Archive for the ‘Super Enemy’ Category

Anarcho-Historian #14: State Mythologies and their Mystical Powers

Posted: October 12, 2015 in 1984, 9/11 Super Mythology Event, 9/11 Truth Movement, American Empire, American Gulag, American gun culture, Amerikan academia, Amerikan elite sociopaths, Attack on Ft. Sumter, bad soldiers, betrayal, bombings, building collapse, captive populations, celebration of Terror, CIA, Communists, corporate lies, corporate media, corporate TV news, cowardice, Crack-Drug Epidemic, defeats, delegitimized states, destruction, domestic victims, election scams, emotional manipulation, emotional manipulations, emotional significance, emotional trauma, enemies, Enemies of the People, Enemies of the State, enemy organizations, established authorities, eternal war, Event contexts, Evil Monsters, evil state junta, fall and destruction of Empire, fanaticism, fanatics, FBI political police, foreign victims, genocidal empire, genocidal history, George Orwell, Gestapo, Goldstein, good soldiers, gun confiscations, hatred against Arabs, hatred against Asians, hatred against Islam, hegemony, history, homegrown Militia terrorism, Homeland Security, human emotions, human passions, humanity, imperial rule, incarceration of Muslims, innocent victims, inside job, intelligence agents, Internet bloggers, invasions, Ivy League elite education, Lefitst cowards, legal crimes, legal murder, life changing events, lives of suffering, loss of human life, lots of smoke, manipulated patriotism, mass brainwashing, mass imprisonment, mass indoctrination, mass murder, massacres, massive overkill, meaningless slogans, media manipulations, modern history, mythology, old tricks of state mythology, passive viewers, Patriot Act, peace, Pearl Harbor, political leaders-fakers, political-economic elites, recurring images, repetition of tragedy, Sandy Hook Super Mythology Event, secret police forces, social delirium, sociopaths, staged political events, state cowards, state criminality, state hate, state hoodlums, state illegitimacy, state legitimacy, state lies, state magic shows, state mythology, state mythology hypnosis, state plots, state power, state propaganda, state terrorism, state thugs, state vengeance, state violence, Super Enemy, super events, terror attacks, terrorists, the after-event, the Battleship Maine, the country, the Great Sociopath, the Internet, the Main Event, the nation, the people, the sinking of the Lusitania, tragic events, TSA harassment, TV screens, US government, US imperial mythology, US Invasion and War against Afghanistan, US Invasion and War against Iraq, US military, US presidential selections, victims deserving violence, Vietnam and the Sixties, violent attacks, war, War of Terror, world history, Zio-Nazi Crusader State
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Pearl_Harbor_Hollywood propagandahiroshima civilian victims after US nuclear weaponsTSA legal pervertssandy-hook-event



war freedom text peace 1984 typography books george orwell 1280x1024 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_74osama bin laden hate9_11-Attacks9_11 firemen flag mythology1984EmmanuelGoldsteinHate

The Judeo-Christian Monotheist Cult has transcended into World History’s master in the fine art of Monster Fantasy. We have Lucifer, the Enemy, Satan, the Devil, the Destroyer, the Dragon, the Evil One, the Great Prostitute of the Apocalypse, the Deceiver, the Antichrist, the Beast; with the multiple Vampires, Ghosts, Evil Spirits, the Unrighteous, Demons, Witches, Diviners, Warlocks, Magicians, Covens, Pagans, Idolaters, Heathens, Satanic Orgies, Sodomites, False Prophets, Blasphemers, Sexualized Bodies, Darkened Souls, Homosexuals, Corrupters, Abortionists, Inverts, Hell, Inferno, Occultists, Devil Worshippers, the Lake of Fire, Lake of Perdition, Heretics, Apostates, Infidels and Unrepentant Sinners. Did I miss an evil group?

But the Modern State has overtaken the Judeo-Christians. No other modern entity, nor any contemporary institution, has successfully utilized its supreme powers in mythologizing both the greatness and benevolence of the State, and at the same time, transforming the refashioned Enemies of the State into the Enemies of the People.

We now have the greatest example, in recent modern history, of the modern state’s sophisticated constructions of mythology. This particular Super Event happened very recently, and it took place in world history’s most genocidal and murderous world Empire.

It has the official name of the 9/11 Super Event inside of the Super Amerikan Empire. The whole corporate media manipulation of that One Event exposes the vile methods the State uses in constructing its own mythology and mystical powers.

Like many Americans I can never forget that day. I had lived in America after traveling and living overseas for a few years, and having finished my enlistment in the US military.

The 2000 election seemed to look like a total farce. The US Supreme Court had to sanctify the phony choice, and some angry Americans even attacked the presidential motorcade after the staged presidential inauguration. The US government definitely had a slight problem with the State’s most dangerous fear: illegitimacy. A lot of Americans seemed to despise the dumb ass leader born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

And then it happened one morning. The entire occurrence seemed like a staged Hollywood film: two planes flew into two large skyscrapers in NYC, and the two skyscrapers fell into the ground like a house of cards.

There was also news about a plane crashing into the ground, and another plane crashing into the US military headquarters in D.C., the Pentagon. But it was the Event of the two planes crashing into the two Towers, and then having the Towers explode into a house of cards fall, which made the unforgettable Experience.

What was it about that Event: two planes crashing into two large, ugly, rectangular box buildings, (originally built with investments from the Rockefeller Mob), in NYC, and then having them crash down vertically straight? Was it the smoke after the building collapse? Was it the loss of life of around 3,000 humans due to the Crash?

I had seen buildings crash down before in similar ways. I remember watching the destruction of the old, massive monolith casinos on the Strip in Vegas. The explosions were shocking, but I didn’t linger on the destruction of the old, Mafia-run casinos hitting the dust. I also remember watching the corporate TV news about disasters across the world, such as massive earthquakes, general ecological destruction, the US Invasion of Iraq, and other world traumas, all of which had more than 3,000 human victims. Human history has filled its occult volumes with terrible massacres and calamities – yet most of us simply continue with our boring, short lives of suffering.

The building collapses and loss of life did not create this new US imperial mythology. The corporate media propaganda events after the Main Event, commandeered the state mythology.

Immediately after the event, the illegitimate Leader wasn’t seen for most of the day, and then made a sudden, ‘strong appearance’ on TV. Other political leaders-fakers immediately hit the TV screens and gave their impassioned pleas for eternal war, mass murder and vengeance. The talk shows and crap corporate news contributed to the patriotic hoopla and Eternal Remembrance tropes. But the story didn’t end there…

Authorities had found one of the passports of the alleged hijackers on top of the tons of burnt building debris? The next day, like the Super Enemy in George Orwell’s book, 1984, ‘Goldstein,’ the corporate channels flashed a new Wanted Enemy, Osama Bin Laden, with his new, secret so-called organization, Al Qaeda. The corporate print news flashed their front pages with the wanted faces of the alleged masterminds of the attack – all of them Arab looking. Immediately, the Zio-Nazi propaganda flooded the American, corporate TV news with a video of a few Palestinians celebrating over something, and according to the corporate liars – it was a celebration over the recent terror attacks.

Suddenly, phony news intellectuals-intelligence agents, State liars, fanatics of all sorts, were spouting the American jihad over the air and tele waves, spitting out hate against Islam and Arabs, and yes, Asians were suspects too! Even TV commentators were sporting red, white and blue colors. And the mythological vomit continued…

The Amerikan Empire invaded the sovereign country of Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with the attacks – and with the apparent support of the whole world? Anthrax letters were floating across the country. No one could take a plane anywhere. The President authorized US military personnel to hang around airport security areas with loaded assault rifles. The rubber stamp US Congress immediately passed legislation, the Patriot Act and the Defense Authorization Act, which transformed the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, into lifeless amendments.

A new national, secret police force emerged: Homeland Security. Another new group of airport bozos began to harass travelers inside the airports: the TSA. And it was even difficult to travel on train and on bus. US Government billboard and audio propaganda constantly encouraged other Americans to snitch on each other in the War on Terror. It definitely was a War of Terror.

Even when a few intelligent Americans questioned the whole mythology narrative, other patriots denounced them to the FBI, America’s political security police, or the Amerikan Gestapo. The FBI hoodlums visited the ‘traitors’ for questioning, and then that same organization declared war against the United States’ Muslim population. Hundreds of Muslims still rot inside the Amerikan Gulag only due to entrapment and hearsay evidence.

The vast Amerikan population, already mentally softened through years of mandatory jail-schooling and corporate media massive brainwashing, became even more indoctrinated into the Amerikan nightmare. I even listened to a few Americans speak of the Leader’s new greatness?

Before the whole event, those same cowards were calling for his impeachment! I even heard about other young guys immediately signing away their lives to the US military in order to avenge the Attack.

I couldn’t believe it, but here I was living in a delirium of fanaticism, mass indoctrination, hate and fear – deep in the belly of the most murderous empire in human history. Most disconcertedly, I had to watch my mouth, stay even more quiet in public, and maintain watch against the Empire’s secret police forces. Typing certain words on a keyboard or taking out a certain book from the library, could spike an icy fear into my spine.

And then the Internet fought back. There were lots of marginalized intellectuals and websites claiming that the Event was actually an inside job commandeered through the US government. I didn’t buy that theory in the beginning, and it seemed strange that these guys all came public with their secret information, after the Main Event. But the over the top, both State and corporate mythology, seemed to give the Internet bloggers, representing the 9/11 Truth Movement, some credence.

I don’t have any proofs of an inside job, and being a doctor historian, I don’t like to guess when I don’t know the full story. Although, the elite junta of sociopaths that run the Amerikan Empire are certainly evil enough to plot such a monstrosity.

Until one of the elite conspirators comes clean in public, I can’t speak of any plots. But I do know one thing, the whole 9/11 Event was the ultimate Mythology Act in Modern History. Thankfully, all the exaggerated, massive overkill of State Mythology tropes, such as the 9/11 Super Event, has been one of the last cards in the Great Sociopath’s brainwashing-magic show.

When the Leader’s corporate, mythology hypnosis wore off after initiating two genocidal wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq, Amerika’s political-economic elites put up a so-called ‘Change Agent,’ through the selection of the Empire’s first President of Color. All of the genocidal history of mass murder, kidnapping, cruel slavery, imposed poverty, and mass imprisonment against African-Americans, was apparently over.

But this son of two CIA agents, who had slithered through the putrid halls of Ivy League, Amerikan University brainwashing, (the same as the previous sociopath before him), would also lose his legitimacy. Only the die-hard Leftist cowards of Amerikan academia still praise the faker. The Great Sociopath is running out of options – and which makes it even more dangerous.

Mythology is the final repository of elite lies in the place of history, and it represents the most dangerous art of all modern States and contemporary governments. All states and governments mythologize events, usually taking advantage of tragic events, thereby creating a double layer of emotional significance over the original occurrence. The double layer of emotional significance transforms the original meanings of a particular event into a super event, a total life changer for the passive viewer.

The media labels a certain, national event, as a type of national trauma. The national trauma is not really a trauma with ‘the people.’ It is actually a trauma with the government. The government has realized that a certain segment of the population is losing respect and legitimacy for the established authorities. So how does the State return legitimacy to the sinister regime? The citizens, subjects, or people within the country or nation, have to start viewing the previous, delegitimized State as a victim – through the media manipulations of the mythologized, super event.

State mythologies work this way: the sacred Nation has lost a war with human casualties, but the millions of foreign victims from the previous invasions, bombings and endless wars do not count. Only the national soldiers, selected martyrs, who gave their lives and mental stability for the lost cause deserve sympathy. A group of evildoers attacked the Nation at peace. Thousands or hundreds of ‘our people’ lost their lives. The Nation, meaning the State, must avenge the innocents. This is the reason state mythology is so heinous, it cloaks the goals of the State and the government under the cover of the Nation and the People.

There exists an actual event of trauma, or betrayal, and then come the contexts surrounding the event, inclusive of recurring images, public speeches, staged after-events, corporate media commentaries, repetition of tragedy and fighting words calling for vengeance, such as further wars, attacks, invasions and bombings. The last act of all is the cultural scene of cinema movies, TV shows, and next, the media arrests, imprisonment of the targeted ones – and the rightful murder of the evil ones.

The most important method of State Mythology is the after-event, the cultural contexts surrounding the first event. The first event means little. The mythologized after-events pull on the emotions, which leave the intellect blinded through propaganda, lies and meaningless slogans. These cheap emotions often cling to our most base human passions.

In the case of the United States Government, state mythology has always led to violence and war: the horrible attack on Fort Sumter, the cowardly attack of the Battleship Maine, the brutal attack of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Treason of giving the Bomb secrets to the Communists, the Kennedy Assassination, the National Trauma of Vietnam and the Sixties, the Death of Len Bias the basketball star due to the Crack-Drug epidemic, the White Militia-Dangerous Christian Cult threat of homegrown terrorism, 9/11 and the selection of the Change-No Change Agent, (who happened to represent a person of color).

Before WWII, state mythological events happened every 30 years or so, with the advent of another war – for peace… But after WWII, the US government has been steadily increasing its state mythology events and after-events. They are still not finished with their nefarious arts in media manipulation. 9/11 was their last successful media-war event.

After the re-election of the Change-No Change Master, he tried to destroy America’s gun culture with the Sandy Hook mythology event. But it didn’t work. America’s gun culture fought back and is as strong as ever – and it will remain strong – unless the US government begins outright gun confiscations.

The Amerikan elite sociopaths in power never concede defeats however. When they fail, they formulate another evil plot inside the chambers of their multiple intelligence-spy agencies. These same mass murderers will mythologize one more ‘super national trauma’ in order to successfully try the gun confiscations. But once they throw down this last hand, the legitimacy of the Amerikan system will end for millions of citizens.

The old tricks of state mythology are losing their luster. Once state mythology falls flat, state legitimacy then loses its previous brilliance.

And finaly, we must wait for the terrible fall and destruction of that Evil Empire – crumbling from within – like a house of cards.