges whatsoever! It was obvious that the word came down from the current Governor of the State, who is a hardcore Corona Lockdown Communist, and/or the Denver chief of police, who is also in collusion with the Communists.

Thankfully, the author of these blog essays lives in a small town in the western United States.

Recent posts have given readers an in-depth, macro-level cultural field of study, (or counterinsurgency plan), with some deep historical background related to this new ruling coalition, which now manages the American Empire.

The most recent posts have sketched out their methods and discipline during this current American Civil War IV. Yes again, we are only in the beginning stages of this American Civil War IV.

However, we, American soldiers of faith, must also do a microlevel field of study in order to fully and completely understand their methods and disciplines, or really, the practices of Fifth-Generation Warfare at the local level. Macrostudies of the ‘Big Picture’ are also good, but the micro, or local level of activity, also deserves its analyses as well.

Repeat: this ruling elite fifth-generation warfare is currently using two False Flag-Mythologized Super Events in order to maintain its control.

1. The Corona Plandemic Lockdown Hoax. Public mask wearing has transformed into the official symbol of submission to the current Bourgeois Communist Ruling Government.

2. The Corporate BLM Inc.-Antifa Street Gang Alliance. This Alliance is nothing but a Legal Street Crime Posse. Their current criminal tactics now include brandishing and threatening citizens with guns in public, stopping public traffic choke points, mass rioting, property destruction, legal theft-looting, and street violence against bystanders, inclusive of attempted murder, first-degree murder and terrorist-style assassinations.

Both these political street gangs also hold full legal immunity in committing legal crimes thanks to the Democratic party-bureaucratic bosses who control the local politicians, police chiefs, district attorneys, and judges positions found in most of urban America.

Meanwhile, any rebellions against the lockdowns, non-mask wearing, or defending oneself against the Communist mobs could lead to the full fury of the so-called Law, inclusive of arbitrary imprisonment in the American Gulag.

3. We, suburban-rural white males with not much capital, (meaning working class and poor), now represent their intended victims – both physically and culturally.

They do not just want to transform us into lumpen losers, as America’s elites did to Native Americans and African Americans around a hundred and twenty years ago; instead, they truly would like to utterly destroy us using their current methods of gradualism, or death through a thousand cuts.

Our current existence looks pretty bad. Civil war times are definitely not good times for anyone really – and especially for the working class and poor.

Yet there is also another truth related to this type of political-insurgency warfare.

These adages come out of thousands of years within human history.

4. Victories only come to those opposing forces of violence who know how to use their defeats as learning opportunities. From both learning about and studying defeats, the opposing forces can thus transform their political-military operations into actual successes, towards the total destruction of the Enemy.

5. This Bourgeois Communist Ruling Political Alliance for the Salvation of the American Empire started this Civil War IV against us. Why did they target us? Read or reread the previous posts.

6. We can thus finish this most terrible war, currently in its beginning stages – through our own terms of struggle.

7. First, we must clearly look at the Golden Opportunities given to us by our Enemies.

A Micro-level Field of Study on this Fifth-Generation Warfare is most necessary.

The Good Megatrends

1. The slow destruction of America’s Public State Schools, Public Libraries and Flim Flam College-University Operations: This new megatrend is very, very important. We often forget the power of schooling in making and creating culture, (albeit most of it crappy), within any modern society. The entire corrupt apparatus of the American Public-State School System is now completely exposed. Parents finally see that the incompetence rises to the top in that institution, whether inside the putrid Board of Education offices, or within the Principal-Vice Principal lounges, or in those disgusting Teachers Unions’ buildings. Who would dare subject their kids to such a group of miscreants and degenerates?

My current neighbors are now homeschooling their kid – and they are not the only ones embracing home schooling in the rural west. There is also a Charter School in town, which has closed its doors semi-permanently because all of the teachers are True Believers in the Corona Scamdemic. Well, now all those kids are running around and playing in the parks, or doing whatever suits their fancy, in this little small town. It is quite wonderful to see the kids enjoying life – rather than sitting tortured inside some classroom.

Right before the Corona Craziness Controls, libraries across the United States, with their mostly female worker population, were embracing a type of Radical Leftist ideology from this librarian advocate-union group. How did this librarian advocate group get all this power? Don’t know – but it was becoming more apparent for this regular user of the public library system.

Propaganda began to litter the library walls related to  racism, gender inequality, transgender struggles and LGBTQ resistance, anti-gun crap, (yes, even out west this was happening), and all sorts of other Lefty issues. All of sudden, the homeless had full rights to use the library and were allowed to get loud and obnoxious – since they were members of one of the oppressed communities. Well, these Librarian leaders were also True Believers in the Corona Cult, so they semi-permanently closed down their spaces. And as for me, a once daily user of the public library, he now prefers to read and write inside the tiny apartment!

Oh yes, our radical Commie friends in the American Higher Ed Academy… Well, their days of grandeur and legal crime are slowly drowning inside the paper suffocating cesspool – of their own making! Want more info, then checkout my other blog.

2. The slow destruction of Corporate Country Music: Since the Corona Plandemic Scam, have refused to listen to any Corporate Country Radio while driving the pickup truck – on the backroads. What is this Corporate Country Music?

It is an amalgam of Record Company Saccharine cold coffee all mixed up with Nashville faux-cowboy lite and Clear Channel Corporate Metadata. No more for me – and so avoid all and any commercial ad propaganda ad crap – and my driving has gotten a whole lot better too! Never going back to the so-called radio.

Check out Whiskey Myers for some real Red Dirt Southern Country. Americana music is about to smother Country. Oh, and does anybody remember when it was rightly called, Country and Western? Bring Back the Outlaw Country – Waylon Jennings is rolling in his grave…

3. The slow destruction of the Professional Sports Racket: This makes me real happy! No, was never a sports fan, since I was one of those loser-uncoordinated kids that got picked last for the teams. Regularly drive two hours to visit the regional barber – since there is no regular male barber in town – just too many hippies, I gather.

Well, this barber is from the old school and has had his own shop for the past 40 or so years. He hunts and fishes – and loves conversing about his professional NFL football team. Since the season apparently started already – he hasn’t said one word about ANY of the so-called games. Good riddance! Close up that racket.

4. The slow destruction of the American Resto-Bar-Cafe Service Industry Dump: Closed, closed and closed! In life, have worked in various back kitchens inside those GMO food dumps. They were the worst work experiences ever. The bosses were nasty – and so were most of the coworkers. The waitresses lived in a world of hate, while the cooks were mostly drug addicts. Yeah, a few restos will survive; the old ones that built up the steady clientele.

Right across the road from me is a family run restaurant that recently opened up – and they are doing great. The food is local, fresh and made with care and love.

Don’t even visit those American weirdo cafes anymore where the homeless, lonely old men and laptop warriors congregate, (was also part of that team). Why waste money on a cup of Joe where the rude and weird hang out?

5. Finally, healthy young people are showing their open cowardice in public through compulsory mask wearing: Corona-Corona-Corona – My Corona! Don’t have to worry about young people acting out anymore – many of them are wearing their masks everywhere. Feeling a lot more safe too… Won’t find me wearing them however.

6. The American Ruling Coalition’s attempt at a third False Flag-Mythologized Super Event didn’t work: the so-called Eviction-housing crisis: Made a wrong prediction, OK. Really thought that this False Flag would hit the public like a bomb. Nope, nothing happened. Was wrong – and feel great about it. What other False Flags do those madmen have planned? Bring it on – am ready for it all!

7. As the Anti-Southern white male discourse heats up, less of them will join the US Military, which means the US Military will have to rely on illegal aliens: Also feeling real good about this one. Haven’t heard crap out of the Neocons and the Zio-Nazis either.

8.  Some Americans have bought guns and large stocks of ammunition; others have taken to living on the road in RVs, vans, buses and even in their cars; while some Americans have relocated to the rural parts: Empire goes falling down, falling down, falling down – my fair Empire…

9. Since the BLM-Antifa Legal Crime Spree-False Flag-Super Duper Events, almost every single American Christian church has inserted their ideologies into their dogma, including the Evangelical and New Apostolic Churches, such as the Jesus Culture Movement, Hillsong, Bethel Redding and Upper Room: yes, the Democratic Party has finally fulfilled its vengeance against the White Evangelical Movement that embraced the Republican Party during the 1980s, and especially when the Catholics and Evangelicals joined together to form the Anti-abortion Movement.

But these churches are going to find that embracing such a Satanic ideology, which supports theft, violence, destruction, murder and Communism, has very serious costs. Every single church congregation has a core group of parishioners who do most of the organizational support and tithing. When they see their hard earned money going to the destruction of their lives and families – the money flow is gonna stop! Then the Lord’s vengeance will fall upon them too…

10. Anglo-American Neo-Puritan Feminism sold its soul to the Cultural Marxists: With the ‘MeToo’ Movement over, allowing a corrupt pervert to head the Democratic Party Presidential race, and now millions of American females openly supporting BLM on their Instagram Social Media pages – the Feminist triumph has crashed into defeat. African-Americans now ‘trump’ the vast majority of white females who have openly fought for Sixth-Wave Feminism. They won another round of victory three years ago. But the party is over – literally. Feminism had a great run in American history since the 1820s – but they forsook their own power to Black Lives Matter’s higher victimhood status.

11. The slow destruction of the American Empire’s fraudster Capitalist practices: Corona PERMANENTLY destroyed the US Economy. Most of the jobs beforehand were actually crap jobs where the boss mandated the hours, life and working conditions for all employees. They were not employees – but wage serfs – tied wholly to the job – until the owners got sick of them and fired them with no two week notice at all. Sometimes, the owners took a little dip out of the last paycheck, in order to screw the ex-employee – just a little more.

All such institutional violence is totally legal. Now, millions of Americans have no good jobs waiting for them in the future – only penury, poverty and homelessness. Americans can truly see what it is like to live under a regime that gives nothing to its own citizens – and everything to cheap illegal aliens. No social safety net, no problem, say our rulers.

12. The slow destruction of the Political Legitimacy of the American Empire with its lack of understanding, nor concern, on how actual Americans think and survive: This is the most important megatrend regarding the coming destruction of the American Empire. No State can survive without legitimacy, no Empire can survive without some trust between the ruled and rulers. Legitimacy is to the state as breath and blood are to humanity. Without legitimacy, all States die the bad death.

Most Americans still find their rulers legitimate. We can see this through the mask wearing charade in public – but it really is slowly losing its legitimacy – and it will eventually reach the deadly 20% mark in the distant future.

Noticing that there are normally at least three other non-mask wearers every time a visit warrants at the regional Kroger Supermarket. Once the 20% line crosses over, it is, as we say in America, lights out for the Empire. Interestingly, our elites don’t seem to care much, and so just continue with their political-economic nonsense – good, very good.

The Bad Megatrends

1. The physical dangers in buying foodstuffs inside corporate food supermarkets, with the price gouging of basic items: The Corona Cult’s Media Manipulation on Public Mask Wearing has definitely worked. For us non-mask wearers, we still have to act carefully. Situational Awareness is in order. Never have received any bad vibes nor obnoxious pandering from Kroger Supermarkets, so now visit them regularly. Stopped going to other Supermarkets, since they had mask mandate people working the doors.

We do need to watch out for other supermarket visitors who will throw at us looks of utter contempt for not wearing masks. This situation could easily switch into something nasty – and even becoming a part of the six o clock regional news. How to avoid this potential scenario regarding our personal danger?

1. Bring a foods-herbs-cleaning products-med products purchasing list; 2. MOVE FAST between aisles, so once finding an item on the list, just move out to the next one; 3. If some masker throws the eyes of hate, first things first, DO NOT STARE BACK AT THEM MENACINGLY; or if there are a bunch of maskers just hanging out in an aisle – then for both scenarios, move to another aisle quickly, and find what you need there, since you can always return to the previous aisle later. 4.. Shop at non-busy times, such as the work week days, Mon.-Thurs., late mornings and early afternoons: 5. Find a regular checkout line where the person in front of you is already putting their stuff on the conveyor belt.

Sadly, a lot of the basic food, cleaning and medical items have gone up in pricing. Inflation is here and it will probably only get worse. Unless you grow your own foods, you have no choice in the matter. We all just gotta deal.

2.The American medical-health racket, representing both insurance companies and providers, are also price gouging: Supermarkets are not the only ones upping their prices – the medical establishment is also taking advantage of the False Flags. Who can one trust? Don’t ask.

3. Since Americans have been traveling in order to break the lockdowns, gas-oil companies have further price gouged their prices at the pumps: Yeah, in the beginning of all this craziness, last spring, gas was super cheap. Not anymore however. Never liked the Oil Companies anyway.

4. With the massive increase in gun buying and ammunition, ammo companies have halted production and started price gouging on all their stock: These ammunition companies played the same game during the Sandy Hook False Flag of winter 2012. Don’t blame the distributors online – the ammo companies are culpable.

The Ugly Megatrends

1. The Communist Street Gang Posses, Antifa-BLM, are more disciplined than us. They also possess guns and ammunition, and have the full legal and logistical support of the ruling political coalition that runs this American Empire. This vile political alliance also includes all of America’s Intelligence-Spy Organizations, US Military Pentagon Leaders, and most Chiefs of Police in America’s urban districts: Very simple: if we fight them, we will certainly lose, whether physically with our lives, or legally, or both. We cannot take on the Empire. Again and again, just deal with the actual reality of each moment. If we have already centered our lives on our Faiths, then we will succeed.

2. Most rural town councils, mayors, county governments and paper newspapers fully support the Bourgeois Communist Ruling Coalition for the Salvation of the American Empire: This is definitely true in my little town, and almost sure that it is mostly the same everywhere else. There are a few exceptions of course – but those are the lucky ones. The Governor of Florida seems to act sensibly these days. But we cannot count on our local, regional, nor state officials to do the right thing, as we say in America. We must take full responsibility for our own lives and the lives of our families.

3. Many rural and suburban American men are either rigid maniacs with a thousand hangups, or they still believe the lies of the System, or they just want to do their jobs – and that is it. One should never try to form a political coalition with such people. Yes, we are all doomed: Left this one for the end because it is the hardest reality to deal with. Are we hoping for some political movement that could unite all of us, American citizens, against this Bourgeois Communist Ruling Coalition for the Salvation of the American Empire? As we say in America, it is nothing but a pipe dream.

Throw your head out the window and just look at your fellow Americans, both mask wearers and non-mask wearers – do you want to go through the tedious work process in order to unite millions and millions of people, with each and every one carrying multiple petty grievances and personal hangups?

Look at ourselves even. How many of us fall into despising certain people over some pathetic issue? One non-mask wearing guy utterly hates hippies, yet many of the non-mask wearers are in fact hippies. Another dude hates the homeless, but again, they have been suffering the most, since they just can’t move out of their places. They are literally stuck in a bad life situation.

In 2020 America, there is no trust between its citizens and the politician-media hacks; little trust between business sellers and consumers; and so-so trust between our fellow Americans.

We are doomed. But there are some easy solutions, which will ensure our own survival and the survival of our families.

Stay tuned for the next installment.

Some months ago, during the second phase of the Color Revolution-Fifth Generation Warfare, America experienced the nasty BLM-Antifa riots where street thugs and criminals suddenly received massive powers to legally destroy, burn, loot, steal, assault and murder – against any and all other Americans who were not a part of the Movement.

This stage was the perfect Level II of our Bourgeois Communist Elite’s plan for the destruction of the United States. After a major plandemic lockdown across the country, people were hurting for some human contact and freedom of movement – and especially the young. What a better way to get the young out of the house and just destroy and murder the Enemy: white racist, urban business owners?

Well, all downtown business owners felt the heat literally, and a few of the capitalist top dogs actually supported their own trucks and stores getting looted, such as Amazon and Apple! No more so-called ‘social distancing’ was necessary, nor any ‘masking up’ either. How did a Fentanyl drug addict who had previously put a gun to pregnant woman’s stomach become the new sainted martyr for a racist society?

Unlike previous urban riots in American history, this was the first type of urban rioting where the city authorities, well Democratic ones and their Republican allies, actually supported the destruction, and forced their own police forces to ‘stand down.’ Those urban leaders let the entire urban devastation continue without much of a police counter-response. The entire corporate media apparatus, with the exception of Fox, supported the urban liquidation. The looters literally had the downtown centers to themselves.

Seattle, which still has an actual sectarian Marxist wingnut, or simply a Communist, sitting on its city council, (and getting a nice six-figure salary), gave the rioters their own ‘autonomous zone’ downtown!

The urban political hacks even turned on their own police forces and condemned them – rather than the rioters. In fact, the American media made the rioters, thieves, arsonists and murderers into heroes fighting racism. How did this crazy 180 degree political change happen among our elite leaders – meaning those anointed ones who also happen to rule over us?

In the American megalopolis city of St. Louis, the rioting mobs decided to visit a newly gentrified area, meaning ‘white people area,’ in some urban section. In the past, this same area had old beautiful homes that were becoming derelict and so, usually attorneys and doctors with some hefty amounts of extra capital, (or money), bought up the properties cheaply. Why did Democratic mayors and their gentrification gang members want these properties purchased in the first place?

Democratic mayors wanted these homes refurbished from the up an coming wealthy, meaning professional class married white couples with money; because only those people could make the needed, and very expensive, repairs on the homes. Remodeled and redone old homes could thus become a new ‘urban historic district,’ and the political hacks might get some more pocket money from the Federal Government.

Well, the rioting mob invaded the property of one of those refurbished old historic homes. They wanted to steal what they could and burn the place to the ground, but the attorney couple was waiting for them outside – the man was holding a semi-automatic rifle.

Remember, this was in the state of Missouri, which was a very pro-gun state. The male attorney home owner had every legal right to stand on his own porch with his weapon. In fact, he every legal right to kill the home property invaders!

What was quite sinister about this type of Fifth-Generation Warfare Operation was that the same attorney-historic home owner-gun owner, was also a Civil-Rights attorney and most likely a Democrat. The man made his money through defending the underprivileged and the victims of state and corporate malfeasance. Why did the Democrat rubes ruling St. Louis hunt down one of their own?

And yes, they did hunt down this attorney and his wife. First, the district attorney got the police to steal their guns, so now they cannot protect their property – and they will never get their guns back. Second, they ‘railroaded’ them in front of some flim flam grand jury and got them convicted – of who knows what?

The same question deserves an answer: why are the Missouri and St. Louis Democratic authorities destroying the lives of one of their cultural-political allies?

In the previous post, we read about the political tactics used for the Second Waves of Urban Gentrification in America’s cities, Gentrification on Steroids. From the 1990s-2010s, Democratic lackey politicians directed the complete overhaul of their massive, megalopolis big cities. These political bosses, with their city councils, or political elite juntas, destroyed entire lumpen poor, Black and Brown, inner city-bad neighborhoods. In Gotham, (NYC), Liberal billionaire, Michael Bloomberg, directed his NYPD, police army, to harass any and all Black males walking the city streets!

America’s urban cities, once embarrassingly Third World disasters, thus transformed into hip and cool, artist districts, gallery walk avenues, light rail stop culture nights, nightlife zones with alternative music-theater cafes and dark red bars with no loud TVs blaring loser American professional sports. Downtown was not just a deserted urban American hell of boredom and closed up bankster buildings. Now, the white kids could party – and literally in the streets!

The Democratic bigwigs even warned their local gangs, the city police forces, not to harass the weird new residents: white urban hipsters who liked to drink booze and smoke pot in public, ride one speed bicycles, dress in tight black jeans and wear makeup, (both men and women), and were totally cool with gender fluid relationships: gay, straight, queer, bi, gender outlaw or whatever.

These gentrified twice-over cool neighborhoods, and getting more expensive by the year, also had yoga studios, spiritual curio shops, old LP music shops, alt-furniture joints, art gallery spaces, (unlike simple art gallery capitalist stores), business cooperatives, food coops, radical Commie bookstores, ethnic cool restaurants with large vegetarian-vegan soy options. The list of goodies and culture options was quite endless, and for only one group of people though – this new creative class.

Yes, our Democratic urban overseers even invented a new name for these saviors of their cities – ‘the creative class.’ These were simply young, urban people, most of them with some American college courses, or college degrees, who had the money to enjoy the fruits of their parents’ labor. They were 99% white kids, while only a few African-Americans entered their world. Middle-class African-Americans preferred Atlanta. It was definitely more inviting as a Black American cultural mecca.

But there was one enormous problem to this whole urban propaganda farce perpetuated through this Democratic Party hack job. There were very few good jobs in these hipster zones. Almost all of the jobs were wage slave service sector positions with terrible remuneration. America’s urban economies were the same economies as Cancun, Mexico, and Phuket, Thailand.

In America, bosses can fire their employees at will and for whatever reasons. Employers can also legally steal wages through many nefarious schemes, and American owners regularly take advantage of their rights to legal theft. Most of the service-hospitality sector kids were spending most of their paychecks on rent payments!

Having any medical insurance was out of the question. The white hipsters started to actually live like their poor Black and Brown brothers who were under Police Lockdowns well before the Corona Scamdemic. Some learned how to dumpster dive. Others adopted a severe Anarcho-minimalist lifestyle, (living in a shared house with eight residents, or substandard housing, like living in a basement with no windows), or a few just adopted the growing train hopping oogle, hobo punk, heroin junkie aesthetic.

A little historical background is necessary. There was another urban option for poor white people in the United States during this same period: San Francisco. The changeover started in the 1990s during the Second Urban Gentrification Phase, Gentrification on Steroids.

For some strange reason, the San Francisco city government began to give out Free Money, yes absolutely free money, to its homeless and heroin junkie populations. Among America’s every growing swells of homeless populations, both Black and White people, Frisco was the place to go! By the mid 1990s, San Francisco became infamous as a homeless person’s paradise. Downtown Market St. had more homeless beggars and aggressive panhandlers than some Third World country capitals.

When the current governor of California became mayor of that city, he was so disgusted with this system that he cut the homeless and junkie payments in half! He should have cut out the entire program, but the man never had that much courage.

Meanwhile, for most other service workers in San Francisco, most of them white hipster kids – they received absolutely nothing from the local city government. Yet, their rents kept spiraling high into the red zone, and so did the overall cost of living. Even having a ‘cup of Joe’ in some cafe was a big economic decision. Some of them gave up hope and moved across the bay, into African-American Oakland; thereby creating once again, another gentrification crisis inside a different Black-Brown city.

Suddenly, the Gentrification Apocalypse totally blew up in Frisco Bay. The millennium year pass of 1998-2000 represented the Years of Struggle. Every single tech company, from the major monopolies, such as Scroogle, Bube Tube, Twatter, Facecrack, etc. and almost every single flim flam techie startup, (or bogus tech company), located themselves in and around the Bay Area.

San Francisco took it real hard because these newer and younger, urban hipsters did have a good deal of money, meaning good six-figure salaries – and this was well before the tech companies began relying on South Asian bucket shops to furnish most of their staffing.

The San Francisco ground zero location was the Mission District. The Mission was right near downtown, and just a little outside of the large office buildings, in order to have its own cultural feel to it. It also had a marvelous cultural ethnic mix of Latino families, white hipster kids, panhandling heroin junkies, and unfortunately, active Central American-Mexican street gangs.

The techies invaded fast. The landlords reaped for joy! The rents spiked up into the artist loft clouds, and the bars, cafes and restos took on a new California Yuppie-hipster appeal. The Creative Class had taken its revenge.

But this was San Francisco. A counter movement quickly emerged and became quite militant, the Mission Yuppie Eradication Project! These guys vandalized techie cars, vandalized the doors and windows of techie foo foo, (snob) businesses, and blockaded the large Tech Monopoly buses that drove the newer residents to their tech campus worksites in the next county below. They also rightly harassed certain landlords who decided to try the Shylock route of property pimping.

Was this counter techie movement successful? No and yes. They did put a halt to some of the more egregious gentrification schemes – but the San Francisco city council had even grander plans for some more hardcore gentrification – closing down the cheap hotel, homeless junkie space and convenience store-dirty diner area of the Tenderloin. They were actually less successful in regards to gentrifying the Tenderloin. Hey, did it not take Gotham NYC many years of planning to finally gentrify the Times Square dump of X rated movies and fake ID stores into a Disney tourist block?

In an instant, another bomb dropped up north on the Pacific coast, the Seattle Anti-WTO protests of 1999. The world’s political-economic elites were having another one of their tightly controlled meetings in some large American city. Without them knowing beforehand, throngs of people quickly surrounded them – thousands and thousands of protesters!  Finally, there was a large scale American protest against the current capitalist system. The protesters fought back against Globalism, or what they really meant was Global Monopoly Capitalism, or even Crony Capitalism.

The Mayor of Seattle ordered the police to physically attack the protesters, and all of the sudden, this Globalist meeting of skivvies turned on itself and the protests made international headlines. The protesters also became international heroes, and now attracted millions of more adherents across the Earth. Everywhere these globalist nincompoops met, thousands of protesters met them in the streets trying to shut down their staged meet ups planning the global reset in order to further disenfranchise the Earth’s poorer populations.

President Clinton passed an anti-terrorist bill into law, and many more governments adopted low intensity conflict operations against these protest movements. The WTO, (World Trade Organization), the IMF, (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank, the more secretive, WEF, (World Economic Forum), and even the NATO hacks of Bilderberg, had to take extra security precautions and measures. They even changed their meeting locations to the Arab Gulf States, or high up in the Swiss Alps – all in order to have special security zones.

The WTC NYC Attacks-False Flag slowed down the movement somewhat. But it was the President Bush II Invasion and War against Iraq that finally killed the anti-Globalist movement. That war produced the largest anti-war street mobilizations in world history.

The world capitalist economy kept falling – and falling – and falling some more. The 2007-2008 world-wide Depression set in.

Finally, in 2011, Occupy NYC burst on to the world scene. The protesters took on the radical and brilliant idea of a recently fired American professor, David Graeber, (who got an even better paid academic job in Britain).

The brilliant idea was that the central spaces of American megalopolis cities, all controlled through those utterly corrupt Democratic Party juntas, were actually public spaces, and so the urban citizens could rightly occupy them until the capitalist system gave them some social safety net of benefits.

Unemployed PhDs mixed with the chronic homeless, (those who were not addicts nor mentally ill), while this super duper event even attracted young hipsters, old hippies, radicals who always attended every single urban protest, and just marginalized freaks who were tired of living in poverty. Political momentum was finally available.

The elites got nervous and sent down their Democratic Party operatives to debate those occupying creeps. Did not the Democratic Party recently elect America’s first POC, person of color President?

What the Obamarama Phenomenon truly represented was the son of two CIA agents, and an American Empire confidence man. Most of the protesters were white people – but the elite governance charade was losing adherents – and fast. A change of political winds was in the air, as they say…

Occupy got occupied finally – through the machinations Marxist sectarians, radical Leftist weirdos and the ranting of ego-maniacs. Our political-economic elites in Grand Old America needed some new causes in some old bottles – and most importantly, new enemies to pursue.

Two years later, the Obama dumped another false flag mythologized event onto America: the Sandy Hook Mass Shooting. He had previously used the ATF, (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Gov. Bureaucracy), to allow sales of rifles throughout various southwestern locations, to Mexican drug cartels, called Operation Gunwalker.

This was the sacred time to destroy America’s gun culture, meaning most white male gun owners in suburban and rural zones. This false flag-mythologized event almost worked – but it didn’t. Some states, ruled through Democratic juntas, changed their laws to make gun owning almost illegal, and all the cable media channels cancelled or suspended their reality TV gun programs.

Obama smartly moved the Democratic Party goal posts to include a hardened base of party activists working with NGOs, (Non-Govt. Organizations). For most of his two terms, he furthered more deportations of illegal Mestizo, (mixed race), Latin American immigrants. Towards the end of his second term, he totally reversed his policies: no more detentions, nor deportations, and instead, opened the borders to hordes of Mexican and Central American poor people, and to refugees fleeing from many of the regions the American Empire was conducting its operations. Obama, originally opposed to gay marriage, suddenly became the public defender of Gay-Lesbian-Queer-Transgender-Gender fluid rights.

The Democratic Party also realized that it had to open its interior gates to a new radical initiative of Cultural Marxist saints: female people of color, females of other religious faiths, homeless activist-advocates, and even radical Socialist types. The party had to change its spots; while at the same time, still taking its war funds from the wealthiest capitalists in the world and its political operatives from ex-military-intelligence agents. This so-called ‘radical changeover’ leads into their Third Wave of Urban Gentrification.

Stage III, The Third Wave of Urban Gentrification: Radicalized Autonomous Zones of Art and Revolution, 2010s to present times

How does allowing the homeless to camp, go to the bathroom and take drugs openly in the downtown area, the burning down of businesses, the legal murder in the streets, the violent rioting, the mass looting, and all of the non-arrests for graffiti, vandalism and theft – contribute to urban gentrification?

All of this urban destruction doesn’t contribute to gentrification in the short term. But our elites truly believe that all of this urban rioting, rebellion and revolution – will eventually lead to a new renaissance of urban cool attracting artists, gays and radicals, which will contribute to making their entire cities into one big Gotham-NYC Greenwich Village.

Why do they believe such nonsense?

This new and improved urban gentrification scheme supports two nefarious cultural ideologies.

1. Modernity Cool, Abstract-Performance Art and Postmodernism

2. Cultural Marxism and Multiculturalism

First, both ideologies seal a plastic gloss over their personal histories of institutional violence, such as urban gentrification projects, which have destroyed the lives of millions of African-Americans.

Second, these two ideologies also cover over some other creeds that our elites hold dear, such as Neo-Liberalism, Academic Credentialing, (the Harvard, Yale and Princeton Trinity), Technocracy and Racialism-Eugenics.

This current Bourgeois Communist Hegemonic Bloc, or our ruling elites of the American Empire, have taken the darkened political paths of tyranny, the routes of sociopaths mad with power, ambition and pride.

Most frighteningly, they truly believe their own lies.

So why do these same urban Democratic Party ‘reichsführers,’ who in the past would send the cops on hunting raids for young black males, now all of a sudden support BLM-Antifa, and even hating on their own police forces who actually protect them?

The real reason is that no matter how much the cops despise their new Bourgeois Communist urban overlords – those same big city bosses control the municipal government purse strings, meaning all of their good salaries, job perks, benefits and pensions. America’s urban police forces must first obey their paymasters – in spite of their police unions who openly support Republican candidates. Meanwhile, a current standoff of hate exists between the Democratic political juntas and the police unions.

Even worse, our own auto-proclaimed leaders utterly hate the vast majority of America’s base population. They would not mind to see us physically and culturally destroyed. Our ruling elites have totally forsaken us. Democratic Party governors and mayors maintain more loyalty to their party’s interior apparatus than to their own state and county constituents.

Intelligent criminals must always revisit, and hide the traces of their past crimes.

Not only did the BLM-Antifa Riots, or the Democratic Party-US Intelligence Services-Billionare Capitalists’ Color Revolution, explode inside America’s urban megalopolises – but they also went off inside various western cities. These cities are also part of the Democratic Party urban junta race for some ‘radical Leftist cool, white kid hipster culture.’ One such place was Omaha, Nebraska.

Omaha, Nebraska has not been known for much Communist agitation. This Gramscian Communist strategy was however, quite successful this past summer, inclusive of some serious BLM-Antifa riot destruction – most of it entering a new law category: legal criminal rioting, looting, robbery, assault and murder.

During the mini-riot in Omaha, a bar owner fought back and killed a rioter-looter who was trying to take him down. Usually rioters and looters have targets on them for some physical destruction. But many Americans have failed to see the tactics of Fifth Generation Warfare or Color Revolution insurgency methods, which are now in full operation against them – through the same powers that rule over them.  

The full fury of the Nebraska state government in alliance with the Omaha municipal authorities moved into action against this one pathetic bar owner. The guy wore long hair and Converse low tops, which meant some urban cool – but his open social media presence screamed uncool white supremacist – the guy was a proud Trump Chump, or Trump supporter. He was doomed.

The Nebraska state government and the Omaha City Hall ordered a special political prosecutor to conduct ‘lawfare’ against him, or just finding some criminal penalty to stick him with, and take the loser bar owner down, both physically and economically. The man would eventually have to close down his business in order to pay for all of the legal fees, and the continual lawfare harassment would also take a physical toll on his body.

The brutal reality sunk deep into the bar owner-Trump supporter. He correctly surmised that yes, he was doomed. He took the right action of honor and duty in taking his own life, the suicide solution, before the state and local tyrants could drag him into the legal slaughter house. He came out free.

What was interesting about this brutal government tactic, worthy of any Communist dictatorship, was that in Nebraska, a western state that has a large Republican politician base, none of those cowards stood up for the guy. The man was also a loyal Trumpsta dude, and Trump could have cared less. He was totally on his own – and so really, the only honorable choice was to take his own life. It was the one and only thing that he had any control over.

This vile Communist political setup and personal tragedy has even deeper political meanings. Afterwards, a Nebraska Democratic-Communist state senator lauded the death of the evil victim. The Special Prosecutor also escaped any legal consequences for the abuse of his political office. In Ancient Republican Rome where honor remained supreme, both of them would have received a public humiliation, demotion to slave status and then ritually executed slave style. Yet, in current 2020 America ruled through this Bourgeois Communist Coalition Government, these are now the respected people – and the people who have full control over us.

Inside this current American Empire, US citizenship means nothing and now the so-called Law and Constitution mean absolutely nothing. Like the bar owner who took the root of honorable suicide, we are all on our own, and especially us, white males living in the rural and suburban areas with little money in our savings.

In the previous post, we read about the political tactics used for the First Waves of Urban Gentrification in America’s cities. From the 1970s-90s, Democratic lackey politicians led the ‘urban renewal’ charges with their most important political-economic allies, the big city landlord mob; meanwhile, those same city hall bosses allowed their big city police departments to act as the strike forces against the poorer, lumpen Black and Brown, inner city-bad neighborhood populations.

This same urban cabal also gave special privileges to white homesteaders, squatters, punks, artists and other nonconformists, (who still possessed some of their parent’s money), in order to remake their cities, super cool urban spaces, unlike the boring and pathetic world of suburban and small town America.

This Neo-Liberal Hellhole for Blacks and Browns, and yet at the same time, a Hipster Paradise for white kids with some fashion sense, also created an economic auto-destruction for all young people. There were no more good jobs left.

Holding a hollowed out manufacturing base, the economy drifted solely to Banking-Investments, and later, into a total financialization of the economy. Most urban downtowns thus consisted of bank buildings that closed their doors at 5 p.m. sharp. The Finance Sector surrogates also did well: Insurance and Real Estate.

The other half of the urban economy dropped into the Third World-Tourist Destination sectors: Service Hospitality, Social Services and the Informal Economy.

If you wanted to experience the cool hipster life in urban America, you had to desperately find work as a server-bartender-cafe wench, or as a ‘staff member’ at some social service dump for the homeless, junkies and ex-cons, or at some non-governmental organization flimflam, or NGO center, that also ‘helped’ those unfortunate ones.

Then there was the informal sector, which had a lot more openings for the uglier white hipster females. This work sector included various forms of sex work, (mostly stripping), spirituality consulting, yoga-physical workout classes at various hours of the day, massage work, etc. Within this entire Third World-Tourist Economy, the only jobs paying decent salaries were bartending-servers-hosts, (due to tips), nursing jobs at hospitals, and sex work-stripping for females.

But there were two other economic sectors that did really, really well: landlord property investments and the municipal government, (city hall), with their surrogate state administrator offices, all of which had overinflated into obese status during this same historical period.

The hook was that you really had to know the right people in order to receive an inside position, meaning great benefits, doing no useful work whatsoever at some desk, lots of break times, long lunch fully paid for, and the impossibility of getting fired – a permanent state bureaucratic hack position. Yes, a true gold mine of opportunity.

American Liberal Democratic urban juntas in economic practice meant corrupt favors to particular landlords and construction companies; while in political maneuvering, City Hall was a political no-go zone for the average dolt, and yet, existed as a meeting place for the rightly connected wealthy people at the top; while always leaving a midday comment session, of a few minutes per speaker, for the mentally ill weirdos who wandered into the main assembly room. Culturally, the City represented the direct opposite to Fascist-Christian pathetic suburban-rural white America. The political factotums running this entire creepy clown show were duly impressed with their city.

Our urban leaders were still not finished however. This vile and corrupt urban system directly led to something even more sinister.

Stage II, The Second Wave of Urban Gentrification, or Gentrification on Steroids. This second stage of gentrification lasted from the 1990s into the 2010s.

By the mid 1990s, Grunge, or Slacker Metal, emerged as an alternative cool to the big wig-big haired axe men of 80s Heavy Metal mania. This is what the record companies at least sold the public anyway – and this money tree free fall would become their last hurrah through selling the new technology of CDs, instead of those old cassette-LP formats from the 70s and 80s.  

With Metal, the drugs of choice were cold beer, primo sensimilia weed and some good Cocaine in order to keep the party going. With Grunge, the drugs moved to cheap beer, cheap weed and the super duper cool drug of H.

Heroin got the Cinema and Music spotlight. Female hot models sported the Heroin chic look everywhere, and a new revival of Hollywood Heroin cool movies hit the scene: Pulp Fiction, Basketball Diaries, Trainspotting, Another Day in Paradise, Permanent Midnight, Requiem for a Dream, Drugstore Cowboy, Gia, Sid and Nancy.

Grunge, Metal and Punk rockers began to die young, like in the Sixties and Seventies, and then at the magic Rock Death Age of 27, Kurt Cobain killed himself after dealing with some hardcore Heroin addiction issues. Layne Stanley of Alice of Chains was soon to follow. Guns and Roses took the cut for transitioning from Los Angeles Metal to Seattle Grunge.

Fashion even shifted from Michael Jackson, Prince and Heavy Metal era garbage to flannels, overalls, ripped dirty clothes, dirty used Converse hi-tops and t-shirts. With the Heroin highlights, homelessness became real, super cool. Every American Megalopolis and College town-city had its share of gutter punks begging in the downtown tourist areas. Now they are called oogle-trainhopping, traveling dirty kids.

Would the big city bosses of urban cool send the cops against the gutter trash? No way, every cool American College Town and Big City had its Alternative night crawl district. Gotham had the entire Village-Lower East Side-Bowery Axis! Tompskin Square Park was the Ground Zero of Authentic Cool.

The gutter punks, almost all of them white kids from crap families added to the cultural extravaganza. The suburban-rural loser kids with bad taste visited for some ‘cool,’ and could gawk at all the pierced up kids, the authentic street punks living the life of true freedom and rebellion.

The Hipster Artist Zones converted into entire neighborhood centers of work-art-easy use zones. Bike lanes emerged all over the setup. Car use became uncool. Bike parking spaces for locking wheels were ubiquitous.

Urban bosses invested in publicly funded Light Rail operations to severely limit the flow of car traffic. Two lane roads had to reduce their traffic capacity to one lane distribution points. Each city had its very own Gallery Walk Nights where young hipster white kids could drink booze in the public spaces. If Black and Brown ghetto kids did the same thing in their ‘bad neighborhoods,’ the cops would move in quickly to shut them down.

White alternative squatters got their Adverse Possession titles legalized, and so they could turn their once off-limits white homesteader spaces into art gallery-performance space-Leftist politics zones.

A new hip gentrification arts building business coalesced into Art Space. They would buy an architecturally cool building in some mid to small size city with little cultural attractions. After redesigning the building somewhat, they would open up the building with cheaper rents than what most other local residents were paying, only to artists and artistic types. The City bosses obviously hoped to create a new Art Town Center attracting cool hipster white kids – with money of course.

Meanwhile, over in lumpen proletariat loserville, the Black and Brown kids were beginning to get real mean – and rightly so. The police started up anti-gang units, and every city had its over the top, SWAT paramilitary units. The drug war really boiled up against the street youth. Crack had permanently destroyed entire poor Black and Brown urban neighborhoods. Even the DEA, Drug Enforcement Agency, joined in the urban nastiness. Finally, the US Federal Government began to heavily arm every single police force in the country with automatic rifles, armored vehicles, and most ominously, with militarized police combat gear. The cops now had the ‘cool look’ of military storm troopers.

US and State governments: Executive, Legislative. and Judicial branches also responded quickly in order to vice grip any and all drug users. Mandatory Minimum Sentencing became so commonplace that defense attorneys did not want to represent drug crimes anymore. The prisons overflowed with the conspiracy and accessory victims of drug crimes. The Clinton Crime Bill became law, and there were even more restrictions placed against any previous social safety nets from the 70s with the Clinton Welfare Reform Bill.

After the Los Angeles Riots, (when Bush I finally sent in the Marines), some Light Liberal changes ensued. The LAPD took some exposure as a rotten and fascistic institution. The chief of police, a law and order, pseudo-Christian sociopath had to resign.

Rap-Hip Hop music still advocated hating on the cops, such as NWA, 2PAC, KRS-ONE, Geto Boys, Mos Def and most infamously, the Metal track from Ice-T, ‘Cop Killer.’

But all this Black and Brown ghetto fightback didn’t do much. The urban politician bosses ordered the cops to do some hard policing of ‘the bad neighborhoods,’ i.e. Black and Brown residential areas. The cops moved into full attack mode, detaining and arresting suspected gangbangers, and even hunted down Black and Brown urban youth venturing into the cool, hip alternative whitey areas. Gs, (or street gangsters), selling ‘rock,’ or Crack on the corner might end up with 20 year sentences worse than murderers and rapists. Some communities had almost half of their young men living in prisons of more than eight hours driving time! The Drug War Destruction was complete. Even a few unlucky white kids who sold acid blotters, (LSD), began to do hard time in prison.

America’s urban politician honchos were still not done with their plans.

A little historical background is necessary. At the 1992 Republican Convention, the Republicans under Bush I tried to do a Kulturkampf, or Culture War, against the rest of America. Earlier, In the 1980s under Reagan, his regime opened up a Vatican Embassy in DC, which is like having a foreign general move troops inside one’s own borders. The new army on the march was politicized right-wing Catholicism.

The Religious Right became a national phenomenon. Jerry Falwell, a Baptist, was the face of the Moral Majority Movement. But the real power behind the scenes was a name nobody knew about, Paul Weyrich, a Catholic who belonged to a group called Tradition, Family and Property, which, believe or not, advocated a return to the Holy Office of the Inquisition!  Even Bill Buckley, the chief editor of the The National Review, also a fervent Catholic, was incensed. Richard Viguerie, another devout Conservative Catholic, pushed a direct mailing mobilization of all Conservative Christians against permissive media and culture.

A Populist-Fascist Social movement birthed: The Anti-Abortion Movement. Beforehand, the Anti-Abortion movement was located inside the Catholic Archdioceses. But in the mid 80s, Catholic anti-abortion agitators dishonestly posed as pro-life evangelists and preached in the churches of their formerly hated competitors: Protestant Evangelical, Baptist and Pentecostal churches. Yet, the strategy worked splendidly. The Anti-abortion movement, once a particularly Catholic owned operation, transformed into a national religious movement of grassroots support, encompassing Catholics, Evangelicals-Charismatic Christians and even some Mormons.

The Republican Party USA, once a party that featured Socially Liberal politicians, Progressive-Moderate types, Libertarian Capitalists and mostly Conservative businessmen Realpolitik, (or politics dealing with reality), had transformed into a hard right political faction.

This political strategy originally came out of the Nixon years. Steal the ethnic Catholic enclaves from the Democrats due to Social Permissive policies and pro-Civil Rights Affirmative Action policies. The White South had also voted Republican at this time. The socially conservative Catholics in the rust belt and in the northeast, with the white South, could win the Republicans more elections. So they thought.

The strategy somewhat worked. The Republican Party had become a Hegemonic Bloc of right-wing interests, and often contradictory. There were extreme Libertarians calling for the complete dismantlement of Welfare and Social Security. There were extreme pro-war sociopaths calling for the United States Empire to invade whatever country-dictator media threats that happened to emerge, and there were the Religious Right people demanding that abortion become totally illegal.

This Anti-Abortion Movement also moved straight into domestic terrorism. Religious fanatics began to murder doctors and nurses associated with abortions. They firebombed women’s health clinics and blockaded entire blocks of cities. They even set up phony women’s health centers to pressure women not to have abortions. The FBI refused to go after them. They had the free reign to commit acts of violence and murder.

But in 1992, the Republican-Religious Right plan of action backfired completely. The Republican Convention, had a Televangelist wingnut, Pat Robertson, speak after the Jesuit, Pat Buchanan, who called for a ‘Religious War.’ The entire act looked real, real bad on TV. Bill Clinton rightly called the Republican Party, a party of right-wing religious extremists – and that political strategy really did work. Bill Clinton would rule for the next eight years.

Also during the 1990s, a political movement emerged in the rural west, the Militia Movement. This movement had some serious concerns about the powerful overreach of the US Federal Government. But they were not that sophisticated politically.

US Militia members would often dress in military BDUs, (Battle Dress Uniforms), in public, and they too, took up the political positions of the Religious Right, even defending the Anti-Abortion Movement’s right to use violent terrorism in order to achieve their political goals.

Clinton sensed the imminent danger of both political movements: the Anti-Abortion Movement and the Militia movement. Clinton moved on the warpath and defeated both of those right-wing political movements who were against his regime.

First, he exterminated the Branch Davidian Religious Compound in Waco, Texas as a warning of what the US Government could possibly do to religious extremist organizations involved in Anti-Abortion terrorism. Why didn’t Clinton go after the Roman Catholic Church in America? They were too powerful at that time in history. Most Evangelical, Religious Right movements got the message, and toned down their actions and rhetoric significantly. Even Pat Robertson stopped agitating against abortion on his ‘700 Club’ TV show.

Next, Clinton with the full support of America’s intelligence agencies, set up the PATCON program to destroy the Militia movement threat. US Govt. forces had already killed some people in the Weaver family, ‘white supremacist extremists,’ out west. Again, they were the test case and clear example of what the US Government was capable of doing to internal threats.

The next installment was the False Flag Terror Event of the Oklahoma City Bombing that killed hundreds of people. Blame was put on the lone agitator, Militia supporting right-wing crazy guy, Timothy McVeigh, and yet his intelligence asset conspirators in the bombing walked completely free.

Militias looked bad on TV. All of their TV and Congress appearances exposed them as extremist agitators. Most state militias eventually moved to southern border enforcement, became super patriotic men clubs, or they closed shop and smartly moved out to Alaska.

What does all this political hegemonic moving and shaking have to do with our new found enemies who are currently destroying our urban centers?

All of America’s urban cool zones with their artist lofts, hipster cafes, dark grungy bars, gallery spaces, alternative media, Black ghettos, etc., also became the cultural counter punches to the Fascist, bad dressing males, truck driving, gun toting, Christian, white supremacist, rural-suburban losers, i.e. Militia nobodies and right-wing assholes.

Instead of talking about America’s rotten capitalist system, the growing social class divides between rich and poor, and why so many jobs were just dead end wage slavery hellholes; cool and young, urban white hipsters could look at the rural Militia losers and Christian religious fanatics with utter disdain. The poor hipster kids would thus support the US state hostilities against such internal enemies.

Divide and you shall conquer. It works every time.

But not all of the white kid hipsters were falling into line…

And so why did these American urban juntas abruptly change political course, and thus transform themselves into radical Communist supporters of BLM-Antifa, and even avowed cop haters?


Recently, in Portland, Oregon, an Antifa Black Lives Matter Assassin took to the streets in order to successfully murder some guy wearing some right-wing Trump product on his body. The right-wing guy was walking around with his friend, and the Antifa gang had actually spotted him walking around downtown Portland earlier. This was no ordinary assassination.

This political assassination utilized some very sophisticated insurgency procedures in neutralizing the Enemy. First, the assassin had three accomplices with him on the Street. First, there was a woman walking with him as if they were a couple. Afterwards, there was another guy near him who functioned as the lookout/spotter for the potential victim; while a third guy across the street filmed the entire murder scenario acting as a phony journalist.

Next in line, two expensive black vehicles coordinated the overall street assassination hit. One of them was a black van with a bunch of people inside of it, who communicated with the spotter and the filming accomplices. The second vehicle was another nice black car with some people inside of it. This black car with its accomplices would function as the phony witnesses when the police arrived. The assassination took place during the daily night time rituals of rioting and property destruction also happening in the city.

After the assassin had killed the target, he immediately sprinted off to a local safe house. The second car then stopped, and immediately, the Portland Police arrived on the scene to take their phony testimonies.

After the exposure of the assassin to the media, the district attorney charged him with a lesser charge of 2nd Degree murder. The mayor and city council, (who still support the Antifa rioters), said nothing about the murder!

Later in the week, Federal Marshals killed the shooter in the neighboring state. Many suspicious questions are left hanging from this horrible incident.

 What about the ten Antifa accomplices to the murder? America has lots of ‘inchoate laws’ related to Conspiracy or Accessory to commit murder, which are still ‘on the books’ – why were the accomplices not charged? Where did those Leftists-Communist gang members get those expensive black vehicles? Normally, Leftists drive dumps and lemons since most of them don’t have much money to spend, nor do they know how to work on cars. No doubt, some US Intelligence Official gave those expensive black vehicles to the Marxist Terrorists.

The timing of the Portland Police at the murder was also suspicious. Another question emerges: the FBI regional office is right in the center of the city where all of the riots have taken place. Why have the rioters, who claim to believe in Anarchism, not protested around the FBI regional office?

The Mayor, District Attorney, City Council and the Governor of the State are, no doubt, further accessories to this murder.

And finally, what about the corporate media that told the story from the murderer’s perspective, and especially the Vice reporter who did an actual interview with the murderer? Are not those people also accessories to that political Murder?

An even more heinous pattern emerges since there are now some related incidents of violence with the selective prosecution of laws across the United States.

The Antifa-BLM Marxist Terrorists not only control most urban American streets – they now have the backup of many US Intelligence-Spy Officials, the US Military, most large urban police departments, and a good amount of the Democratic, and even a few Republican, politicians and bureaucrats. Also acting as accessories to street terrorism are America’s Billionaire Capitalists and their NGOs who fund them, (such as BLM Inc.), and last – but not least, almost the entire print and media propaganda apparatus inside the United States.

All of these conspiracies to commit legal crime, arson, theft and murder expose this powerful Hegemonic Bloc, or the All-Powerful Political Coalition currently running this Empire.

Our current ruling elites of the American Empire are Masters of Death.

They do not just want to turn us suburban and rural white males, (holding almost no capital or money), into a lumpen proletariat of wage slave losers. Our rulers actually wouldn’t mind seeing us die, ending up completely dead and buried. Our ruling class have thus declared a most vicious and unrelenting war against us – without any mercy…

There exist greater connections between the warehousing of Corona infected patients inside elderly nursing homes in order to increase the Corona Death Counts and all of the Black Lives Matter murder victims who have yet to receive any justice against their murderers.

Another disturbing link connects the mass suicides of despair due to the forced lockdowns in Democrat controlled states and cities, and the fact that rioters and looters associated with Antifa and BLM seem to receive lighter sentences after committing various felonies. Within a few hours, they leave their holding cells in jail after a speedy processing system. Meanwhile, normal criminals and right-wingers, (not associated with BLM and Antifa) receive a long drawn out criminal process.

This Bourgeois Communist Ruling Coalition for the Salvation of the American Empire has accordingly embraced a most terrible evil. They do not just hate us – but seek to utterly destroy, both physically and culturally, a good proportion of the United States population?

How did they become so sinister?

We must return to History.

For a long time,  implying decades, the Democratic Political Machine has run and managed the horrors of our American Megalopolis cities. This ruling big city machine implies major regional cities with populations in the millions, such as NYC, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Philly, Boston, Baltimore, Seattle and Portland, Oregon.

This Democratic Party Urban Machinery has also run to the ground other large, medium and small cities across the United States.

These Democratic Juntas have willfully destroyed and dismantled ALL of the cities they have ruled. They have governed basically as one-party tyrannies where city hall corruption flows like a broken fire hydrant.

Their political attacks operate through Urban Gentrification Schemes. The Democratic run Urban Gentrification War runs in three stages consecutively, also referred to as the Three-Point Urban Gentrification Project for America.

Stage I, First Wave of Urban Gentrification: The Neoliberal Hell Storm of the 1970s-90s. This process began in the early 1970s with some momentous urban changes originally advocated through some very powerful Global Engineering-Political Organizations.

The list would include The Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, The Club of Rome, and The Council of Foreign Relations. In regards to NATO forces Europe, The Bilderberg Group also pushed similar designs. Not to feel left out, the United Nations created similar organizations with more benign purposes, related to Population Control, Agricultural Innovations, Medical Care Access and Green-Environmental Policies.

1. Multinational corporations closed their factories and plants in the urban centers, and then obtained full legal powers to move overseas for cheaper labor costs. This hollowing out of the manufacturing base also hollowed out American urban centers, leaving only corporate office buildings of glass and metal, and thereby killing any community centers located around the urban core.

2. Big landlords could now purchase larger tracts of commercial real estate, offering cheaper rents overall, not having to deal with regular working class renters, and thus have to make repairs on their buildings. Landlords could push out poorer tenants from these zones, tearing down existing residential buildings in order to build taxpayer funded highways, massive commercial properties, (such as convention centers), and even sports stadiums. Whole periphery and non-periphery urban areas also fell to urban decay. Urban landlords had transformed into property pimps.

These slumlords refused to upgrade their residential properties. From out of such criminal neglect, there emerged rat and cockroach infestations, black mold issues, faulty pipes, and holes in the walls, in the ceilings and on the floors, etc. Meanwhile, the city governments colluded with the landlords to nickel and dime the renters’ remaining capital, (money savings), on heating, water, electric, garbage bills, etc. When renters fought back with non–payment of rents, some landlords set fires to their own properties, or used extra-legal means to evict the tenants.

3. Democratic Urban Juntas pushed their state government colluders to change the welfare laws. No functioning social safety net could exist. Only single mothers with kids could receive full welfare benefits, and of which, they had to trudge monthly to the welfare office and plead their cases to unsympathetic case workers. Since poor men were left out, had no access to money, and there was no existing manufacturing sector to train them – they resorted to the criminal life, mostly street level drug dealing.

The weakest ones ended up homeless, dying slowly on the streets, and often from hard drug addictions, which had mysteriously flooded these poorer neighborhoods. Most urban maelstroms in America thus opened up their infamous homeless shelters, which were often more dangerous than prisons. The other unfortunate ones entered the growing prison industrial complex; while state governments tightened the legal noose surrounding illegal drug laws. The lucky ones joined the US Military, which began to take on its particular role as the major social safety net option for the poor and working class in the United States.

The Inner-city Public Schools transformed into reckless detention centers and jail-lites for inner-city youth, overwhelmingly Black and Brown kids. Classes featured over 50 kids going crazy and fights breaking out every day. Teachers burned out quick or became mentally ill barking dogs. Principals roamed the halls with walkie-talkies and collected their six-figure paychecks. The Board of Education became a second City Hall of worthless and corrupt scoundrels, and they too received their six-figure salaries, with full municipal benefits, for accomplishing almost nothing of importance. Most white parents sent their children to the multitudinous private schools, both religious and non-religious ones in America’s urban districts.

The majority of the urban juntas’ victims enduring substandard housing and endless payments of utility bills represented working class blacks and recent immigrants from Latin America, such as Puertoriqueños, Mexicanos, Dominicanos and Centroamericanos. Some poor urban whites also entered this lumpen proletariat existence living inside those massive public housing dumps with the blacks and browns. Most came from Irish, German, and a few Italian households. No Ashkenazi, (European), Jews fell into this downward socioeconomic spiral.  

4. With the unbelievable growth of street hustling, street crime, daily acts of brutal, murderous violence and hollowed out-burned out urban periphery zones, the Democratic Party Urban Juntas thus encouraged, (through again, their willful criminal neglect), a hard increase in street gang activity and suffocating graffiti scrawls across the entire urban landscape.

A new American urban experience emerged, the No-Go Zones, (Black and Brown neighborhoods), the real and true urban vibe of Total Cool and Don’t You Dare Look Around like a Stupid Tourist. Even Hollywood jumped on the urban wasteland theme with movies, such as Escape from L.A., The Warriors, and then in the 1980s, an explosion of Hip Hop street dealer-mugger culture, ramped down for bored, uncool, suburban white kids blasted forth from the Media: Break Dancing and White kid Rap Lite.

5. Meanwhile, our urban Democratic hack enemies were still working on their Gentrification Master Plans. In certain closed up and closed down old manufacturing zones, white artists with extra capital, also found the cheaper rents appealing. 

Landlords, almost all of them white, encouraged this new white homesteader movement to the previously abandoned urban center ex-manufacturing factory zones. Now ready-made tenants were willing to pay urban rents, on the cheap, for substandard housing. With the arrival of white kid artists with money, a cool urban scene developed.

This hip and cool urban section instantly attracted the weird and outcast suburban and rural white kids, a few of them actually and authentically homeless, or just adopting the street gutter punk fashion style, or possibly, there were some white urban hipsters looking for some true urban authenticity – hard to come by in boring America! Democratic and Landlord urban planners even changed the names of the neighborhoods.

Let’s take the America’s Urban Gotham as an example. In NYC, the old printing-manufacturing district became SOHO, South of Houston St., hey, just like London hip and cool Soho. What was once the Jewish, Irish, and Puertorican Losaida transformed into the Lower East Side-East Village, or L.E.S. The old dockworker-port of call took on the name change of Tribeca, or the Triangle Below Canal St. Hell’s Kitchen fell to the gloss over of Clinton. Even Brooklyn got into the act through name changing the old Navy, dockworker and religious Jewish areas into the infamous Dumbo and Williamsburg sections.

With all of this flowering of urban artistic, rebellious alternative, authentic urban cool, the First Wave of White Gentrifiers crashed in. These were the Urban Homesteaders or Euro-American Squatters. In the L.E.S., artist gallery squats opened up, (yes, there were actually artist gallery squats).

Even with all the influx of culture and capital, these urban pioneers were no ordinary gentrifiers – these were hard-core Leftists, Anarcho-whatevers, gender-fluid kids with face tattoos, piercings, colored hair, dirty smelly clothes – and some had some serious hard drug problems. Many of them did cool stints of junkie homeless punk survival and traveling. The hard drug choice for those authentic coolSuper H, Heroin Chic.

The Bowery, (just adjacent to the L.E.S.), and really a type of cool skidrow dive bar avenue, showed off its own gathering space for some cool authentic music, or raw punk rock: CBGBs. In the 1980s and 90s, the squatters, artists, homeless, junkies and the authentic cool, rioted two times around their main base for shelter, if just arriving in the Big NYC, Tompkins Square Park.

City politicians fell into spouts of ecstasy. Big city landlords opened their eyes to the coming glory of endless money. And it fell in golden and silver buckets! Urban landlords even created their very own new housing name for such super cool whites, urban artist lofts! They of course doubled and tripled the rent prices… Hey, the area became super cool, why not…

More gallery spaces opened up, and often with money from wealthy big city Liberals, Gays and Non-Jewish Ashkenazi Elite millionaires. Small funky furniture shops and hipster vintage clothing stores also opened their doors. Ethnic restaurants with vegetarian options littered the streets with darkly lit, red light cafes and smoky bars that reeked of stale cheap beer. Suburban white kids desperate for some cool began to venture into these spaces at night – but the true authentic cool could always hound them out.

The City politicians began to harass the crap out of those ignorant kids with endless parking violation tickets. Who wants those flag-waving, lame dressing American cornball losers ruining the fun anyway? Well, if they spent a bunch of money, then we could let it all pass.

Even spiritual curio shops with an emphasis on alternative girl, white hipster kid magic, made themselves present inside the cool urban scene. Christians suck, so the cool just kept increasing.

For those alternative white kids with the punk fashion sense and Anarcho-Leftist aesthetic, a little urban paradise had emerged. For America’s big city urban politicians and big time landlords, a new alternative urban cool section birthed into luxurious being. America’s corrupt and vile megalopolises had reborn themselves into the urban centers of cool and creativity!

For the urban poor, and especially those Black and Brown men with no futures in the foreseeable horizon – a terrible urban Hell appeared – and it wasn’t going away… The Liberal Democrat urban politicians ordered into those bad neighborhoods the only strike force ready to deal with such a group of losers. They gave the cops the needed blank check to do whatever they wanted to whomever they wanted. This became the new urban policy plan for American urban policing.

Now in 2020, these same Democratic urban juntas now hate their own cops, and they are on the side of BLM – so what happened?



Vice white hipster news-taste-the-rainbow‘In the 1980s, a former KGB Soviet defector, Yuri Bezmenov, began to give public lectures in the USA and Canada, often video taped, explaining the subversive methods of International Communism against North American decadent culture.

The first stage represented Demoralization. Within this stage, three aspects worked simultaneously to pulverize the Demoralized nation: Ideas, then Structures, (or the Superstructure, Marxist speak for Culture), and Material Life, (or the Base, Marxist speak for the Political Economy).  The first part of his discourse, ‘Ideas,’ actually transformed both the Structures and Material Life. Bezmenov described one of the main activities of Communist subversion as ‘Infiltration of schools and universities by radicals, leftists, and simply disturbers…’

He further stated that the subversives were not actual agents of the Communist International, nor were they even in contact with the KGB – but their ‘useful idiot’ status allowed them to infuse American university students with easy answers to society’s problems. What was the Holy Answer for peace, justice and equality?

The Answer was Bureaucratic State Socialism to give out various free stuff to the oppressed classes. Who were these oppressed classes? They represented Womyn, Blacks, Latinos, Native Nations, All People of Color, Refugees, Immigrants, (both legal and undocumented), Historically Victimized Religious, (no Christians allowed), Students, Professors, Teachers, Prisoners, the Poor, the Poverty stricken, Homeless junkies, Sex workers, Welfare recipients, Workers (?), Laborers, (both urban and agricultural, excepting white racists), Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, Queers, Bi-Gendered, Gender-fluids, and the Disabled on state supports, (both mental and physical). This was the United Left in Struggle against America’s Fascist Domination.

At the same time, Civil Society had to redress America’s evil historical oppression, in the name of racial economic justice, against all White Male, Christian Fascist, Pro-America, Straight-hetero gendered, gun owning, bad dressing losers. Those creeps had to receive their just restorative punishments.

Mr. Bezmenov described such methods as the perfect ‘divide and conquer strategy.’ It does beg the question: did such a monstrous and deranged system actually work in practice? You bet it did!’

[from a previous article I had written about eight months ago on my blog ]

Let’s do a 40 year fast forward to the Summer in the City, USA 2020…

Yeah, we definitely need to do a Field of Study, or an Actual Reality Mapping for the current American Empire.

#1 Megatrend: Total and Complete Lumpenization of suburban and rural white males with no capital, (i.e. no money). US losers are the new and improved targets

#2 Megatrend: The New American Will to Power = Inmate Posse now runs the Insane Asylum. This is the current hegemonic bloc of elites running the American Empire

#3 Megatrend: Letting Go of living like The Walking Dead and embracing the Spiritual Life

#4 Megatrend: Concocted Crises Catastrophes = American Empire New Normal & as a consequence; the Empire invades Cursed Perdition and the putrid Sepulchers of World Empires

#5 Megatrend: When the Law and Constitution now mean absolutely nothing, the personal victories emerge; and thus, the advances come together

Those of us who are the targeted victims, suburban and rural white males with no capital, (i.e. no money), have thus fallen into the beginning rounds of American Civil War IV. Yet, this is not just any Civil War, nor is it like the previous ones in American history.

#6 Megatrend: The first salvos of this American Civil War IV fall correctly in line with current American Imperial political-military strategies for subversion: Firth Generation Warfare, also called Color Revolution.

What is Fifth Generation Warfare-Color Revolution?

The American Empire now uses this subversion method to overthrow governments across the planet.

Basically, American intelligence entities, mainly the Central Intelligence Agency, (The CIA), delegate various subversion techniques to its US government organizational allies; while all of these groups can operate together, both inside and outside the US Embassy apparatus, in order to fashion societal upheavals inside the host-victimized country.

The fetid list thus includes various aggregate US Intelligence Agencies, such as USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, (NED), The Peace Corps, (PC), The National Democratic Institute, (NDI), The International Republican Institute, (IRI), and even the American Big Boy corporate bank, (or America’s national trade union organization), the AFL-CIO’s very own, The Solidarity Center, (SC). Within these various US Government spy-subversion agencies are hundreds of little companies, clubs and consortiums all involved in some deadly subversion techniques against foreign enemy threats.

Many other Non-Governmental Organizations, (NGOs), also work within this CIA-US Government backed affiliate network. The acrid list of dishonest players includes The Ford Foundation, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Smith Richardson Foundation, George Soros’s The Open Society Institute, Gene Sharp’s The Albert Einstein Institution, and Pierre Omidyar’s The Omidyar Network Fund.

One must not forget the myriad of Washington D.C. Think Tanks, which feature multiple boards of directorships. These American think tanks contain a select pool of incestuous American elites who sit simultaneously on many corporate boards of directors. It is very common among American elite circles for one director to sit on various other boards of multiple other agencies. These higher-ups tend to constitute former corporate executives, retired governmental-bureaucratic bosses, US Military-Pentagon high officers and ex-intelligence agency directors.

A sample list of these elite foundations would include the Brookings Institution, Human Rights Watch-Amnesty International, the Council on Foreign Relations, (CFR), the Rand Corporation, the Center for American Progress, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, (CSIS), the Aspen Institute, the Wilson Center, the Atlantic Council, the Center for a New American Security and Inter-American Dialogue.

So how does the American Empire use all of these governmental spy agencies and non-governmental organizations to subvert foreign enemy states, or potential global threats?

It uses three basic tactics in chronological order.

The first stage regards the general subversion of marginalized elements outside of the official foreign government. The CIA, the NED, USAID, and its aggregates, both US GOV and NGOs, fund and create counter political-ideological social networks against the official government.

Once the counter networks reach a a critical mass of attendance inside the general population, there arrives the second stage, which is the actual street mobilizations of the counter networks.

The frustrated street mobilizations seek to purposefully bait the official government into police crackdowns, so that the counter networks can engage in general street violence, destruction of property, and generalized disorder-chaos.

The third and final stage is to slowly increase the subversive tension in almost every other area of civil society, such as the Media, the Military, the Religious Cult, etc., so that eventually, the fifth generation warfare moves into fourth generation warfare: a general insurgency or insurrection.

Finally, there arrives a coup d’etat, or seizure of power of the counter network against the previous state; so thus the new government junta becomes a friendly government ally to the American Empire.

The three stages of Fifth Generational Warfare-Color Revolution embody similar political warfare tactics, (while using different terminologies), to Communist subversion strategies used throughout world history in order to violently seize political power.

What is the Communist Subversion Strategy?

‘America’s current political-economic elite’s preferred media-political method is the Baiting Political Strategy, which is mainly an offspring of the Fichtian-Hegelian German political philosophy of Problem-Reaction-Solution. 

Related to this political strategy, and more appropriate for the current political situation of the United States is the old Communist political strategy of Conflict-Struggle-Liberation.

The Communist political subversion method originally arrived from the Italian Communist Theoretician of the 1930s, Antonio Gramsci. Gramsci formulated the Trinity of Holy Subversion is these terms: War of Position-War of Maneuver-War of Revolutionary Hegemony’ [from a previous post on this site]

War of Position=building the superstructure cultural base for the demoralization of the Old System; War of Maneuver=the actual mob attacks, street violence, break down of the law, and insurgent disorder leading to the dissolution of the Old System; Revolutionary Hegemony=triumph of the new Communist Hegemonic Alliance or Bloc, or whatever Political-Economic Elites, who happen to control the new and improved old system.

What is this new Hegemonic Political Alliance, which now runs America and is now targeting most of us Americans for social and cultural destruction, and for a few of us, physical destruction?

Let us first call them from now on: Our Ruling Bourgeois, (or Pro-Monopoly Capitalism), Communist Coalition Government for the Salvation of the American Empire.

1. This Ruling Alliance owes its funding, organization and mobilizations to all of the US Intelligence-Spy Agencies, (CIA, FBI, DIA, SS, etc.),; and inclusive of the ones supposedly fighting the ‘commie bad guys,’ such as Homeland Security.

2. The main political faction of the Alliance is the full Democratic Party, with all of its bureaucratic hacks and political powerful minion aggregates, (or additions, inclusive of its Republican party-loyal opposition allies); while it maintains its control throughout all levels of government: Federal, State, Country, Municipal and Local. This political coterie also comprises state governors, mayors, city council members, police chiefs, district attorney prosecutors, and judges backing up the Democratic-run, American Megalopolis Cities-Subversion Centers.

3. The US Military Pentagon brass, (generals and admirals), allied with their related US government policy leaders in D.C.; ultimately, they back up this Bourgeois Communist Alliance through the Threat of Absolute Force.

4. The complete and total submission of the entire Media-Newspapers-Magazines-TV-News-Entertainment-Hollywood-Tech-Social Media Conglomerate Monopolies, inclusive of the so-called, right-wing Fox News. Tucker Carlson is currently the only media personality who refuses to respect this Alliance’s political goals.

5. The entire American Educational Establishment, from Nursery-Kindergarten to the Higher Education Monopolies, both Undergraduate and Graduate studies. This educational junta also includes private colleges and public state schools, and even most religious and military academies. All Public Libraries are now onboard with this Bourgeois Communist Coalition Government. 

6. The entire Biological Health-Medical apparatus-Human Services establishments, both corporate hospitals and satellite clinic-campuses.

7. The entire social class of multi-billionaire American Capitalists and Financiers, NGO directors, inclusive of Black Lives Matter Inc., Corporate Boards of Governors and Directorships, Insurance Monopolies, Real Estate Franchises, and the entire Administrative Bureaucracies of private corporations under trusteeships and public companies traded on the Stock Market. Most importantly, all American monopolistic banking structures, (also representing the Federal Reserve, such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, Chase, US Bank, etc.), and the Wall Street Investment Firms, such as Goldman Sachs. All of these economic powerhouses completely support this Grand Bourgeois Commie Coalition.

8. The White Commie Street Gang, Antifa, now functions as the urban street militia for this ruling elite’s political mobilizations.

What are the current political mobilizations of this Bourgeois, (or Pro-Monopoly Capitalism), Communist Coalition Government for the Salvation of the American Empire?

The Bourgeois Communist Coalition Government is currently utilizing two false flags, and is also working on a third one, to slowly suffocate its political enemies – or simply, us.

What are the two false flags, and the one false flag it is currently working on?

1. The Corona Plandemic Lockdown Hoax with public mask wearing transformed into the public symbol of submission to the current Bourgeois Communist Ruling Coalition Government.

2. Corporate BLM Inc.-Antifa Street Gang Alliance with all of its Legal Street Crime Posses, such as brandishing and threatening citizens with guns in public, stopping public traffic choke points, mass rioting, property destruction and street violence against bystanders; while these gangs also hold full legal immunities thanks to the Democratic party-bureaucratic bosses-police chiefs, politicians-DA’s and judges found in most of urban America. Meanwhile, any rebellion against lockdowns, non-mask wearing, or defending oneself against the Communist mobs will lead to the full fury of the so-called Law and arbitrary imprisonment.

3. This coalition is now working on an economic collapse false flag comprising a new eviction-rent crisis leading to even more mass homelessness across the Nation. Why this false flag? Because the Trumpsta was a hard-core and ruthless NYC landlord before becoming a reality TV show star. This false flag will embarrass him utterly like the two previous ones did, exposing him like a pathetic yapping clown – or a sickly deer in front of a truck’s headlights.

Can we possibly fight such a monstrosity of tyranny?


We are doomed.

But so are they, utterly doomed.

Stay tuned for the next installment of American Civil War IV.

Darkened Death City USA

Well, now some folks are born into a good life
And other folks get it anyway anyhow
Well, I lost my money and I lost my wife
Them things don’t seem to matter much to me now…

Bruce Springsteen, Darkness on the Edge of Town, 1978

His last homage to America’s real working class was the ‘unplugged album,’ Nebraska, 1982.  His ‘patriotic debut album,’ Born in the USA, 1984, also spoke the truth concerning those millions of working class Americans who had to survive the austerities of Empire. By the decade of the 1990s, Mr. Springsteen had sold his honor to the Democratic Party.

So what’s left to fight about?

What is left to even write about?

Discernment still rises ever so slowly…

It erupts in spurts and surges forth – and ever so ominously… Especially during these nasty times of American Civil War IV.

Warnings attached.

A few days ago, in my little small town, out in the rural western parts of America, I heard some guy screaming and screeching outside my window.

You see, below me on the adobe terraces, are these little stores, which after the first lock downs in the springtime, just stopped making any money. Well, a few of them didn’t make much money anyway, just some junk-thrift shops with dirty merchandise from old people’s dusty, mud strewn cellars. The rest of the tiny stores never recovered – and especially the tarot card-palm reader. All of them still had to pay their rents though.

This local guy was apparently yelling at the tarot card-palm reader of a woman because she wanted him to wear a mask. And the man just exploded on her. It sounded ugly from above. I used to act that way before I became a practicing Buddhist. Nowadays, well I just let the social crap roll right off me. No use in suffering over life’s minor trifles.

I later talked to the man. He was a local, but I never conversed with him much because he was a super quiet dude. He never seemed to lose his cool, always low key, super mellow and was a big music fan. He worked with the local church in town, (but that church was long closed up due to the Plandemic Hoax). The pastor will never return to this dead end town anymore. Once and a while I would see the same dude, always with his genetically attached baseball cap, playing around with his electronic music gear set up, at the local library.

While listening to his rant, (as he was beginning to calm down), the man was truly upset about all the local, state and federal sociopaths destroying our town, our state – and our country. This man was angry and he wanted vengeance. He was tired of all of the forced mask wearing garbage, the lack of any stable work, no money around, cancelled local music events, cafes closed down for good, and the lack of any real social interactions, such as closed churches, etc.

The man was absolutely right. I was upset too, and even angry about all this political evil abounding in our land. But I told him, we still got to show the love – and forsake the anger.

Easier spoken than done however.

The lesson of this story is simple. We still have to restrain our anger and vexation about what is currently taking place around us. And the reason is that there still awaits a whole lot worse coming our way…

Just today, took my usual, slow barefoot walk towards the local cafe in my small town. No one was really walking about, which seemed a little strange on this sunny, summer Sunday afternoon.

I noticed that the front door of the local supermarket, (attached to the closed up cafe), had a new lock down order from the Commie governor: FACE MASKS NOW LEGALLY REQUIRED TO ENTER.

Well, I just walked right in without a mask, and was the only dude to do it. Ordered a cafe in my little cup and was going to sit outside with it. The barista told me that she couldn’t fill my personal cup anymore due to the new rules, so I got the coffee in a ‘to go cup’; poured the drink into my personal cup, and walked outside to the cafe terrace seating area.

Again, no one around, except for this new group of people in town who must have settled in recently. There was this fat, loud mouth type of a guy with thick glasses, who just kept yapping and hogging up the conversation. I think his wife was there, and he was talking to an audience of two people! I was hoping to read some Dhammapada – but this guy was loud and had a rough Northeastern accent.

Suddenly, this bizarre couple approached, an elderly couple in full cowboy dress with full face masks on their faces – and they were all outside. Apparently, the elderly cowboy outfit dude in the full mask mode, had to interject into the fat northeastern guy’s conversation.

The fat Northeastern guy was saying how much he admired the Antifa Commie Street Gang in Portland, Oregon – who were apparently taking on Trump (?) The old man with the cowboy costume and full mask set, concurred, and began harping loudly about the Fascist Dictatorship of Trump. Noticed a Commie Sanders bumper sticker on the old man’s truck (the same guy in the full Cowboy costume with full-time face mask)…

We always had some Leftists in town, but how did the Communists get in here?

Remember, during the first weekend of legal crime and rioting in America’s large urban megalopolis centers; was driving from the spiritual site in town, and saw that right across from the dirt road parking area, on the metal railings, before one arrives into town, a big ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign flew into the air. Across from the sign, sat a white guy in a nice car hawking that same sign to make sure no ‘racist’ would tear it down.

Remember similar antics, way back in grad school, when the ‘Right-wing assholes’ would put little American flags on the green lawns of the campus every 9/11 Super Duper Event Eve. One of the unfortunate reactionaries had the job of watching all night long inside his car, making sure that no ‘Leftist scum’ tore the flags away…

Almost every single thing is closed down today, and even the recently reopened restaurant across the street from me. Every local store has a mandatory mask sign taped right in the upper middle of the glass doors – threatening all and every customers.

A lot of visitors now drive into my town inside their RVs and campers, not just doing the summer vacation gig, but living full-time in their vehicles, and looking for off-road campsites to spend a few weeks!

Even friends and family members are having loud and contentious conversations during the nighttime about work and money. Tension is in the air, and more and more people are having their backs pinned to the walls.

There’s a Darkness on the Edge of Town.

As stated before in my Megatrend 2020 American Empire Series, we now have a ruling hegemonic bloc coalition of sociopaths, criminals and inmates running the USA Asylum.

If we too had their enormous political, economic, social and cultural power, we would probably run things the same way.

Who are the targets of their two-timing, double-dealing, False Flag, (Corona Waves Hype and BLM Legal Crime Spree), shenanigans?

Us: suburban and rural white guys with no or little money, the new American lumpen proletariat. First they came for the Indians, then the Blacks, and so now it is our turn for political-economic-social-cultural destruction.

Why did they target us, and why now?

Don’t know really. But we are all truly in their rifle front sights.

So here is what we know for sure.

  1. Our elites have successfully pulled off The Official Corona Second Wave Tactic. Every national, regional and local rag newspaper is false reporting and hyping up all of the faux-testing. More Americans are getting tested apparently, and all of the new and improved tests come up 100% positive – and all of the time! This new scenario especially took root in all those right-wing, Pro-Trump loser states that reopened their businesses. State governments once again have Corona Mandatory Mask wearing mandates for every single business. What happened to the Death Counts anyway?
  2. Just like after 9/11, our rulers will never give up their new found political powers. There will be endless Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Wave Corona Attacks to justify more of these outrageous decrees with the destruction of life.
  3. US Citizenship means absolutely nothing. Why are non-American citizens, some illegal and others legal, still given special economic privileges that most regular Americans cannot access, such as free health care, free attorney services, EBT Debit cards for free money, free College, or first dibs on the better paying jobs?
  4. The so-called ‘Constitutional Law’ means absolutely nothing. Why have all the big city urban governments and some state governments, (all controlled through the Democratic Party), allowed legal rioting, property destruction, grand theft robbery, looting, assault and murder for BLM-Antifa street gangs, and yet if some regular American defends him or herself from legal rioters, then they get the full boot of the law? Right now, the Democratic Communist mayor of Portland, Oregon, has supported his street gang Antifa to control the main thoroughfares at night; next, tells his police force to step down (?), and later, the arrestees get full release from some federal judge – who must also support this Antifa-Democratic Party alliance. The craziness is that those other crazies are attacking the federal building where the exact same judge works (?) There is something way off here. Our rulers now enforce the Law to fit their whims.
  5. Have we not noticed that those same monopoly multi-national, billion dollar corporations, which have profited off all of the small business closings during pandemic, are also giving millions of dollars to the BLM Inc. Organization? Why is Jeff Bezos the multi-billionaire owner of Amazon Inc. giving millions of dollars to BLM Inc., when at the same time, urban thieves storm his delivery vehicles and legally commit first-degree robbery? Something is wrong here.
  6. Why during the Corona First Wave, did Democratic controlled governments shove the closing of all small businesses, and not the big box, mega stores and multinational fast food franchises? Why did they mix Corona infected patients with non-Corona patients in the hospitals? Why did they list thousands of sudden, elderly nursing home deaths as all Corona related? Why did they push ventilators on both non-Corona and Corona patients; thus murdering them and listing their deaths as Corona? Why during this Corona Second Wave are they instead, pushing mandatory public mask wearing for all Americans – except for the homeless, political enforcers, and illegal alien workers?

The ground level, actual reality is even uglier.

  1. We are Defeated Nation. No so-called future Revolution will arrive on the horizon. What’s left in our society is a diabolic hatred between different sets of people. On one side we have a successful Cultural Marxism Hegemonic Bloc; on the other side, rigid right-wing assholes with more cultural hangups than Medieval inquisitors. The other common vices of most Americans have included: extreme ignorance, gross immaturity, strange behaviors, shameless gluttony, cowardice-fear over death and dying, pettiness over trivial concerns, and a general slob laziness. BLM does look a lot cooler than us guys. We must therefore deal with such a reality and accept our defeat. We should cope with the loss of the Nation, and really, it never was ours in the first place. The American Democracy Experiment is done and over.
  2. Trump was nothing but a Carnival Barker Clown and the Republican Party represents absolutely nothing, (except the hoarding of their own reelection funds). This party will soon become, the once and never again, Whig Party of the 1850s. Was Trump actually in collusion with the Democratic Party hegemonic Marxist coalition? Trump has done a lot more for the Leftists than he has ever done for his own, ‘Trump Chump,’ supporters. The Left has never been more mobilized and activated since his election. Trumps looks really bad on video. He will tweet one thing, and then does the exact opposite later!

As the Communist Cult Killer, Lenin, once wrote, What is to be done?

As an avid reader of military history, tactics and strategy: defeats are only first steps to outright future victory.

What am I actually writing here?

Basically, for every military-political defeat, there emerges newer openings for military-political triumphs. As a PhD doctor bum historian, this is absolutely true. Or as we say in America, when crises arrive, opportunities emerge.

We have some even better solutions.

  1. 1. Non-participation, non-compliance. What if our post-Trump rulers soon announce another War for Empire against, let’s say: Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia or China, or pick and choose your new and improved enemy of the moment – and very few showed up, nor signed up, to transform themselves into assassin-mass murderers for the US Empire? We can dream, can’t we? As the old Negro spiritual goes: Ain’t gonna study war no more… down by the riverside… While our fellow millions of Americans are dying on the streets, poor, miserable, hungry, weary – and still we pay taxes for such meaningless rights of citizenship, and where the law implies the personal whims of our now Communist styled, Cult Marxist rulers…
  2. Strategies for survival and counter-strategies. Do they require mandatory mask wearing at all food sources, so they can eventually control the food distribution? Then, we move to the rural country, and find our local farmers. We get the food straight from the source. We also accept our new austerity and rationing of food. So, if we don’t have much bread and cheese left, then we move our diet to a more vegetarian rice and beans specialty. Do they require mandatory vaccinations for work and school? We take our kids out of the public schools and home school them. If our work requires a forced vaccination, then we talk to an attorney, threaten legal action, or if having our backs to the wall – quit. If millions of Americans do this, the American Empire system will implode fully. If they decide to ban all cash money transactions, then we boycott any and all local businesses, which refuse to accept cash money.
  3. Cover-concealment-camouflage. The best method for combat survival is hiding and attacking suddenly; next up, running, stalling, and thus attacking again the Enemy.  If they close all the churches and other religious meetings, then we have our spiritual brotherhoods meet at each other’s homes. If they ban all personal ownership of firearms, then we shoot our weapons out in the deserts, mountains and forests, and then train with our weapons in closed doors with snap caps. We will still stand strong: duty and honor, faith and family. As long as we prepare the lines that we shall never cross, we will defeat the Evil Empire eventually.

Yes, there’s a Darkness on the Edge of Town.

But always and always remember. All created, component, conditioned things are impermanent and have no connection to who we are as human beings. All historical empires thus rise and fall.

For example, a few of those Democratic Party Antifa, Commie Street Gang fighters were also accomplices to the US Empire sponsored mass genocide in Syria. Those fakers sided with the Rojava Kurds in exterminating the Yazidi people, who were simply of a different religious faith as the Kurdish fighters. And always remember this, the accomplices in the great Turkish Holocaust of the Christian Armenians and Assyrians, (around hundred years ago) were also those same Kurd mercenary fighters.

When paramilitary movements take sides with the cruel empires; instead of fighting honorably, standing alone for their people – they always lose.

Worldly Empires have no friends. Only usurpers and victims.

The Light of the Dharma shines forth.

Civil War Portend

Civil War IV?

A little history is in order.

Yes, America has experienced three previous Civil Wars.

Civil War I, or the infamous English Civil War, 1642-46, which was also active in the American Colonial Plantations, as they were called in those days. Massachusetts-Connecticut supported the Puritan based Parliament forces, while Virginia-Maryland supported the Cavalier based Stuart Monarchy forces.

Civil War II, or is commonly referred in the States as, The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783. This war was actually a colonial conflict comprising the American Revolutionary Army under the command, of ex-British General, George Washington, in collusion with the French Royal Army, versus the British Imperial Army and its American Loyalist militias.

Civil War III, or is commonly named by certain unreconstructed white southerners as, The War of Northern Yankee Aggression, 1861-65. This war featured two geographic sides of the then current United States. The Southern State Confederacy and its irregular guerrillas forces in the Border Slave States versus the Northern State Union Army with its Union Sympathizer Forces inside the Confederacy.

What is this Civil War IV then?

Civil War IV features a ruling junta or hegemonic power bloc, which now commands the political-cultural apparatus of the United States of America. This elite cabal contains some very powerful political factions.

Such powerful factions now include:

1. The full Democratic Party, with all of its bureaucratic hacks and political powerful minions, and throughout all levels of government: Federal, State, Country, Municipal and Local. This political coterie also comprises police chiefs, district attorney prosecutors, and judges inside the Democratic-run American Megalopolis Cities.

2. The US Military Pentagon brass, (generals and admirals), allied with their related US government policy leaders in D.C.; all in collusion with the US Intelligence-Spy Agencies.

3. Almost the entire social class of multi-billionaire American Capitalists and Financiers, NGO directors, inclusive of Black Lives Matter Inc., the Media-TV-News-Entertainment Conglomerate bosses, Tech Monopoly Leaders, Corporate Boards of Governors and Directorships, and the entire Administrative Bureaucracies of both the Educational and Medical Establishments.

4. The White Commie Street Gang, Antifa, now functions as the urban street militia for this ruling elite’s amalgamation.

As stated previously, this is a very, very powerful ruling hegemonic bloc. Most Americans currently subscribe to their cultural opinions and decrees. There are even some politically Conservative types who follow this sect’s commands, and yet constitute one of the Junta’s future political victims.

In 2020, this ruling elite has declared open war upon the rest of America’s general population, while specifically targeting suburban and rural white males with no capital, (i.e. no money).

Some Civil War IV Possibilities.

1. US Military Throw of the Dice: Yes, the Pentagon military bosses are on the side of that Ruling Elite, Finance Capitalist-Cultural Communist Coalition – but there are many generals and admirals who command thousands of US Military bases across the entire world, not just inside the United States. Most of them are careerists, like their Pentagon overlords, yet others are still ideologically allied with the Old American Values of Liberal Capitalist Democracy versus International Communism, Leftism and Subversion. Some of those generals and admirals, in all of the branches, (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines), have studied Counterinsurgency and Low-Intensity Conflict extensively at both the US Army War College and the US Navy War College. Read the late general Flynn’s essay on what is taking place in the United States, and it is obvious why the current elite went after him in order to destroy his life. He is not the only US general and admiral who shares such opinions. Obama purged a good amount of the higher military officers during his rule, but a ruler who never served a day in the US Military, cannot purge all of one’s internal enemies. Will most of these higher officers, who command entire armies and naval-air force squadrons, join this vile Leftist Ruling Junta of the Woke and Willing?

2. Black Lives Matter Inc. and Black Militias: No doubt, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are extremely jealous. Black Lives Matter Inc. now has the economic support of the largest multinational, conglomerate corporations in the entire world! Black Lives Matter thus dictates the future actions for the coming one party rule of the Democratic Party Machine. Millions, (yes millions), of American, young white attractive females, now join in their public declamations and freely create public support for them on Instagram.

This movement now has an arsenal of Cultural, Political and Economic power that no other NGO organization can come close to inside the current United States. But there are a few variables left out. What about the majority of all those young Black males, dying slowly in the urban ghettos of America? They want their cake too! Black Lives Matter also has a fetish for the Cause of Palestine. Will the Non-Jewish Ashkenazi Jew Elites who run America’s Media allow such Anti-Israeli rhetoric to spill out into the wide public? Black Lives Matter at present has the willing ear of close to hundreds of millions of Americans. That is truly a large following. Not even Tucker Carlson has such a number of loyal adherents.

  1. Black Militias will possibly arise, and especially inside the Black Belt of the United States, (the South), the center emanating from the Black Cultural Center of Atlanta.
  2. Black Lives Matter might demand Northern European style, social safety net payments for all young Blacks 18 and above, without much work prospects, (Dole Unemployment, Free Medical-Dental Care, Free Education, and Housing Benefits for rent, as is the case in Britain). But, what about the mass of African-American ex-felons and ex-prisoners? If BLM does not waver, they will definitely have to make sure that all African-American ex-prisoners and ex-felons receive such benefits too.
  3. Young whites 18 and above will probably receive nothing, nor any social benefits whatsoever, due to their privilege. Eventually, Mestizo illegal aliens and African American young people will thus become the only racial groups to receive full social safety net benefits. Any Americans who refuse to pay taxes for such selective recipients will no doubt, receive the benefits of the American Gulag. This policy would also allow a full opening for millions of more illegal mestizos to pour in from Mexico and Central America, and thus tip America to one-party Democrat rule.
  4. Black Lives Matter will have to eventually shut down the pro-Palestine rhetoric – if they want to fully achieve their political results. Not only do the Non-Jewish Ashkenazi Jew Elites control the entire Media and US Public Finance – but this ethnic-social group also commands the public political discourse. Any political deviations will end up marginalized to the fringes, i.e. The Nation of Islam.
  5. Anglo-American women, and especially white Anglo-American women, have ceded their recent cultural and political powers to their racial-gender-class oppression competitors. Any woman can still call out some creep white guy and destroy his life. But, if some white girl or woman calls the cops on any Black guy – she will instead – destroy her own life. All that Fifth-wave and Sixth-wave MeToo/TimesUp Feminism flushed down the History memory hole.

3. Mexico and the vast majority of Mestizo illegal workers: Noticed that there were a few Mestizo-Americans attending the demos with all those Anglo-American white women and Black Lives Matter Activists. Those people were the exception to the rule.

Know for a fact that most Mestizo-Americans do not just dislike, but utterly despise, African Americans. Why is this? Because they consider them flojos, or lazy people who try to game the Welfare system. Most of them will have nothing to do with any BLM political action, but they too want their cake – the political power and influence cake!

Mexico is still too busy surviving its very own, low-intensity conflict civil war, la guerra contra los narcos, (actually lived in central Mexico for a year). Mexico, as a nation, does not seem ready to take on los gringos.

Expect a new Latino-Chicano governance coalition, which will manage the political systems in the southern parts of the US southern border states: the San Jose region, (excluding San Mateo Country), on down to San Diego in CA, the Tucson regional area in AZ, the entire state of New Mexico, and south-southwest Texas, (excluding Austin).

Democrats will push another massive Amnesty for all illegal workers inside the US, (inclusive of Asians and Africans), and will even institute a new and improved, fast track to US Citizenship – regardless of English speaking abilities.

4. Phoenix Program-Central America-Death Squad Option: Any and all political deviations, smacking of some white supremacist political mobilizations, among lumpenized white men with very little money in the suburban and rural parts of the States, will probably receive the full fury of an up-to-date, Phoenix Program-Central American-Death Squad Option. All this implies complete and total physical-cultural extermination from the local, state and US federal governments. The total military-police-intelligence-spy-legal-prison apparatus will most likely smother any or all outbursts. Even the organizing of some rifle club, or some strange Evangelical Christian sect, among suburban and rural whites, might receive the Judgment of the Woke State! As we say in America, a word to the wise: Keep silent, mind your own business; no political voting, no public protests, no signing petitions, nor even any loud complaining; stay with your family and camouflage.

5. Other Outcomes Maybe?:

  1. Just as in the aftermath of the 9/11 Super Duper Mythologized Event, the new post-Corona Plandemic Hoax will mandate a permanent Medical Lockdown. Mask wearing will become necessary in order to enter corporate supermarkets and most big box businesses. The US federal, state and local governments will try to take over the main routes of the food distribution supply chain. Regular vaccinations will become mandatory for whatever future work or student position.
  2. The Democrats might probably create a Eurotrash version of the National Police Force, as a phony reform to policing. This National Police Force will not only enforce Democratic law statutes, but they will also vote Democrat, unlike other local and state police forces across the States.

All these possible future scenarios seem to represent full-on gloom and doom. It is all quite bad actually. But always remember, all world empires rise and fall. This is an eternal law of history. Second, we can still maintain our dignity, awareness and honor, in spite of all the political tyranny and economic hardships.

Let us then, embrace austerities; move out of the cities and reside in what’s left of the rural parts; stay strong and vigilant; continue to train in the weapons at our disposal; act the gentleman; maintain truthfulness and sincerity; remain loyal to our personal virtues and to our immediate families; keep practicing our Faiths.




American Empire Auto-destruct

#1 Megatrend: Total and Complete Lumpenization of suburban and rural white males with no capital, (i.e. no money)

#2 Megatrend: The New American Will to Power = Inmate Posse runs Insane Asylum

#3 Megatrend: Letting Go of the Walking Dead and Embracing the Spiritual Life

#4 Megatrend: Concocted Crises Catastrophes = American Empire New Normal & as a consequence, invade Cursed Perdition, the putrid Sepulchers of World Empires

The Current Poltical-Economic Neoliberal Junta, or the Savage Capitalist Cultured Communist Elite Coalition, or the Bizarre Cult of the Sophisticated, Ivy League Educated Willing and Able, or whatever name one likes to call them; all of which currently rules America is not just an insane inmate political posse.

These guys also exist as dedicated sociopaths, top managers in manipulation strategies, and masters in the dark political arts of false flag terrorism. And those people are quite serious with their craft. They have not even gone half-way in managing their media-concocted emergency crises catastrophes. 

Always remember, if we too had possessed their enormous power, we would then no doubt, use similar political tactics and methods for social control.

In all honesty, am quite impressed with their False Flag Mania right now. Since the beginning of 2020, an American Selection Tour, this political coalition holding absolute political hegemony, (or complete cultural influence over the nation), has pushed not just one, but two False Flag-Super Duper Mythology Events on the American populace.

First, it was the Corona Hoax Lockdown, and then right after, the Floyd Race Riots across the country. These two False Flags are simultaneously running and are thus functioning perfectly. The Mainstream Corporate Media Monopolies and the Social Media Tech Monopolies are hyping up all of the voluntary imprisonment, Corona death counts, looting violence and riot mayhem; while the only exception to this Media pandemic mayhem remains Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox.

Ever since some states and counties, with Republican bosses, have opened up their businesses, the local corporate rag papers have been raging over increased Corona Death Counts, all vomited up on the front pages. Had thought that after the Floyd Race Riots and the False Flag Super Duper Event that accompanied it, Americans saw into the Corona Hoax and let it fly – but no… People are still scared of the Plandemic, and many local businesses are still requiring mask wearing to enter their crap establishments. When is the apparent Corona Second Wave itching to hit?

Looked up some regional news online some days ago, and found a surprising article from some regional news rag. Apparently, this small western city, surrounded by rural farms and ranches, and still mandated on Lockdown, (thanks to its local sociopaths), for the rest of the summer – actually had a Black Lives Matter Protest. This protest of a few people made front page news, and noticed that the attendees were all white (?). Are some white Americans seeking to take over another Black cultural invention, as they did with Jazz, Gospel, Blues, Rock, Hip Hop and Reggae? There is a whole lot of money coming into the coffers of that Social Justice NGO, Black Lives Matter, Inc.

Let us understand what we Americans, who still value honor and duty, are now under: two simultaneous False Flag Super Duper Events that are rotting away the country completely – and all in order to save, The Empire?

Wait a minute here. One of the False Flags, Coronagate, is not so much a Medical Lockdown, but an auto-destruct national prison towards the leftovers of the American political-economy; the other False Flag, Violent Rioting as Social Justice, allows for the proliferation of American big city, urban legal crime in order to destroy the old authoritarian policing system, and reorganize it with a Eurotrash version of policing: the National Police Force.

This elite governing mishmash alliance: a corporate-educational-government-military consortium mixed up with a white Communist street gang, (Antifa), and now tied to a corporate social justice NGO, (BLM), has been correctly utilizing the old Communist dialectical political praxis, (University Commie speak for practice).

Conflict-Struggle-Liberation, or as Antonio Gramsci, (late Italian Communist martyr under Fascism), put it: War of Position-War of Maneuver-Revolutionary Hegemony.

Our Elites have already achieved their desired Revolutionary Hegemony in America.

The US Military and US Intelligence-Spy Agencies now support this political association. With the Corporate media and Big Tech also on their side of the political divide, they all truly deserve the laurels as victorious conquerors.

We American citizens are at present, now living under an American Corporate Communist Regime, comprising the extremes of Neoliberal Brutal Capitalism with no social safety nets, and a hard core, official Cultural Marxist oppression ideology, infused with the brutal and remorseless dialectics of race, class and gender oppression-resistance-social justice.

Meanwhile, the American Empire continues on its own particular trajectory, still committing legal crime and murder mayhem across the planet.

Dismal future prospects indeed.


As the above Communists have stated before, for every fascist action against the oppressed, there is another counter action of resistance in the waiting.

They are right.

There will come a reaction to all of this current political madness.

Most citizens, of any given country, will generally go along with whatever political gang enforces on the less powerful. The People will even tolerate the most outrageous of political abuses in coercion and harassment – as long they feel safe and their families are still safe.

Think about the TSA perv airport security theater after the 9/11 Super Duper Event. One could also cite the trends in overpolicing, Supermax jails, private prison expansion, and the legal theft of property through enhanced civil forfeiture, following the Drug War of the 1980s-90s. Americans have had to tolerate a lot of tyranny these past few decades.

What’s to stop our leaders from foisting two simultaneous False Flag Political Super Duper Events?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

But there is a deeper political issue at stake. We now know who our rulers are, and that the rest of us American citizens, and yes, us stupid, gun owning, bad dressing suburban rural hicks, exist as basically the losers of the losers. But this same ruling alliance now uses its False Flags, or Concocted Crises Catastrophes, as their political standards for their divide and rule conquests, for supreme mastery in total political-economic domination.

In other words, This new and improved, political-economic elite first utilizes such vile strategies for control, and will thus only use such political tactics in the future.

They are so good at this sinister covert action stuff that they refuse to entertain other political strategies. Crisis, more crises, and a whole batch of crises on their way to Mass Media Glory! Repeatedly poison the Nation’s insides in order to Rule Forever. Yeah, they are political power junkie-addicts.

But nothing lasts forever. Every single created thing in our Modern World is impermanent – including Corporate Media created events.

This political-economic situation can only last but a short while.

As the musician-artist-prophet, Bob Marley, sang:

You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time…

Now we see the Light: there is no light at the end of This Dark and Decomposing Tunnel.