Archive for the ‘dignity and honor’ Category

Capitalism: Family Solidarity Killer, Destroyer of Communities

Posted: April 3, 2016 in abandonment, advertising publicity media lies, ageism, anarchist communities, aristo-parasite social class, bad deaths, bad history narratives, billing the customer, capitalism, central banking elites, cheap business owners, construction work, convict colonies, convicts, corporate media refuse, costs, crap wages, criminality, crooked legislation, crooked owners, crooked systems, death with dignity, desperation, destruction of auto-sufficiency, dignity and honor, domestic service jobs, dues, earning potential, economic units of consumption, European invasions, ex-cons, false justice, false work opportunities, free government money, Friedrich Engels, gang units, go to sea, good slaves, government bureaucracies, history, ideological sects, indentured laborers, indigents, inheritance money capital, inside jobs, insider government contracts, job hiring jungle, job offer frauds, job seekers, making a living, malnutrition, mass hangings of poor thieves, Mission Christianity, oligarchy, pathology of the poor, political economy, political party bosses, political regimes, press gangs, rates, real and actual history, real work skills, reserver army of labor, resignation, Settler Colonialism, ship galleys, slums, social degeneracy of the poor, substandard wages, subversive work, terrible economic news, The Conditon of the Working Class in England, trade union bosses, urban squalor, urban vices, violent forces of order, wage scales, wars of extermination, well-paying govt. parasite jobs, work to live in order to die, workhouses
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 Capitalism works for allFilipino-homeless-kidsSaigoncasino-capitalismEnjoy CapitalismCocoa-Child-Laborerchina-wage slave

We are all living under an excrescence of legal murder and sustained institutional violence. What did we do to deserve such a horrid fate of hate and destruction? Why did the political-economic elites choose us for extermination?

Only Real and Actual History can answer such doubts. The false and bad history narratives beam and scream their constant bile on the TV and Hollywood cinema screens. At least we still have the Internet where we can read about the truth and then write something about it.

With all of the ongoing, terrible economic news, and an even more horrible political-economic forecast, there are still those soul breaking stories that emerge from the media refuse.

I will never forget one recent story about a builder who always had good-paying, stable work for most of his life – but then suddenly, he was out of work. He drove and roamed around the city in his pickup truck looking for some stable employment, or some decent paying job for his skills set. And unlike myself, a useless PhD bum in the humanities, he did have real skill sets in construction, and he also possessed a long work history of builder experience.

He eventually found some temporary jobs as a regular construction laborer, but his work itinerary was so fleeting that he had a hard time surviving in his bank owned house and dealer owned truck. It was hard to keep one’s head above water through all of the endless billings and the scams of modern living.

With a substantially lowered wage and a spotty work schedule, he just could not survive paying all those mortgage and truck financing dues, utility rates, rising food costs, pay stub withholding taxes, annual city, state and federal taxes, state sales taxes, vehicle maintenance costs, and finally, the forced, gouging insurance rates from Obamacare and the state Division of Motor Vehicles. There were other open and hidden costs that I probably forgot to mention. Almost all of his surplus money vacuumed into endless payments, indirect taxation, fees, added-on rates and hidden fines.

One day finally, the poor and broken man of previous social respectability took his last honorable decision. He would not join the lumpen class poor and accept government or personal handouts. He could never lower his dignity to beg, borrow and steal. Desperate indigents often have to debase themselves for some survival money after demeaning bouts of prison or homelessness.

He would just kill himself, and go for the stoical death with dignity. He entered his truck one last time, turned on some tunes, and kept the truck running – he was just inside the garage the whole time. He let the diesel and carbon monoxide finish his last personal work. He was in his mid-forties and he left a wife and a kid.

What could drive such a decent, hard working man to do such a thing?

The fault mainly lies with those cheap and dishonest ‘landscaping-construction’ business owners who regularly employ illegal aliens or young kids still in high school, so they can pay substandard wages and keep the payroll off the legal accounting books. Those bad owners also allow substandard construction work while bilking the customers for ‘extra hours and materials’ on the job. But there are other culprits that this essay must name.

That honest man refused to live as criminal or an ex-con where he could have received some free money from a local, ‘urban progressive’ government – and possibly a foreign vacation too – all for the ‘promise of not robbing and killing anymore.”

He was also born a male. If he was a poor woman, he could have pumped out three different kids from different fathers, and so become permanently hitched to the government payroll sugar daddy. In the Amerikan imperial nightmare, there are benefits for others and nothing for the unemployed male.

He was too old. Ageism triumphs in the job hire jungle of capitalism. This monstrosity of corruption prefers the young and immature because they are easier to abuse and intimidate – like any good slaves. Yet is it not an outrage that every job offer fraud always demands ‘experience’?

He obviously did not know anyone, or have any ‘good contacts,’ or even some inside ‘family members,’ possessing those cushion, do-nothing, well-paying government-parasite jobs within city-county-state-federal bureaucracies. The less work one does, the higher up on the wage scale.

Or was it just another downturn in the economy usually instigated through those evil central banking elites, and the poor man felt depressed about the scary future on the horizon. Most Americans hate the poor – including the poor themselves.

He was screwed, like millions of other hard working American families across the continent – and across every land on Earth. Like many Americans, he blamed himself for his failure to secure some stable employment with decent pay. What crooked system could transform a hardworking man of experience into another economic loser statistic?

The correct historical answer is our current capitalist system, global monopoly capitalism.

The history of capitalism has exposed a criminal political-economy of false justice and even more dubious political-legal systems. Yet like most structured political-economies, this twisted ball of corrupt vines and dishonest strings slowly strangles its victims into an even deadlier code of violence. Capitalism, unlike Feudalism, Paternalism, or any other historical economic set up, has been winning the war of extermination against family solidarity and sustainable communities.

Our current unlivable system of Global Monopoly Capitalism annihilates any attempts to form a stable family and maintain a thriving self-sustaining community. Many of the lower classes try, and a few succeed in preserving the family unit, but they are fighting a losing battle with history – and capitalism will destroy them too eventually.

Capitalism rots the insides of all the nations upon this Earth, and so there is no escape. Ultimately, the history of capitalism has exposed a relentless political-economic system, which has successfully exterminated all and every auto-sufficient small community on our Globe.

Aboriginals in Australia, Pacific Islander societies, Native communities in the Americas, auto-preserving farming communities in Asia, and cattle raising-agricultural communities in Africa – all of them have had their bittersweet lives ended through the invasions, oppression, and infiltration of global capitalism. Capitalism utilized all of the deadly arts of European imperial tactics: Imperialist Violence, Mission Christianity, and Settler Colonialism to fulfill and accomplish all of its heinous, subversive work. Capitalism annihilated those true anarchist communities, (those with no legal state craft), because they lived on auto-sufficiency. They had too much honor and dignity to sell themselves as wage slave commodities on the ‘labor markets.’

Capitalism’s rancid breath survives on ever greater market opportunities across-inside-above the entire Earth, and at the same time, it needs an ever greater reserve army of labor to herd into their ‘work to live in order to die’ traps. Capitalism and the State always work together for their inside jobs – and this scenario also includes the despicable Socialist regimes. This sinister tag team is still murdering and purifying the courageous holdouts to this very day. Think for example on the traditional cultures of Afghanistan, East Africa and Yemen.

Capitalism murders solidarity through removing the family from any land or any household productions that can sustain some auto-sufficiency. It then forces the family to move from its generational roots to the brutal urban wasteland of suburban slums, also filled with the countless uprooted and unknowns. This noxious system then enlists each family member individually for precarious employment. Instead of a family unit, each member transforms into a wage slave employee who must then daily travel, back and forth, to the foreign work site, spending most of his working and traveling day and night, with all the other peon wage slaves.

Within each family, some family member must make the ultimate sacrifice to travel far and wide, and then live a great amount of distance from the unit in order to earn more survival money. The family soon loses its old identity as a small community of solidarity, and now each member is rated according to his or her earning potential. When some family member dies and leaves an inheritance will, then the personal animosities truly burst out into the open.

Once the family loses its roots, the greater communities lose their power. Towns often become dead villages of old people, women with babies, and the indigent poor who must survive on both parish and county services. The rest of population has to constantly change addresses and find another urban squalor settlement for ‘work opportunities.’ As the urban dynamic grows out of proportion, with more and more desperate wage slaves looking for less and less available jobs, life turns mean, nasty, brutish and dispiriting. The urban vices of the poor proliferate, such as petty criminality, drug-alcohol addiction, abandonment, neglect and brutal violence.

As both institutional and street crime increases, each job seeker feels alienated from the other competitors. The peons fight each other for the crap wages and the discarded scraps of the rich, while the owners continually blame the poor and working classes for their own culture of ‘social degeneracy.’ Meanwhile, the state in the pay of the owner elites, sends the ‘forces of order,’ usually the police forces, to intimidate the economic throw away populations. This debasing cycle continues its death-dealing, downward spirals, like an overflowing sewer drain during a flood.

Friedrich Engels wrote about such conditions in his book, The Condition of the Working Class in England, (1845). His books is a testimony to the brutal alienation, resigned poverty, and social misery of everyday life for England’s working classes.

In densely populated slums all across northern England, neighbors could barely interact with each other because entire families, parts of families, fathers, sons and daughters, had to constantly move about, work at odd hours and times, and even travel to other parts of the British Empire – in order to eat and ‘make a living.’ Life was precarious in those times, and the factory owners fired workers for the flimsiest of excuses.

For over a century, thousands of young men without work had ‘to go to sea,’ in order to avoid forced slavery and an early death in the workhouses, or even ending one’s life press ganged by the captain’s thugs into the ‘naval service.’ The Royal Marines made sure that no press ganged victims escaped.

For most of the previous century, stealing bread for hunger could get one hanging like an old pig corpse at the wooden catafalque. The British Empire in its masterful hate forced the forsaken poor into ’emigration schemes’ towards the ‘convict colonies,’ where they often had to work to death as ‘indentured laborers.’ The old colonial plantation lists of infamy included, Virginia, Barbados, Carolina, Jamaica, Georgia and ultimately, Australia.

From the late Seventeenth-Century, or the 1600s on, the English working class had five doleful identity changing life choices ahead. The first choice was to just drink gin liquor, starve slowly to death due to malnutrition, and die on the side of a slum road. The second one was entering the workhouse, the prison gang, the ship galley crew, or if lucky, the lord’s domestic service – and eventually die over there, where one might never see his or her family again.

If the worker had a little saved capital, then a personal emigration scheme would possibly function in another part of Europe, or somewhere else on the globe for any decent paying job. Another passable option was military service, where the recruit became a peon soldier ready to murder his fellow working class agitators, rebellious African slaves, or any other colonized victim that could not fight back – while receiving physical punishments, rotten food and bad pay. The final option was to go pirating, plundering and highwayman work, or in our contemporary lingo, become a career criminal. And why not? The aristocratic parasite class lived an easy life of no work, no struggle, and there were always separate laws for their legal criminality.

After long centuries of grinding, non-stop Capitalist production with its miserable living conditions, this merciless political economy has continually pushed millions of honorable men and women to their bad deaths – just like our unfortunate American builder who had to gas himself in his bank owned garage, so he could maintain his honor.

In the late nineteenth-century, the 1800s, the trade union took the social-political initiative in fighting back against the onslaught of Capitalism’s institutional violence. From this worker led movement, and the brutal repression that followed, working class political parties emerged throughout Europe who defended their political interests. The social democracy system birthed on that continent.

But now, all of those same ‘leaders’ have sold out to the Enemy. Union and political party bosses make similar salaries, with decent social benefits, as the corporate elites – they are supposedly fighting against.

Capitalism has successfully ripped us from our roots and origins. At the present moment, our families take their identities from their ‘jobs.’ We must all beg and plead to other family members who have some extra capital in order to survive physically on this cruel Earth. The modern family is strictly an economic unit of consumption. Its sordid truth comes out in the will and testament divvying after Death.

How many of us truly know our neighbors – or even care to know our neighbors? Our contemporary ‘communities’ are often imagined ones wedded to work schemes, advertising-publicity media lies, ideological sects, hobby clubs, gang units, or just some other ‘mystical chords of union.’ With defeated minds, we excrete our dreams inside the colonized caverns of the already dead.