Archive for the ‘mass killing’ Category

Dangerous Ideologies XI: Militarism, Spy Masters-War Porn-Deep State

Posted: September 13, 2016 in 1984, abuse of power, annihilation of enemies, aristocracy social class, armies, assassination, Austrian Empire, bad fate, bad GMO food, Berlin, bombastic music, Cadet schools, Carl von Clausewitz, comic book films, commissioned officers, complete destruction of life, corporate newspaper cult, Counter-insurgency strategy, Covert operations, crap Hollywood movies, Cultural Marxism divide and conquer ideology, Danish Empire, death squad training, Deep State, Deutschland, drone bombings, drug wars, emerging enemies, false honor, false media histories, falsification of history, fanatical supporters, First Reich of the Holy Roman Empire, flag waving, genocidal murder, German Empire, goosestepping, hazing, history, Hollywood propaganda, ideological cults, ideological nonsense, immigration strategies, Ivy League elite university education, jingoism, liquidation of populations, low intensity conflict, marching, mass bombings, mass killing, masters of war, media circuses, media crises, media-state propaganda, military academies, military alliances, military atrocities, military bases, military careerism, military code and law, military dictatorships, military discipline, military formations, military garb, military history, Military Industrial Spy Complex, military legal whitewashes, military privileges, military provocation, military rebellions, military supremacy, military welfare system, mobile elite governance, multiculturalism ideological strategy, multiple government initialized agencies, murder spectacle, murderous regimes, mutilation, national traitors, non-commissioned officers, nuclear weapons, organized violence, Otto von Bismarck, paramilitary death squad forces, pathological lying, Permanent War Economy, political-economic manipulations, politician cowards, powerlessness, professor cowards, Prophets, Prussian Military State, red alert, refugee resettlement strategies, retiring higher officers, Russian Empire, Second Reich, senior officer privileges, Spartan Code of Military Discipline, spartanern, Special Forces, spy agencies, spy masters, state terrorist gangs, the bourgeoisie, the lumpens, the middle class, the owner class, The Power Elites, the ruling class, the working class, Third Reich, TV-fast food dope, unconventional warfare, uniformity, upper officer class, war action films, war pigs, war porn, war readiness, war technology, war veterans, wide urban boulevards, World War II
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german-militarismus-cadets-to-officersover-the-top-boysus-military-propagandahollywood-war-propagandaamerikan-imperial-liberationus-imperial-victimsvictims-of-us-militarismUS Govt. atrocities_Fallujah, Iraq

political elites and officer's club


Honest prophets from world history have proclaimed that ‘war is hell.’ Yet there have also existed some more influential folks, often among the rich, powerful, wealthy and elites, who have correctly stated, ‘war is the salvation of the State.’ Both groups have been unfortunately correct.

The prophets eventually sell out, kill themselves, or if they refuse to sell out, well then, they usually get assassinated. Such is the dismal fate that awaits such men of conscience in our evil modern world.

Meanwhile, the elites keep getting richer and more powerful, and the wars, inclusive of their severity, increase by the year. This is especially true living in the Amerikan Empire ruled by Sociopaths. How did we end up surviving within such a horrible actuality, harboring such a terrifying future?

The date of infamy was around a decade before the mass murder spectacle and outrageous scam of ideological nonsense, called Imperialism. This was an epoch oiled in the noxious fumes of European aristocratic lies in regards to false honor. 

Historians have referred to this period as World War I, (1914). The occultic spot on the Earth  was deep in the heart of the Second Reich of the German Empire, called Preusse, or its more infamous name, Brandenburg Prussia, with its capital in Berlin-Potsdam.

Due to the machinations of a political jefe, a Prussian aristocratic leader, or fuhrer, Otto von Bismarck, he had finally succeeded in transforming the hundreds of little states, kingdoms and dukedoms within the previous Germanic Holy Roman Empire, originally called the First Reich.

He accomplished this grand goal through military victories in three different wars: the War against the Austrian Empire in the east and south, the War against the Danish Empire in the north, and the War against the French Empire in the west. By the 1870s, Germany, or Deutschland, had become the most powerful political-military national force on the European Continent.

Austria and Denmark accepted Germany’s new role, while France desired vengeance. England grew angry, yet kept its cool as long as the British Empire maintained its naval supremacy.

The Russian Czarist Empire aligned with the French, while the Turkish Ottoman Empire under the Sultan looked favorably on the German Advance. The northern Italian junta, or the aristocratic and royal political bosses, wanted to copy Germany, so they started the Risorgimento, or the War of Northern Aggression, against the civilian population of southern Italy, during the 1860s.

Berlin had transcended into the grand capital of imperial military power. There was the magnificent Brandenburg Gate built in the 1700s, the boisterous Beer Gardens, which were great social spaces for men, and then there were those long and wide Boulevards, such as Unter den Linden, so beautiful uniform armies could march in goose step.

There also existed the infamous cadet schools. These state schools educated young men in the arts of warfare, or the sublime art of war. The schools glorified war. Along the walls hung painted portraits of previous war masters showing them in rigid Prussian military garb, and in the foreground, the heroes engaged in close cavalry combat.

The Prussians had also distinguished themselves as the theorists of combat, such as the aristocratic warrior philosopher, Carl von Clausewitz, who used Hegelian political theory, (problem + reaction = solution), in his military doctrines. His most famous adage of wisdom: war is the continuation of politics through other means.

The military instructors in these laboratories of the military ethos, also encouraged a strange type of education culture, which they called, ‘spartanern.‘ This new German verb implied the modern application of the Spartan Code of Military Discipline, through torture and beatings, in order to form the hard military man. This pseudo-interpretation, which allowed legal violence, also encouraged excessive bullying and hazing.

In one class, the cadets targeted this one unfortunate student for extreme violence. One day the little killers cut up, burned with flames, and strangled one of the boy’s hands. It was not known if the victim had lost the hand finally. Such are the boons out of the modern ideological cult of Militarism.

Militarism is our modern scourge of governance. It poisons the body politic into jingoism, corrupts civil society through war readiness, and rots the State via provocation and military alliances.

The Military ideological cult led through senior officers demands special attention within our modern life, from its sacred political-economic privileges, to the large, center stage of a nation’s culture. All social activities lead to gross flag waving, tight military formations, a parasitical officer class, and the media accumulation of emerging enemies and eternal war. Shiny uniforms, aggressive recruiting, bombastic music, comic book films, and war porn technology all amalgamate into the Military Supremacy Monster.

The powerless, ignorant, wage slave citizens love it, while the intelligent veterans from its previous wars of legal mass murder despise it. The cancerous gangrene of Militarism transforms all shades of cowardly politician into the most fanatical of supporters, while the heroic prophet that condemns war takes on the detestable role of national traitor.

After the mass extermination of World War I, rich and powerful elites have sheltered their offspring from battle field warfare, so they would never have to fight on the first lines of combat.

The State leaves those loser posts for the working men and lumpen classes. Those pathetic bums can afford to lose a limb, half of their bodies, part of their faces, or even the use of their legs or hands. If they should die on the glorious field of combat, then their relatives can at least collect an insurance policy.

Once the Military Cult grows exponentially, it births three important excrements on the national stage of calumny. First, there is the Military-Industrial Complex, or the Permanent War Political Economy, which ensures continual shareholder profits for endless conflicts, while it offers great corporate-government positions for retiring higher officers.

Next, there is the Spymaster system of multiple government, initialized agencies who are constantly at war with each other, wage unending struggle against their own citizens, and set up paramilitary forces in different parts of the globe encouraging physical extermination.

Finally, Militarism funds a massive media propaganda empire of war action films and false media news histories glorifying murder and destruction.

The culmination of the Prussian born, Second Reich, terminated at the end of World War I, and soon rebirthed for another round of vengeance during World War II. But what happened afterwards?

After dropping two nuclear weapons on the civilian, urban population in Japan, and actually defending the uses of such weapons – the Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths birthed, and so it permanently moveed into a permanent state of war readiness and red alert.

A new corporate elite, sociopath emerged. This new man often held an Ivy League, elite university degree, and most often from Harvard, Yale and Princeton, and then slithered between the corporate sector, media political analysts, elite academia, high government positions, and even running high defense and intelligence posts, or really warfare and spymaster posts. An American intellectual caught sight of this, C. Wright Mills, and wrote a book about it, The Power Elite.

At the same time in history, this imperial monster created multiple initial spy agencies, or strengthened existing ones, such as the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, and the DIA – in order to utterly destroy the perceived enemy. Whether it was International Communism, Leftism, Socialism, the Soviet Union, Red China, Populist-National Liberation leaders, etc., it did not matter. The media would always invent another Goldstein-Enemy (Orwell, 1984), of the Day.

Spy agencies have helped wage unconventional warfare out of the public gaze. We now call this type of warfare covert operations, low intensity conflict, counterinsurgency warfare, or with cyber warfare, fourth generation warfare. All of these terms imply one thing: political manipulations, thefts of secrets, bribery and legal mass murder of the enemy, or just simply, hidden money and mobilizations for legal, public criminality.

Like the elite sociopaths who would never dream of joining the military enlisted ranks, the upper echelon of officers also move between elite fields of governance when they retire, such as university academia, high political posts, defense contractors, spymaster positions and news media analysts. In fact, most intelligence operatives have usually had some previous military experience.

From my own previous enlistment in the US military, I also remember this corrupt and degenerate militarist system. I had a clerk MOS, so I never had to murder anyone for the empire. But others were not so lucky.

I distinctly remember the disgusting methods the US military system used against us low-level enlisted servants. We often received sudden orders to move to another post without any prior notice. The military system always manipulated our contracts. If we failed a pathetic type of exam, then we would have retrain from scratch, leave our work, or receive a lower pay grade. Even going out on our day’s off and having a good time could possibly get us into trouble due to all the petty rules and traps found inside a typical 30 page enlisted military contract. The officers did this purposefully in order to transform us into nervous and cringing slaves. Sadly, it worked.

I also saw from afar the completely different world for the top officer brass. They did not eat the crap GMO, (genetically modified), laced US military food. Instead, they dined privately, and often with other local political and cultural elites. They all had special privileges that no other soldier had, with a lot less rules.

They could leave their posts when they wanted, and their orders were always tempered with their careers. If they got into some outside trouble, then the military legal whitewash would excuse a little lapse of behavior. Those hypocrites loved war and militarism because it meant a quick rise in pay grade and they would not have to die or end up maimed on the front lines anyway.

This is the real reason the US government cannot give up its addiction to war: the US military officer careerists need to rise in rank and then receive the high pay, full benefits welfare system. This is also called the US Military officer payroll, 0-10 and above. The only fast way to advancement is combat duty, meaning eternal war.

I recall that the US military also had a good amount of foreign officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, within its ranks. The Amerikan Empire in its unlimited cravings for world domination, has desired all power and authority under its dictatorship. With all of its invasions and bombings across the globe, the Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths has acted in desperation for such continual loyalty.

This is another reason why the US government makes it very easy for both big and small American corporations to hire foreign workers through H-1B and F-1 visas. From all of the warfare and destruction that this Empire has inflicted across the Earth, the US government needs to show greedy locals that they can come to America and make quick profits.

American universities regularly hand out ‘special student visas’ to the two most populous regions on Earth: East Asia and South Asia. There is also the profitability in exploiting illegal guest workers, from four particular countries: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. What do they all have in common?

All of the above Latin American countries have suffered death squad, criminal governments supported through American taxpayer dollars. Almost all of the millions of foreign workers inside the United States are either political or economic refugees of the Amerikan Empire!

With all this blatant corruption, the US Military and its surrogate spy agencies have worked splendidly in murdering millions upon millions of the world’s inhabitants. How many nations and peoples across the globe has the US Air Force bombed? How many governments has the United States CIA overthrown? How many US financed, organized paramilitary-terrorist gangs have had some training from US Special Forces? How many corrupt and murderous regimes across the globe has the US government given money to? How is it that the US Government has been in continual warfare across the Earth, since dropping those two nuclear weapons on Japan in 1945?

No other world imperium in world history has committed such everlasting atrocities of lying, falsification, mass murder and the complete destruction of life.

The US government did not win the Korean, Indochina, Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Any historian can look at what those sociopaths have done to those nations however. The victims of Amerikan Imperium will never recover, and all of that life annihilation had a particular evil purpose: if we lose, you still die by the millions – and even after the war is over.

How many innocent people now rot in the Amerikan gulag due to FBI, IRS, and militarized cop frame ups? How can some spy-paramilitary agency, such as the DEA or the FDA, suddenly decree that certain pharmacopeia are illegal, and then legally wage a brutal war against the personal users of such drugs?

The profound depths evil found inside of the Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths represents Liberalism and Militarism combined with the Psychobabble Cult and Forced Compulsory Schooling. All Empires eventually decay into corpses, and drown within their toxic embers. So will this excrescence.

When I was in the US Military I also remember listening to the stories from the old men NCOs that still wore their faded uniforms in order to retire well after 30 or 40 years of service. Those old bones were the lifers that did a few tours in the Indochina conflict. The US military still runs on the Non-Commissioned Officers: petty officers and sergeants. They are the commandeering class in the services. Without them, the higher officers can do nothing, the US military machine would have to suspend operations completely.

Many of those lifer guys, or their families, were originally from the Southland and proud of it. They shot guns regularly in the desert, hunted, rode cars off-road or loved riding their bikes. They were mean bad asses, but also had those icy charms of disciplined soldiers.

At the end of the Indochina conflict, they had to watch each others’ backs when going off ship or off base. Many just wore their civies, or civilian outfits. The general public just disliked them. Things turned around by the early 1980s, but those memories did not fade easily.

By 1970, there was also a full-on military rebellion in Indochina. When President Nixon visited the troops – they took the soldiers’ guns away! This is what really put an end to that war. And yes, there was even a miniscule amount of soldiers that switched sides and fought with the North Vietnamese Army!

And as the Mr. Dylan once stated not too long ago, ‘the times they are a changing.’

The political aperture of rebellion is moving slowly into place once again. The two-party shit clown show is losing both its momentum – and its legitimacy. Only the old folks at home are tuning into the corporate mainstream media circus.

The corporate newspaper cult is dying a slower death – and good riddance. Most citizens are still ingesting the TV-fast food dope – but once 20% of the populations loses the faith – it is over. Like me, a lot of my acquaintances are either unemployed, or are inside the prison of precarious, low pay, part-time, underemployment.

The sociopaths in power run about like dismembered chickens. The elites are relentlessly attacking and cornering the same sociocultural base where most of those NCOs originally came from: Family, Home, Work, Church, Coffee, Cigarettes, Alcohol and Guns. Let them continue such desperate political games.

No matter how many side shows glorifying Militarism they play on the TV screen through the National Football League, or the NFL, or through crap Hollywood movies, the internal rot of the system and the class divisions are increasing exponentially.

I learned four important skills from my US military life period: cleaning a toilet, making a tight bed with triangular corners, ultimately passing the PT physical test – and shooting, cleaning, assembly disassembly of weapons.

I guess those Cultural Marxist Ivy League professors forgot to teach the elites one very important truth: never humiliate an unemployed veteran that knows the truth hiding behind the system. History’s lessons shall now commence firing.