Archive for the ‘teachers’ Category

Anarcho-Historian Lesson #7: Actual-Real History versus Crap History

Posted: April 6, 2014 in American Empire, Amerikan school system, Anarchists, authority, bad education, capitalism, Cholula pyramid temple massacre, civil war, class war, cocolitzli, community, conquistadors, conspiratorial groups, contradictory, control, corporate media, cover-ups, crap history, crime, criminals, Cuitlahuatzin, cultural references, cultural values, culture, Demographic Disaster, diverse historical perspectives, educational formation, ego-self, elites, empire, epidemics, ethnic groups, eye of discernment, first person accounts, forced coercive schooling, generals, hegemony, Hernan Cortes, heroism, hierarchy, historians, historical archives, historical profession, historical research, history, human complexity, human condition under civilization, ideological supports, Inca Empire, indoctrination, intellectuals, invading army, labor historians, legal violence, legitimacy, liars, manipulation, massacres, media manipulation, Mexica-Aztec Empire, Mexico, microbiological history, mind control, Moctezuma II, murder, murder victims, museum displays, mythologies, narco-terrorism, official history, official states, official wars, past experiences, plagues, practice, presidents, professors, propaganda, pseudo-expert historians, ranters, real-actual history, rebellions, regions, resistance, revolutionaries, rule, school system, school textbooks, Siege of Tenochtitlan, smallpox outbreaks, social control, Spanish Empire, state apparatus, state mythologies, teachers, Tenochtitlan, terrorists, The Great Death, the public, the rich and the powerful, the State, Tlaxcalan allies, traditions, Truths of History, TV propaganda, United States Government, universities, US Civil War, vagabonds, valor, violence, War of Northern Aggression, wars, working class
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Aztec account of Siege of TenochtitlanSpanish account of Siege of TenochtitlanBubonic plague EuropeAztec_smallpox_victimsMexican version of American invasionAmerican version of Mexican War

October 1519 was a dangerous month for living in central Mexico. A new invading army with metal plated chest armor, leather boots, helmets, pikes, swords, horses, and a few firearms were on the march – literally. These hundreds of foreign speaking men smelled real bad and a good amount of the men sported beards, which clustered stale food droppings mixed with dried mucus. They were a sick sight to behold.

An even sicker sight was a strange disease never seen before, which had already wiped out whole villages on the Caribbean coast. Thick red and black bulbs grew on the outside of the body and then the human form would rot from the inside out!

Accompanying these rancid bearded men, thousands of Tlaxcalan warriors marched ready to do some damage to their old enemies, the Aztec-Mexican Empire. Spanish conquistadors acted with discernment when encountering advanced civilizations, (meaning urban societies), during their invasions. They first acknowledged the main empire to fight, and then they made alliances with their enemies in order to destroy them. Only twenty years later, they would use the same tactics against the Inca Empire in Peru.

The Spanish had already destroyed some of the crack Aztec warriors within the pyramid of Cholula. The Spanish warriors would soon enter Tenochtitlan, the capital city, and take Moctezuma II hostage. Eventually, the Aztec-Mexica warriors counterattacked in the capital city, and they almost exterminated the Spanish with their Tlaxcalan allies. But the Spanish-Tlaxcalan alliance won the final war in August, 1521. This ad-hoc alliance finally destroyed the Aztec-Mexica empire centered in Tenochtitlan. But there was another invading force that gave the new invaders a special edge.

What truly destroyed the Mexica-Aztec capital was a strange outbreak, never experienced beforehand in central Mexico, called ‘cocolitzli,’ or smallpox, which burst forth in the year 1520. An outbreak had ultimately hit the capital that same year, and it had killed the very emperor himself, Cuitlahuatzin. The epidemic spread all over central Mexico, which of course, made ‘the conquest,’ so much easier. Even the Spanish allies, the Tlaxcalans, experienced its ravages.

A hundred years later, from August 1521, 90 % of the indigenous population of central Mexico would die terribly due to recurring plagues and epidemic outbreaks. The Conquest owed a lot more to micro-biological history than to the genius of Cortes, or even due to the thousands of Tlaxcalan warriors that had increased Cortes’ military forces up towards 8,000 troops.

Yet, crap history accounts continue to rant about the military brilliance of Hernan Cortes, or the invincibility of the Spanish knight-conquistadors, or the funniest account of all, that the Mexica-Aztecs, especially Emperor Moctezuma II, thought that the Spanish were gods. All of these accounts are lies, legends and represent crap history.

How does the discerning historian spot the crap history, or the excrement, from the real and actual history?

Crap history accounts always resort to easy one line reasons for historical acts.

All of those crap accounts are lies because we humans, under the human condition of civilization, are too complex for easy one liners. Looking outside the window at the world around us, we see the incredible complexity that represents the living humanity moving in and out of the urban streets. Since the birth of human civilization, humans have had this human complexity. True history always shows the intricacies that lie behind the incredible acts of human violence.

Crap history also has a particular and very open agenda. It is often found within the pages of state college and public school textbooks, corporate media hype broadcasts, boring history teacher lectures and in museum displays. There is an old saying that the winners write the history books. This is true.

After the Spanish imperial invasions in the Americas, Spanish conquistadors did recount their great ‘heroism and valor.’ But their accounts are often annotated with ego rants and descriptions that defy ordinary beliefs. Their hodgepodge of historical offerings are actually quite hard to read, and few historians use Cortes’ own ‘incredible account,’ for historical research.

The same historical problem also relates to the winners codifying and arranging their writings in archives and in libraries, so that later historians would have easier access to their works. A bad historian will simply read their works and recopy the garbage found in their notes. A good historian however, will reread their writings and then look for particular themes that pop out between the lines. The well-trained historian reads with the discerning eye, while the crap historian reads as a copyist – and then writes a pathetic book or article that most people don’t care to read anyway.

Unfortunately, the historical profession still suffers from the infection of crap history and crap historians. But there is a solution.

Anyone can do the art of reading and write real and actual history. All it takes is the eye of discernment. While reading an ancient text, the historian ought to ask his or herself a few questions: why is the author writing this work, who is the intended audience, how does the author put the work in order, and what was the historical context of the work? We all have our own agendas – and so did our forbears in human history. The official history of United States is a perfect example of the recurring plague of crap history.

The official and standard, crap Amerikan history only lists the official wars of the United States government against other official states, such as Britain, France, Mexico, Spain, Germany, Korea, China, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is also gives a special section on the Civil War.

The real and actual history however includes the US govt.’s continual wars of extermination against the Native nations on the continent, the war against the Mormon religion, the Civil War-War of Northern Aggression, the war against crime or against African-Americans, the war against Asian aliens, the war against ‘illegal’ drugs or against young people of color, the war against alcohol or Prohibition, the war against Terrorism, or against Islam, the war against Narco-terrorism-Latino drug cartels, the war against obscenity, the war against International Communism, or the Cold War, the war against illegal immigration, the war against the poor-lumpen proletariat that have no work skills, the war against drunk drivers, etcetera.

The official and standard crap Amerikan history prefers the points of view of presidents, generals, the rich and the powerful. It often praises both their acts of greatness and crimes; while it never offers the perspectives of their unfortunate victims. Crap history acts if the rich and the powerful represent the entire country, culture and society! Obviously, the upper classes don’t live like the rest of us.

The real and actual history includes the perspectives, thoughts, writings and actions of a whole diverse group of historical players: the homeless vagabond, the construction worker-laborer, the skilled mechanic-artisan, the sick and dying in the hospitals, the feisty small business owner-merchant, and the prisoner locked away in some prison-dungeon. Their views matter because they had the gift of human life and lived during a certain historical epoch. What they did with their lives was their business, and often due to birth, they had no other choices open to them.

Again, the complexity of human history comes into play. Even within a particular regional culture, the local humans have represented diverse backgrounds, such as familial relations, ethnic histories, work experiences, and educational formations. All of these elements, and even more that I haven’t listed in this paragraph, construct an individual’s cultural frames.

We frequently live our lives on dysfunctional remote control containing jumbled past experiences, contradictory cultural references and mental juggling acts. We the people under the condition of civilization are complex and all too human.

The Anarchist revolutionary must also act as a historian. He or she understands the truth of this human condition. Any time we hear some mad ranter or pseudo-expert historian ramble about the simple and easy answer to any current problem in society, then we need to either ignore the screamer, or if it is within a private setting, then rebuke the foolish discourse.

We clean our asses after excreting the feces. Our lifetimes are too short for tolerating anymore crap history.

The Amerikan Empire VII: Bad Education through Dirty Social Control

Posted: March 31, 2014 in alcohol, American Empire, American populace, Amerikan school system, authority, bad education, big business, Big City Amerika, boredom, brainwashing, brutality, bureaucracy, capitalism, charges, children, citizens, class war, closed down factories, college dormitories, college educated, college preparatory academies, community, construction contracts, control, cops, corporatism, corruption, counterinsurgency, cover-ups, cowardice, crime, criminal enterprise, criminals, cruelty, culture, displacement of the poor, divide and conquer, doctoral programs, donut cops, DUI, economic collapses, educated workforce, elites, empire, family, favoritism and privileges, fear and paranoia, fees, fines, forced coercive schooling, ghettos, government handouts, graduate school, graduate students, gulag, harsh laws, hegemony, hierarchy, history, homelessness, horrible salaries, humanity, ideological supports, imprisonment, indoctrination, inmates, institutional drones, institutional violence, institutionalization, intellectual foundations, interlocking boards of elites, iron cage, Ivy League universities, jail, legal codification, legal immunity, legal miasma, legal privileges, legal violence, legitimacy, mandatory schooling, media manipulation, mind control, monopoly, municipal taxes, pacification, parenting, PhD, political methods, politics, power elite, practice, principals, prison gulag, prisons, production, professors, propaganda, public school system, public service, public tax money, public workers, punishments and favors, racial divide, rebellions, rewrite the laws, rituals, Rockefellers, rule, sacred state rituals, sanctions, school administrators, school system, security culture, selective justice, shootings, slave patrols, slaves, snitches, social control, social parasites, state apparatus, state bureaucrats, state coercion, state officials, state theater, staying power, stealing, struggle, students, subject populations, subsidized businesses, tactics, taxes, teachers, the American flag, the public, the State, thieves, titles, traditions, tuition gouging, TV propaganda, two-tired justice system, tyranny, tyrants, underemployment, United States, United States Government, universities, university campus, university donut cop forces, US government War on Drugs, video surveillance, violence, wage slavery, welfare, working class
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irocker001p1Univ. of Alabama president's plantation houseUS univerity campus copsanti-mobbing US universityschool bullying01n/27/arve/G1914/017
After twelve years of living overseas in Europe, vagabonding and traveling around the world, I decided to return to the Amerikan school system. I wanted to get the top degree as a historian, a PhD. Yet, I always hated the Amerikan system of ‘education.’ Like most people in the country, most of my Amerikan schooling experiences were quite negative.

I had thought that studying for a PhD, or a useless doctorate degree, would signify a totally different experience. I would be able to read what I wanted, and study various themes and topics that interested me. I could write passionately about what truly fascinated me related to historical stuff. I could then become a professor too.

I finally did receive my longed for PhD six years later – but I was terribly wrong. I was good at history, but common sense kicked me in the butt. The rot of the education system had even infected the deadbeat world of Amerikan university graduate school.

From daycare-head start, nursery ‘schools’ to the doctoral program schools in Amerikan universities, bad education reigns through dirty social control. The main culprit represents the mandatory and compulsory state ‘public’ school. The Amerikan forced and coerced schooling system exists solely for training obedient, institutionalized slaves. The elites wanted, and have continued to want, mental cowards that follow orders throughout their bad employment careers. The Amerikan school system currently runs like a minimum security jail system confined within the bureaucratic iron cage.

I’ll never forget my first few weeks on the Amerikan university campus after being out of the ‘school system’ for over ten years. The university charged and extorted students for almost everything that they needed on campus. There were counseling fees, student bookstore fees, student union fess, building fees, computer resource fees, etcetera, and even teaching grad students had to pay for tuition.

In the Amerikan Empire, the state, inclusive of federal, state and city governments, normally tax the citizens incessantly. However, the Amerikan university had perfected this art of taxation, charges and fines, which possessed even greater reach than the state – since tuition costs rose by the rate of inflation times twenty each year.

The university also had a long list of fees and sanctions that required continual outlays of payments, such as parking fees, for both cars and bicycles, late registration fines, drinking alcohol on campus fines, skateboarding fines, and the poor undergrads that lived in the dorms had it worse. Their lives were exactly like prisoners in minimum security jails. They had to inform the security staff when both leaving and arriving in the buildings. Any minor room infraction could land them serious fines, ending up homeless – or even arrested by the campus donut brigade.

I was really shocked when I saw one peculiar ‘innovation.’ The university had a full-fledged and legal, autonomous police force, with its very own detective and jail, cops openly carried semi-automatic guns, high-powered shotguns, and the unit had an armored vehicle with drug sniffing dogs. These cops were often young and hard-core. They regularly rode and walked around the campus looking to harass and bust both unwary students and strangers that ventured on the campus spaces.

While the cops kept the campus on lockdown, surveillance cameras were prevalent everywhere. It wasn’t as bad as a casino or a prison, but it came close. The vigilance cameras were in the hallways, library bookcase areas, and they even faced the front doors of restrooms.

A terrible ambience of fear and distrust pervaded the entire university campus community. The university bosses or administrators managed the whole operation from the top down. The Regents or Trustees possessed the legal management of the university, so they appointed the president. The president next appointed his or her own assistants, and in turn, they appointed the provosts, vice provosts and the other campus directorships. Meanwhile, the provosts appointed the deans and the assistant deans, and the deans appointed their assistants. Almost none of these six figure salaried administrators, and in the case of the president, millionaires, taught classes. They generally attended meetings and passed e-mails to each other.

The administrative chiefs often delegated the heavy university workload, innocuously called service requirements, onto the tenured professor managers. These administrators could dismiss any worker or terminate any job position at will – even if the victim had tenure.

This American university system resembled the old Communist Central Committees of Eastern Europe, or the old Corporations run by the family juntas of the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts at the turn of the century. The top directors also referred to ‘their university’ as a not-for-profit corporations. The irony apparently escaped them.

The tenured professor managers were quite disappointing as both workers and people. They often acted in a cowardly manner. They never argued with the administrators, and never fought back against most university injustices. The few who did fight back, ended up fired. Most tenured university professors transformed themselves into institutional drones.

Most of them had already transformed themselves into servile workers through faithfully attending the Amerikan Empire school system.

The worst of the bunch were the other graduate students. I had thought that my fellow students would emerge as intellectual colleagues where deep discussions on history, culture and politics were commonplace. The opposite was true. With so little money at the bottom of the pyramid and with most of us gaining horrible salaries at the poverty level, every other graduate student was a competitor for the meager amounts of available money. Hatred ruled inside of those tiny and claustrophobic grad student offices.

The hatred and anger seethed at all levels on the campus. Administrators often blew their tops against recalcitrant professors. Some professors went ballistic against grad students. The grad students showed their rage through harshly grading the papers of the undergraduates – who represented the ‘lazy’ students. Yet it was the laziest of the bunch, the administrators, who received the greatest payouts. And from there, the pyramid of tension, hate and control regularly flushed down into the university cesspool.

I began to hear other horrible stories and legends. A tenured, professor-pervert got away with his sexual indiscretions due to his ability to garner outside grant money for the university, i.e., the administration. The uni donut cops managed a corrupt practice of busting drivers around the campus at night for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, (DUI) money; meanwhile, some of those same cops would get drunk and then receive free rides home. University administrators would physically threaten attorneys, coaches and professors that refused to bend to their wills.

I also heard about some departments where cowardly professor bullies formed mob actions against their non-conformist colleagues. The university environment functioned under some of the worst institutionalized behavior in the education industry. Only the Amerikan prison gulag or the US Post Office seemed worse off – and yet, I had voluntarily entered this sick world.

I stayed on for six years longer until I received my PhD. I had no where else to go. I was good at history, reading and writing. But I paid a serious price for my desperate and stubborn will to continue and finish graduate school. I too fell victim to the pettiness, the competitive meanness, the nasty envy, and worst of all, the frustrated anger. Yet, I prided myself in resisting such institutional vices. It took me four years after receiving my PhD to fully heal my mind from such a harsh ‘educational’ experience.

After reaching the long sought doctoral degree, I then realized something even more sinister – the Amerikan university had become a rotten extension of the Amerikan high school, which in turn, birthed itself out of the infernal concoction of Amerikan forced schooling, or ‘the public school system.’

The mandatory public school system was actually a recent historical phenomenon. About a hundred years ago in the USA, few people attended the local public schools. Kids might attend a local school-house, but the school was completely autonomous, under a schoolmaster or even a local teacher. Most children attended for a few years, but it often ended when they had to work at their parent’s businesses, farms or small ranches. Children mainly learned their life and work skills from their parents.

At about the same time, Amerika’s elite business capos, such as the Rockefellers, began to lobby the state governments for forced, mandatory schooling. They wanted a more ‘disciplined’ workforce, and so they united with German Empire trained, public intellectuals, such as John Dewey, to set up ‘school boards,’ ‘child labor laws,’ and ‘teacher colleges.’ The Amerikan federal and state apparatuses supported this school system because they watched the spectacular military power of the German Empire, or the Second Reich, which had compulsory state schooling. Other world empires, had also utilized this successful school model, such as the French Empire and the British Empire.

By the 1920s, most US states had some form of mandatory public school law, which gave states the legal right to take away parents’ kids, and hold them against their wills for a good party of the day. The elites however, such as the Rockefellers, never sent their kids to those obligatory public schools; instead, their sons, and eventually, daughters too, attended elite college preparatory private schools, and afterwards, attended the ivy league, elite universities.

The requisite state, Amerikan public schools had more administrators than teachers. They often sat in offices, never taught, and received great salaries, benefits and severance pay packages. Under them were the ‘education leaders,’ or principals, who also made very good money.

In order to earn a little money, I did some substitute teaching at some local public schools. During my period breaks, I overheard teachers recounting some outrageous stories of corrupt Board of Education bosses, often coming into the main office for a few hours and then leaving for the rest of the day. And these bosses made six figure salaries! At the same time, most of the teachers that I saw in the teacher’s lounge seemed tired, worn out, weird and their pay was average. The teachers did most of the work, since the principals never really taught any classes.

Working as a substitute also pained me to view the poor children harassed, categorized and ordered around by the school authorities. Bullying was rampant and the violence between students often exploded into nasty fights. The corporate media liars always blamed school violence on bad kids, bad parents and bad teachers. But I saw first hand that it was the institutional violence of enforced schooling, which had started this nefarious cycle.

The school system of the Amerikan Empire did teach a few reading and math skills. Most importantly however, those schools also taught more deceitful lessons.

The compulsory schooling scam has taught children about their low place in the social hierarchy, and how in order to ‘stay afloat in the world,’ the good student must lie, tolerate boredom, elicit favors, and maintain a false, hypocritical public persona.

The Amerikan state school has represented the most impressive institution for maintaining social control. As long as the Amerikan Empire continually murders and vomits out its casualties across this planet, this disguised jail system for children, adolescents and young adults, will rip apart and destroy its own sad victims.

History shall condemn such a monstruous institution clothed in the black robes of ideological deceit, or ‘educational policy.’ Compulsory State Education has forced millions of parents, under the terrible threats of the State, to hand over their own children for mind and personality mutilation.

The Amerikan Empire IV: The Evil Cult of Monopoly Capitalism

Posted: August 9, 2013 in Abraham Lincoln, administrative leave, African-Americans, American Empire, American populace, Andrew Carnegie, Anglo western landholders, banks, barbed wire fencing, big business, boards of directorships, business owners, capitalism, captains of Industry, Cash-Stamp program, casinos, cattle slaughter business, civil war, class war, closed down factories, conglomerations, convenience stores, cops, Cornelius Vanderbilt, corporate media, corrupt election of 1876, corruption, crime, criminal enterprise, criminals, death, distribution, Dixiecrat rule, dollar, EBT debit card, economic backups, economic collapses, economic depression, economic trusts, educated workforce, elites, empire, Europe, extremes of wealth, family money, Federal Reserve banks, federal troops, finance, firemen, general strike, genocide, Gilded Age, government handouts, Great Railroad Strike of 1877, Great Sociopathic Empire, gulag, guns, hegemony, history, homelessness, horizontal consolidation, humanity, immigration, imprisonment, Industrial Capitalism, industry, inflation, inmates, intellectual foundations, interlocking boards of elites, Internationalists, jail, Jay Gould, judges, labor historians, legal immunity, legal privileges, Liberals, low wages, lowlife indigents, manipulation, manufacturing, mass murder of striking workers, massacres, media, media manipulation, medical and dental benefits, megalopolis, military, Military Industrial Spy Complex, monopoly, Monopoly Capitalism, multinationals, municipal taxes, murder, murder victims, National Guard, National Guard armories, paychecks, police, police blotters, police brutality, police gangs, police powers, politics, power elite, practice, President Rutherford B. Hayes, prison gulag, prison industrial complex, prisonners, prisons, production, Progressive Age, propaganda, public retirement funds, public workers, racial divide, rebellions, regions, Republican Party Machine, resistance, revolution, riots, Robber Barons, Rockefellers, safety net, scabs, self-defense, slaves, small business owner class, social control, Social Security, socialist-democracy, Socialists, socio-economic groups, state apparatus, state bureaucrats, state militia, state officials, staying power, stock market manipulations, strikes, struggle, subsidized businesses, supermarkets, taxation rates, teachers, The Communards, The Confederacy, The Paris Commune of 1871, the South, think thank organizations, two-tired justice system, underemployment, unemployment, unemployment money, United States, United States Government, urban dictatorships, US Army, US Civil War, vagabonds, vengeance, vertical consolidation, violence, wage cuts, wage slavery, wars, welfare, welfare scamming, western states of America, Woodrow Wilson, workers, working class
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1876 Railroad Strike Massacre USIWW pyramid of industrial capitalismGet of Jail Free CardHomeless encampment USA

  1. The year was 1876. The USA’s elites had organized the celebration of the Amerikan Empire’s Centennial Birthday through staging a gaudy World’s Fair in Philadelphia. They had a lot to celebrate due to recently subduing some recalcitrant competing elites in the southern region, officially called the Civil War 1860-65. Yet, their ‘hero’ Lincoln died with a bullet to the head.

American elites also decided to appease the old, southern plantation owners through restoring their properties and allowing a permanent racially divided system, which made ‘Dixiecrat’ rule a lot easier. The US government declared that Reconstruction was officially over, referred to as the Compromise of 1876.

During the putrid election of 1876, a Republican party hack, by the name of Hayes, won the presidency. Not only did the Empire survive a civil war and have to weather a hotly divided society through regional conflict, the corrupt American electoral system allowed a legal coup d’état government. That was definitely something to celebrate.

During that same epoch, the US government initiated its final extermination campaigns against the free native nations that hunted and traveled in the west. Recent outbreaks of bovine diseases and droughts had liquidated the vast populations of both herded cattle and wild cattle in the west. For the cattle barons, the massive die outs of cows were simple profit losses. The great western landholders, or Anglo property pimps, forced their workers to stake out barbed wire fences across the great western valleys and lowlands. If they couldn’t sell potential meat, then they could at least sell their ‘private properties.’ Meanwhile, a terrible economic depression had hit the country a few years earlier. The elites at that time referred to it as another ‘economic downturn.’

Like rat infestations found in urban slums, government corruption, stock market manipulations, and growing monopolies in certain business sectors began to multiply. Last names such as Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Gould, and Morgan entered the American lexicon as curse words with ties to nefarious business practices. Poverty abounded and starvation was certain for some unfortunates in the working class. Most African-Americans either died in their youths as working class heroes, or they sold their dignity for some scrap food.

In 1877, the railroad owners, and other captains of industry with ties to the railroad monopolies, then implemented severe wage cuts against their workers. But the workers counterattacked across the United States. Workers’ syndicates, or ‘unions,’ called for a nationwide strike to shut down all the industries related to the labor force of the railroads.

The infamous strike of 1877, or the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, was the only successful General Strike in American history. Workers picketed, stopped scabs from entering the workplace, closed down factories and railroad yards, and refused to leave the owners’ properties.

The General Strike was so successful, that the Republican, ex-Union General turned president, Hayes, called out federal troops to help state militias in exterminating the workers. This executive fiat was the first use of federal troops to put down strikes – which contemporary US elites have continued to utilize against strikers in major US industries. The US government successfully liquidated the striking, radical workers, referring to them as ‘Commune radicals,’ and ‘Socialist-Internationalist, Trade Union conspiracists.’ The strikers had become our contemporary ‘radicalized terrorists.’

Many major urban industrial centers in the US had their massacres of workers: Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Chicago and St. Louis. US government troops and state militias, (later called the National Guard), murdered thousands of workers, including women and children workers. Still to this very day, the US government has hidden the number of murders during the Great Railroad Strike. Some labor historians have stated that about 10,000 workers lost their lives during that strike. This was not just a strike: this state sponsored mass murder represented a joint US government-economic elite war against the working classes.

The US government was not finished with its reaction and tyranny. The Amerikan state apparatus soon devised some incremental changes to the state militia system. Gradually, the state militias would come under the control of the federal government and they would slowly integrate into the Amerikan war machine, under the US Army, later referred to as the National Guard. The political elites also established the Armory system. National Guard units now had their new headquarters in castle like structures, which housed their weapons and military equipment. These armories were conveniently located in America’s industrial centers and towns across the continent. The Liberal Democrat president, Wilson, ultimately transformed the diverse bands of state militias into US Army affiliated State National Guard units.

America’s industrial capitalist elites, ‘captains of industry, or ‘robber barons,’ such as Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Gould and Morgan hoped to obtain both vertical and horizontal consolidations of their particular industries, meaning the management of both the production of primary materials, and the distribution centers for manufactured materials. After controlling both production and distribution, their dastardly deeds could move into squashing the small business competitors that still fought against their sacred monopolies. These industrial capitalists consolidated their outrageous holdings through the setting up of ‘trusts’ among the biggest players, which fixed high prices, low wages, and information sharing, all leaving out the smaller contenders.

They also created ‘holding companies,’ or fake companies that the family or the major stockholders also legally controlled. They could both hide their monies and resist the nasty label as ‘monopolists.’ Next, these mega-rich madmen bought the senators, congressmen, governors, and state assembly politicians – and even federal, state and local judges. These top bosses also secured disgraceful legal precedents, which gave them greater rights for their corporations than for average American citizens. Corporations comprised the legal privileges of private corporate entities, while controlling the same legal rights as US citizens! Large corporations have since maintained these superior rights and privileges within American legal precedent.

First, the United States of America had transformed itself into the world haven and military defender of the massive mega corporation, the multi-national business conglomerate, and the super companies with tentacles across the globe. From its Industrial capitalist beginnings, the United States government has always supported and upheld the evil cult of Monopoly Capitalism.

Second, this incredibly violent and unjust political-economic system has only helped a few favored corporate and federally subsidized businesses. In the 1880s, it was mainly railroads, oil, metal fabrication, (iron and steel), and massive cattle slaughter.

These days, the favored industries are large finance firms, the Stock Market, mostly headquartered in Wall St., NYC, and the Federal Reserve banks, such as JP Morgan-Chase, Citibank, US Bank and the Bank of America. Then, the insurance fraudsters come in second, such as Blue Cross, Aetna, Kaiser, MetLife, etc., with the GMO-Biotech food monopolies next on the list, Monsanto, Coca-Cola, Wal-Mart, Pfizer, McDonald’s, Dean Foods, ConAgra, DuPont, Smithfield, Tyson, etc.

There are also those large real estate conglomerations, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and corporate media trusts, such as Viacom, Disney, GE-NBC, FOX, CNN, etc. And ultimately, and most importantly, there exist the energy and transportation monopolies, such as EXXON-Mobil, Chevron, Koch and Conoco, Delta, GM, Ford, American Airlines, Chrysler and US Airways-United. The military-police-surveillance transportation conglomerations also receive their super pie portions, such the US military and the spy agencies: NSA, FDA, CIA, FBI, ATF, DHS, IRS, DEA with lots of other government initialed bureaucracies.

Third, this brutal capitalist system is unique in the world in that America’s elites, unlike Europe’s elites, interlock with each other between top government positions, private industry boards of directorships, and intellectual foundations, representing both university research centers and think tank organizations. This interlocking and adjustable power elite, with its well-guarded monopoly capitalist system, explains one of the main reasons for the staying power of the Great Sociopathic Empire.

Fourth, the US government has no unemployment social safety net for the majority of Americans that do not work in its favored monopolies. Meanwhile, it ingeniously uses massive amounts of corporate media propaganda to cover up its cruel and criminal political economic system. The economic corporate news always focuses on the Stock Market, phony new jobs numbers, and bogus inflation stats, while common prices rise for the rest of us. This clever flim flam system offers particular free money benefits to a few people, yet gives nothing in return to most other citizens – and refuses to compensate those that have regularly paid their taxes.

For example, I, like millions of others around the country, have been unable to find a job in my field, and have been underemployed for years now. Yet, I am a doctor holding a PhD after six hard years of work. I have no rights to any unemployment money, even though I had paid taxes for five years previously as a working graduate assistant. Americans get almost nothing in return from their high tax rates. However, the favored monopolies tied to the US government receive the full rounds of benefits, welfare dole and privileges.

A few years after the General Strike of 1877, in the 1880s and 90s, the corporate monoliths called for greater open foreign immigration from eastern and southern Europe to lower the wages. The federal government obliged to their wishes completely, where thereby, millions of desperate European immigrants poured into America’s urban centers. Thousands of poor wage slaves worked themselves to death for pittances, a few others starved or died terribly as vagabonds on the city streets, while many others moved from one industry job to another industry job for survival sake. The ones that moved around represented the winners.

Once again in the 1970s and 80s, through the influence of institutions, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, Amerika’s interlocking powerful elites demanded more ‘flexibility’ and ‘greater international investment opportunities’ for their corporations, which implied greater profits for shareholders. The translated business code meant that US-based companies should have easy rights to move their production and manufacturing operations overseas, so that they could tap into a worldwide cheap labor source. Now, many of these US manufacturing giants have their production capacities across the urban slums of Asia. The US government allowed US multinationals to inflict this killer of domestic employment – and D.C. will continue to allow these corrupt practices as long as they hold power.

When in the 1880s and 90s, the top business honchos called for a more ‘educated,’ meaning docile, workforce. Both the US government and state governments bowed to their desires. The Amerikan state public school farce, or the national coercive schooling system, consolidated around Boards of Educations and politician appointees, called ‘administrators.’

Major universities, and even the Ivy Leagues, started to change their school categories from the strict Liberal Arts paradigm towards special programs in Engineering, Applied Sciences, Business and Agricultural Sciences. America’s urban police forces and prison systems expanded their social engineering scope. Since then, this sinister political economy has mixed with insidious social control mechanisms.

By the 1970s and 80s, representatives of the interlocking elites within D.C. based ‘think tanks,’ demanded more ‘values based education’ and they cited a ‘lack of civic responsibilities and basic skill sets,’ among students. The elites were really concerned with the negative aspects of the ‘Sixties attitudes,’ meaning an absence of respect and awe for government authorities and institutions. Within a few years, public schools and universities instituted more skill based testing of students – even starting from the first primary grades! The US government, under the ‘Dept. of Education,’ pushed public schools and universities in the United States to make all of the necessary changes – if they wanted more federal dollars in their coffers.

US govt. officials and university administrators colluded together in allowing a new test monopoly. This ‘not for profit’ corporation took over the testing mania, called the Educational Testing Service or EST. They were the sole company that controlled the moneymaking windfall of SAT and GRE university level exams. Universities and Colleges then forced their students to take useless core curriculum courses on western history and culture, meaning the US and Europe, which added to their already mandatory course lists. American higher education transformed into a secondary high school curriculum. University administrators annually raised tuition by the real inflation rate. The US government then forced states to raise their drinking age from 18 to 21. Finally, American colleges and universities organized campus cop gangs on their territories in order to watch, harass and arrest those same paying students.

The most violent aspect of this system is the lack of any social safety net for average citizens. The United States government however, and throughout its entire history, has continually subsidized its favored corporate monopolies through tax breaks, legal amnesties, money infusions, free of charge police-military enforcements. Even outright nationalisations in order to save the corporate structures have commenced, yet regular Americans receive almost nothing from this same federal government.

US federal, state and municipal government taxes, (including sales, communication and property taxes), rob over 35% in annual savings from most working Americans’ paychecks. I lived in Europe for some years, and this was about the same rate of European socialist-democracy annual taxation. Most Europeans, however, did receive their secure economic backups in case of injury, unemployment and sudden illness.

The sociopathic elites that run this Empire have managed other ingenious methods of social control. In the US, there are various underhanded schemes in obtaining ‘benefits,’ for some form of economic survival. In other words, certain sectors of the American populace have ‘rights’ to particular government handouts or welfare systems, while others are completely excluded.

Cops have legal immunities from arbitrary firing, and even when murdering American civilians in cold blood. If they are under investigation, then they can receive a paid vacation, nefariously called ‘paid administrative suspension.’ State bureaucrats, such as mediocre teachers, district librarians, burnout officials, firemen and general state workers, receive almost complete coverage in pension, medical and dental benefits, and they can easily cash out on their ‘public retirement’ when they have finished their terms. Their retirements are secure because they dip straight from the state and municipal tax trough.

There are other notorious methods in obtaining public monies. For example, people with tattoos on their faces can begin receiving Social Security disability checks even if they are still in their twenties, while families accepted into the Cash-Stamp program can now use the EBT debit card system to cash out inside any business that serves food, inclusive of convenience stores and casinos! Before the debit card graft, the Food Stamp program was quite strict in that the person could only use the vouchers to buy groceries in supermarkets.

The last question is why the US government, which only concerns itself with protecting multinational, corporate monopolies, would allow a few lower class citizens to engage in such underhanded methods in order to secure free money. The answer is that the top criminals and sociopaths use this system as their main divide and conquer social control.

The corporate media loves harping on the lowlife indigents who receive US government checks, while they just sit around watching TV. These scenes especially infuriate the small business owner class that has to front most of the tax burden inside the US. The small business owner class also fears the steep fall into the working class, and the problems associated with such a class.

At the same time, the generals and top officers in the US military-industrial-spy complex, with the boards of director-executives, inside the top banks of the Federal Reserve, receive thousands of dollars in welfare money. Murderous politicians in various fascist governments, such as Colombia and Israel, also receive millions of dollars in annual foreign aid, or international welfare money. As for now, this strategy has worked. The different social classes in Amerika hate each other and blame each other for the coming economic collapse.

The study of history is necessary for us to understand the injustice and structural violence glued within this crooked and infernal system. Since 1790, the US government and their shill corporate elites have successfully weathered various ‘collapses.’ Economic Collapse is just doing business, and it is often good business. As long as there exists the Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths in Washington D.C., they will continue to push and defend global monopoly capitalism. Those citizens fortunate to work in those ‘currently favored industries’ can survive for now. The rest of us have the choices of enlisting in the military, (if we are still young), family money, homelessness or the prison gulag.  Our last remaining Monopoly game pieces now wait nervously on the cardboard.

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