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Dangerous Ideologies III: Racialism-Eugenics

Posted: July 8, 2015 in Africa, African slave trade, African slavery, American universities, Americas, anthropology, Apocalypse, apostates, aristocracy, Asia, beliefs, Bilderberg, blood, Blood of Jesus, blood poisoning, blood purity, breast milk, British Empire, bureaucracies, Catholic Christianity, cattle economies, cheap labor, Christian kingdoms, Christianity, clinics, clothes, coercion, colonial-settler states, colonialism, colonials, colonized, commoners, conflict, conquests, control, corporate work sites, craniometry, criminal classes, criminal neglect, crusades, cultural genocide, culture studies, Dutch Empire, Eastern religions, elites, empire, environment, eugenics, Europe, European colonialism, European world invasions, Evolution, exterminations, facial features, Fascism, fire, forced sterilization, freedom, French Empire, genetics, genocides, ghettos, global empire, governments, Hellfire, heresy, Hindu coolies, history, holocausts, hospitals, ideology, idolaters, imperial power, imperialism, Indian subcontinent, inferior cultures, inferiority complex, Inquisition, institutions, intellectuals, intelligence quotient, IQ, Islam, Islamic culture, Jesus Christ, kidnapping rings, labor work, laws, legends, Liberalism, liberty, lies, liquidations, Malthusian overpopulation theories, mandatory schooling, mass imprisonment, media conglomerates, medical experimentation, medieval experts, mentally ill, militaries, monotheist ideology, myths, nation, Native genocides, natives, New Christians, New World, nobles, Old Christians, Old World, oppression, orientalism, outfits, phrenology, polygenism, Portuguese Empire, positivism, poverty, power, prisons, privileges, Prohibition, pseudo-sciences, psychobabble, race, race dangers, racial adversaries, racial castes, racial experts, racial laws, racial lies, racial mixtures, racial prohibitions, racial sciences, racialism, racism, reconquered territories, reconquests, religion, religious adversaries, religious traditions, Remedial level classes, restrictive communities, royalty, savages, segregation, self-hatred, servile labor, skin tone, slave plantations, slavery, slaves, social benefits, social control, social Darwinism, social pathologies, social psychology, Spanish Empire, spatial segregation, Special Education, Special Needs students, state criminals, subservience, sword, symbols, taxes, the modern State, the poor, the State, tuition, university preparatory schools, utilitarianism, violence, walled cities, whiteness, World Economic Forum
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Race_Implicit_Biasfaces-racesPhrenology IQEugenics certificateEugenics testingeugenics geneticsrockefeller-eugenicsScienceStudies-BradleyHartracism-scienceEugenics-Nazis-Burden

Certain noxious ideologies just refuse to die, and still, those crazy beliefs continue to spit out some kernel of truth.

Elites condemn them, yet they also greatly believe in them – and even practice some of their sinister arts. The regular people will embrace the ideological hodgepodge for the simple solutions to their hard lives. Meanwhile, these false faiths slowly strangle the last remaining decency from our putrid lives.

Racialism-Eugenics is one such ideology that will probably never fully die in the modern world. The reason is that its origins lie at the excrement of the European colonial empires who had created this dastardly mess, some five hundred years ago.

The first colonial monsters and empires represented the Spanish and the Portuguese invaders. Many racialists like to quote from the founders of modern eugenics, polygenism, craniometry and phrenology, (structural brain differences), but modern racial sciences and eugenics actually birthed from the lies of bad Catholic Christianity.

On the Iberian peninsula during the late 1400s, or the fifteenth-century, the Aragonese, Castilian and Portuguese empires were finishing their ‘reconquests.’ What was this conquest truly about? The Catholic Church ordered a Crusade, or cruzada, against the Muslim invaders of the peninsula, which had taken place during the second decade of the 8th century A.D.

A religious war was in full operation, and not just against the Muslims, or moros, but also against all forms of Christian heresy, called herejes, such as Gnostic Christian churches, and there was also a war against the large Jewish communities found in most cities and towns in the peninsula, called juderías.

As the Christians, representing the Castilians, Aragonese and Portuguese, began to expel the religious enemies of the Church from the peninsula, the royal courts began issuing more restrictive laws and decrees against the religious enemies that stayed within the Iberian peninsula. All the religious communities, meaning the Christians, Muslims and Jews had lived within their own communities, or ghettos. This spatial segregation was already clear even within the Muslim cities on the peninsula.

When the Christians decided to siege an ‘enemy combatant’ city and took it, called toma, the Christian knights usually murdered a bunch of religious enemies unfortunate enough to walk the public streets, and then they turned the main mosque into a cathedral church. They soon forced the religious groups to stay within their own walled communities. Not only did the religious adversaries have to return to their districts at night, but they had to wear distinctive clothes and symbols sown on their outfits, even hats. They lost certain rights, called fueros, such as prohibitions from carrying swords in public, riding horses, attending universities, and the payment of certain taxes. The royal courts hoped these prohibitions would force the Jews and Muslims to convert to Christianity – or leave.

Many adherents did convert publicly to Christianity, others left, and yet some of them actually practiced their old religious beliefs in private, or mixed the old traditions with the new religion.

Once the Christian kingdoms had defeated the last of the Moorish kingdoms on the Iberian peninsula, called Nasrid Granada, on January 2, 1492, the Spanish state was ready for the final stage of its liquidation, or its Christian Crusade against all religious enemies, implying the Moorish Muslims and the Jews, or judios.

Two of the Christian kingdoms on the peninsula had already united into an imperial power, called Las Españas, or the Kingdom of the Spains, comprising Castile, (including the northern Celt-Iberian provinces of Galiza, Asturias, Santander), and Aragon, also including Catalonia and Valencia. There were also the recently reconquered southern, Muslim provinces of Extremadura and Andalucía, which fell under the jurisdiction of Castille.

A hundred years later, this imperial power would later include the kingdoms of Vizcaya, (the Basque Country), the Portuguese empire, and the conquered provinces of the Carib nation, (Las Islas Occidentales), the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily, (southern Italy), the Mexica Empire, (Aztec New Spain), the Tahuantinsuyu Empire, (Inca Peru), and the eastern Malay islands on the Pacific, Las Filipinas, or the Philippines, Flandes, the modern Benelux countries, Franche-Comte, (a province in eastern France), and El Ducado de Milano, or the Duchy of Milan in northern Italy.

By the decade of the 1580s, the Kingdom of the Spains transformed into the greatest world empire that human history had ever seen – and even greater than the Mongol empire of the 1240s, because the sun never set on the Spanish imperial flag.

Around hundred years earlier, the 1470s, the Spanish united Christian monarchy, or los reinos cristianos, also introduced the Holy Inquisition in order to uncover, punish and redeem any converted New Christians, or cristianos nuevos, who refused to fully practice the new faith, or that continued to practice the old religious traditions in private. Meanwhile, the royal throne issued full expulsions against any non-Christians that refused to convert: the Jews in 1492 and the Muslims in 1609.

With the danger of New Christians inside the Empire, the Spanish Inquisition developed a pseudo-scientific system for better surveillance, control, arrest and even physical extermination of the potential threats, called, limpieza de sangre, or blood cleanliness. According to those medieval experts, blood poisoning spread through mothers giving breast milk to their babies. The Spanish Catholic Church had found a new obsession with saving babies from poisoned heretical mother’s milk!

The inquisitors believed that people who had practiced un-Christian religions had then permanently poisoned their own blood-breast milk through religious heresy. Christianity has always had obsessions with blood and fire, in the case of the Holy Blood of Jesus on the Cross, and the Lake of Fire Hell in the Apocalypse for non-believers of the Christian religion.

The first racial division of modern history represented the religious divide between Old Christians who kept the true Catholic Christian faith, (and yet did not go over to the Protestant heresy in the later decades), and the New Christians, recent converts to Christianity, from the Jewish and Muslim faiths.

The first realm of religious enemies represented the pagan idolaters, (inclusive of the eastern religions, such as Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Taoists and Confucians), who if conquered through a Crusade or Holy War, had to convert to Christianity, with persuasion, or more than likely, with the sword, fire, and chains of violence.

The second group of adversaries were the other monotheist apostates, such as Jews and Muslims.

The most dangerous ones, or the religious terrorists in those days, were the heretics, or simply the Christians that refused to conform to Catholic doctrine and practice, such as the Gnostics, called alumbrados, the various Protestant sects, non-Catholic Orthodox, and the excommunicated Churches of the East, such as the Nestorians, Assyrians, Mandaeans and Copts.

As the Spanish Empire conquered new lands in the Americas, or the western hemisphere of the Earth, it needed cheap and servile labor for their plantation and cattle economies. Its enemies on two continents, the Western Hemisphere, or the Americas, and in Africa, were both pagan idolaters. If noble natives and Africans converted to Christianity, then they received noble privileges, such as carrying weapons, riding horses, wearing aristocratic European clothes and not having to work or pay taxes for a living.

If these former idolaters were commoners, and even if they converted to Catholic Christianity, they still could not receive any noble privileges, while they had to work for noble and wealthy Spanish colonials. During the decade of the 1580s in the Americas, Spanish colonials referred to these New Christian, darker skinned, native-African mixes as castas, or as racial castes.

Through the practices of the Spanish-Portuguese Empires, race had transformed into its modern, perverted, helter-skelter dimensions: internal population enemies dominated through the Nation-State, the losers of European colonial invasions and genocides, concern over a poisoned blood-gene pool, facial phenotypes, and low socio-economic status.

This is the true conception of the modern ideology of racialism, including its later variants of scientific racialism, positivism, utilitarianism, Malthusian overpopulation theories, prohibition against illegal drugs, social Darwinism, polygenism, craniometry, phrenology, eugenics, anthropology-culture studies, psychobabble and IQ, or Intelligence Quotient.

Racialism-Eugenics has existed as an important ideology in the maintenance of earlier colonial power relations, while it has instituted sophisticated social controls within contemporary society. It has become the state religion for most European nations and for all European colonial-settler states. This ideology defends the European sponsored imperial genocides against Natives, Africans and Asians, or against whatever non-European inferior cultures.

Racialism-Eugenics has further served as a bulwark for continual mass imprisonment and police murder against the poor inside of the ‘non-white’ population base. Most dreadfully, this pseudo-doctrine with its state institutional supports has enabled a type of self-hatred and inferiority complex within the targeted, darker people.

As the Afro-revolutionary Franz Fanon wrote, the colonized or ex-colonized must not only fight the actual oppressors and state criminals, but also has to acknowledge the demons of doubt and subservience within him or herself.

This fetid belief system would also move on to even greater societal targets: the poor in general regardless of color, the ‘criminal element,’ and the mentally ill. The sociopathic ideology still murders it potential victims and has destroyed millions of lives up to this actual day.

It now hides its evil works through various contemporary institutions: the mental hospital-social services clinic, the prison, and mandatory state schooling segregation, such as Special Education, Special Needs and Remedial Level Classes.

Let us continue to expose its sordid and covert history of institutional violence. As European settler-colonialism engaged in even more genocidal wars and slavery operations, the same race oil-grease to the imperial engines began to work on its own. The Spanish colonial masters developed over 64 different racial caste distinctions between white Spanish and the Native and African racial shades. We still use some of their racial terms today: mulato, negro, marron, mestizo, zambo, coyote and lobo.

As the 18th century, or the 1700s, continued, all the European colonial powers: Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, French and Danish developed the solid concept of ‘whiteness’ versus the supposed, darker scum of humanity: African slaves, Indian, (meaning American), savages and Hindu coolies, (in the India Subcontinent or South Asia).

During the 19th century, or the 1800s, European racialism took on a more ‘scientific’ or positivistic flair. Suddenly, a whole slew of European and European-American intellectuals, (too many to list in this essay), began to formulate philosophical-scientific theories on race, nation, culture, genetics, environment and brain-skull size.

Within all of these racialist theories there emerged our modern surrogate ideologies-sciences of Natural Evolution, Nationalism, Social Darwinism, Liberalism, Utilitarianism, Anthropology, Positivism, Social Psychology, or (social criminality-mental illness), Genetics, and the most violent and sinister of them all – Eugenics.

By the 20th century, Eugenics became the complete science in uncovering the true nature of the poly genetic races, blood poisoning, the elimination of skin color, the understanding of inferior beings, social pathologies, such as containment of the poor, the criminal elements, and the disposal of the mentally ill. In all the European nations and the European run colonial-settler states, from the United States to Australia to Canada to South Africa to every dictator pest in Latin America, state institutional policy supported a heavy defensive and offensive system against the internal-external race dangers.

The infernal methods against the rotten inferior beasts included outright physical genocide and mass imprisonment-forced slavery. Meanwhile, state actors forced kidnapping rings and mandatory schooling for Native children, inclusive of cultural genocide. Medical ‘professionals’ encouraged scientific experiments on host populations and forced sterilization against targeted women. Banking magnates allowed segregation of inferior groups within ghettos or within urban poverty zones, while the state denied any social benefits towards lower class recipients. In a sense, ‘the white-elite state’ hoped that the inferior breeds of half-humans would die out. The earlier over-population theories of Malthus became popular once again, and the European homegrown ideology of Fascism would put the final touches on the Racialist-Eugenics pseudo-science.

Up to our actual time, the ideologies of anthropology, liberalism, natural selection, social psychology, psychobabble, genetics and IQ have desperately tried to hide their racialist-eugenics past lives. This essay serves to expose the truth to all Anarchists, and to whomever else, about one of the world’s more vile ideological monsters.

American universities no longer have Eugenics studies, but this does not mean that the elites, who control our contemporary existence, do not believe in such theories. They still adhere to them, and this is the reason they send their children to highly segregated, university prep schools, where their fellow elites attend, and where very few of the racial vermin, poor, and criminal underclass will also attend – and where they definitely cannot afford the tuition.

This perverted-genocidal ideology and pseudo-science is still very much alive, both within the closed discussions and secretive meetings of world elites, such as Bilderberg and the World Economic Forum, and within the all of our contemporary institutions of social control: schools, corporate work sites, prisons, militaries, governments, media conglomerates and bureaucracies.

As long as the modern state maintains its rights to commit heinous crimes, so this ideology will continue to ooze its infections, and putrefy our lives and culture.