Archive for the ‘hijras’ Category

True and Authentic Revolutionaries: Armed Gender Outlaws

Posted: August 28, 2014 in aggression, androgyny, authenticity, bad death, Baroque Europe, berdaches, capitalism, capitalist-authoritarian society, celebrity status, Christianity, cinema, cities, commedia dell'arte, cops, courage, cowardice, crime, criminals, cross dressing, crossovers, crust oogle travelers, culture, death, desperadoes, drug addiction, drugs, entertaiment arts, erotica, family, freaks, gender, gender appearances, gender assignments, gender benders, gender history, gender outlaw, gentrification, Glam Rock, gods of love, guns, hatred, hemaphrodites, hijras, hormone drugs, hybrid natures, hypocrisy, ideologies, ideologies of control, India, institutions of control, intersexed deities, Judaism, lonely death, Manichaeism, marginalized urban communities, martial arts, mignons, modern world, money, monotheism, murder, murder of transgender people, murderers, music, outcasts, pangender, pansexuality, political hacks, politicians, power, prison officials, professional makeup, property pimps, prosecutors, prostitution, proto-Anarchist communities, Punk movement, punks, rebellion, rebels, revolutionaries, self-defense, selling-out, sensuality, sex change surgery, sexuality, slumlords, social class, societal targets, society, sociopaths, street survival, the public sphere, theater, third genders, transgender, victims, violence, weapons, white skin privilege, Ziggy Stardust
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Hermaphroditus-adrogynouszuni berdachethird-gender hijras Indiamale baroque styleCrossdressing actorsziggy-stardustBecoming gender outlawGender outlawchelsea-manning-armed and courageous gender outlawDecember-31-1993-Transgender-Rape-and-Murder-Spawn-a-Movie

Authentic rebellion exists and it truly is the real thing. Many Anarchists consider themselves the forefront of such rebellion. Crust oogle travelers also consider themselves the true and actual punks that can survive inside the capitalist-fascist police state. But there is one group that have lived, survived and died horribly within the monster. They are a small insignificant group – but they still live, breathe, and they are giving the real middle finger to the entire culture and society that feeds on the scraps of hypocrisy and lies. They are the armed gender benders, gun carrying or martially arts trained, trans gendered outlaws. These people are today’s true desperadoes.

Why is this? Because these outlaws have refused to sit within one gender assignment from birth. They want to move back and forth between gendered appearances. They change themselves into more feminine or masculine attributes depending on their spirit or will. They know that gendered boundaries change culturally, while these boundaries have moved considerably throughout human history.

They want to express themselves the way they want, the way they ought to live, and the way their bodies naturally move and act in the public sphere. These true revolutionaries do not just masturbate to their private fantasies. Instead, they walk the public streets showing off their sensual powers. They live in both the actuality and in the fantasy. And these rebels, in the true sense of the word, are ready to fight back, either with guns or with some good training in self-defense techniques.

This final part is unfortunately necessary because the gender benders, the sensual transgendered outlaws, do walk the walk. They are public, open, and not ashamed of their hybrid, trans-sexual natures. They have no place to hide and they refuse to hide. They will react, if attacked.

Of the most heinous and wanton murders committed on the public streets, the willful murder of transgendered people is unfortunately quite common. Throughout the year, stories emerge on the news concerning a brutal murder of a transgendered person, often found lying tortured to death on a road or a street somewhere.

The criminal perpetrators are always men between the ages of 15 and 55. They often commit the murders within groups of two to five people. They find a transgendered freak walking alone, along a road or street, and so they know that they have an advantage. Unfortunately, they commonly do have the advantages in both numbers and in physical murder potential.

The male perpetrators are usually violent, petty criminal types from low social class backgrounds. Most of them have some type of violent criminal history. What is even more hideous is that some of the murderers have gotten away with their sociopathic crimes. There is always a witness to a murder, no matter how furtive or secretive the act. Apparently, there are cowards that believe the gender outlaw deserved the fate of the bad death.

Their attraction to torture and murder leaves them limited options. Sometimes, their families completely reject them and cut them off permanently. The gender revolutionaries routinely have to live in more ‘tolerant’ and ‘marginalized, urban communities. They have to share their metropolis abodes with the other outcasts from capitalist-authoritarian society: incorrigible drug addicts, the home bums, the rough vagabonds, the permanently scarred drifters and street prostitutes. In many instances, the gender desperadoes also fall into hard drug addiction and street prostitution in order to survive economically – all within a dreadful modern society that already detests them.

Within such urban decaying zones of limited autonomy, the upper class-white skin-privileged gentrifiers, meaning coalitions of urban property pimps, local political hacks and bank executive bosses, regularly target them and their neighborhoods for ‘revitalization.’ This means that they want the gender outlaws forced out of their newly created, resettlement zones of urban gentrification. ‘Artists’ and ‘professionals’ with white skin privilege and money, yes; but the homeless and poor, gender outlaw-junkie-beggar-prostitutes – no way.

Why do these heroes attract such hatred, venom and violence? The reasons are because the haters and murderers of such people secretly feel threatened, they fear such public boundary crossings, or they are sociopaths always ready to pursue the easy kill. The person that hates on such outlaws is either a secret gender bender and public coward, or the person is a sociopath that received beatings and tortures in the past, and he simply wants to take out his aggression on the lesser beings, easier marks – and hopefully not do any prison time. When it comes to the rich and powerful, they represent the ‘respectable sociopaths’ who have always come clean from their crimes. They can legally mandate other murderers to do their bidding: slumlords, cops, state attorneys or prosecutors, and prison officials.

Another unfortunate scenario for the gender transcendent is that they live in urban cities with strict laws against carrying and using weapons, and especially guns. These criminal statutes leave the transgendered warriors easier prey for the lower class sociopaths that sometimes cruise the city streets looking for potential victims. For the pangender outlaw, the only two routes available are a young and lonely death, or if they have good fortune on their side – celebrity status in the respectable world of entertainment arts.

We have the cinema-music examples of Ru Paul, Laverne Cox, Divine and Alexis Arquette. David Bowie took on the white, male, hard rock guitarist reputation with his Ziggy Stardust-Spiders from Mars image of an androgynous, drug addicted rock star in the early 1970s. This gender floating act defined Glam Rock, and later influenced the Punk movement in Britain. It is noticeable that most of the accepted third genders in public entertainment and the arts are the male crossovers to female set with full surgical operations and massive doses of hormones, which have actually transformed themselves into superficial women with breasts and vaginas. Looking at their photos decked out in luxurious dresses and professional makeup work – they have become women of affectation in spite of their births.

Reality floats back to the androgynous, pangender, third gender outlaws that have to live and survive with the rest of the modern world. They don’t have a tight entertainment subculture or talent connections that tolerates them for ‘transgender roles,’ nor do they have the money to buy a large house and thereby escape the day-to-day hassles of urban living – or even to afford sex change surgery.

Instead, they daily fight for survival, party hard, and walk the public streets in full pangender glory. Within the transgender group, the full-on outlaws will defend themselves from any or all physical attacks. The old outlaw is long gone – except for these courageous ones. They are the last survivors, and will not bow nor swear allegiance to any false ideology of natural order, murderous institution, or any societal imposed prison. They live in constant danger, and yet they are truly free to display themselves – as they prefer to display themselves.

In all my travels around the world, I have only seen one world culture that has tolerated third genders, and that was pagan-Hindu India. They had the name of ‘hijras’; although, they lived marginal existences in the Indian society.

Before the ideologies of monotheism, such as Judaism and Christianity, imposed their order on the world, most world cultures, such as Africa, Asia, Australia, the Western Hemispheres and Europe, respected the divine artistic and creative powers of intersexed deities and spirits. Those deities found artistic representations in crossover female-male bodies and third gender symbols.

In ancient Hellenic Greek and Roman civilizations, the ‘hermaphrodite’ shared divine characteristics with the pantheon of gods, and especially with the gods of love: Aphrodite-Venus, Eros-Cupid, Peitho-Suadela, and the erect penis gods of Satyrs and Priapus. Before the European invasions of North America, the natives fully included third gender people, called ‘berdaches’ within their proto-Anarchist communities.

Unfortunately for all of us living humans, monotheism, except for Gnostic Manichaeism, with our modern ideologies of control and power, have fully taken their intellectual dominance. The third gender has become an outlaw and a target for violence.

But even with all the repression against our bodies and the act of love, now called ‘sexuality,’ there have always existed the exceptions. During the Baroque period in Europe, (around 1630-1730), many aristocratic, European men wore tights, makeup, high heels, powdered wigs of long hair, dimples, long jackets and frilled shirts. These men had the name of ‘mignons.’ while the local theater regularly featured comedic farces of cross dressing characters, referred to back then, as ‘commedia dell’arte.’

Our third gender, pansexual paladins live on modern society’s fringes. Most are not armed and so they live exposed to the whims of the sociopaths. But there are those few transgendered outlaws who are also proficient in the martial arts, and even better, carry guns for any deadly encounter. These are the last holdouts of the outlaws, and they are the true and authentic revolutionaries who will never sold out.