Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

Capitalism: Family Solidarity Killer, Destroyer of Communities

Posted: April 3, 2016 in abandonment, advertising publicity media lies, ageism, anarchist communities, aristo-parasite social class, bad deaths, bad history narratives, billing the customer, capitalism, central banking elites, cheap business owners, construction work, convict colonies, convicts, corporate media refuse, costs, crap wages, criminality, crooked legislation, crooked owners, crooked systems, death with dignity, desperation, destruction of auto-sufficiency, dignity and honor, domestic service jobs, dues, earning potential, economic units of consumption, European invasions, ex-cons, false justice, false work opportunities, free government money, Friedrich Engels, gang units, go to sea, good slaves, government bureaucracies, history, ideological sects, indentured laborers, indigents, inheritance money capital, inside jobs, insider government contracts, job hiring jungle, job offer frauds, job seekers, making a living, malnutrition, mass hangings of poor thieves, Mission Christianity, oligarchy, pathology of the poor, political economy, political party bosses, political regimes, press gangs, rates, real and actual history, real work skills, reserver army of labor, resignation, Settler Colonialism, ship galleys, slums, social degeneracy of the poor, substandard wages, subversive work, terrible economic news, The Conditon of the Working Class in England, trade union bosses, urban squalor, urban vices, violent forces of order, wage scales, wars of extermination, well-paying govt. parasite jobs, work to live in order to die, workhouses
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 Capitalism works for allFilipino-homeless-kidsSaigoncasino-capitalismEnjoy CapitalismCocoa-Child-Laborerchina-wage slave

We are all living under an excrescence of legal murder and sustained institutional violence. What did we do to deserve such a horrid fate of hate and destruction? Why did the political-economic elites choose us for extermination?

Only Real and Actual History can answer such doubts. The false and bad history narratives beam and scream their constant bile on the TV and Hollywood cinema screens. At least we still have the Internet where we can read about the truth and then write something about it.

With all of the ongoing, terrible economic news, and an even more horrible political-economic forecast, there are still those soul breaking stories that emerge from the media refuse.

I will never forget one recent story about a builder who always had good-paying, stable work for most of his life – but then suddenly, he was out of work. He drove and roamed around the city in his pickup truck looking for some stable employment, or some decent paying job for his skills set. And unlike myself, a useless PhD bum in the humanities, he did have real skill sets in construction, and he also possessed a long work history of builder experience.

He eventually found some temporary jobs as a regular construction laborer, but his work itinerary was so fleeting that he had a hard time surviving in his bank owned house and dealer owned truck. It was hard to keep one’s head above water through all of the endless billings and the scams of modern living.

With a substantially lowered wage and a spotty work schedule, he just could not survive paying all those mortgage and truck financing dues, utility rates, rising food costs, pay stub withholding taxes, annual city, state and federal taxes, state sales taxes, vehicle maintenance costs, and finally, the forced, gouging insurance rates from Obamacare and the state Division of Motor Vehicles. There were other open and hidden costs that I probably forgot to mention. Almost all of his surplus money vacuumed into endless payments, indirect taxation, fees, added-on rates and hidden fines.

One day finally, the poor and broken man of previous social respectability took his last honorable decision. He would not join the lumpen class poor and accept government or personal handouts. He could never lower his dignity to beg, borrow and steal. Desperate indigents often have to debase themselves for some survival money after demeaning bouts of prison or homelessness.

He would just kill himself, and go for the stoical death with dignity. He entered his truck one last time, turned on some tunes, and kept the truck running – he was just inside the garage the whole time. He let the diesel and carbon monoxide finish his last personal work. He was in his mid-forties and he left a wife and a kid.

What could drive such a decent, hard working man to do such a thing?

The fault mainly lies with those cheap and dishonest ‘landscaping-construction’ business owners who regularly employ illegal aliens or young kids still in high school, so they can pay substandard wages and keep the payroll off the legal accounting books. Those bad owners also allow substandard construction work while bilking the customers for ‘extra hours and materials’ on the job. But there are other culprits that this essay must name.

That honest man refused to live as criminal or an ex-con where he could have received some free money from a local, ‘urban progressive’ government – and possibly a foreign vacation too – all for the ‘promise of not robbing and killing anymore.”

He was also born a male. If he was a poor woman, he could have pumped out three different kids from different fathers, and so become permanently hitched to the government payroll sugar daddy. In the Amerikan imperial nightmare, there are benefits for others and nothing for the unemployed male.

He was too old. Ageism triumphs in the job hire jungle of capitalism. This monstrosity of corruption prefers the young and immature because they are easier to abuse and intimidate – like any good slaves. Yet is it not an outrage that every job offer fraud always demands ‘experience’?

He obviously did not know anyone, or have any ‘good contacts,’ or even some inside ‘family members,’ possessing those cushion, do-nothing, well-paying government-parasite jobs within city-county-state-federal bureaucracies. The less work one does, the higher up on the wage scale.

Or was it just another downturn in the economy usually instigated through those evil central banking elites, and the poor man felt depressed about the scary future on the horizon. Most Americans hate the poor – including the poor themselves.

He was screwed, like millions of other hard working American families across the continent – and across every land on Earth. Like many Americans, he blamed himself for his failure to secure some stable employment with decent pay. What crooked system could transform a hardworking man of experience into another economic loser statistic?

The correct historical answer is our current capitalist system, global monopoly capitalism.

The history of capitalism has exposed a criminal political-economy of false justice and even more dubious political-legal systems. Yet like most structured political-economies, this twisted ball of corrupt vines and dishonest strings slowly strangles its victims into an even deadlier code of violence. Capitalism, unlike Feudalism, Paternalism, or any other historical economic set up, has been winning the war of extermination against family solidarity and sustainable communities.

Our current unlivable system of Global Monopoly Capitalism annihilates any attempts to form a stable family and maintain a thriving self-sustaining community. Many of the lower classes try, and a few succeed in preserving the family unit, but they are fighting a losing battle with history – and capitalism will destroy them too eventually.

Capitalism rots the insides of all the nations upon this Earth, and so there is no escape. Ultimately, the history of capitalism has exposed a relentless political-economic system, which has successfully exterminated all and every auto-sufficient small community on our Globe.

Aboriginals in Australia, Pacific Islander societies, Native communities in the Americas, auto-preserving farming communities in Asia, and cattle raising-agricultural communities in Africa – all of them have had their bittersweet lives ended through the invasions, oppression, and infiltration of global capitalism. Capitalism utilized all of the deadly arts of European imperial tactics: Imperialist Violence, Mission Christianity, and Settler Colonialism to fulfill and accomplish all of its heinous, subversive work. Capitalism annihilated those true anarchist communities, (those with no legal state craft), because they lived on auto-sufficiency. They had too much honor and dignity to sell themselves as wage slave commodities on the ‘labor markets.’

Capitalism’s rancid breath survives on ever greater market opportunities across-inside-above the entire Earth, and at the same time, it needs an ever greater reserve army of labor to herd into their ‘work to live in order to die’ traps. Capitalism and the State always work together for their inside jobs – and this scenario also includes the despicable Socialist regimes. This sinister tag team is still murdering and purifying the courageous holdouts to this very day. Think for example on the traditional cultures of Afghanistan, East Africa and Yemen.

Capitalism murders solidarity through removing the family from any land or any household productions that can sustain some auto-sufficiency. It then forces the family to move from its generational roots to the brutal urban wasteland of suburban slums, also filled with the countless uprooted and unknowns. This noxious system then enlists each family member individually for precarious employment. Instead of a family unit, each member transforms into a wage slave employee who must then daily travel, back and forth, to the foreign work site, spending most of his working and traveling day and night, with all the other peon wage slaves.

Within each family, some family member must make the ultimate sacrifice to travel far and wide, and then live a great amount of distance from the unit in order to earn more survival money. The family soon loses its old identity as a small community of solidarity, and now each member is rated according to his or her earning potential. When some family member dies and leaves an inheritance will, then the personal animosities truly burst out into the open.

Once the family loses its roots, the greater communities lose their power. Towns often become dead villages of old people, women with babies, and the indigent poor who must survive on both parish and county services. The rest of population has to constantly change addresses and find another urban squalor settlement for ‘work opportunities.’ As the urban dynamic grows out of proportion, with more and more desperate wage slaves looking for less and less available jobs, life turns mean, nasty, brutish and dispiriting. The urban vices of the poor proliferate, such as petty criminality, drug-alcohol addiction, abandonment, neglect and brutal violence.

As both institutional and street crime increases, each job seeker feels alienated from the other competitors. The peons fight each other for the crap wages and the discarded scraps of the rich, while the owners continually blame the poor and working classes for their own culture of ‘social degeneracy.’ Meanwhile, the state in the pay of the owner elites, sends the ‘forces of order,’ usually the police forces, to intimidate the economic throw away populations. This debasing cycle continues its death-dealing, downward spirals, like an overflowing sewer drain during a flood.

Friedrich Engels wrote about such conditions in his book, The Condition of the Working Class in England, (1845). His books is a testimony to the brutal alienation, resigned poverty, and social misery of everyday life for England’s working classes.

In densely populated slums all across northern England, neighbors could barely interact with each other because entire families, parts of families, fathers, sons and daughters, had to constantly move about, work at odd hours and times, and even travel to other parts of the British Empire – in order to eat and ‘make a living.’ Life was precarious in those times, and the factory owners fired workers for the flimsiest of excuses.

For over a century, thousands of young men without work had ‘to go to sea,’ in order to avoid forced slavery and an early death in the workhouses, or even ending one’s life press ganged by the captain’s thugs into the ‘naval service.’ The Royal Marines made sure that no press ganged victims escaped.

For most of the previous century, stealing bread for hunger could get one hanging like an old pig corpse at the wooden catafalque. The British Empire in its masterful hate forced the forsaken poor into ’emigration schemes’ towards the ‘convict colonies,’ where they often had to work to death as ‘indentured laborers.’ The old colonial plantation lists of infamy included, Virginia, Barbados, Carolina, Jamaica, Georgia and ultimately, Australia.

From the late Seventeenth-Century, or the 1600s on, the English working class had five doleful identity changing life choices ahead. The first choice was to just drink gin liquor, starve slowly to death due to malnutrition, and die on the side of a slum road. The second one was entering the workhouse, the prison gang, the ship galley crew, or if lucky, the lord’s domestic service – and eventually die over there, where one might never see his or her family again.

If the worker had a little saved capital, then a personal emigration scheme would possibly function in another part of Europe, or somewhere else on the globe for any decent paying job. Another passable option was military service, where the recruit became a peon soldier ready to murder his fellow working class agitators, rebellious African slaves, or any other colonized victim that could not fight back – while receiving physical punishments, rotten food and bad pay. The final option was to go pirating, plundering and highwayman work, or in our contemporary lingo, become a career criminal. And why not? The aristocratic parasite class lived an easy life of no work, no struggle, and there were always separate laws for their legal criminality.

After long centuries of grinding, non-stop Capitalist production with its miserable living conditions, this merciless political economy has continually pushed millions of honorable men and women to their bad deaths – just like our unfortunate American builder who had to gas himself in his bank owned garage, so he could maintain his honor.

In the late nineteenth-century, the 1800s, the trade union took the social-political initiative in fighting back against the onslaught of Capitalism’s institutional violence. From this worker led movement, and the brutal repression that followed, working class political parties emerged throughout Europe who defended their political interests. The social democracy system birthed on that continent.

But now, all of those same ‘leaders’ have sold out to the Enemy. Union and political party bosses make similar salaries, with decent social benefits, as the corporate elites – they are supposedly fighting against.

Capitalism has successfully ripped us from our roots and origins. At the present moment, our families take their identities from their ‘jobs.’ We must all beg and plead to other family members who have some extra capital in order to survive physically on this cruel Earth. The modern family is strictly an economic unit of consumption. Its sordid truth comes out in the will and testament divvying after Death.

How many of us truly know our neighbors – or even care to know our neighbors? Our contemporary ‘communities’ are often imagined ones wedded to work schemes, advertising-publicity media lies, ideological sects, hobby clubs, gang units, or just some other ‘mystical chords of union.’ With defeated minds, we excrete our dreams inside the colonized caverns of the already dead.

Capitalism, suffer for it – live to decompose inside of it

Posted: December 9, 2015 in American Dream, American Empire, Amerikan nightmare, Amerikan prison gulag, bad death, bad jobs, bars, begging, bill paying scams, buisnesses, bums, capital, capitalism, celebrities, chains of mental slavery, churches, class, class struggle, Class War, college education, corporate media, corporations, crime, criminal neglect, criminal traps, criminality, death, dignity, economic warfare, elite universities, elites, empire, executive good paying positions, fines and fee charging scams, flim-flams, fortune, frauds, gangsters, good paying blue-collar jobs, government, government handout system, government ploys, hard lives, hard work, Harvard, hells, history, Hollywood happy endings, homelessness, honor, Honore Balzac, hunger, inequality, infernos, inflation, injustice, Ivy League universities, jobs, Karl Marx, kickbacks, labor, legal bribery, losers, lumpen class, military, military recruits, misery, money, monopolies, odd crap jobs, opportunities, overwork, owner class, petty crime, political bosses, political concessions, political economy, political submission, poverty, prisoners, private property, production, profit, property, prosperity, rent collection, revolution, salaries, security, self-defense, sell-outs, service sector bad jobs, sickness, slavery, small business owner class, social class, street busking, street fighting men and women, street hustling, survival, sweet death of opiate addiction, taxes, temporary work, the Earth, the people, the poor, the public, the rich, the State, the wealthy, third world countries, trades, traveling, underemployed, unemployed, union bosses, university scams, vagabonds, wages, wages slaves, war, wealthy muggers, work, work struggle, working class
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capitalism modern cityabsolut-capitalismcapitalism breadCAPITALISM predatorsOpportunity for allEnjoy Capitalism

We all possess the marks of our future corpses.

We are all truly homeless, for our final home is in realm of extinction. We humans now survive inside the hells of our previous creations. One of our current hells possesses the name of Capitalism, and it respects no one – except those of the fortunate few who possess grand quantities of capital, or money. And ultimately, we all must fend and forage for our basic survival. All alone we decay, every human for him or herself, as we all will die – alone.

The author of this blog has traveled to many nations and regions across the globe, and in the end, he cannot do another voyage. Capitalism was everywhere triumphant, the terrible poverty was all around: the street children sleep on every continent. The poor people just gave up the ghost, and lied down the streets – waiting to die. It was too much to experience.

Among this actual terrorism of poverty and misery, there were always a few super wealthy people that lived in multiple story apartments, or in mini-castles of twenty-five rooms surrounded by severe walls with thug security. Legal trades and illegal trades, no outsider could tell where those elite crooks had made their loot money. But like the famous French writer of the nineteenth-century, Honore Balzac, quipped, ‘behind every great fortune, are even greater, hidden crimes.’

The other wealthy muggers across the world have represented the agents of the State, or the government. Those bum parasites comprised top politicians, high military officers, media moguls, and a few sell-out, good selling celebrities, added for public taste. All of them mixed together to bake the infernal pot of injustice, pride, inhospitality and sociopathic greed.

I write from the entrails of human history’s most notorious world empire. Some Americans continue to say that we don’t have terrible poverty rates, as those third world countries. There is even a smaller group, yet a substantial one, who certify that the Amerikan Empire is still the land of opportunity, and that us complainers: ‘need to get a job, grab the work ethic, or even, start are our own businesses.’ If our hard lives were only that easy…

Those brainwashed Empire supporters believe that every American comes with 25 grand in capital, to either begin a college education onto the path of prosperity, or embrace the hard work struggle in attaining the American Dream.

For most of us, we see the current Amerikan Nightmare – with no rainbow over the clouds. We won’t fall for the Wizard of Oz, Hollywood story happy ending. We know that the hideous mark of the wage slave is upon our foreheads.

Karl Marx successfully predicted that as Capitalism encroached within every corner and crack on the Earth, the entire political economic system would transform into more outrageous distortions, operate faster and faster, and create profit scams over every conceivable material object on the Earth, and even devour and cannibalize its own worker ants. At least Marx was right about a few things.

Capitalism under its contemporary, global monopoly stage, operates under the whims of the global rich elites with the government apparatus, State enablers. Those two teams are always united and banded together, and continually wage war against the rest of the world population.

The political hacks like to harp on ‘democracy,’ but there is no democracy in the workhouse of Capitalism. Capitalism is one of the most heinous dictatorships existing in our contemporary life.

The corporate directors-owners and their political buddies simply parasite off our lives. They hire us without work contracts or make us sign flim-flam ones. They also expect us to arrive to the work site on their time, so they can suck the life out of us during their scheduled work day.

The owner and his family clique can leave work whenever they want, nonetheless, we the workers have to stay on the job and finish our ‘shift.’ We do have unpaid lunches however. Is it not ironic that they want us, ‘laborers,’ to give them at least two weeks notice before leaving, yet they can fire at us at will anytime – and for any reason?

As Marx also stated, the most pressing actual war for all of us is the class war. The political-economic rulers have declared a most vicious war against us. Have we then, opted to fight for our own survival, and stand on our duty for own self-defense?

A few have. But most of the human population has resigned themselves to wage slavery. Most of those people will remain wage slaves for the rest of their lives, and they have lost their final shreds of dignity and honor – nor do they particularly care.

A few others have gone the route of vagabond-traveling, street busking, or even begging on the streets. At least those jobs are tax-free. We might not like their methods, but they are the intelligent ones. They know that there is no future for them in this unjust world. The owners can simply wait and collect the profits, while they laugh at the multitude of unemployed, underemployed and pathetic wage slave losers begging for work.

Recently, I took a crappy retail job because I needed the money – in order to pay rent, utility bills, health bills, auto bills, food bills and other miscellaneous fines and fees, inclusive of the taxation scam. Not surprisingly, I worked for a dishonest and disreputable lowlife, and here is the punch line: I received the same hourly wage that I earned 20 years ago, when I had worked at other crap service sector jobs. After so many years of 5% annual inflation, living costs have more than doubled – yet I was receiving the identical wage from another historical epoch!

The working class is dead, and never to rise. The owner class has successfully eliminated most of the good, blue-collar jobs, except for a few, well-paid professional services. The good job list has included donut cops and prison guards, university-college and hospital administrators, government bureaucrats, corporate attorneys and corporate accountants, doctors in private practice, skilled repairmen, the electrical maintenance fields, software-hardware engineering, master mechanics, plumbers, builders and welders, the specialized trades in transport-distribution-oil-mining-gas work, and of course, all those executive positions in the banking, financial, real estate and insurance scam services. Did I forget sports and entertainment celebrities?

The other lucky ones with good job opportunities are the ex-high class students, graduates of the Amerikan liberal, elite universities, such as Harvard, Yale and Princeton – and sometimes inclusive of the other Ivy-leaguers and the western false-ivies, such as Chicago, Northwestern, Rice, Berkeley and Stanford. Most of those ex-students, the favored alumni, are the common exceptions to the bad job, debt-wage slavery life.

Marx referred to the lowest social class under capitalism, as the lumpen proletariat, or the ‘lumpens.’ The rich, wealthy elites are transforming all of us into this class. This social class of people implies the lowlifes who perform the odd, temporary work, crap jobs for cheap money.

This low class of people hangout in bars or churches, and they often drift from town to town, or even become home bums. The real dishonest ones move into petty crime, such as fraud and street hustling, bank robbing, shabby gangster scams, or they manipulate the government handout system in order to grab a little ‘free government money.’ Those fakers especially like ‘disability’ payments ad infinitum. Many lumpens end up locked away in one Amerika’s numerous prison gulags – or they sell their body-soul property to the US military.

I remember the other recruits in my military unit. They definitely did not represent the ‘well off.’ Some were in the military because the judge gave them the choice between ‘service,’ or the ‘lock up.’ Others had different kids from different women. Some dudes just had no good prospects in life – they were from the low breeding of bad luck: urban or rural poverty. Was it not absurd that the lowest social class became the main assassins for the US Empire of Sociopaths, meaning that they were fighting for the actual elites – who had originally destroyed their families through low wages and criminal neglect?

There is no Revolution on the way. The union bosses, like their politician bosses, are on the legal bribe and kickback system, and they actually earn salaries similar to corporate executives!

No matter what the Marxist sect nut jobs scream, there is no class consciousness, since many of us sleep, defecate, eat and drink alone. We must resign ourselves to the bad death through overwork or criminal neglect from no work.

Capitalism is on the one-way, death grip – tightening real hard. This utterly rotten system will create a more horrible, intense burning Hell, which awaits for all us. We can expect periodic homelessness, hunger bouts, and falling into sickness.

Meanwhile, the prison doors remain open – and once the guards usher us in, they will lock us up forever. We will eventually die there, like so many other elderly prisoners before us and after us. Some of us have opted for the sweet death of opiates and other hard drugs – hoping to die quicker than expected.

Once we see the lying politicians, of whatever political persuasion, speaking about offers of phony economic-political concessions – then watch out! This is one of their criminal traps and ploys to scare us into submission. But this does tell us one thing – they are the ones scared and weak.

Street fighting man or woman – grab your gun! Better to lose our mental chains. We shall die with dignity and honor.

Anarcho-Historian Lesson #12: Legitimacy, the evil art of statecraft

Posted: March 24, 2015 in adversaries, Amenhotep-Thutmose Dynasty, American Empire, Ancient Egypt, ancient times, atrocities, authority, autocrats, bad historians, barbarians, calendars, citizens, civilization, class conflict, codes, commoners, conflict, conquest, contemporary times, continual war, control, control of language, corporate media, Cosmos, costumes, crime, criminality, cultural power, deceit, deception, defeat, destruction, domination, duties, Earth, elites, emperors, empire, enemies, English language, evil arts of statecraft, experts, extermination, false arbiter, false solidarity, false unity, governments, grand strategies, grandiosity, greatness, Heavens, hierarchy, hieroglyphics, historical epochs, historical ghosts, historical traditions, history, holidays and festivals, holiness, Hollywood, human civilization, human history, human senses, imperial system, intellectual concepts, invasions, language, leaders, legitimacy, lies, magic, mass murder, masters, meanings and the message, menaces, military display, military domains, military occupation, monsters, monuments, nemeses, New Dynasty, new era, New Money, Nouveau Riche, pharaohs, policing, political mandates, political scams, political systems, power, pride, priestcraft, priests, privileges, processions and parades, public exposure, public works, resurrection, rites, rituals, rulers, ruling classes, sacred meanings, sacred symbols, savages, slavery, slaves, social control, social divisions, society, sociopaths, spectacular events, state administrators, state extortion rackets, state funerals, state mandated choreography, state methods, state mythologies, state religions, state theater, state treasuries, state vocabulary, steles, subjects, televison, temples, the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, the State, threats, tribute taxes, tyrants, uniforms, United States of America, universal ideologies, urban civilization, US Intelligence-Spy-Military-Industrial Complex, usurpation, victory, vulgarity, war, wealth from conquest, world
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Thutmose the Greatus-civil-war-relief-monumentSphinx-statue-Thutmose IVMountRushmoreKarnak-obelisk-thoutmesIWashington MonumentLa_KarnakLincoln_Memorialthutmose_emporerThutmose I mummy headcorporate media symbolsNational_Anthem thanksgiving ritual

Human civilization has formed evil monsters beyond the control of our imaginations.

The first atrocity on the contorted path of civilization represented the division of small societies into the common folk and the ‘better folk.’ Those divisions created social class differences. These high partitions within human society fell into socio-economic estates, and there emerged the first class conflicts.

With class conflicts, another historical villain then tainted human civilization: the State. The State appeared as the false arbiter or umpire between the warring classes. The State’s infernal job was to create a phony solidarity through both’ the people’ and ‘the cause,’ or really, language and religion, where there was no ‘unity’ before. The State had to mix the arts of the wizard with the arts of the warrior.

The State merged the priest experts with the war experts, all of which created an administrative class always aligned with the better folk, while secretly united against the common folk. The grand strategy was how to rule over the regular folk who often greatly outnumbered the ruling classes. The burning question for those elites concerned: how to avoid the commoners from discovering the scam, then banding together and just exterminating the usurpers? The ingenious answer shortly arrived through legitimacy, or the evil art of statecraft.

Our eternal enemies, have forever personified the elites, the ruling classes, the State, the authorities, the controllers, and all of our so-called ‘leaders.’ They have mastered legitimacy’s techniques, from around six thousand years ago, during the first reigns of urban civilization, to our actual imperial systems. Some of these systems were absolutely brilliant, and those shrewd state masters designed political systems that have lasted hundreds, if not thousands of years, throughout human history.

The Chinese emperors developed the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ intellectual concept, later mixed with a mutated imperial Confucianism. The Persian emperors developed the first universal, monotheist ideology loyal to the grand emperors: Zoroastrianism. The Mexica-Aztec ‘tlatloani’ perfected the Destructive Ages of the Suns and a ritual calendar that supported such a Mesoamerican hierarchy.

The Hindu Brahmins decreed the ultimate system of purification rites versus impurities, and with all of this craziness, their multiple caste and ‘jati’ declinations. The Greek rulers established the universality of the Greek ‘Hellenic’ language and its ‘cosmopolitan’ writing culture, which eventually signified urban sophistication in the Mediterranean region. The Roman emperors produced the political ideology of ‘civitas’ through the interlocking privileges and duties of ‘a constitution, citizenship, and a refined public life.’ There were also those infamous Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Pharaohs, in the land of the Black Nile, founded on the northeast corner of the African continent, utilized three ingenious techniques within the devious arts of state legitimacy. And it was the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom that had successfully used the three most important methods from the occult books of state power, or the deceptive arts of legitimacy, or cultural power.

The first method of legitimacy embodied the recourse to continual warfare, or endless enemies waiting for their own destruction. The second method of legitimacy represented the state mandated choreography of myths, heroic legends, rituals, symbols, iconography, festivals, funerals, public works of grandiosity, such as temples and large monuments, and like always, military displays of might and power. The third method of state legitimacy was elite control of the Egyptian language, mostly illustrated in religious-medical-legal-statecraft codes, and their corresponding sacred meanings behind the sacred symbols.

1540 BCE was the magical and masterful decade when the Pharaohs of the Old and Middle Kingdoms transformed themselves into Emperors of both Lower and Upper Egypt. The rulers would soon recast themselves as the divine spirits or geniuses between the material and the spiritual. The ancient kings remade their rule into the New Kingdom.

The Dynasty of Amenhotep-Thutmose transfigured its power into a political-military-religious-cultural glory for both the rulers and the ruled. Even the defeated and their haters admired the New Kingdom’s military prowess and artistic magnificence. Only some hundred years earlier, the Egyptian rulers had to pay extortion tributes, or taxes, to the Hyksos barbarians that had successfully invaded their lands.

The past was over, and this new dynasty transformed into a resurrected myth of greatness, like the Great Pyramids that still stood majestically at Giza. They had realized that States do have such powers.

The Amenhotep-Thutmose Dynasty found continual enemies to exploit and then defeat, and often brutally. They attacked the southern front of Nubia, demanded regular tribute-taxes, and later attacked the farthest regions of Cush, or northern Ethiopia, and even found the source of the White Nile.

The Egyptian forces next invaded the Barbarians of the West, or the Libyans. Succeeding this attack, they defeated the Hyksos and their other nemeses, such as the Hittites, found in the lands of central Anatolia, or modern Turkey. The Egyptian Empire soon extended its tribute and military domains to the southeast. They attacked the great coastal cities of Beirut, Byblos, Tyre, Sidon, Joppa, Accho, Megiddo, and Askalon, and moved deeper into the East.

The imperial reach continued victorious over the great empires of the Levant, such as the Mitannis, the Hittites and yes, even the Assyrians! Aleppo, Kadesh, Ugarit, Homs and Babylon – all fell to the grand army of the Pharaonic invaders.

This grand-majestic army, shadowing the mastery of Alexander some one thousand and one hundred years later, crossed the Tigris and Euphrates and marched into the lands of Medes-Persia. Did they even cross over to the great rivers of the Indus and Ganges? Only the soldiers of those powerful armies knew for certain.

Once conquered, the defeated had to pay protection monies, or tribute taxes, to the Grand Pharaohs in Heliopolis. They also had to supply allied warriors or mercenaries for continual war, and most importantly, import slaves. All of the conquered cities also had to allow a small Egyptian garrison to reside in their territories.

Even with all of this militaristic conquest; the wars, invasions, enemies, threats, monsters, nemeses, barbarians, savages, menaces, dangers, ultimatums and adversaries – the conflict never seemed to end. There was another war of conquest just over the setting of the sun. The Egyptian Gods of War transfigured into sadistic vampires demanding ever greater sacrifices.

With their greater extortion rackets and taxation schemes, the Egyptian elites under the Pharaonic rule amassed bloated treasuries gushing with the lure of finely made, crafted objects, inclusive of human slaves, all of which transformed into movable capital. The New Dynasty of military conquerors transferred this new wealth into the royal coffers for the lavish display of public theater, grand monuments and choreographed state rituals.

Like New Money or the ‘Nouveau Riche,’ everywhere, and around the world, the state never shirks from showing off its bad taste. Yet, the rulers had learned another valuable lesson: the common folks do enjoy watching from a distance the over the top consumption and grossness of material possessions – all in the pursuit of pride, power and vulgarity. A subject and powerless people love to see power egregiously displayed through their human gods.

The New Dynasty junta of Pharaohs immediately set about its massive public works programs: greater, and even more lavish than before. The Pharaohs had the workers construct monolithic, mini-city temples in their cities of Heliopolis, Thebes, and they even gave patronage to the great architectural wonders of Luxor, Karnak and Amarna.

The Egyptian religious-political calendar filled itself with glorious festivals for the numerous gods of the outer and inner worlds. The calendar also coincided with the astronomical wonders found in the Cosmos in order to convince the people that The New Dynasty was firmly within the route of the Heavens, the Spirits and all of the departed, Noble Souls.

Egyptian priests and scribes clearly understood that Death was the most emotional event in most people’s lives, so the death of the Pharaoh became the über-event, spectacular show for the kingdom. The processions carrying the different tombs and coffins winded around like well-oiled serpents, and even the holy animals inside of the holy temples, which included hawks, jackals, lions and crocodiles participated, all of the holy of the holies had their places in the parades of destiny. Lavishly costumed priests, warriors, administrators, royal slaves and other hundreds of attendants winded their way into the sacrosanct burial chambers.

Priests conducted massive, deep religious rituals, using every form of magic, holy images, music, song, sacred dance, poetry and sacrifice, including incense, flowers, oils, scents, foods, libations, spices and herbs to create a truly hallucinating effect.  This state theater inflamed the five human senses. The watchers understood that the era of one Pharaoh was over. A new era would resurrect and begin again, like great Horus, Holy Mother Isis, and the Holy One Osiris – through their eternal defeat of Seth’s treason.

As the final days of ritual burial finished within the temple, the scribes fashioned steles around all the images of the late Pharaoh-emperor. The steles possessed the sacred language, or hieroglyphics, of ancient Egypt. The priests, administrators and royal families understood the holy code, and they controlled the delivery of the message.

To this day, historians know a good deal about certain Pharaonic rulers, such as their wars, conquests, victories, family dynasties, noble retainers, public works and genius. Yet, we still know very little about every day life for Egyptian farmers.

By controlling the complete language, the meanings and the message, the Pharaoh system of rule would continue for another thousand years, always secure in its ability to dominate, maintain peace, and administer, ‘ma’at, or justice.

Certain bad historians cite those ancient times as particularly unique historical eras, where imperial theater transformed into one of humanity’s most fascinating epochs. Yet, we still live with the historical ghosts and traditions from those ancient days.

Actually, there is another, extremely antagonistic world empire on the contemporary human stage, and this empire is far more dangerous and potent than the ancient Egyptian variety. This empire has the name of the United States of America, and it has been in continual war, both in domestic and foreign conflicts, since its most recent commencement in 1790 AD.

Most Americans cannot go to Washington D.C., the empire’s capital, in order to attend inaugurations and other state sponsored theater. But what about those boxes sitting in our private spaces, which transmit the deep propaganda and addictive spectacle coming from the Empire’s main centers: New York City, Washington D.C., and Hollywood, Los Angeles, California?

The corporate media has a great amount of social control within the Empire’s borders, and it commands the common use of the English language – inclusive of the Empire’s enemies. How many of us use their vocabulary, such terms as ‘Middle East,’ Surgical Strikes,’ ‘Terrorism,’ ‘Peace Dividends,’ ‘Humanitarian Interventions,’ ‘Rogue States,’ and other outrageous concoctions developed from the dark offices of the US Intelligence-Spy-Military-Industrial Complex?

Like the Pharaonic New Kingdom, they all represent the furtive arts of legitimacy, the real cultural power of the State or governments. There is a saying that war is the health of the State, and this is true. But there also exists the spectacle of uniforms and other costumes, and with all of their ritual foolishness, such as flag waving, State of the Unions, annual voting, annual bank holidays, annual tax days and pubic songs in honor of the government at major sporting events, or ‘national anthems.’

Ultimately, the Mainstream News and corporate information sources, and especially on the television, take their complete message, or language, from the same ‘leaders, rulers and autocrats.’ Our media intellectuals have included  government officials, generals, spymasters, politicians, university professors, police chiefs – and other rancid experts found in our societies.

How can we destroy the legitimacy of the State, or the actual empire that currently threatens the Earth and our very lives? We must ignore and turn off their messages, never attend their staged events, verbally reject their ongoing wars of mass murder, never sign our lives away in support of their military or police invasions.

We have to intelligently and publicly discredit, ridicule their actions when necessary. Eventually, the fetid actuality of slavery within such an Empire will invalidate their sociopathic behavior and lies. No legitimacy tactics will work after such a public exposure, since a good minority of the population will reject them completely. Nothing can save them then. But this nefarious empire will not die without the most brutal recourse to violence – unto a most horrifying extermination.

Remember, state legitimacy is more difficult to end than to begin.











The Anarchists’ Most Dangerous Enemies: Leftist-Progressive-Activists

Posted: November 20, 2014 in abuse, activist gangs, addictions, ambition, American Empire, American university professors, Amerikan capitalist nightmare, Amerikan genocides, Amerikan Imperial State, Anarchism, authoritarian desires, bourgeois class, bully, bureaucratic institutions, capitalism, Che Guevara, Christian Fascists, Christian Inquisitors, Christian religious fanatics, chronic homeless, city centers, civilian disarmament, college dropouts, combat, comfort, commandeering class, Communists, conflict, Conservatives, control, corporate media lackeys, corporate media propaganda, corporations, cowardice, cowardly professions, cowards, crime, criminality, criminals, culture, debt ridden, deceit, Democratic Socialists, destroy the fun, diarrhea mouth, dignity, direct, discipline, dishonesty, dishonor, downtown, duopoly scam political system, educated snobs, empire, endless war, Evangelical Christian sects, evil, family, family connections, Fascists, fighting the system, foolishness, freedom, Global Monopoly Capitalism, guerrillas, gun confiscations, guns, Harvard, heretics, history, holocausts, homeless, honor, human absurdity, human civilization, humanity, institutional structures, invade, Karl Marx, Leftist cliques, Leftist media outlets, Leftist mobs, legal crimes, legislate, Liberals, liberty, lies, long meetings, lumpen class, management, mandate, Marxist political cults, Marxist vanguard parties, Marxists, middle class, Mikhail Bakunin, military force, minimum wage hikes, murder, NeoCons, not-for-proft corporations, occupations, Occupy, oppress, owner class, pacifism, patriotic flag wavers, personality cults, PhDs, police actions, political activists, political activities, political agendas, political alliances, political cabals, political coercion, political demonstrations, political dissemblers, political enemies, political extermination, political factions, political fakers, political hate, political ideologies, political ideologues, political ignorance, political immunity, political intolerance, political intrusions, political kooks, political lunatics, political manipulations, political mechanisms, political misfits, political nastiness, political opportunists, political penetrations, political pettiness, political power, political privileges, political protests, political rallies, political reactionaries, political sects, political sense, political signage, political sophistication, political wackos, political weirdos, political-economic elites, politician salaries, politician thugs, politicians, politics, privatized spaces, progressive candidates, Progressives, public events, public insults, public polemics, public space, radical manifestos, radicals, revolts, revolutionaries, revolutionary action, revolutionary exhiliration, revolutionary festivals, revolutionary joy and fun, revolutionary momentum, Right-wingers, rob, rule, Russia 1921, savage capitalism, service industry sectors, small business owner class, snobbery, Social Democrats, Socialists, sociopaths, Spain 1937, squatting, state criminality, state monopoly of violence, steal, surplus capital, table literature, the actuality of life, the Earth, the evil world, the human condition under civilization, the Internet, the Left, the poor, the rich, the State, theft, torture, travelers, truth, underemployed, unemployed, unemployed PhDs, university institutions, upper middle class, violence, Vladimir Lenin, war, war of position, Weather Underground, witches, working class, world history, Zio-Nazis
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Non-Profit hypocrisyLeft-wing Liberals at it againDemocracyNow Church of AmyActivist for actionfightback-literature-tablecommunist_party_t-shirtLeftist ragProgressives love obama

Nobody wants enemies, and life is often hard to live through as it is. The evil in our contemporary world increases faster and exponentially by a thousand fold, as do the desperate enemies against humanity’s fleeting happiness. Unfortunately, there also exist distinctive persons whose dark desires find their fulfillment in the coercive powers of the State.

These dissemblers seek to rule over others, to bully, to mandate, to invade, to war, and direct, administer, legislate, oppress and control, commit legal crimes, and even get away with the horrifying acts of legal theft, rape, torture, mutilation and murder. We didn’t come into this Earth with such dire prospects, but this monstrous of life spits out its venom plainly – unto the very entirety of Earth’s inhabitants.

A few years ago, in the very large cities of the United States, thousands of Americans, in true Anarchist style, took over public parks, or really privatized-state owned parks, within the downtown or central areas. Like good Anarchists, and even if they weren’t Anarchists, they set up food-ration stations, ad hoc libraries, open artist studios, and medical spaces.

These people maintained functioning urban camp sites right within the centers of the Amerikan Empire’s megalopolis centers, such as NYC, Boston, Philly, D.C., Los Angeles, Denver, Oakland and Portland. They called themselves Occupy.

What was truly revolutionary about these acts was that it brought together unemployed PhDs with the chronic homeless, underemployed college educated, debt-ridden dropouts with travelers from the lumpen class, trailer park population. The campers radically claimed the public spaces that were supposedly in their name only. They ultimately understood that public spaces had always belonged to them – not to some distant owner ‘phantasm.’

The Amerikan Imperial State and their corporate media lackeys got hit with some heavy volts of scare and shock. The ‘Occupiers’ had succeeded in creating some revolutionary momentum, or as the revolutionary writer, Antonio Gramsci, wrote, the first and most important stage of any revolutionary action, The War of Position.

Yet, the Occupiers soon lost their momentum and their power. They handed it over to the State and then their fun times of squatting-camping transformed into dire defeatism.

Only a few revolutionaries took their actions to the next level, which was through opening up, and then squatting abandoned buildings, or repeatedly blockading and harassing downtown savage capitalism as usual. The reasons for the general defeats were not due to the winter cold weather, or the confusing Occupy signage and open assemblies that had no ‘common purpose’ – according to the corporate propagandists for the State.

The unfortunate reason fell again to the absurdity of human history. The Leftists-Progressives-Activists took over the energy, while transforming the joy, and then twisting the revolutionary momentum into the trite actions of political demonstrations, radical manifestos and three-hour long meetings arguing over pathetic agendas and personality cults. Like rats to a dumpster feeding frenzy, Marxist ideologues and other university ‘educated’ Leftists-kooks tried to ‘direct’ the revolutionary exhilaration into their perverted visions of a ‘United Left’ force.

Democratic party hacks had earlier visited the public occupations in order to direct the protests against the Republicans, but their lowlife tactics were too obvious for the occupiers. Even US government plants with outrageous signs at their protests didn’t work. But like always, the Leftist cabals finished the dirty work for the Amerikan Empire ruled through sociopaths.

Since the birth of the Anarchist ideology during the mid nineteenth-century, around the 1860s, our most fearsome and persistent enemies have been the noxious cabals, alliances, sects and cults of Leftist diarrhea mouths, Marxist vanguard party lunatics, Progressive university-associated weirdos, Social Democratic Liberal mouthpieces and other radicalized political kooks from the Left Spectrum.

As Anarchists, we must never lose sight of this. As in Russia 1921, Spain 1937, and in the US in 2011, these dangerous two-legged animals have ceaselessly come for us. We must always resist their penetrations, manipulations, and intrusions into our actions, and if the case justifies, defend ourselves, both our honor and dignity against any of their violent tactics.

Are not the Fascists, the Zio-Nazis, the Neo-Cons, the Amerikan Empire supporters, the super patriotic flag wavers, the right-wing nutters, the political reactionaries, the so-called ‘Conservatives,’ or the Christian religious fanatics, are most pressing enemies? The answer is no.

Any Anarchist with some political sense and historical sophistication knows exactly what those groups stand for. They simply state the obvious: they desperately want to murder and physically destroy any resistance to their authoritarian desires in snatching control of the State. Like the Leftist cliques, their ends and means are the same: seize and run the State for endless war and for their favorite corporations.

The important differences between the Fascists and the Leftists are that the right-wing wackos are completely honest in their goals. The Left-wing wackos are not, and this explains their most pressing danger to any Anarchist actions or activities.

The Leftist activists will join our revolutionary festivals, talk the same game against capitalism and the State, and then suddenly, they will try to create a little mini-state within our spontaneous momentum. They always destroy the fun, since they didn’t lead the revolt in the first place – so it doesn’t deserve to succeed anyway.

Most of those Leftist-Progressive-Marxist mad dogs are not from the working or lumpen social classes either. They have often come out of the middle classes, the upper middle classes, the commandeering-managerial classes, and a few have even emerged from the political-economic elites. Che Guevara came from this class, as did Vladimir Lenin, and as did the turncoat radicals, ‘guerrillas,’ in the US during the 70s, the Weather Underground. How funny that a few of those Underground activists have the joined the ranks of cowardly, American university professors, all after their ‘radical stints’ fighting the system.

Some of these Leftist-Activist frauds will often public decry violence and they specially fulminate against the violent Anarchists; while at the same time, they accept the everyday structural violence that heavily inflicts the poor. These same buffoons often espouse a type of extremist pacifism – except if it is another ‘cool’ revolutionary that doesn’t affect their own comfort world, such as the Greek anarchists or Che Guevara in the jungle brush of Cuba.

The reason for their abject hypocrisy is because they have never suffered like the poor. They have always had a back door of escape, whether through surplus capital, family connections or through their elite university educations. These armchair revolutionaries love to manage and mandate because they are often first-rate cowards, always afraid of losing their comfort zones and actually engaging in the hard life of discipline and combat.

These Leftist-Marxist sects would like nothing better than to have some military force burn us all at the stake as the Christian Inquisitors previously did with the heretics and witches. If they could dispose of us through other legal, deceitful methods, they would do it. And they have committed such horrible crimes against us Anarchists throughout recent history.

Unfortunately, their methods have often worked. Most Anarchist factions that I have encountered have been small, clique-like groups that have acted just as morose, weird and intolerant as their Socialist-Communist competitors. They sit at their table stands with nasty glares trying to ‘sell’ their ‘literature,’ and often during punk shows or at political rallies. What were the differences between the latter group of Anarcho-Leftists, the miniscule Communist sects, and the Evangelical Christian cult tables that one generally encounters on university campuses and at other public events?

The revolutionary Karl Marx tried to expel the Anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, from the First International in regards to the future Class War. Marx’s defamations against Bakunin were intense and vicious, and like usual, they worked. From the beginning, these Activist hard cores have hated us. We Anarchists just don’t fit in so well with their demented nightmares of a Left coalition rallying around the State.

Some years ago, I visited a political rally in a park when I had lived in a hipster, pseudo-progressive, west coast city in the United States. The rally stage featured annoying speakers that loved to hear themselves speak, and other activist misfits. I also spotted the different Leftist and Communist sect groups and their tables. I first perused the Anarchists and their tables. As I walked around and peered at the literature, I was quite shocked by the nastiness of the table sellers – including the Anarchists. I further noted a table for the Democratic Socialists of America Club, (the Lefties of the Democratic Party), and I began to smile at their pathetic looking set up and overall lazy demeanor. Were these specimens of humanity ready to lead the next American Revolution? At least their open cowardice was honest.

I had thought that most Americans despised the Leftist-Activist-Progressive-Radical cults because they were simpleton, ignorant fools. But the truth was, and still is, that most Americans detest those miniscule Left factions because they have never been for real freedom. Instead, Leftist-Progressive radical coalitions have represented intolerant doctrinaires who care more about control and pettiness. The Evangelical Christian sects got their first licks in American culture, and so Americans are well-acquainted with weirdos, control freaks, and spiteful types over inconsequential issues.

These same dishonest and cowardly activists also want civilian disarmament and a state monopoly control of guns – so hopefully, they don’t have to do the confiscations once they ‘take power in the distant future.’ They continue to rail against all gun owners as closet right-wing fascists.

These furtive types also like to work in other cowardly professions, such as professors at universities, researchers at ‘not-for-profit corporations’ and they love the inconsequential work desks of our numerous institutional structures. Where snobbery, intellectual foolishness and cowardice mix together, these people tend to congregate and fester.

Recently, in another large city on the west coast of the USA, a Socialist sectarian actually got elected to the city council. This political opportunist used the old rallying cry of a 15$US minimum wage. Some cities already have high minimum wages for some workers, so this was nothing new.

The Leftist media outlets on the Internet immediately ran with the ‘victory story.’ They just left out the political details. The minimum wage hike would take effect over a certain ‘amount of time,’ and it would it only work in certain ‘industries and occupations.’ This same Marxist political faker made specific alliances with certain ‘small business owners.’ Finally, the ‘radical’ will receive a nice politician salary of six figures, while other local businesses, mostly in the hospitality services and social services sectors, will simply hire their friends and connections, rather than pay a higher minimum wage to an unknown. Global Monopoly Capitalism for the political-economic elites, and for the elites only – keeps on thriving.

Most dangerously, these Leftist Activist mobs prefer to support the criminal state versus their Anarchist rivals. When any type of pseudo-progressive government takes power within the duopoly scam political system, they will immediately rally and support the ‘progressives’ over the ‘reactionary right-wingers.’ The moderate centrist, sell-out candidates utterly hate the Leftist radicals – but they serve a good purpose in rallying the other Lefties to get out and vote for the political scam artist.

In regards to the Amerikan Empire under the rule of Sociopaths, this political scenario has become extremely dangerous. Already, both political parties are plotting their future ‘progressive candidates’ for the believing-ignorant public. A gay male fiscal Conservative and a soccer mom activist-Christian-light have been some of their feeble attempts in trying to publicly redeem both the Amerikan capitalist nightmare and the Amerikan genocidal Empire.

We Anarchists would never fall for such a trite political mechanism in redeeming such an evil system of rule. The corporate media propaganda will of course do its dastardly campaigns – but the Leftist-Progressive-Activist gangs have ultimately legitimized all the false change agents. These criminal activities in transforming a cruel and murderous system into something benign and good has represented their most heinous political activities.

The Amerikan Empire can never change, and nor will it ever change its criminality and just stop committing holocausts. No empire in world history has ever changed into a friendly community of autonomous societies, while no state apparatus has willingly handed over its unrestrained powers, and then closed shop for the sake of humanity. The only thing more addictive than opiates are the ambitious wills of politician-thugs in holding their political power with the immunity that goes with such power – all with the privileges that come in committing legal crimes.

We Anarchists know this truth. We have to spot these political cliques and warn others about them once they place themselves within our actions. Our Leftist-Progressive-Socialist-Activist enemies have held fast to their dishonorable plots disguised underneath their diseased political wings. For now, we Anarchists hold fast to our minds, honor and dignity.









Anarcho-Historian Lesson #11: The Perversion of the Modern City

Posted: October 22, 2014 in abandoned buildings, abandoned cities, abundance, addictions, advertising, agriculture, alienation, ancient cities, ancient history, applied arts, armies, bad jobs, bad public transit, battlefields, beggars, billboards, blights on humanity, blood, bribery, brutal jobs, buildings, calendar rituals, calendars, capital cities, capitalism, centers, chains, changes, cheap drugs, cities, citizen marks, citizen targets, citizens, city centers, city government juntas, City Hall, class sections, clients, colonae, colonial bureaucrats, commandeering class, community, community support, continual warfare, control, corporate consultants, corruption, crap historians, creation, crime, criminal neglect, criminal tricks, criminality, criminals, culture, dearth, death, debt, debt slavery, destruction, dictators, dignity, dirtiness, disasters, diseases, dole money, domus, dynasties, economic niches, economy, electic cafe-bar-restaurants, elite families, elites, emigration, epidemics, European colonialism, European imperialism, European invasions, evolutions, existence, extended families, extermination, extortions, family, farming, fine arts, fines, foods, fraud, free kitchens, free markets, freedom, gangsters, garbage, gardens, gentrification, ghettos of poverty, good jobs, good paying jobs, government power, Greek polis, guards, guerrilla gardens, hipster zones, history, homeless, homes, Homo sapiens sapiens, honor, household pests, houses, human civilization, human history, human will, humanity, hunger, hunting, identity, ideological front groups, ideologies, ignorance, illness, immigration, industry, infestations, injustice, institutional violence, institutions, insulae, insults, jails, jobs, Judeo-Christian Monotheist cult, justice, kinship groups, labor, laborers, landlords, latrinae, legal assassins, liberty, lies, life, location, losers, lunatics, madness, managers, marginalization, markets, mass murder, mayor bosses, mechanical arts, media hacks, Medieval history, megalopolis, mental illness, Mercantile Capitalism, Mexican history, Mexico, military, misery, misrule, modern cities, modern monsters, monasteries, money, Monopoly Capitalism, murder, natural disasters, obligations, occupying, Olmec civilization, pandemics, parking fees, patrons, payments, peace, perversions, physical illness, place, plantations, plazas, police, police forces, polis, political clique, political economy, political enemies, political power, political rulers, politics, poor vermin, population, poverty, power, prison-gulag-concentration camps, prisons, privacy, property, property pimps, protection monies, public fountains, public realm, pyramids, race, racialism, refuse, relations, religious festivals, rent, reserve armies of labor, revolutions, Roman cities, Romanization, rudeness, rulers, rules, ruling clique, sacks, sacred spaces, sacrifice, scams, security, separation, service, sickness, sieges, slave trade, slave wages, slavery, slumlords, social categories, social classes, society, space, spatial separation, spiritual life, spontaneous street parties, squatting, starvation, state bureaucrats, street crime, street hustling, street life, street thugs, structural violence, subjects, supermarkets, tabernae, taxes, territory, the ancient State, the arts, the bad death, the Cosmos, the Earth, the evil world, the forum, the harsh life, the human condition, the modern State, the poor, the State, the wealthy, the world, threatening public signs, thugs, torture methods, transformations, travelers, tribute, truth, tyranny, tyrants, uncategorized, unemployment, unjust acts, urban decay, urban despots, urban hells, urban history, urban nightmares, urban residents, urban subjects, urban survival, urban wastelands, urbanism, useless classes, utility bills, vagabonds, violence, wage slavery, war, warfare, water, water sources, wealthy sections, weapons, wiseguys, work
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Greek polis exampleModern Athensancient rometokyo japanBenin_City, Afriquelagos-nigeria2Ancient Chinese cityshanghai, chinaTenochtitlanMexico-City 

Human civilization has made its own history through the tempests of culture and creation.

But with all of civilization’s benefits, humanity simultaneously cursed itself to permanent warfare. Warfare does not just exist on the battlefields with armies and weapons; it also functions inside the unjust and unequal distributions of class power within both society and culture. The warfare of urbanization has represented one of the most absurd attributes, whirling inside the tragic saga of the human condition.

Humans have left the sanctity of the land, the hearth, and the family, in order to transform themselves into subjects under the weary gaze of the rulers. The subjects receive a new identity, and yet they become targets for both the rulers and the enemies of the rulers. Wherever there are political rulers, there are always enemies. A minute faction from the subject population reaches into the ruling clique, while another minute faction joins the enemy camp.

Some human ideas have been beneficial to civilization, such as fire for culinary, metallic-sculpture and martial arts, and the wheel for transport, industry and the ceramic arts.

The human invention of urbanization helped deliver civilization to Homo sapiens sapiens. The urban subject no longer had the obligation to work inside the Earth and hunt for food. They could attend to their own private gardens and enjoy the bounty of culture found in the city.

But there was also a terrible price on their heads, and a nasty fear had piqued those very subjects. What if the rulers became tyrants and then decided to sacrifice their own subjects in order to hold on to their own power? What if the enemies of the rulers surrounded, starved out and sacked the city, enslaving everything away in chains – including the subjects private belongings, and even destroying completely people’s extended families?

One of Urbanism’s stage right onto human history represented the 6 century BCE. On the Gulf Coast of Mexico lived a great people, referred to later in history, as the people of the rubber, or the ‘Olmecs.’

The land was good. The warm, balmy climate offered an agricultural abundance, yet its tempests disciplined the cities. The winds could bite, and yet they spread their ethereal honey on the plants and maize. The rains sometimes drenched and drowned the unwary travelers. Plants still made love to the rain. The reeds were often harsh to touch, but they helped in maintaining the delicate balance. Everything drank from the earth’s sacred blood, and then it all cascaded deep into the rain’s sacred liquid pools.

In the Olmec world, an impressive city of stone had stood proud to the world, and it possessed a marvelous large pyramid of brown boulder rocks in the center. Around the pyramid were bulky grey temple structures and some thick quarry palaces for the ruler’s family, noble relations, and priests. The massive stone pyramid holding the dark glare, gave the subjects a sense of identity, and it seemed that the calendar rituals and religious festivals truly connected to the earth world at both the cave level and sky worlds.

Sacrificial bloodletting enabled the elites to perform the magic effortlessly. All subjects possessed their blood lines to the city’s elites, whether through artisan, merchant or farmer relations. Their blood ties also ran deep into three distinct categories: territory, family and service-labor obligations.

Everybody had their own economic niche and knew their place within the city. There were no vagabonds or beggars, and no one starved on the streets. There weren’t any issues with festering garbage refuse, nor with rampant disease. The city was actually quite small compared to modern standards. It only had a few thousand residents. But each resident existed as part of a grander family, and an even larger kinship group. Everyone recognized his or her own sacred hearth and home within the great urban polity. The Olmecs were living in an almost paradise.

Yet, the urban polity felt unsettled about the constant warfare, the enemies that led sudden attacks, or even the unknown wrath of natural disasters, such as storms, quakes and floods. Like all things in the cosmos, the times began to change, with war and disaster occurring more frequently and more devastatingly. What was actually changing, if the same rituals of sacrifice and devotions had always stayed the same?

The elite families could change the rules for obligatory labor services and tribute taxes. With the continual wars, they often did demand more from the subjects. Living in a great city was a divine gift, but at the same time, the subject lived in dread of the elites’ magical and violent powers. What if the wars led directly to them? What if the city had actually defeated the enemies, yet the enemies had already destroyed all the family and kin ties?

Better to live free and easy than under the tutelage of a powerful, military dynasty – even with all of the blood ties. The subjects slowly began to leave the cities. They preferred to farm out in the mountains, near the water sources, runs, and forest clearings. Eventually, more people began to leave the city for the basic freedom found in the abundant Earth. About two hundred and fifty years later, after so many more years of warfare and emigration, the magical and powerful city stood abandoned.

The ancient city had its days in the light of civilization, and even the ancient Olmec elites knew that their cities would die in the distant future – just like the old dynasties and the old, decrepit great grandfathers.

Our modern cities are vastly different however. These blights on humanity refuse to die and the political-economic elites that run such cities have used every conceivable criminal trick within the shadowy schemas of history to continue their misrule. Our modern monsters want their hells to live forever in order to burn and flay the ignorant and poor masses. And like always, they seem to get away with their horrifying games of corruption.

Our modern cities have become suffocating nightmares representing the perversions of global monopoly capitalism strangled with rampant state consolidation, street level criminality, institutional corruption, and city hall tyranny. Meanwhile, the urban subjects have to shame themselves continuously in watching the slow dying of the homeless, while enduring the public signs that threaten fines and imprisonment with those public, intrusive billboards that advertise useless crap.

Within the chasm of modern urbanism, most of us must deal with street hustling and the brutality of open poverty. Most terribly, the rulers constantly threaten their own citizens in demanding regular payments for all of this madness. The subjects must submit to unending and augmenting protection monies through rent paying, housing frauds, bad public transit, utility extortions, municipal and sales taxes, street fines, parking fees and wage slavery.

Meanwhile, the urban masses endure the miseries of contaminated dirt, household pests, rude behaviors, flim flam artists, common insults and reckless property pimping. The three wild animals that tend to survive in these environments are rats, cockroaches and pigeons. That our modern, urban populations do not end up as crazed lunatics on the streets, explains the marvelous surviving power of the human will under civilization.

Some crap historians have stated that this urban system of decay has always existed within human civilization. This is another abject and hideous lie. The Greek polis had only few thousand actual citizens. Ancient citizens fully participated in the life of the polis, whether at war, peace, festivals or simply speaking truth to power in the public markets and plazas. No citizen had to live a marginalized existence. Those cities were more like medieval monasteries without all the rules, controls, living in cells, and hiding away from the public. The Greek polis lived as a tight community of citizen-warriors-pleaders engaged in the full plenary of an urban, spiritual life.

The imperial Roman city had changed greatly since the days of Peloponnesian Wars in the Hellenic peninsula, (during the fifth century BCE), but the spirit of the polis still survived – and even as ancient imperial Rome, (around the second century AD), had reached a population level of few hundred thousand.

Urban Romans generally lived in two types of housing, either in the ‘domus,’ or a type of round-square urban house with a garden and front patio, or in ‘insulae,’ which were small apartments in block buildings. These homes had no glass windows and anyone could enter the domus patios and the insulae apartments. The Romans had little need for privacy because the Roman state did not imprison and murder their own citizens over personal conduct. People lived in the public realm because the honor of the community was more important for social cohesion.

The insulae dwellers did not pay our contemporary rent extortions as some historians have stated; instead, the residents of the insulae paid for their housing through labor or service obligations, within the personal political economy where the lesser clients worked for their wealthier patrons. Roman insulae dwellers received a regular dole of bread and some other foodstuffs for basic survival. No Roman complained about such a dole because an urban resident received the basic rights for survival and community support.

All Roman citizens could take part in the political and public life of the market, or the ‘forum.’ Citizens had the right to use the public baths and bathrooms of the cities, called, ‘latrinae.’ All citizens gathered their drinking water, cleaning water and community news at the public fountains. Roman public life also frequented the market stalls where each city street had a particular artisan craft on display, called ‘tabernae.’

Roman elites also built their far off cities, called ‘colonae,’ for a specific population size, and all urban citizens, whether soldier or artisan, possessed full inclusion within the greater urban life. Romanization was not just an arrogant Caesar conquering a territory, it also represented an inclusive, small city for all nations that desiring to live the Roman, urban, imperial dream.

How did our modern cities become the horrors of horrors that they are today? We can thank European imperialism and mercantile capitalism, with their invasions, prisons, epidemics, colonialism, slavery and mass murder, around the middle of the sixteenth-century, or the 1500s.

European Colonialism destroyed the ancient cities and the marvelous wonders around the world. It replaced them with the health horrors that still fester in our days. The European colonial invaders who hated washing and cleanliness wanted to infect the rest of the world with their own miseries. In that sense, they were successful.

The European colonial powers enforced mercantile capitalism through its brutal monopolies, massive land thefts, slave trading and export plantations that worked the kidnapped laborers to death. Mass kidnapping rings located off the coasts of West Africa could always replenish the exterminated labor pool.

European colonial statecraft set up the first prisons, Inquisitions, witch hunting tribunals, and other wondrous torture methods to scare the cowardly. European authorities imposed the first forced conversions in order to exterminate the native cultures. The European colonial city had thus transformed into cauldrons of sickness, disease and the bad death. And like all epidemics, they have spread out into the entire human world.

The European colonial elites further perverted modern urbanism through dividing the colonial city into racial caste and social class sections. There was one destitute section for the colonized victims and the other poor losers, where there was another nicer section, usually around the city center, for the colonial bureaucrats and military commanders, inclusive of wealthy slave traders and slave owners who owned their second homes.

We still see such eyesores today. We have our ghettos ransacked with no jobs or brutal jobs that pay badly, abandoned buildings, disease and rodent infestations, run down, street crime ridden sections of town, and next we have our gentrified, hipster zones where the easy job, six figure salary people enjoy clean, well-stocked supermarkets with eclectic cafe-bar-restaurants. The city’s government juntas don’t care about how many people move into their urban wastelands, which chew out their millions of victims. The more poor vermin that enter, the greater the slave wage, reserve army of labor population pool. These massive, megalopolis cities literally feed from the trough of criminal neglect.

Large cities that are also capital cities are even worse off than the megalopolis cities. A large population of the capital city essentially exists on state parasitism. These state spongers include paper pushing government bureaucrats, military, judicial, legislative managers, political executives, numerous guard-security-police forces, and other useless appendages, such as media hacks, corporate consultants and ideological front groups. They offer no useful skills to society whatsoever – except in maintaining the supremacy of central, state and municipal government power.

There is no hope in changing such blights on humanity and on the Earth. The smart losers become wiseguys, gangsters and street thugs, while the sad others have to either beg for the privilege of becoming a wage-rent paying slave, or the real unfortunates, sensitive others, just abandon all hope and wait to die horribly on the city streets. Suicide through urban neglect.

Many fall into the traps and permanent craters of modern, urban life. Some will die painfully from mental-physical illness, or they will become hopeless addicts partying on bad, cheap drugs. Some others just spend the rest of their days in the prison-gulag-concentration camp system. A few will make it as low-level, legal assassins for the state’s military institution. Eventually, poverty, war and misery will tear apart most of their fragile minds and bodies.

Living within our modern urban pits, the political-economic elites have continued their relentless war against us. We Anarchists know this truth and so we only have one option remaining: we must fight against such injustices through both our dignity and honor.

We can squat abandoned buildings. We could wheat paper and spray paint over their threatening signs, or we can set up spontaneous parties in the city streets. We might also set up free kitchens, guerrilla gardens, and feedings, or arrange a free, bartering market in a public park – or even occupy central city locations and make them our own domains.

We have only our personal wills to mental freedom – these gifts still remain with us.

Black Panthers protest against CA gun lawsGirl open carry copy 2Open Carry protest against racismopen_carry_gunHow our enemies see usarrested-texas-open-carry-protest

Nostalgia for past historical epochs is often due to people’s desires for the future, rather than a true yearning for the distant past.

A good example has represented the American Wild West with its legends, cinema genre, TV shows, comics, museums, historical reenactments and tourist trap towns across the western US. Visitors want to see, smell and taste the real thing: a chuck roast baking over the grill, the old smell of black gunpowder, touching an old Colt six-gun revolver or a Winchester lever-action repeating rifle, the dilapidated wooden homes found in ghost towns and walking into a real live saloon with shutter doors, and a long wooden bar with lots of whiskey and sweet wine. The card tables now exist inside of casinos.

Some locals-touts in the tourist trap towns still dress that old way, with the cowboy boots, big rimmed hats, long overcoats, pants held up with suspenders, shirts done with bolo ties, and a few even have leather chaps and spurs, as if they just dismounted off a horse.

They even act their parts with the long hair, the long moustaches and the stubble on the chin. Meanwhile, the women have that late nineteenth-century Victorian style dress – inclusive of blouses, small vest jackets, heeled shoes, pant undergarments and corsets, with their long hair done up in those old Progressive era buns and curls. Both the men and the women like their whiskey and tobacco, but there is always one thing missing during the reenactments – the guns.

As a historian, I can definitely state that most people openly carried guns during the American Wild West days. Not all cowboys, ranchers, merchants and barkeepers carried weapons on them, but enough did to make life a lot more polite than our contemporary times. A lot more men than women carried pistols on their hips, but most farm women had their shotguns ready for action – if some bad guys came around the bend. This was especially true in the South and in the West.

About a hundred and forty years ago, not much time in the grand history of our planet, open gun carrying in the US was just about as common as putting on one’s own clothes. It was not just the Wild West that had people carrying weapons, but also the big cities in America, such as New York City, Chicago and San Francisco.

What happened to those days? Well, the United States has become a mostly urban population base. The local dictator, urban politicians don’t like having armed populations walking around – except for the city’s police forces. Where there exists lots of monopoly capitalism, city hall corruption, high taxes, and police state injustice, all of which now thrive in those massive megalopolises, people feel alienated, angry, frustrated, and the rage begins to fry on high heat.

In order to strike fear into those urban populations, the local, ‘elected’ tyrants run prisons that resemble torture centers, while the local police act more like paramilitary forces. So far, this method of social control seems to have worked out just fine.

America’s large urban populations survive as disarmed marks. Dastardly rudeness and institutional violence run rampant in those cities, and the regular citizens have to look over their shoulders when walking alone in the dark, crossing into an unknown area, or when entering their buildings. The urban politicians and elites get bodyguards, real police protection, and easy concealed weapons licenses, while the urban wage slaves can hopefully buy a spay canister of mace.

There are a few large cities in America where people can still legally open carry, but most police normally stop the open carriers and ask them for identification. A few times, the police have actually arrested the people and have taken away their weapons – never to return the weapons to the original owners. Type ‘open carry detain arrest’ on YouTube and you can watch the horrendous videos exposing such legal injustice.

Some businesses now ban open carrying on their premises, and the laws in many ‘gun friendly’ states often prohibit open carrying on school, government and post office properties.

I have even watched pro-gun guys with YouTube channels saying publicly that open carrying is stupid. Many Americans admire the days of the Wild West, yet open carrying has the reputation of an old, bygone historical era.

I believe that if we gun owners want to keep our cultural power inside of the United States, then open carrying must continue. If one lives in an anti-open carrying state, then the gun people can form an open carrying group to publicly walk around and hopefully change the law.

Like the days of the Wild West, people acted with a lot more prudence, and behaved with better manners. There were just as many rude nasty types, sinister outlaws in those days, just like in our current days. This is the reason for the nostalgia of the Wild West: people could defend their honor and their life without having to ask the State for permission. Only two social groups in the actual United States now have that freedom.

The first group represents the upper level economic and political elites, such as owners and major stockholders of multinational corporations, old money inheritance trust funders, high court judges, a few top celebrities, military generals and admirals, and top-heavy, well-connected politicians. The second group revolves around the state gangs, such as Federal government officials that carry weapons, such as FBI and CIA agents-spies, and the multiple law enforcement-police forces found across the land. Prison guards also have the right to use their arms with corresponding legal immunities, yet only when working inside the prison walls.

The rest of the population, meaning us, have to fear the terrible vengeance and brutal fury of the State.

The Open Carry of firearms is still a revolutionary act. It is open for all to see and it simply states that the armed person will defend him or herself. Most importantly, open carrying informs the non-gun owning public that we have history on our side. Guns have always been an important part of American culture – and we will make sure that they stay that way.

The less open carrying that regular citizens see on the streets, the more the fear of guns predominates within the general population, while the open carrying of firearms by police forces and government agents seems quite normal. If this status quo continues, the future of guns in American culture will find a notorious reputation.

Some of the non-gun owning public perceives guns through a dangerous black and white scenario: either the good guys, the cops, carry guns, or the bad guys, the criminals, use guns. We know that this is not true – but if the regular people never open carry, then this plot might become the actuality.

If we still have our Second amendment rights, then gun owners should exercise them. The most powerful method is the open carry of a loaded firearm on the hip. This includes a sturdy belt that slides into the holster. The holster needs to have a clip or a fastener in order to hold the firearm snugly inside the holster pocket. This type of holster keeps the firearm in place eliminating any fear of the firearm dropping, falling, hitting the ground or negligently discharging a round.

A firearm that drops out of a cheap, unfastened holster, falls down to the ground, and might negligently fire – and even kill someone, destroying the lives of both the open carrier and the victim. Anti-gun Liberal-Leftist fascists use those accidents to defame all of us. With this right to open carry comes the responsibility of handling a tool that terminates life on a trigger squeeze.

When we publicly open carry, eyes begin to glance at us, so we should not look too bizarre or eccentric. Whatever side our firearm is on, then we should not play around with that side or nervously dabble our fingers across the holster. The holster is simply another part of our clothes.

I personally place my keys and other stuff inside the other pants pocket that doesn’t have the holster by it. I do not use the pants pocket on the side of the holster. When visiting a bar or any place where I plan to drink booze, I do not open carry. For me, alcohol, bar-restaruant patrons, and guns don’t mix.

And finally, the Hollywood movie version of the double dueling desperado with the two-gun holsters on both hips is simply a myth. I’m sure a few outlaws might have used that method, but most of them probably didn’t live that long to write about it.

I have only recently openly carried, and I have not had any problems with business owners or the police – yet. What saddens me greatly is that I live in a western state that has legal open carry of firearms, and I have seen very few people open carrying in the town that I currently live in. The few open carriers have been either the employees who work at the local gun store, or once and while, a guy just coming back from the range or hunting.

Open carriers ought to stick together, and hopefully with more visibility of open carry, we can invite other courageous people to join the open carry movement representing men and women, diverse ethnicities, creeds, and sexual orientations.

This last part is important because the anti-gun Liberal fascists in the corporate media like to stereotype us as a bunch of white male, super heterosexual, super macho, right-wing asshole, fat guys with genetically attached baseball caps carrying the symbol of ignorance magically stamped across our foreheads. The big city despots in America can curse us all they want, but we stand firm as free, courageous and armed people who are not scared to exercise our rights. Most importantly, we know our own history.



The Amerikan Empire XI: Legal Miasmas to Rule by Sociopath

Posted: September 23, 2014 in American Empire, Amerikan gulag, arrests, attorneys, authority, beaten-forced confessions, beatings, Bill of Rights, checkpoints, citizen victims, civil forfeiture, civil trial, class, codes, collection rackets, confiscation of personal property, conflict, constitution, coporate media, corruption, court fees, crime, criminal neglect, criminal trial, criminality, cruel and unusual punishments, culture, death taxes, defense attorneys, despised minorities, despotism, dictatorship, district state attorneys, Domestic Secret Police, drugs and alcohol, elite factions, elites, empire, entrapment, estate taxes, extortion taxes, felonies, freedom, freedom to travel, freedom to use violence, government, government agents, government criminals, hegemony, history, human history, humanity, illegal searches, illegality, imperial state, infractions, injustice, jailers, jails, judges, judicial precedent, justice, Lao Tzu, large cities, law, law takers, lawgivers, lawmakers, lawyers, legal boundaries, legal immunities, legal judgments, legal madness, legal miasma, legal system, legal testimony, legal theft, legal traps, legitimate violence, lower classes, marriage taxes, misery, Monopoly Capitalism, nickel and diming methods, outrageous decrees, payments, plea bargains, police enforcers, police gangs, political elites, political hacks, political machinations, political machinery, political scams, politician sociopath, politicians, politics, poverty, power, prejudiced decisions, prison officials, prisons, property taxes, pyramid scheme, regulations, repression, restrictions, right to trial by jury, robbers, rules, sales taxes, self-defense cases, service taxes, slaves, social outcasts, social peace, society, sociopaths, state crooks, state enforcers, state murder, state revenue taxes, statutes, stealing, targets, taxes, Te Tao Ching, the Law, the public, the State, ticket fines, torture, treachery, turncoats, two-tierd legal system, tyranny, upper classes, warfare, weapons, world history
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Lao TzuCorruptionAmerikan justice-corruptionThe Corrupt Core of D.Cplea-dealCivil forfeiturepolice-entrapment-wrongFew Lawbooks_NY State

The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer people become. The sharper men’s weapons, the more trouble in the land. The more ingenious and clever men are, the more strange things happen. The more rules and regulations, the more thieves and robbers. If a government is repressive, the people become treacherous.
Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching – chapters 57-58

Throughout the writing of my essays on this blog, I have often preferred my personal word constructions. I believe that I have helped explain the legal miasmas and historical crimes that all states, thrones and empires have birthed, nourished and proliferated against humanity throughout history. Sometimes though, I must rely on others for the perfect words describing a most horrific actuality.

But in this particular case, a religious mystic from the sixth century BCE in China, during the imperial reign of the Zhou, had spoken a more profound truth. How funny that only 2,500 years later, as a historian, I must quote from that same author. The genius of history always embraces the brute of absurdity.

The same old state and government criminals are at it again: fashioning more and more laws and thereby creating more felons, while managing more collection rackets – always constructing more prisons.

The old Zhou imperial leaders could not have imagined how a contemporary imperial state in Washington D.C. has now transformed itself through its own cracked mirrors – through the lens of its own so-called enemies. These legal thieves and robbers currently feed at the top of the pyramid scheme, and the vulture’s hunger has taken over their souls. It has led them into the obese feeding frenzy of the legal sociopath.

The stories of terror and horror even outpour into the corporate crap media. Government agents arrest and jail small farmers, and then steal their personal property over some petty little law that the local political hacks did not know existed some months previous. An unwary driver goes through a particular speed trap where local police bums confiscate the person’s hard-earned cash over an illegal search of the vehicle. A small business owner suffers a raid and confiscation of his property over a few curious cash deposits totaling under 10,000$. A homeowner loses her house of 40 years due to a missed payment of a ‘property tax.’ The list is so horrendous and long that this essay could not even do a minimum justice for the millions of those victims from such legal crimes.

Recently, I read about one of the more corrupt cities in the northeast United States, which now has a peculiar habit of stealing people’s homes due to finding their sons and daughters using illegal drugs inside of the same houses. What type of legal monster could fashion such an injustice, such outrages?

Throughout world history, laws have existed as the ‘other means’ of gaining power over the weaker parts of society. The other time honored method is simple warfare, inclusive of sanctions, invasion, mass murder, brutal reparation payments against the defeated, and occupation. Except for the Amerikan Empire, political elites throughout history have often used the latter method against the ‘foreign’ enemy.

Law is not, nor has it ever been, about justice. Law or the legal code is the most important tool within the apparatus of power. Through legal statutes, the powerful have the freedom to use whatever methods imaginable of legitimate-institutional violence against their weaker targets.

Legitimate violence has always implied the state, or any other elite faction that controls the political machinery within a particular society. For the elites, the laws represent justice because they maintain the things as they are, or the ‘social peace.’ For those under the Law, or that have to obey the enforcers of the Law, law is just another form of tyranny included with social customs, legal institutions, and commonly accepted ideologies or hegemonies.

Although the law is a brutal arbiter of legal violence, it also has the respect of the lower classes in society. The reason for this respect is that the law gives a voice to all accepted societal members. The law, in the face of the upper class judge, might not respect the voice of the unemployed beggar, but at least the beggar has a chance to speak, or plead his or her case.

The only classes of persons that the law has usually failed have been the slaves and the social outcasts. The slave loses all civil respect and legal privileges, and becomes a socially dead piece of property. The social outcast is a despised internal enemy that the general population fears, inclusive of both the elites and the poor.

This putrid legal-justice schema has been the functioning code of interpersonal disputes for hundreds of different cultures, and during thousands of years of world history.

But something has radically changed inside the recent Amerikan Empire in regards to the Law. The federal government, state governments and municipal governments have corrupted the law system into an attack mechanism that threatens, intimidates and harasses most of its citizen victims.

American citizens do have a Constitutional Bill of Rights to protect them, but the current practice of law has thrown out this same Bill of Rights through the dictatorship of ‘judicial precedent.’ In other words, the legal authorities can now twist and pervert the Law through their own political or prejudiced whims or legal judgments.

The laws do not exist for the lawgivers, but for the law takers – the unwary subjects. The lawmakers purposefully contrive and distort the laws, so that the weaker elements of the lower classes fall into various legal traps currently set up for them.

The legal traps include diverse nickel and diming mechanisms, such as the multiple fees to use the courts, and ticketing for the those that step over the movable legal boundaries. The authorities of course move and remove the boundaries constantly. Meanwhile, the lawmakers continually reward both themselves and their enforcers with legal immunities from such flexible legal traps.

In some states, such as California, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey, the legal codes, or ‘revised statutes,’ now encompass volumes upon volumes of contradictory and outrageous decrees that have even surpassed the old Jewish Law found in the Torah, or the Five Books of Moses, from Genesis to Deuteronomy.

Even the Roman Empire would periodically tear away bad laws made by bad rulers. In the actual Amerikan Empire they do none of this. Once enacted, bad laws and even criminal laws stay on the books forever, and this explains why the state attorneys always try to keep the innocent behind bars, because if all the innocent prisoners rotting in the Amerikan gulag had their freedom, then most Americans would realize the total criminality of the legal system.

The Amerikan two-tied Legal System has turned into a legal miasma, creating the monster of Judge Political Hack fed through the criminality of creating more laws for the sake of instituting more laws. All of this legal madness receives its grease through the machinations of the Politician Sociopath.

This total political scam entails supporting a supposed just law, first through the entrails of the corporate media. ‘The Public’ seems to support the proposal. But then in closed chambers, the politicians and their lawyer minions build an excrescence of twined injustice. Even some judges have gasped in outrage at the results. Most criminal defense attorneys stand aghast with outright disgust.

Now across our Amerikan nightmare of dictatorship and monopoly capitalism, former crimes now exist as lawful practices of the state. The Domestic Secret Police, or the FBI, legally use the criminal system of entrapment against America’s Muslim population. There are now hundreds of Muslims rotting for life in prison due to not committing any crimes.

First they came for the despised minorities, but they are currently using entrapment on anybody and anywhere across this sickly empire. All state enforcers regularly use disreputable snitches, narcs and turncoats that have had their lies stamped with the legal seal of approval.

Police departments in collusion with state or district attorneys have increased the criminal practice and scope of civil forfeiture, where they arbitrarily rob regular citizens’ properties stating that their properties were some how connected to ‘criminality.’ If the robbed citizens want their properties returned, then they have to go through a very expensive legal system that will eventually break them economically.

State police forces, or any state enforcers, including jailers and prison officials have regularly used cruel and unusual punishments against prisoners for any minor infraction against the ‘prison rules.’ They have forced sick inmates to die cruelly in cells without receiving their medicines. They have even flayed off the skin of prisoners through flushing burning water on their bodies. Other sociopathic punishments have included forced feedings, denying decent medical care for the dying, forced drugging, pile ons of prison guards, and policemen that often suffocate the victims. Other tortures have been excessive beatings where four or more guards beat the prisoner to death or leave them paralyzed, or leaving the prisoner to rot in the solitary hole, so the prisoner becomes permanently brain-damaged. All of the state murderers have received some form of legal immunity.

The state thugs now recognize the criminal practice of forced or beaten confessions as reliable evidence.

The crooked politicians have increased the felony loads as the prisoner population has also increased substantially. Now living and enjoying life has become a felony. If a poor person wants to escape the misery of urban poverty through taking a hard drug escape, driving a vehicle fast without a license around town, or setting up a spontaneous street party with lots of drinking – these acts could land that person in prison as a felon, and destroy his or her chances of ever getting a job.

The right to trial by jury has been lost for most Americans. Now the district attorneys simply pile on the felony counts before sentencing. The overworked defense attorney then has to recommend his or her client to do the plea bargain flim flam game. The accused will have to do some prison time over a lesser crime that he or she did not even commit.

In many parts of the US, we still have the freedom to buy guns, yet we lack the rights in using them. Even in self-defense cases, we will still have to undergo some type of criminal or civil trial. How many Americans have 20,000$ in capital reserves for all the necessary legal fees?

We supposedly have the freedom to travel too. But as we drive on the highways and byways in this land, the state and local police gangs wait furtively off the sides of the roads in order to trap us for speeding or other minor moving violations, such as passing without using signals, or suddenly swerving over the shoulder line. Near the border areas, the federal police stop all vehicles and ask intrusive questions. Most states have regular police checkpoints for DUIs, license and registration checks, safety checks, seat belt checks, insurance checks and even drug dog searches.

And yet with all this repression and lack of any real freedom, the state crooks regularly nickel and dime us through periodically raising the sales taxes, marriage taxes, death taxes, service taxes, utility taxes, property taxes and annual state revenue taxes. And there are more taxes and fees that the madmen and women dream up. We continue to pay them as extortion rackets because if we stopped paying them, then the full fury of the Law would fall mercilessly upon us

The Amerikan imperial state has bound us within the black widow spider webs of legal miasma. But we are even worse off than this terrible actuality. Those holding power honestly believe that their legal crimes entail legal justice. We are now at the mercy of unrelenting and pitiless monsters. Hollywood horror movies have referred to them as sociopaths. The terrible reality is that it will only get worse.

Thankfully, an ancient Chinese seer could point to such a ghastly future.

Rewashing the Capitalist Nightmare: no jobs, no hard work ethic

Posted: September 7, 2014 in absurdity, administrators, American Empire, American universities, aristocracy, arts and leisure, bank accounts, banks, basic necessities, beggars, benefits, Bertrand Russell, bonuses, bosses, buying, capital, capitalism, capitalist culture, capitalist society, celebrities, civilization, class war, college education, control, corporate entities, corporate executives, corporate media, courage, criminals, culture, dead money, death, deceit, delegate workload, dignity, disease, dividends, doormen, eating out at restaurants, economic backups, elites, employment, energy, enlisted slaves, fabrications, family, fancies, freedom, gated communities, global monopolistic capitalism, gourment eating, h, hard work, health problems, hierarchy, history, hold a job, homelessness, honor, human history, hypocrites, ideologies, idleness, imprisonment, inheritance, institutions, job creation, job hustle, job search, jobs, killing, labor, labor pool, landlords, laziness, legal fraud, leisure, lies, life, luxury, management, media liars, mental exertion, modern society, modernity, money, morality, murder, occupation as ideology, opportunity, owners, pain and suffering, pay, payouts, personal time, physical exertion, police, police murder, priests and warriors, private property, profit, property pimping, protection racket, real work, religious dogmas, rent, responsibilities, ruling classes, sacrifice, salaries, scams, shareholders, slavery, slaves, social classes, social control, society, space, starvation, stocks, surplus capital, the Law, time, toil and endurance, travel, trust fund, twist the laws, tyranny, tyranny of the job, underemployment, unemployment, usury, violence, wage slaves, wages, wealth, wealthy, welfare bums, work, work ethic, worker ants, workers, world history, youth
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Buying slaves in ancient historyprotestant-work-ethic-china-wage slaveJob-search-nightmareUnemployed wait for money in Californiaparis-hilton trust fund celebrityHomeless-beggar bum Aristocrats enjoying the life 1700s

One part of the modern narrative of life, or the official account of things, unequivocally states that all of us direct and control our own lives, and that only we are responsible for our own life choices. This false adage represents another modern lie on top of a dung heap of fabrications, all fully drowned within an urban sewer of deceit.

Most humans live under the tyranny of the job. First, we have to maintain our dignity during the arduous search for work. If we happen to find a job, then we have some new and important requirements within our lives in order to hold the job. We regularly travel to and fro from the job for most of our daily lives, and finally, it is necessary to sacrifice the majority of our precious time for the job. We must structure our complete existences around the said job: the hours we wake up, clean and dress, eat our meals, prepare for sleep, and plan our outside job activities, such as family commitments, friendship activities, and alone leisure times.

If we must leave, or quit the job, then the system instructs us to give verbal or written notice to the higher-ups inside of the work hierarchy. In the case of a firing, then we have to start at plan zero all over again. We cannot mention the previous employment, which becomes a dead time, and we must slay our honor to the brutality of the job market. Most of us job beggars become dishonest and wary of the whole employment market miasma.

If we have bills and debts to pay, and especially raising a family, we often stay working at jobs we hate. All this ‘responsibility’ implies that we are beholden to some cruel higher power. What is this malevolent higher power that forces us to work for most of our lives? What has coerced us to do the public and personal humiliation of the ‘job search,’ and to sacrifice our minds and bodies for such a political economic parasite, which bites and sucks out our youth, time and energy?

It is not the job itself that causes such pain. Our contemporary, global, monopoly capitalist system, which we all must survive under, represents the culprit forcing us to bow our knees and do remonstrance before the Almighty Job.

The job has existed as the unnamed, societal need for all of us to live without government hassle, such as urban homelessness, destruction of our personal property, eating rotten food or undernourishment, exposure to the elements, dirty clothes, health problems, fines, physical beatings, imprisonment and in some cases, police murder.

If we want to live unmolested from the violence of capitalist society, then we must sacrifice the majority of our lives for the job, or for work – or for doing some labor, so that the owner can make a profit off of us, and never have to worry about holding a job, nor sacrificing him or herself for the job search ever again.

Not all of us live ball and chained to the job dynamic. A few people on earth do not have to worry about finding a job, laboring in harsh conditions, or performing the work search nightmare. These special, economically free people all have a common backup: surplus capital, or diverse holdings in money-making schemes, such as high performing stocks, bonds, dividends, payouts, benefits, bonus packages, and deep bank accounts.

This group further divides into three distinct sections. The first group represents the owners of various private properties, such as multiple residential and commercial units in an urban center. This particular group lives off of rent or usury. The renter pays an exorbitant percentage of his or her salary, and yet never gets to own any real property. The dead money from the renter’s hard work goes straight to the profit of the landlord and ensures the renter’s protection racket for shelter, cooking food, cleaning-toilet privileges and privacy.

The second group denotes the owners and major shareholders of companies and corporate entities where they regularly partake of annual dividends and corporate executive pay-bonuses. These people do not work much either, except attend lots of meetings, travel to different offices and send e-mails or letters to each other and to the various subsections under them.

The third group represents the familial descendants and legal beneficiaries of the deceased wealthy. They live from inheritance money, or as trust fund people. All of them own lots of surplus money, which allows them to live extravagantly. They do not do any work at all, but engage in their own pet projects. Some live for sports activities, such as sail boating or skiing. Others prefer art collection, such as art gallery ownership or art investment selling, while a specific subgroup enjoys the delights of world travel, such as gourmet eating across the globe or visiting primitive tribes in far out areas.

The most well liked subsection of this group represents the female celebrity jet set that engages in excessive fashion buying and attending decadent parties. A few others simply become rich drug addicts, often preferring cocaine or heroin.

All of these wealthy mobs tend to own nice, spacious homes and apartments, and there is ample space between the large homes, or the apartments have thick walls between them. Their neighborhoods are safe and pleasant to look at, and there is often a gated security force always on duty, or doormen and elevator men making sure that poor lowlifes don’t venture near the building. This class of persons often eat out at expensive restaurants, and they travel on their whims whenever they feel like going somewhere. They can afford to purchase fine clothes, new cars, new gadgets or whatever else suits their fancy. Most importantly, they can enjoy their lives securely knowing that they don’t have to ever sweat the job hustle or the youth killing service of labor.

For thousands of years of history, all civilizations having had strong social class differences and hierarchies, and have also displayed this class of people. Labor comes from the Latin, ‘laborem,’ which implied hardship, toil, exertion, pain and fatigue. The term was a negative one and it is still negative to this day. Our English word of work came from the Old German, ‘verk,’ which implied everything from physical exertion, to defecation, to a quick sexual act. During thousands of years of world civilization, the people who have had to exert themselves, suffer under hardship, toil and endure unending pain – were the slaves. The people who did not work while enjoying their leisure time – became the elites.

Human history adds another absurd anecdote between the working slaves and the elites of leisure. Most of the arts of human civilization, such as philosophy, religion, sciences, language arts, martial arts, weapons, plastic arts and architecture, birthed from the elites’ use of leisure.

Priests did not work, neither did the warrior class, nor did the ruling classes. They still avoid work to this day. The savvy politician has underlings to rewrite and twist the laws, the general has inferior officers to direct the enlisted slaves, and the administrator or corporate executive delegates the workload to the salaried managers, while owner board management barks orders to the worker ants.

From this unjust system that birthed human civilization, the elites developed a crass ideology in order to mentally control the slaves, and still defended through all religious dogmas and societal institutions. This ideology consists of the dignity of one’s labor, one’s occupation transforming into a main part of one’s personal identity, and the hard work ethic. All three of these strictures are base lies. The absurdity of these lies resides in the fact that the people who have never done any real work have also been the same people to propagate such nonsense. The lazy bums of leisure have dictated the game to the slaves – and it has worked marvelously throughout human history.

In no other country has it worked so completely as inside the Amerikan Empire or the United States of America. Many Americans hold great interest in the lives of wealthy socialites and celebrity trust funders that have never worked a hard day in their lives, while they spit out venom against street beggars and welfare bums because they don’t hold a job.

In no other country does one see so many media liars blaming the unemployed for their unemployment. These low paid lowlifes often berate the unemployed for their lack of job networking, bad resumes, their ugly appearances, etc. Yet, nobody calls these people out for their own perversity in hiding the nature of global monopolistic capitalism.

Politicians in both political parties curse the poor and unemployed regularly. They continually fulminate against them in the media, demand more prisons to warehouse them and more cops to murder them, and they even skew welfare and housing laws to harass them incessantly.

Meanwhile, global monopoly capitalism offers less and less employment as the number of administrators and corporate executives increases. Not only do the number of elites increase for a few selected people, but their payouts also increase substantially.

I noticed this as a working graduate student-assistant inside a typical American university. The university administrators did almost no work except attend meetings, corporate functions, and send out e-mails. They simply delegated the actual labor to their subordinates. The administrators ultimately controlled the governance, the purse strings and the hiring. They all made six figure salaries and almost none of them taught any classes. Under them were the sports coaches, then the well-paid professors in the professional schools, next the tenured professor managers, and finally, the rest of lowly paid servile staff. A regular university course charged the same amount of extortion rate money, whether taught by a tenured full professor making 80,000$ per year, or by a part-time wage slave with a master’s degree only making 750$ per fourth month course.

This wonderful American university system functioned under legalized fraud. But this fraud now defecates its excrement in all of society’s institutions. The higher up the elite, the more twisted and perverted the profits become. The worst part of this fetid scam is that the 1% have not stopped berating us about networking opportunities, job creation, the importance of a college education, and most ominously, creating a hard work ethic. These lazy cheats, corrupt bosses and pathological liars still hassle us unceasingly. Is there any person of courage left to publicly expose them for the hypocrites, liars and criminals that they are?

The English philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote a wonderful essay critiquing the terrible lies on the benevolence of work and on the even more destructive, hard work ethic, called ‘In Praise of Idleness.’ Russell was also a member of the English aristocratic class, so he understood the life of idleness quite well. In his essay he succinctly described the job and hard work system: ‘the morality of work is the morality of slaves…’So we must work in order ‘to live,’ modern society tells us.

As Anarchists let us forsake the lies of society and the work ethic. We can fight back in the ongoing Class War, and embrace both our way of life and coming deaths, always working towards our own honor and our own freedom.

True and Authentic Revolutionaries: Armed Gender Outlaws

Posted: August 28, 2014 in aggression, androgyny, authenticity, bad death, Baroque Europe, berdaches, capitalism, capitalist-authoritarian society, celebrity status, Christianity, cinema, cities, commedia dell'arte, cops, courage, cowardice, crime, criminals, cross dressing, crossovers, crust oogle travelers, culture, death, desperadoes, drug addiction, drugs, entertaiment arts, erotica, family, freaks, gender, gender appearances, gender assignments, gender benders, gender history, gender outlaw, gentrification, Glam Rock, gods of love, guns, hatred, hemaphrodites, hijras, hormone drugs, hybrid natures, hypocrisy, ideologies, ideologies of control, India, institutions of control, intersexed deities, Judaism, lonely death, Manichaeism, marginalized urban communities, martial arts, mignons, modern world, money, monotheism, murder, murder of transgender people, murderers, music, outcasts, pangender, pansexuality, political hacks, politicians, power, prison officials, professional makeup, property pimps, prosecutors, prostitution, proto-Anarchist communities, Punk movement, punks, rebellion, rebels, revolutionaries, self-defense, selling-out, sensuality, sex change surgery, sexuality, slumlords, social class, societal targets, society, sociopaths, street survival, the public sphere, theater, third genders, transgender, victims, violence, weapons, white skin privilege, Ziggy Stardust
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Hermaphroditus-adrogynouszuni berdachethird-gender hijras Indiamale baroque styleCrossdressing actorsziggy-stardustBecoming gender outlawGender outlawchelsea-manning-armed and courageous gender outlawDecember-31-1993-Transgender-Rape-and-Murder-Spawn-a-Movie

Authentic rebellion exists and it truly is the real thing. Many Anarchists consider themselves the forefront of such rebellion. Crust oogle travelers also consider themselves the true and actual punks that can survive inside the capitalist-fascist police state. But there is one group that have lived, survived and died horribly within the monster. They are a small insignificant group – but they still live, breathe, and they are giving the real middle finger to the entire culture and society that feeds on the scraps of hypocrisy and lies. They are the armed gender benders, gun carrying or martially arts trained, trans gendered outlaws. These people are today’s true desperadoes.

Why is this? Because these outlaws have refused to sit within one gender assignment from birth. They want to move back and forth between gendered appearances. They change themselves into more feminine or masculine attributes depending on their spirit or will. They know that gendered boundaries change culturally, while these boundaries have moved considerably throughout human history.

They want to express themselves the way they want, the way they ought to live, and the way their bodies naturally move and act in the public sphere. These true revolutionaries do not just masturbate to their private fantasies. Instead, they walk the public streets showing off their sensual powers. They live in both the actuality and in the fantasy. And these rebels, in the true sense of the word, are ready to fight back, either with guns or with some good training in self-defense techniques.

This final part is unfortunately necessary because the gender benders, the sensual transgendered outlaws, do walk the walk. They are public, open, and not ashamed of their hybrid, trans-sexual natures. They have no place to hide and they refuse to hide. They will react, if attacked.

Of the most heinous and wanton murders committed on the public streets, the willful murder of transgendered people is unfortunately quite common. Throughout the year, stories emerge on the news concerning a brutal murder of a transgendered person, often found lying tortured to death on a road or a street somewhere.

The criminal perpetrators are always men between the ages of 15 and 55. They often commit the murders within groups of two to five people. They find a transgendered freak walking alone, along a road or street, and so they know that they have an advantage. Unfortunately, they commonly do have the advantages in both numbers and in physical murder potential.

The male perpetrators are usually violent, petty criminal types from low social class backgrounds. Most of them have some type of violent criminal history. What is even more hideous is that some of the murderers have gotten away with their sociopathic crimes. There is always a witness to a murder, no matter how furtive or secretive the act. Apparently, there are cowards that believe the gender outlaw deserved the fate of the bad death.

Their attraction to torture and murder leaves them limited options. Sometimes, their families completely reject them and cut them off permanently. The gender revolutionaries routinely have to live in more ‘tolerant’ and ‘marginalized, urban communities. They have to share their metropolis abodes with the other outcasts from capitalist-authoritarian society: incorrigible drug addicts, the home bums, the rough vagabonds, the permanently scarred drifters and street prostitutes. In many instances, the gender desperadoes also fall into hard drug addiction and street prostitution in order to survive economically – all within a dreadful modern society that already detests them.

Within such urban decaying zones of limited autonomy, the upper class-white skin-privileged gentrifiers, meaning coalitions of urban property pimps, local political hacks and bank executive bosses, regularly target them and their neighborhoods for ‘revitalization.’ This means that they want the gender outlaws forced out of their newly created, resettlement zones of urban gentrification. ‘Artists’ and ‘professionals’ with white skin privilege and money, yes; but the homeless and poor, gender outlaw-junkie-beggar-prostitutes – no way.

Why do these heroes attract such hatred, venom and violence? The reasons are because the haters and murderers of such people secretly feel threatened, they fear such public boundary crossings, or they are sociopaths always ready to pursue the easy kill. The person that hates on such outlaws is either a secret gender bender and public coward, or the person is a sociopath that received beatings and tortures in the past, and he simply wants to take out his aggression on the lesser beings, easier marks – and hopefully not do any prison time. When it comes to the rich and powerful, they represent the ‘respectable sociopaths’ who have always come clean from their crimes. They can legally mandate other murderers to do their bidding: slumlords, cops, state attorneys or prosecutors, and prison officials.

Another unfortunate scenario for the gender transcendent is that they live in urban cities with strict laws against carrying and using weapons, and especially guns. These criminal statutes leave the transgendered warriors easier prey for the lower class sociopaths that sometimes cruise the city streets looking for potential victims. For the pangender outlaw, the only two routes available are a young and lonely death, or if they have good fortune on their side – celebrity status in the respectable world of entertainment arts.

We have the cinema-music examples of Ru Paul, Laverne Cox, Divine and Alexis Arquette. David Bowie took on the white, male, hard rock guitarist reputation with his Ziggy Stardust-Spiders from Mars image of an androgynous, drug addicted rock star in the early 1970s. This gender floating act defined Glam Rock, and later influenced the Punk movement in Britain. It is noticeable that most of the accepted third genders in public entertainment and the arts are the male crossovers to female set with full surgical operations and massive doses of hormones, which have actually transformed themselves into superficial women with breasts and vaginas. Looking at their photos decked out in luxurious dresses and professional makeup work – they have become women of affectation in spite of their births.

Reality floats back to the androgynous, pangender, third gender outlaws that have to live and survive with the rest of the modern world. They don’t have a tight entertainment subculture or talent connections that tolerates them for ‘transgender roles,’ nor do they have the money to buy a large house and thereby escape the day-to-day hassles of urban living – or even to afford sex change surgery.

Instead, they daily fight for survival, party hard, and walk the public streets in full pangender glory. Within the transgender group, the full-on outlaws will defend themselves from any or all physical attacks. The old outlaw is long gone – except for these courageous ones. They are the last survivors, and will not bow nor swear allegiance to any false ideology of natural order, murderous institution, or any societal imposed prison. They live in constant danger, and yet they are truly free to display themselves – as they prefer to display themselves.

In all my travels around the world, I have only seen one world culture that has tolerated third genders, and that was pagan-Hindu India. They had the name of ‘hijras’; although, they lived marginal existences in the Indian society.

Before the ideologies of monotheism, such as Judaism and Christianity, imposed their order on the world, most world cultures, such as Africa, Asia, Australia, the Western Hemispheres and Europe, respected the divine artistic and creative powers of intersexed deities and spirits. Those deities found artistic representations in crossover female-male bodies and third gender symbols.

In ancient Hellenic Greek and Roman civilizations, the ‘hermaphrodite’ shared divine characteristics with the pantheon of gods, and especially with the gods of love: Aphrodite-Venus, Eros-Cupid, Peitho-Suadela, and the erect penis gods of Satyrs and Priapus. Before the European invasions of North America, the natives fully included third gender people, called ‘berdaches’ within their proto-Anarchist communities.

Unfortunately for all of us living humans, monotheism, except for Gnostic Manichaeism, with our modern ideologies of control and power, have fully taken their intellectual dominance. The third gender has become an outlaw and a target for violence.

But even with all the repression against our bodies and the act of love, now called ‘sexuality,’ there have always existed the exceptions. During the Baroque period in Europe, (around 1630-1730), many aristocratic, European men wore tights, makeup, high heels, powdered wigs of long hair, dimples, long jackets and frilled shirts. These men had the name of ‘mignons.’ while the local theater regularly featured comedic farces of cross dressing characters, referred to back then, as ‘commedia dell’arte.’

Our third gender, pansexual paladins live on modern society’s fringes. Most are not armed and so they live exposed to the whims of the sociopaths. But there are those few transgendered outlaws who are also proficient in the martial arts, and even better, carry guns for any deadly encounter. These are the last holdouts of the outlaws, and they are the true and authentic revolutionaries who will never sold out.


Anarcho-Historian Lesson #10: talking about a what revolution?

Posted: August 5, 2014 in Africa, American slave plantations, ancient history, aristocrats, artists, Asia, assassinations, authorities, autonomists, bad historians, bad history, bosses, bourgeoisie, boycotts, celestial spheres, citizens, civil wars, cold wars, Conservative-Reactionaries, control, countercultures, coup d'états, courage, creative methods, criminality, cult of the revolution, culture, culture of technology fetishes, cyclical cycles, death, deception, decolonization, defeat, defiance, demonstrations, dictatorships, dignity, disorders, dissidence, elite factions, elites, Euro-centrism, Europe, evolutionary change, extermination campaigns, extermination of female witches, freedom, Germany, global world wars, God Save the Queen, historians, historical anarchistic societies, historical events, history, history of resistance, Holy Roman Empire, honor, hot wars, human condition under civilization, ideological gangs, injustice, insurgencies, intellectuals, invasions, Jean Bodin, justice, language, Latin America, Leftists-progressives, legitimacy, Liberal authorities, Liberalism, Liberals, liberty, lies, life, Marxist sects, Marxist vanguardist parties, mentalities, Mercantile Capitalism, military downfalls, modern history, modernity, mutinies, No Future, occupations, Oceania, overthrows, palace coups, peasant revolts, permanent separation from the Earth, political meanings, political revolution, poor, post-colonized zones, power, power relations, powerful minorities, protests, pseudo-experts, real changes, rebellions, Reformation, regime changes, Renaissance, resistance, revolts, revolution, revolution second coming, revolutionary actions, revolutionary elites, revolutionary utopias, riots, sabotage, sedition, seizures of power, Sex Pistols, significance, skirmishes, slavery, slaves, social control, society, state changeovers, state terrorism, strikes, struggle, subjects, subversion, super events, survival, the Americas, the Cosmos, the Earth, the gods, the State, the Sun, the Universe, The Who, transfer of powers, tyranny, uprisings, victory, violent attacks, war, wars of attrition, weapons, Won't Get Fooled Again, world history
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Haitian_RevolutionFrench Revolution - ChangeRevolution according to General Electric CorpPostmodern RevolutionPatrol_of_the_October_Russian RevolutionRevolution cool?revolution sloganeeringjesus-christ-revolution?Won'tGetFooledAgain-The_WhoSex Pistols There Is No Future

In our modern languages, most words have multiple meanings, often depending on the context of the phrase. Most historical events share similar aspects to the words we use within everyday language. Historical events change their shape and significance depending on the perspective of the writer or the artist.

Revolution has represented one such word used throughout modern history. Some writers and historians have also used it to describe momentous events during ancient history. The ancients around the Earth would have agreed that changes in power and governance had similar momentous effects as celestial revolutions. The gods had their struggles, victories and defeats, and so did the temporal powers on Earth, such as empires, kingdoms, ethnic groups, families and heroes.

Our English word for Revolution comes from the Old French word, ‘revolucion,’ referring to the movement of celestial bodies, while the word originally alluded to the Latin, ‘revolvere,’ the actions of ‘turning and rolling back.’ A good example has symbolized the movements or revolutions of the Sun in our solar system within the Milky Way Galaxy, all within our cluster of galaxies, and somewhere within in our section of the Universe.

The Sun has around a 365 day, 24 hours per each day, elliptical revolution around the planet Earth, which creates the diverse regional climate and floral seasons inside of our cyclical years. Our climactic seasons are revolutionary, but they always return and roll back. Winter hits dreadfully, spring opens up, the summer heats up, and the fall-autumn brings in the harvest and new directions. Here we have our cyclical revolutions, which also correspond to one of the six truths of history: all things come into being and then pass away.

Thanks to the modern ideology of Liberalism, some European and Euro-American intellectuals have hijacked the term, ‘revolution.’ This simple term now carries a lot of loaded meanings and significance. Many people in Europe and within the post-colonized zones around the world: the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania, now solely use this term with its newer political meanings.

According to the Liberal authorities, the word Revolution applies specifically to political meanings, signifying dramatic changes in the political landscape, or the State, or the particular Government holding power. These pseudo-experts move even deeper into the total terminology.

Revolution also implies a significant change in power relations, not just in the makeup of the State, but also in the wider society and culture. The Liberal junta has told us that ‘the revolution,’ is something akin to a political-economic-cultural super event. The political revolution changes everything from the mentalities of the people to street fashion, from political cataclysms on a specific date to changes in family relations or social morality. Liberal academics have even equated cultural changes throughout human history, as bursting originally from political revolutions or super event changes.

This is false and it is bad history. Unfortunately, the Liberal elites and their ideological followers have won the recent wars of history, i.e. World I and II, and so they have been able to manipulate the historical writing too.

I am also a historian, and I will correct those bumblers in this blog. Revolution is a change, but it is often a faster change than the long changes throughout human history, such as evolutions, and which are often more historically significant. Political revolutions only change the form of government or the face of the State. The tyrannical nature of the State always stays intact and acts with full criminality, revolution or no revolution.

Human history shows both evolutions and cataclysmic revolutions, but a revolution is simply an evolution that bursts forth out in the open. Think on our natural Earth: avalanches, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and severe earthquakes. As long as we have an Earth, the evolutions and revolutions will continue to turn and roll back around. Such is the cyclical birth, life, growth, decline, death model that all living beings face. So what’s the big deal about revolution?

The ideological subsets of Liberalism, such as Leftists, Progressives-Socialist types, Conservatives-Reactionaries, including the lunatic fringe, Marxist sects, still harp on the word, revolution. All of these ideological gangs enjoy writing about ‘the coming revolution, the decline of the American Empire and the upswing in revolutionary activity, and that a revolution is coming our way.’ Will these ideological fire screamers ever stop proclaiming the imminent second coming of the Great Revolution?

Of course, there have always existed the multiple political flare ups representing riots, rebellions, revolts, skirmishes, hot and cold wars, wars of attrition, global world wars, violent attacks, uprisings, mutinies, insurgencies, coup d’états, overthrows, disorders, protests, demonstrations, boycotts, dissidence, defiance, resistance, countercultures, strikes, sedition, subversion, regime changes, occupations, invasions, sabotage, and seizures of power. As long a the human condition under civilization excretes, these dreadful and pathetic political cycles will never change.

A short review of the putrid annals of world history is in order. Before delving into such a historical mess, as an Anarchist doctor historian, I have noticed that the whole Revolution cult has been quite Eurocentric. Most of the more notorious Revolutions in modern history deal with European powers or with post-colonized countries, such as Mexico, China, Iran and Bolivia.

In the ancient world of kings, queens and authorities, there were no revolutions, only palace coups, assassinations of tyrants and military downfalls of once powerful empires. Revolution has seemed to exist solely for ‘the strong and powerful European.’ It has had something to do with a successful overthrow of a previous regime, and it has been a part of modernity, or whatever that means in our current world.

The first historical allusion to the term of revolution came out of the Reformation Protestant revolts in Europe during the decade of the 1570s. A French political philosopher and historian, Jean Bodin, described the previous political and economic tumults in Germany as types of prerevolutions.

The Protestant Movement was revolutionary when it began and it did successfully ally with most of the German states in the Holy Roman Empire. However, it soon became part of the European reaction against further ‘revolutionary actions,’ such as repressing peasant revolts, real democratic representation and end to usurious taxation, egalitarian Christian communities, and full religious toleration.

The Protestant authorities became some of the most heinous murderers of dissident women, labeled ‘witches,’ during that historical period. The Protestant Movement was revolutionary in the beginning, but once it seized power within the Holy Roman Empire, the Movement debilitated any revolutionary sentiments permanently, while it helped create new imperial powers, such as Prussia.

In Early Modern Europe, the main European powers also began to label their mercantile capitalist-murderous slave plantation systems as revolutionary. The English described the non-violent overthrow of the Catholic monarch, James II, and the parliament coup d’état of Protestant William of Orange and Mary Stuart as ‘The Glorious Revolution of 1688.’ Meanwhile, white slavers continued to kidnap and sell the poor English, destitute Irish people, and later, thousands of kidnapped Africans, so they could work and die horribly in the American plantations.

On a beautiful August day in 1772, the Swedish king, Gustavus III, simply called in his army, surrounded the parliament building, and the legislative cowards caved in without any violence. Liberals hated him because they said he ended the so-called Age of Liberty in Sweden, yet most Swedes knew that the Age of Liberty was only for the aristocrats and the wealthy bourgeoisie. His act was revolutionary, but did it really change the lives of most Swedes?

And there was the Revolution of Revolutions, the French Revolution. This Revolution was truly revolutionary in the beginning. It did guarantee freedom of religion and association, eliminated feudal privileges and land extortions, pledged citizen equality before the law, created a representative republic, and it abolished African slavery in the colonies. However, like all government hacks, it resorted to anti-subversion campaigns, called the Terror, and it stopped at equality of gender. Eventually, this Revolution would terminate in the Napoleonic Empire, and eventually, a horrid invasion to restore African slavery against the Haitian Revolution of 1791.

And there’s the American Revolution. The revolutionary Constitution of 1789 still stands today, yet the federal government and most state and municipal governments simply ignore it, while corrupt judges write precedents that twist its meanings in order to further government power.

Mexico had an official Revolution starting in 1910 with Madero’s election campaign. If a historian would compare Mexico 1910 with only a hundred years later – Mexico 2010, then the descent of Mexico into absolute horror is plan to see. Bolivia also had a revolution in 1952, called the ‘National Revolution.’ Yet, in the 1970s-90s, a succession of right-wing military dictatorships destroyed the country all over again. Some Peruvians describe the coup d’état of the Christian Socialist, military general, Alvarado, as a type of Revolution in 1968. There are also the various Argentine revolutions: San Martin and 1810, the Peron-Evita regime in Argentina during the 1940s, the recent conflagrations in 2001.

Later in Latin American history there is the Cuban Revolution of 1959, and the Nicaraguan Revolution of 1979. Almost all the post-colonized countries of Latin American have experienced some types of revolutions. Revolutionary changes, yes, yet has real freedom been able to flourish?

World history has two Chinese revolutions: the Nationalist of 1911 and the Communist of 1949. Russia also had two revolutions, 1905 and the Bolshevik coup d’état of 1917. Royal Thailand had a revolution in 1932 – yet kept the royalty. Ireland has had various revolutions against its same mortal enemy throughout history in 1641, 1798, 1848, 1867, 1916 and 1969.

France has also had its various revolutions: 1789, 1830, 1848, 1871 and 1968. The Spanish military revolt in Africa, in political alliance with the Carlists and the Fascist Falange, referred to its rebellion as the ‘Nationalist Revolution’ versus ‘The Spanish Revolution,’ proclaimed by Leftists, Socialists, Anarchists and Marxist Revolutionists in the 1930s.

How many hundreds of recent revolutions have taken place in decolonized Africa and Asia?

How many of them died in their bile and blood, and how many were successful in seizing the state – and now the most important question of all – how many actually changed the lives of the poor and the suffering, often in whose the name the revolutionists had originally fought for?

What are the actual differences between a revolution and a civil war, or a revolution and an armed rebellion, or even a left-wing revolution and a right-wing revolution?

First, we Anarchists need to get rid of the cult of the Revolution, which we have infected ourselves through associating with Leftists. Our Modern Revolutions are not real revolutions at all. A change in the makeup of the state is not a revolution; it is simply a state changeover. A revolution is a quick change, turn, movement, or circle that returns to some previous stasis of power. In the case of the state, it follows The Who song, ‘Won’t Get Fooled Again: meet the new boss, same as the old boss..’

The new state might have started out as guerrilla revolutionaries in the mountainous forests, but all states, in the end, share that common and continual war against their own subjects or citizens once they have seized power. They must institute some form of social control in order to maintain political legitimacy and continue to hold their sacred power.

The Marxist vanguardist party deception of ‘the masses’ is a blatant lie too. Most subject and citizen people don’t care about the revolution. They only want to survive and see their families survive, which in itself is a noble calling. Only powerful minorities make a state changeover. These powerful minorities often come from some faction within the same elites that they wanted to overthrow in the first place. Why do they want to overthrow their fellow elites? Because throughout world history, certain elite factions have often declared war against other elite factions. The revolutionary elites are the usually ones at the loser end.

There are true revolutionary actions, such as standing up to the boss or any government thug. These are revolutionary, and there are many ways to do it, such as Cop Watching, Squatting city owned abandoned buildings, Giving customers free samples to destroy the bosses’ profits, Boycotts and Disinvestments, and there many other creative strategies found in the annals of resistance history.

Finally, there will never exist any future revolutionary utopia. Nothing will ever change through any state revolution or any state turnover. The only true, ultimate revolutionary action will have the human race kill each other off and die out like the dinosaurs. Just look at history for your answers.

I must also admit that there will never be any true Anarchist free society in the future. There were Anarchistic societies in world history, such as the Bedouin warriors of Islamic world culture, some of the ancient Celt and German warrior nations on the European peninsula, the ancient Berber warrior nations in the mountains of North Africa, the Aboriginal cultures of Oceania, the warrior Malay cultures living within the forests of the Kalimantan peninsula, the Bushmen and Hottentots in southern Africa, the Mongol-Turkic warrior people of pre-empire days, and the warrior-hunter Native nations in the western hemisphere.

Unfortunately for our Native warriors, the all-powerful state-empire, exterminated and mutated their souls transforming them into reservation-captive nations. Any attempt at recreating such free cultures will result in another terror of previous extermination campaigns. We cannot fight the imperial state in open combat and hope to win. We will all lose horribly.

We are also conditioned against resistance due to the ubiquitous culture of technology fetishes and our permanent separation from the Earth. Humanity has permanently lost its dignity. As the Sex Pistols’ ‘God Save the Queen,’ song so eloquently stated, ‘We’re the poison in your human machine.
 We’re the future, your future – No future for you…’ Johnny Rotten was right.

There was no revolution, there is no revolution, and there will be no revolution. There is simply change, whether it erupts violently, or it forms gradually. Human culture changes throughout the long and brutal reign of time, history and certain death. This is what we have waiting for us in our future.

As Anarchists, what we could strive for instead is revolutionary autonomous action. This means standing on our honor like the knights of old. We can further resist all injustices, while using creative methods of resistance. Ultimately, we can embrace the courage inside of all of us to fight with whatever weapons available – until our deaths – and against all powers and authorities, whether revolutionary or not.