Archive for the ‘sociopaths’ Category


Theodore Herzl

(c) Ben Uri, The London Jewish Museum of Art; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

Adolf-HitlerKishinev-PogromGaza Pogromwarsaw ghettoPalestinian ghettoJewish ghetto wallPalestinian ghetto wall

The true foundations of Zionism were not Theodore Herzl, its first ideologue, nor Chaim Weizmann, the first president, nor even David Grün, last name later changed to Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of the Zionist state of Israel.

The spirit, soul and body of this ideological malformation belongs to the European anti-Semite Phantom, the Nasty Golem Ghost of late nineteenth-century European conspiracy theories and hard right-wing politics.

This anti-Semite Chimera of conspiracies and false-conservatism has no symbolic image – but there is one easily recognizable face to that ideological farce – the hate filled, mass murderer, Adolf Hitler.

No student of History can understand Zionism without studying its ideological origins, which undoubtedly came first, and which harnessed the energy and impetus to the Zionist cause – anti-Semitism.

We begin our story of Zionism, not with its official lies, but with its true progenitors, the anti-Semitic European conspiracy cult. How did such a small percentage of Europe’s population arouse such suspicions and ire?

The first reason was their small overall population, and yet their over-representation within certain professions, namely, the occupations related to money handling, money speculations and money lending. Karl Marx referred to that strange association in his On the Jewish Question. After the First International, Germany’s Social Democrat Party referred to the Anti-Semitic conspiracy cult as the Socialism of Fools.

The German Socialists were correct on that point, yet that conspiracy of fools delved even deeper into late nineteenth-century European political culture. The propagators of the cult were not historians, so they failed to understand the Jewish dilemma that always demanded some basic survival, generally held hostage under the medieval tyranny of European Christendom.

During those long and slow medieval epochs, the luckier Jews lived inside the Islamic lands. They had their own urban sections, and at the same time, they lived in complete physical security. They rarely received any violent outrages from a mob of religious fanatics. The caliphs and sultans always protected the Jewish communities, unless they made secret alliances with the Christians. And like the Christians, the Jews paid a jizya tax to the authorities. Jewish culture greatly thrived in the Muslim lands of Spain, North Africa, Egypt, the Levant, and in the Fertile Crescent.

Within the Europeans lands of Christendom, this was not the case. The Jews were unsettled hostages at the mercy of the changeable wills coming from royal or ducal tyrants. They lived in their own ghettos with large walls and heavily locked gates, and the laws were extreme in what the Jews could perform for economic survival.

They could not own great landed properties like the parasitical aristocratic knights-lords. There were a few exceptions, but most Jews had to live within the urban ghetto walls, return by nightfall, wear distinctive clothing, and most professions maintained prohibitions against them.

Jews could not practice any of the artisan trades, nor could they set up their own guilds. The Christian rulers severely prohibited Jews in carrying weapons, learning how to use them, or even allow the manufacture of arms for their own defense. There were only two recourses for Jewish men: money exchanging-merchant selling, or studying Torah, the Law, the Holy Scriptures, Tanakh, and various associated writings, such as the Talmud, for eventual work as a Rabbi. There were only so many Rabbis and assistants at the local Synagogue, so many Jewish males had to enter the cutthroat world of market street selling, money-precious stone-metal exchanges, or just lending money with interest to Christian deadbeats.

The Christian authorities actually liked the Jews because they could always demand protection monies as leverage against them before starting one of their endless wars. The Christian rulers called the local Rabbi to the court and gave the orders. Yet, what if the ruler was a dishonorable fiend – which was often the case in European history? Then, the expulsions suddenly commenced, and the Jews had to abandon their little worlds, leave their few possessions behind, and find a new home inside of a hostile continent. Forcibly moving to another culture in our world is pretty traumatic – imagine what the poor Jewish families had to endure during the Middle Ages?

A partial list of the Jewish Expulsions is quite shocking: Bavaria (1276), England (1290), France (1306), Switzerland (1348), Hungary (1349), Alsace (1388), around the Holy Roman Empire and France (1394), Austria (1422), etcetera and etcetera. All throughout Europe, and mostly in Roman Catholic countries, the Jewish ghettos had to endure mass expulsions, crazed Christian monks leading violent mob attacks against Jews, legal state murders of suspected Jewish evildoers, Jewish show trials, heinous tortures against accused Jews, and during the Holy Crusades, the mass murder of entire communities in the provinces of the Germanic Holy Roman Empire!

In 1492 Spain, the Catholic Monarchs ordered all the Jews to leave their reins – or forcibly convert to Catholicism. The Jews that converted became Nuevos Cristianos, or New Christians. A new racial code ruled that New Christians had tainted blood, so Jews still faced obstacles in escaping the merchant-money hoarding-lending traps. Due to the continual suspicions revolving around such New Christians, the Holy Inquisition began to persecute the lying Christians-secret Jews, also called Conversos, or The Converts. In the late 1480s and the next decades, southern Spanish cities in Andalucía saw thousands of Conversos publicly burned alive tied to wooden stakes.

Modern anti-Semitism’s putrid roots emanated from the dark dungeons of Medieval Christianity. How did the anti-Semitic ideology change during the nineteenth-century, or the late 1800s?

During the late 1700s, with the ideological ascendance of the so-called, Enlightenment, the Illustration, and its subsequent ideology of Liberalism, royal authority began to slowly open the professions and the arts to their Jewish communities. This had the name of Haskallah in Hebrew. This movement of openness mostly took place in western and central Europe, and in the large cities of the Russian Empire. The Jews transformed into the loyal subjects of Empire.

In Poland-Lithuania, the once great Empire of the East, the royal throne had previously allowed many expelled Jews to settle in their domains as a type of state within a state. Jews often became Jewish merchants, landlords, store owners, and revenue collectors for the Polish-Lithuanian aristo-parasite class against the mass of peasant-farmers.

Inside of this Empire, some cities were almost entirely Jewish, such as Lodz, and there were hundreds of small Jewish cities, called shetls, ruled socially through the iron fist of rabbis. They even had the rights to practice Toranic Jewish law, such as the legal murder of rebellious sons and daughters! Within this European paradise of Judaism, they spoke their own language, a mixture of pidgin Hebrew with German vocabulary, later referred to as Yiddish.

As many European universities secularized their studies and opened their doors to Jews, the emancipated Ashkenazi Jews, or the Europeanized Secular Jews, began to attend in droves. The Jews had become the first Super-Modern Europeans. What pushed the Jews to flood the European intellectual-artistic world?

Unlike other European traditions of oral poetry and song, the Jews, from their medieval origins, possessed the first dibs in modern literary reading. Out of Europe’s pagan pasts, bards, songsters, prophets and seers sang the old ballads and epics of great kings, heroes, legends and myths. The sacred message gained power through the memorization of words, vocal cadences and rhythms. Some of the great, ancient bards were illiterate. Their ancient forms were similar to our contemporary, street hip-hop performers.

For the Jews, the sacred message wasn’t just inside the oral recitations of the Psalms and Prophets, called Ketuvim and Nevi’im respectively. The Jewish students had to study, almost eat, and in a very real sense, interpret the meanings surrounding the words and their even deeper grammatical messages.

This was the same method of reading and interpreting used in European university studies. The secular, emancipated Ashkenazi Jews entered the higher arts with distinct cultural advantages. Europe’s older culture of Royalty-Medieval Legend-Nobility-Folk Mythology-Church-Hierarchy-Social Order began to take notice.

Not only were Jews involved in their older professions of money lending, banking, venture capitalism, and money speculation, or as Hitler in Mein Kampf wrote about them, stock market jobbers. But Jews also entered the modern professions of Journalism, Healthcare, Law-Politics, the Arts, Engineering-Applied Sciences and even became University Scholars! The Emancipated Jew transformed into the ultimate sophisticated citizen-consumer of European High Culture. Some Europeans became Philosemites. One such member was President Howard Taft of the United States in the early 20th century.

There were other ideologies that moved freely within Europe, such as the anti-establishment philosophies of Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, Revolutionary Societies and Leftism. A few Jewish intellectuals were also active in those movements. These radical movements demanded the complete overthrow of the Old European Order.

The Anti-Semites also noticed the preponderance of Jews in those radical movements, yet the Jews seemed to have garnered a great amount of cultural capital in Europe through Journalism and the Arts – and still, some Jews successfully managed the business of making money. The European Old Order was dying, and yet, the secular Ashkenazi Jew was fully active in the public realm?

By the beginning of the twentieth-century, many Ashkenazi Jews had been living as Jews in name only. They looked, acted, thought, and behaved like their fellow Europeans. Their first languages were their mother European tongues.

But there was something different about the modern, emancipated Jew. Another ideological concoction found the answers to the Jewish mystery. They called themselves The Zionists. According to them, every Jew, whether secular or religious, was a walking time bomb of potential treason within the soul of Europe.

Zionism simply translated the concerns of the Anti-Semites into a Jewish-Nationalist-Tribalism Fiction. The Jews were not just the descendants of a secularized religion.

Unbeknownst to the secularized, cosmopolitan, Modern Jew ­– they were actually a race, just like the English, French, Germans and Russians. According to the Zionist racial experts, the tribal Jews could not help their strange and contradictory behaviors – they were just another race living within greater European races. No matter how hard they tried to assimilatethe Eternal Jew would emerge and unconsciously act against the host nation.

While Russian Anti-semitism moved into its state-sanctioned murders, called Pogroms, against the Jewish communities in the Pale of Settlement, modern Poland-Galicia-Ukraine regions, the Zionists actually met with the nefarious leaders of such mass murder at the Russian Czar’s court! The Zionists have always agreed, and still agree, with the conspiracy rants of Anti-semites.

While the Nazi Germanic Empire engaged in its own Final Solution to the Jewish Problem, the Zionists immediately set up their clandestine cult of terrorist cells within the British Mandate of Palestine in order to facilitate the coming Forced Removal of the non-Jewish Palestinians. The British colonial authorities collaborated with the Zionists through permitting a legal land theft movement against the autoctonous Palestinian communities.

The Zionists did not want just any Jew escaping the Nazi Regime of mass murder. They only wanted young, healthy, tough Ashkenazi Jews and preferably German ones, who were secular and non-religious. The Zionists did not want anything to do with the effete, artsy intellectuals from Paris and London, nor the Torah adhering embarrassments from the Eastern European shtetls who the Nazis would soon exterminate en masse. However, the Zionists did enjoy receiving monies from the hated, wealthy Jewish bourgeoisie.

After the Holocaust against European Jewry, the Zionists realized their chance to steal power at the end of the British Colonial Mandate in Palestine. In 1948, the Zionist armies used the Fascists tactics of state terror.

Zionist armies would invade a village, mass murder of some its Palestinian Arabs as warnings to the others, and then immediately expel the remaining Palestinians completely from the new land of Eretz Yisrael, or the State of Israel. Whole towns lost their Palestinian populations, and so the Zionists renamed them and gave them new Hebrew identities. The whole kibbutz, ‘back to the land’ movement was a part of this scheme. In older historic cities, the Zionists allowed small Palestinian ghettos to survive, such as Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem.

The irony of ironies, the city of the birthplace of Christ, Nazareth, has still maintained a large Palestinian community. Now most Palestinians barely survive in the ghetto-concentration camps of Gaza, in brutalized settlements around the ‘West Bank,’ or in the other refugee camps across the occupied territories, southern Lebanon, southern Syria and western Jordan. Thousands of other Palestinians live scattered across the world diaspora.

The Zionist movement now occupying ancient Palestine has not only redirected the old Anti-Semite libels as its source for ideology – it has even copied the same modus operandi of the Anti-semitic Fascists.

The heinous methods of the Zionists have included, ghettoization, brutal tortures and murders against political detainees, assassinations of potential leaders, and murdering-maiming those that cannot defend themselves, often children and women.

The Israeli military citadel enforces a pass-checkpoint system on the entire occupied population, public discrimination in housing, transport and in education, increased levels of hunger and illness in the Ghettos due to the occupation, mass arrests, mass public humiliations, and the summary executions of selected people that protest.

In the perverted Zionist love for Anti-semitism, and its sick brother ideology of Fascism, the Zionists have recreated a contemporary string of concentration camps for the Palestinian other. The Nazi Order only had twelve years to perfect its art of murder, the Zionists have had over sixty years.

As the Zionists perfect their Neo-Nazi methods in dealing with the Palestinian excrement, they also manipulate the history of the Nazi Regime’s Holocausts, only exculpating the Jewish victims, while very few people know about the millions of Russians, White Russians, targeted Slavs, Poles, Gypsies, Serbs, intellectuals, Homosexuals, political dissidents and Jehovah Witnesses that also suffered during that war.

Zionism has successfully transformed another historical genocide into a Holocaust Religious-Ideological Movement, so they can guilt trip and harass European governments into supporting the Amerikan Empire’s wars of conquest.

The Zionist ideology has now fused itself with the official Neo-Conservative American Empire ideology. Most of the Amerikan Empires’ recent genocidal wars completed the Zionists’ own dirty work: Iraq, Syria, Libya and Iran. The Zionists are not finished yet.

Like the First Crusade’s siege of Jerusalem in 1099, where the Christian knights murdered entire Jewish and Muslim communities, the Zionists also have their master plans. They are still, and will always remain, anti-Semites and Fascists.

Zionism has meanwhile orchestrated the intensive mass media campaigns of Islamophobia, the growing hatred against all Arabs and most Asians, a type of Orientalism revival movement, as if the Zionists are the only rational peoples surrounded by an Oriental waste pool of Arab-Muslim maniacs.

Zionism has also pushed for the current refugee crisis flood into Europe, in order to cement a stronger European-Zionism alliance versus the hated non-Jewish, Asians-Arabs. The Zionists have already unleashed their own pogroms against African refugees inside occupied Palestine.

Zionism’s holy nightmare is to join the European Union as a full-member of the white European club – the only non-Christian entity allowed – while snubbing its nose at the white Muslim Turks and the white Christian Russians.

Their greatest desire is a return to another round of international Jew hating, so that most secular Jews, and especially in Amerika, will get out safely and buy a one-way ticket to Tel-Aviv. The Zionists will have millions of more cannon fodder men for the Sacred Military, which is the real heart and soul of the Zionist project.

The Zionists have even set up false flag bombing attacks against Jews in Arab countries during the 1950s and 60s, such as Iraq, Egypt and Morocco, referred to as The Lavon Affair. Those false flag attacks successfully scared the Jewish communities into leaving their ancestral lands, so the men had to fight for the Zionist-Crusader state.

The Zionists do prefer the white Ashkenazi Jews to the darker Mizrahi, (Asian and African Jews), however. To the chagrin of Israeli authorities, over a million of young Israelis, yordim, have permanently escaped the life of acute paranoia and Fascism for freer lives in Europe and America.

Karl Marx in his work, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, stated that History often exposes itself the first time as tragedy, and the second time as farce… He was unfortunately right.

Our dangerous contemporary world witnesses the most unholy colonial-settler state in world history: the State of Israel, or actually, the Zio-Nazi Crusader State. This excision blended with European Colonialism, Anti-semitism, Militarism and Fascism writhes and spits its fury at all who dare to question its hatreds and paranoia.

The Zionist-Crusader State demands complete rights in committing state terrorism across the globe, with other extra-legal privileges, such as targeted international assassination, selling body parts of victims, petty drug dealing, or the counterfeiting of Anglo-colonial passports, such as Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

The Zionist State now has one of the highest standards of living in the world. They can all thank the Anglo-Zionist regime of the United States, which annually distributes billions of dollars of no strings attached welfare. Israeli youth, just out of the military, have received special tourist privileges in living inside selected Asian countries, such as Hindu India and Buddhist Thailand. Due to such an overwhelming cultural presence overseas, other European tourists had forewarned me about the Israeli ambience.

Zionism has even appropriated Palestinian food culture, claiming the Falafel fried garbanzo bean meal – as Zionism’s very own dish! Whatever happened to delicious Ashkenazi food culture: kugel, gefilte fish, matzoh, Manischevitz?

The Zionist bosses constantly threaten and cajole the most dishonest of cowardly politicians across the Earth. This same ideological-institutional power united through fear, aversion and murder contains silos of nuclear weapons – always prepared to use them. It continually moves to exterminate its specially selected group of victims – the Palestinians – ­a people who have never persecuted Jews in world history.

In its fetid tales of threats and counter-threats, one Zionist barked out that if Israel were to go, then the capitals of Europe would die in nuclear destruction…

Maybe this is the secret nightmare of the Zionist-Anti-semite Soul that patiently awaits its sacred hour of vengeance.

We know what you Europeans did to us Jews in the past, and you were right, we are different, treacherous and ingenious, but we never forget our enemies, nor our history, and the crafty Jew will ultimately strangle you like the Monster Golem you always feared – for all Eternity… Amen



















Anarcho-Historian #14: State Mythologies and their Mystical Powers

Posted: October 12, 2015 in 1984, 9/11 Super Mythology Event, 9/11 Truth Movement, American Empire, American Gulag, American gun culture, Amerikan academia, Amerikan elite sociopaths, Attack on Ft. Sumter, bad soldiers, betrayal, bombings, building collapse, captive populations, celebration of Terror, CIA, Communists, corporate lies, corporate media, corporate TV news, cowardice, Crack-Drug Epidemic, defeats, delegitimized states, destruction, domestic victims, election scams, emotional manipulation, emotional manipulations, emotional significance, emotional trauma, enemies, Enemies of the People, Enemies of the State, enemy organizations, established authorities, eternal war, Event contexts, Evil Monsters, evil state junta, fall and destruction of Empire, fanaticism, fanatics, FBI political police, foreign victims, genocidal empire, genocidal history, George Orwell, Gestapo, Goldstein, good soldiers, gun confiscations, hatred against Arabs, hatred against Asians, hatred against Islam, hegemony, history, homegrown Militia terrorism, Homeland Security, human emotions, human passions, humanity, imperial rule, incarceration of Muslims, innocent victims, inside job, intelligence agents, Internet bloggers, invasions, Ivy League elite education, Lefitst cowards, legal crimes, legal murder, life changing events, lives of suffering, loss of human life, lots of smoke, manipulated patriotism, mass brainwashing, mass imprisonment, mass indoctrination, mass murder, massacres, massive overkill, meaningless slogans, media manipulations, modern history, mythology, old tricks of state mythology, passive viewers, Patriot Act, peace, Pearl Harbor, political leaders-fakers, political-economic elites, recurring images, repetition of tragedy, Sandy Hook Super Mythology Event, secret police forces, social delirium, sociopaths, staged political events, state cowards, state criminality, state hate, state hoodlums, state illegitimacy, state legitimacy, state lies, state magic shows, state mythology, state mythology hypnosis, state plots, state power, state propaganda, state terrorism, state thugs, state vengeance, state violence, Super Enemy, super events, terror attacks, terrorists, the after-event, the Battleship Maine, the country, the Great Sociopath, the Internet, the Main Event, the nation, the people, the sinking of the Lusitania, tragic events, TSA harassment, TV screens, US government, US imperial mythology, US Invasion and War against Afghanistan, US Invasion and War against Iraq, US military, US presidential selections, victims deserving violence, Vietnam and the Sixties, violent attacks, war, War of Terror, world history, Zio-Nazi Crusader State
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Pearl_Harbor_Hollywood propagandahiroshima civilian victims after US nuclear weaponsTSA legal pervertssandy-hook-event



war freedom text peace 1984 typography books george orwell 1280x1024 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_74osama bin laden hate9_11-Attacks9_11 firemen flag mythology1984EmmanuelGoldsteinHate

The Judeo-Christian Monotheist Cult has transcended into World History’s master in the fine art of Monster Fantasy. We have Lucifer, the Enemy, Satan, the Devil, the Destroyer, the Dragon, the Evil One, the Great Prostitute of the Apocalypse, the Deceiver, the Antichrist, the Beast; with the multiple Vampires, Ghosts, Evil Spirits, the Unrighteous, Demons, Witches, Diviners, Warlocks, Magicians, Covens, Pagans, Idolaters, Heathens, Satanic Orgies, Sodomites, False Prophets, Blasphemers, Sexualized Bodies, Darkened Souls, Homosexuals, Corrupters, Abortionists, Inverts, Hell, Inferno, Occultists, Devil Worshippers, the Lake of Fire, Lake of Perdition, Heretics, Apostates, Infidels and Unrepentant Sinners. Did I miss an evil group?

But the Modern State has overtaken the Judeo-Christians. No other modern entity, nor any contemporary institution, has successfully utilized its supreme powers in mythologizing both the greatness and benevolence of the State, and at the same time, transforming the refashioned Enemies of the State into the Enemies of the People.

We now have the greatest example, in recent modern history, of the modern state’s sophisticated constructions of mythology. This particular Super Event happened very recently, and it took place in world history’s most genocidal and murderous world Empire.

It has the official name of the 9/11 Super Event inside of the Super Amerikan Empire. The whole corporate media manipulation of that One Event exposes the vile methods the State uses in constructing its own mythology and mystical powers.

Like many Americans I can never forget that day. I had lived in America after traveling and living overseas for a few years, and having finished my enlistment in the US military.

The 2000 election seemed to look like a total farce. The US Supreme Court had to sanctify the phony choice, and some angry Americans even attacked the presidential motorcade after the staged presidential inauguration. The US government definitely had a slight problem with the State’s most dangerous fear: illegitimacy. A lot of Americans seemed to despise the dumb ass leader born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

And then it happened one morning. The entire occurrence seemed like a staged Hollywood film: two planes flew into two large skyscrapers in NYC, and the two skyscrapers fell into the ground like a house of cards.

There was also news about a plane crashing into the ground, and another plane crashing into the US military headquarters in D.C., the Pentagon. But it was the Event of the two planes crashing into the two Towers, and then having the Towers explode into a house of cards fall, which made the unforgettable Experience.

What was it about that Event: two planes crashing into two large, ugly, rectangular box buildings, (originally built with investments from the Rockefeller Mob), in NYC, and then having them crash down vertically straight? Was it the smoke after the building collapse? Was it the loss of life of around 3,000 humans due to the Crash?

I had seen buildings crash down before in similar ways. I remember watching the destruction of the old, massive monolith casinos on the Strip in Vegas. The explosions were shocking, but I didn’t linger on the destruction of the old, Mafia-run casinos hitting the dust. I also remember watching the corporate TV news about disasters across the world, such as massive earthquakes, general ecological destruction, the US Invasion of Iraq, and other world traumas, all of which had more than 3,000 human victims. Human history has filled its occult volumes with terrible massacres and calamities – yet most of us simply continue with our boring, short lives of suffering.

The building collapses and loss of life did not create this new US imperial mythology. The corporate media propaganda events after the Main Event, commandeered the state mythology.

Immediately after the event, the illegitimate Leader wasn’t seen for most of the day, and then made a sudden, ‘strong appearance’ on TV. Other political leaders-fakers immediately hit the TV screens and gave their impassioned pleas for eternal war, mass murder and vengeance. The talk shows and crap corporate news contributed to the patriotic hoopla and Eternal Remembrance tropes. But the story didn’t end there…

Authorities had found one of the passports of the alleged hijackers on top of the tons of burnt building debris? The next day, like the Super Enemy in George Orwell’s book, 1984, ‘Goldstein,’ the corporate channels flashed a new Wanted Enemy, Osama Bin Laden, with his new, secret so-called organization, Al Qaeda. The corporate print news flashed their front pages with the wanted faces of the alleged masterminds of the attack – all of them Arab looking. Immediately, the Zio-Nazi propaganda flooded the American, corporate TV news with a video of a few Palestinians celebrating over something, and according to the corporate liars – it was a celebration over the recent terror attacks.

Suddenly, phony news intellectuals-intelligence agents, State liars, fanatics of all sorts, were spouting the American jihad over the air and tele waves, spitting out hate against Islam and Arabs, and yes, Asians were suspects too! Even TV commentators were sporting red, white and blue colors. And the mythological vomit continued…

The Amerikan Empire invaded the sovereign country of Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with the attacks – and with the apparent support of the whole world? Anthrax letters were floating across the country. No one could take a plane anywhere. The President authorized US military personnel to hang around airport security areas with loaded assault rifles. The rubber stamp US Congress immediately passed legislation, the Patriot Act and the Defense Authorization Act, which transformed the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, into lifeless amendments.

A new national, secret police force emerged: Homeland Security. Another new group of airport bozos began to harass travelers inside the airports: the TSA. And it was even difficult to travel on train and on bus. US Government billboard and audio propaganda constantly encouraged other Americans to snitch on each other in the War on Terror. It definitely was a War of Terror.

Even when a few intelligent Americans questioned the whole mythology narrative, other patriots denounced them to the FBI, America’s political security police, or the Amerikan Gestapo. The FBI hoodlums visited the ‘traitors’ for questioning, and then that same organization declared war against the United States’ Muslim population. Hundreds of Muslims still rot inside the Amerikan Gulag only due to entrapment and hearsay evidence.

The vast Amerikan population, already mentally softened through years of mandatory jail-schooling and corporate media massive brainwashing, became even more indoctrinated into the Amerikan nightmare. I even listened to a few Americans speak of the Leader’s new greatness?

Before the whole event, those same cowards were calling for his impeachment! I even heard about other young guys immediately signing away their lives to the US military in order to avenge the Attack.

I couldn’t believe it, but here I was living in a delirium of fanaticism, mass indoctrination, hate and fear – deep in the belly of the most murderous empire in human history. Most disconcertedly, I had to watch my mouth, stay even more quiet in public, and maintain watch against the Empire’s secret police forces. Typing certain words on a keyboard or taking out a certain book from the library, could spike an icy fear into my spine.

And then the Internet fought back. There were lots of marginalized intellectuals and websites claiming that the Event was actually an inside job commandeered through the US government. I didn’t buy that theory in the beginning, and it seemed strange that these guys all came public with their secret information, after the Main Event. But the over the top, both State and corporate mythology, seemed to give the Internet bloggers, representing the 9/11 Truth Movement, some credence.

I don’t have any proofs of an inside job, and being a doctor historian, I don’t like to guess when I don’t know the full story. Although, the elite junta of sociopaths that run the Amerikan Empire are certainly evil enough to plot such a monstrosity.

Until one of the elite conspirators comes clean in public, I can’t speak of any plots. But I do know one thing, the whole 9/11 Event was the ultimate Mythology Act in Modern History. Thankfully, all the exaggerated, massive overkill of State Mythology tropes, such as the 9/11 Super Event, has been one of the last cards in the Great Sociopath’s brainwashing-magic show.

When the Leader’s corporate, mythology hypnosis wore off after initiating two genocidal wars in Afghanistan and in Iraq, Amerika’s political-economic elites put up a so-called ‘Change Agent,’ through the selection of the Empire’s first President of Color. All of the genocidal history of mass murder, kidnapping, cruel slavery, imposed poverty, and mass imprisonment against African-Americans, was apparently over.

But this son of two CIA agents, who had slithered through the putrid halls of Ivy League, Amerikan University brainwashing, (the same as the previous sociopath before him), would also lose his legitimacy. Only the die-hard Leftist cowards of Amerikan academia still praise the faker. The Great Sociopath is running out of options – and which makes it even more dangerous.

Mythology is the final repository of elite lies in the place of history, and it represents the most dangerous art of all modern States and contemporary governments. All states and governments mythologize events, usually taking advantage of tragic events, thereby creating a double layer of emotional significance over the original occurrence. The double layer of emotional significance transforms the original meanings of a particular event into a super event, a total life changer for the passive viewer.

The media labels a certain, national event, as a type of national trauma. The national trauma is not really a trauma with ‘the people.’ It is actually a trauma with the government. The government has realized that a certain segment of the population is losing respect and legitimacy for the established authorities. So how does the State return legitimacy to the sinister regime? The citizens, subjects, or people within the country or nation, have to start viewing the previous, delegitimized State as a victim – through the media manipulations of the mythologized, super event.

State mythologies work this way: the sacred Nation has lost a war with human casualties, but the millions of foreign victims from the previous invasions, bombings and endless wars do not count. Only the national soldiers, selected martyrs, who gave their lives and mental stability for the lost cause deserve sympathy. A group of evildoers attacked the Nation at peace. Thousands or hundreds of ‘our people’ lost their lives. The Nation, meaning the State, must avenge the innocents. This is the reason state mythology is so heinous, it cloaks the goals of the State and the government under the cover of the Nation and the People.

There exists an actual event of trauma, or betrayal, and then come the contexts surrounding the event, inclusive of recurring images, public speeches, staged after-events, corporate media commentaries, repetition of tragedy and fighting words calling for vengeance, such as further wars, attacks, invasions and bombings. The last act of all is the cultural scene of cinema movies, TV shows, and next, the media arrests, imprisonment of the targeted ones – and the rightful murder of the evil ones.

The most important method of State Mythology is the after-event, the cultural contexts surrounding the first event. The first event means little. The mythologized after-events pull on the emotions, which leave the intellect blinded through propaganda, lies and meaningless slogans. These cheap emotions often cling to our most base human passions.

In the case of the United States Government, state mythology has always led to violence and war: the horrible attack on Fort Sumter, the cowardly attack of the Battleship Maine, the brutal attack of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Treason of giving the Bomb secrets to the Communists, the Kennedy Assassination, the National Trauma of Vietnam and the Sixties, the Death of Len Bias the basketball star due to the Crack-Drug epidemic, the White Militia-Dangerous Christian Cult threat of homegrown terrorism, 9/11 and the selection of the Change-No Change Agent, (who happened to represent a person of color).

Before WWII, state mythological events happened every 30 years or so, with the advent of another war – for peace… But after WWII, the US government has been steadily increasing its state mythology events and after-events. They are still not finished with their nefarious arts in media manipulation. 9/11 was their last successful media-war event.

After the re-election of the Change-No Change Master, he tried to destroy America’s gun culture with the Sandy Hook mythology event. But it didn’t work. America’s gun culture fought back and is as strong as ever – and it will remain strong – unless the US government begins outright gun confiscations.

The Amerikan elite sociopaths in power never concede defeats however. When they fail, they formulate another evil plot inside the chambers of their multiple intelligence-spy agencies. These same mass murderers will mythologize one more ‘super national trauma’ in order to successfully try the gun confiscations. But once they throw down this last hand, the legitimacy of the Amerikan system will end for millions of citizens.

The old tricks of state mythology are losing their luster. Once state mythology falls flat, state legitimacy then loses its previous brilliance.

And finaly, we must wait for the terrible fall and destruction of that Evil Empire – crumbling from within – like a house of cards.

Dangerous Ideologies IV: Liberalism or Liberal Democracy

Posted: August 29, 2015 in advertising tricks, aerial bombings, Africa, Algeria, American Corporate Media Conglomerates, American Empire, American genocide against native nations, American slavery, Anglo-American christianity, Anglo-Canadian genocide against native nations, Anglo-white colonial republics, aristocracy, aristocratic degeneracy, aristocratic sloth, arts of exterminations, Atlantic slave trade, Australia, Australian genocide against aboriginals, Authoritarianism, barbarians, BBC TV channels, brain damage, brainwashing, British Empire, British genocides and forced famines, British naval impressment, Canada, candidates, capitalism, Caribbean sugar death camps, chemical warfare, Christian religious schools for natives, Communists, concentration-death camps, control, corporate media propaganda, criminal plots, criminality, deceit, despotism, dictatorships, drone attacks, egoism, eighteenth-century, election selections, elite laziness, elite university educations, elites, elitists, Emperor Frederick the Second, empires, Engish public hangings of the poor, Enlightenment, extermination, family names, Fascism, free market systems, genocide, gross hypocrisy, historical crimes, history, ideological madness, ideological scams, ideologies, Illustration, incarceration, indentured servitude, inferiors, injustice, institutional violence, intellectuals, invasions, Ireland, Land War against the Maori Nation, legal codes, legal crime, Liberal Democracy, Liberal Democrats, Liberalism, Liberals, liquidation, mass kidnapping of Africans, mass murder, masters, militarism, modern world, murder, Nazis, Neo-liberals, New Zealand, North American plantations, officials, palaces, parliaments, pass system, perpetual lies, perpetual wars, perverts, police harassment, policing, political cabals, political crooks, political systems, power, preferred writers, prisoner populations, prisons, professional sports spectacles, Prussia Military State, representatives, republican system, Royal Marines, sanctions, Sans Souci Palace, Second French Empire, slavery, snobbery, social parasites, sociopaths, South Africa, South Asia, starvations, state mandatory schools, state terrorism, structural violence, superiors, surveillance, the laws, the people, the police, the poor, the rich, the State, travel, tyranny, vacationing, Voltaire, war, wealth, white republics, white settler enclaves, Zio-Nazi Crusader State, Zionist genocide against Palestinians
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VoltaireFredericIIBritish Caribbean Sugar African Slave Death CampirishfamineAustralia-Aboriginese-GenocideZionist expulsion of PalestiniansamericanempireAmerikan geo-economic-military empire HARVARD-UNIVERSITY

Our modern toxic ideologies, social, cultural or political, or all of those above three categories mixed together, have always concealed themselves under the Sciences of the Good.

We have the modern examples of the Judeo-Christian Monotheist Cult, Psychobabble, Racialism-Eugenics, Mandatory-Compulsory State Schooling, Modern Clinical Medicine, Prison Punishment-Reform and Global Monopoly Capitalism.

There has been one peculiar, persistent, and venomous ideology that has regularly clothed itself under the benign classifications of both political-economy and social-cultural movements. This same false science has even parasited itself within Modern religion, especially Anglo-American Christianity. It has further appropriated the vocabularies of many other ideologies as if it had invented the Modern World itself.

Such deceit has represented the marvelous and malevolent power of Liberalism or Liberal Democracy.

Others might contend that Communism, International Terrorism and Fascism have represented the world’s most dangerous ideologies. They are wrong again. These brainwashed individuals have watched too much Anglo-American toxic television, saturated through the same diseased mind of Liberalism.

Media experts, also brain-damaged through Liberalism, have decomposed and microwaved their ideological madness within the boardrooms of the BBC channels, and inside American Corporate Media Conglomerates, such as NBC, FOX, CNN, ABC and CBS.

The year was 1750, right in the middle of one of the most violent and vile centuries in human history. It was during this particular century of legal murder and theft that Liberalism birthed its sinister appearance.

A French philosopher-intellectual-‘celebre’ writer, with the name of Voltaire, was ‘vacationing,’ or spending three years of his free time, idling, eating ten course meals, drinking tea, sampling fine wines, sleeping in luxurious beds, taking sumptuous baths, and pouting about the gardens inside the Prussian royal pleasure court. He was not living this princely existence alone however.

He was an invitee among ‘the premier group,’ a first class guest of the Prussian Emperor, Frederick II, or called ‘the Great,’ at his palace in Potsdam, Brandenburg Prussia. There was no German name for this ostentatious monstrosity that bespoke the privilege of family name and wealth. Instead it had a French title, Sans Souci, or in English, ‘without care.’ Voltaire was such a witty and polite guest for three years, that he even had a bedroom-writing studio, named after himself, in one of the fifty or so rooms found in one of the five different palaces!

Here was a ‘radical’ French intellectual-writer, wearing knee breeches, high-heeled shoes, facial makeup and a powered wig, dining in full aristocratic-parasite style with one of the most belligerent European tyrants on the continent, also similarly attired.

The militarist spirit of Machiavelli freely mixed with the free thinking snobbery of European effete manners. This gross display of hypocrisy and aristocratic degeneracy escaped the censure of both men.

All of these ‘cultivated’ gentlemen knew that they were living in ‘special times.’ They were elite men of the Enlightenment, the Illustration. Liberals dressed and paraded around in fine and lavish colors, always a cut above the common peasant or artisan losers that worked with their hands.

Most of these Liberals were actually base hypocrites, egotistical barbarians and pathetic elitists. Liberal Democrats have relentlessly continued on this degenerate path. To this very day, they pledge allegiance to these vile practices of elitism and snobbery.

Liberalism or Liberal Democracy has always operated with one set of people lording over another, while committing horrible institutional violence against inferior groups. Yet, unlike an aristocratic oligarchy of noble birth that makes the rules for everyone else, Liberalism brazenly lies through its teeth. The Liberal Democratic ideology has proclaimed the equality of all men, and now women, before God, with the freedoms of worship, speech, grievances and writing. It practices display the exact opposite.

It calls for democratic ‘elections,’ yet it demands that wealthy political cabals of liars and crooks pick the right candidates for the lower elements of society. These elected ‘officials’ or ‘representatives of the people,’ delegate the laws, and the people simply obey.

The sacred freedoms of Liberal Democracy only work for the elect masters of political-economy and social-cultural distinction. For everyone else, they must survive under the stark brutality of a ‘free market’ capitalist economy and the arts of constant surveillance. The gross hypocrites of Liberalism live in splendor through their family names and elite university educations. The rest of us, social scum, must suffer under the daily violence of socio-economic injustice and police harassment.

If we disobey, the Liberals have the prison inferno waiting for us. Meanwhile, our masters train us early in their ‘state mandatory schools,’ while they later distract and entertain us through their corporate media TV programs, professional sports spectacles and advertising tricks.

Liberalism has always been more violent, and has started more wars than most dictatorships and tyrannies. Why is this? Liberalism believes that all of its wars are good wars, because Liberal Democracies are the only decent government organizations. The danger of this ideology for our modern world is that the leaders of this ideological scam believe their own lies. They are unrepentant hypocrites. They truly believe that Liberal Democracy and a Free Market economy are the only systems that work.

Woe unto the enemies of this most sinister and terrorizing ideology. Liberal Democracies have operated as the most adept practitioners in the dark arts of extermination and genocide. They continue to beat the Nazis, fanatical Communists, and other murderous regimes by long shots.

Democratic regimes have gotten away with their mass murders, and they still come clean from their crimes, even after historical knowledge has exposed their criminality. Think on the United States genocide against the Native nations. History also documents the British forced famines in Ireland, Africa and in India, the French colonial system of ‘white settler enclaves’ versus the local Arab and Berber societies in North Africa.

Concerning ‘the white republics,’ we have the white Australian methods in exterminating the aboriginal nations, the New Zealand white containment and massive land theft against Maori communities, and the white South African ‘black homeland,’ pass system. The most sinister Liberal rule on this Earth is the Zio-Nazi system, which has maintained the largest concentration-death camps in world history against the Palestinians: Gaza and West Bank. There is also Anglo-Canada, with its permitted rapes, tortures and murders of native children forced to attend Christian religious schools run by perverts.

All ideological cabals murder well, but Liberal Democracies are History’s sublime experts in the art of mass murder-genocide, and then covering up the tracks, even hiding the records. The false smiles and suave voices of the lying politicians or parliamentarians makes the heinous acts so much worse.

While Voltaire and the Emperor sampled fine wines and ten course meals at Sans Souci Palace, African slaves in the Caribbean had to endure the tropical hells of unlimited sugar plantation work. Those slaves that refused to obey work orders walked the water wheel. When they couldn’t do it anymore, they fell to their deaths, crushed through the massive wooden and metal blades. The blood and flesh ripped apart in all directions, as the slave master considered another sale for more African flesh and blood. Not one white Caribbean slave master had to face the punishment of mass murder.

Still to this day, British official history proclaims Britain as the defender of ‘abolitionism.’ Yet, it quietly leaves out the historical facts about how the British Empire imported more kidnapped Africans onto its tropical extermination camps than all the other colonial empires during the eighteenth-century.

As Voltaire and the Emperor conversed in French concerning civil religion and aristocratic-royalty society gossip, Irish peasants had to watch their baby children starve to death due to English penury laws that excluded them totally from any legal recourse to Christian charity – meaning foodstuffs to eat. One writer exposed the madness during the Irish Famines, Jonathon Swift. Due to his British education, he had to use satire, the only literary form that could educate the eighteenth-century reading public.

The British Empire of the eighteenth-century was not only cruel to Africans, South Asians and the Irish, it also regularly murdered its poorer English subjects. For the hungry that swarmed the cities, even stealing some bread and mutton to eat, resulted in public hangings. Both English men and women suffered such terrible fates. Their only crime was that they were poor, homeless and hungry.

Many working class English lads had to keep a mindful watch for the military kidnappers that forcibly impressed them into Naval slavery on the high seas. Any resistance met the brutal torture and murder of the Royal Marines who were the cops that watched over them. Legal kidnappers also thronged the poor and working areas of England who often enticed and defrauded their victims to work to death, as ‘indentured servants,’ in Britain’s ‘successful North American plantations.’ This is the true history of Liberal Democracy in Great Britain, the first, national parliamentary system of Modern Europe.

Liberal Democracy has ultimately birthed the most nefarious world empire in human history, the Amerikan Empire, or the United States of America. This is the same freedom-loving, land of opportunity, which has the highest prisoner population in world history, with the exception of the Nazis in the 1940s, and it has the most dense legal codes than any other regime, thereby making most of its citizens walking felons deserving of the Amerikan incarceration nightmare.

This same empire always seems to find another war to start, and yet even when it loses its wars, this cabal of sociopaths has managed to murder millions of innocent civilians through economic sanctions, chemical warfare, massive aerial bombings, starvation, or through military invasions and drone attacks.

Are we Anarchists surprised when see the ‘republics,’ the constitutional monarchies, or the white colonial-settler states, representing France, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Zio-Nazi Crusader State, line up in defense of the Amerikan Empire? After many political setbacks, Liberal Democracy seems to resurrect its evil intents and recoup the losses. This ideology will not go away.

We Anarchists cannot fight such an ideology because it has seized the apparatus of the State across the globe. This same noxious belief system also retains most of the corporate media on the television.

But we must publicly condemn its practices, which speak louder volumes than its devious advertising and false words. This is a friendly ideology, fooling the ignorant through dishonorable smiles and schooled diction.

Shaking its cowardly hands means the death of millions. Even our sacred hours of sleep are in constant danger from their criminal plots.

The Amerikan Empire XIV: World Epicenter of Pyramid Schemes

Posted: July 29, 2015 in abuse, administrators, ajunks, American Empire, Amerikan gulag, Amerikan higher education, Amerikan legal system, Amerikan nightmare, Amerikan society, Amerikan universities, Amerikan Voting system, austerity scams, auto contracts, bad jobs, bail bonds, bank loans, bogus fees and fines, bosses, business, business model, capitalism, capitalist nightmare, cell phone services, charismatic power, cheap salaries, Check Cashing scams, checks, city utility services, civilization, class, convictions, cops, corporate banks, corporations, corruption, courage, court martial, cowardice, criminal record, debt slavery, depravity of evil, dignity, direct marketing, donut cops, driving record, DUIs, economic depressions, economic elites, economic misery, economic privilege, economic punishments, elites, enlisted, expensive drinks, family connections, felonies, flim flam degrees, fraud, free work, freedom, full-time work, generals, Global Monopoly Capitalism, GMO products, govern, government, high premium insurance, high prices, high rates, history, hoax, homeless, honor, honorable suicide, housing mortgages, human civilization, human history, illegal alien workers, imperial monster, inflated hospital care, institutional dishonesty, institutions, jail time, judges, labor, legal crime, legal misconduct, low wages, lower classes, management, marketing, Mcjobs, menial labor, minimum wage labor, modern state, money, no jobs, no work, non-profit corporations, officers, organizations, owner class, parole violations, part-time work, penalizations, police forces, political candidates, political economy, political hacks, political party duopoly, political privilege, politicians, poverty, power, prisoners, prisons, probation period, products, profit, prosecutions, pyramid schemes, pyramid structures, regressive taxation, required classes, restaurant menus, restaurants, rule, scam contracts, scams, service industry, slave labor, slavery, social class, social parasites, social privilege, sociopaths, state criminals, state mandated insurance, state prosecutors, student loans, student marks, students, supermarket chains, survival, swindle, taxes, the elect, the poor, the rich, tip system, travelers, trials, United States, university administrator hacks, university tuition costs, unpaid internships, upper classes, US government, US military, useful work, wage slavery, warfare, wealthy
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 Pyramid-Schemepolitical elites and officer's clubvoting1fast-student-loan-for-collegeBank fees explainedmortgage-scam-faxLow-Cost-Life-Insurance-free-quotesinnocent teen locked up in prison 3 yrs. commits suicide

Human civilization has always existed as one gigantic pyramid scheme.

A few individuals have possessed the innovative ideas, or charismatic power with good weapons, or sufficient capital funds, or often just, the right family connections to put their genius into operation. With some tact and personable skills, they could transform any successful corporate body, political, economic or both.

Those people have represented the chosen few of the political-economic elites, or the sociopolitical elect. The rest of humanity has had to struggle for survival, perform the daily crap labor, and ultimately, suffer the strangulation of their energy and the sapping of their human dignity – and then they just drop dead. Such is the melancholy absurdity, which parasites off our painful existence.

Throughout the schemes of human history, about 10,000 years so far, the pyramid schemes of family dynasties, royal blood lines, wars of conquests, slavery systems, ethno-state religions and stable market commodities, have nonetheless helped particular geographic populations reinforce social ties. Those same schemes also allowed non-conformists some cultural spaces for creativity. This ancient system of reciprocity and cohesion does not exist anymore.

Now, under Global Monopoly Capitalism, the political-economic elites who rule over such an infernal system don’t care if some pathetic, lower class person loses his or her job, house, land, savings, freedom, family, money and even physical health.

The Modern State and International Capital has declared a nasty war against the poor and the frugal. This fetid scenario is nowhere more apparent inside the monster of the Amerikan Empire.

How could I become so stupid? This is one of the interior screams that woeful American graduate students make after so many years slaving inside a doctoral program. What shocked me when I was attending graduate school was not so much the scam Liberal Arts program that took away my money, paid me terribly, and would never give me a decent job in the future; rather, it was the entire pyramid structure of the American university operation.

I attended a western state land grant university, a so-called non-profit, state associated entity. That institution was anything but ‘not for profit’ – rather everything functioned as a shameless profit scam. The marks of the institution were the students, which included the graduate students, such as myself.

The professional administrator class comprised the Chancellors, Regents, the President, Presidential aides, Vice presidents, Provosts, Vice Provosts, Directors, Associate Directors, Assistant Directors, Deans, Assistant Deans, and multiple other ‘non-profit’ Executive ‘Assistants’ who completely ran the joint.

They all made high six figure salaries and had excellent, full benefits, including the university donut cops on the beat. It was like entering the old Communist Party run dictatorships of Eastern Europe. The Executive bureaucracy ruled everything and had absolutely no oversight. Their will was law on campus.

Although those bosses championed hard work – none of them did any work! They didn’t teach any classes, and instead, would attend multiple meetings-retreats with bogus themes on development, construction, alumni, strategy, grants and mission. These same slackers would then spam multiple e-mails to the campus wide university net. Their hours and schedules were always flexible – and they never had any contacts with students – except for the badly paid student workers that filed their office papers.

Why did supposedly intelligent people, such as myself, venture into such a scam and trap? We students and staff workers wanted a possible better job in the future with the hundreds of flim flam degrees that the higher education system promised us. We were simply fools for the education bait.

The American University offered choices, yet most of the degrees had many required classes to take. Some of the classes had nothing to do with the degree subject. But students had to plow through the course loads, and many of the courses had offerings only one time per school year, so if a student missed a required course, then this often sent the student back another year. Students found it hard to graduate within four years.

At the same time, the university administrators kept railing about austerity on the campus, while they would jack up the tuition costs each successive year. By the end of my studies, the tuition doubled to outrageous levels. Students had to sign for more student loans often recommended by ‘financial aid’ advisers that had special contacts with the same debt slavery banks giving out the extortion rates!

The admins inflated the products sold on the campus – and later sold them as sub-standard items, such as parking garages, and the crappy food services, often served through illegal alien workers. Illegal aliens also performed the general cleaning services. For most of the other ‘academic’ services, the university hired the debt ridden undergraduate students to perform minimum wage labor, usually in the libraries and bureaucratic offices.

The university further penalized students through its myriad of bogus fess or regressive taxation schemes, such as registration fees, late fees, special course fees, laboratory fees, teaching instruction fees, classroom fees, graduation fees, etc. The university bookstore was the most shameless entity involved in price inflation.

For the teaching loads, this same university hired many part-time adjunks to teach the multiple, university level, Liberal Arts courses. Some adjunks even received less than 1000$ per for four months of teaching! In the Sciences, the departments relied heavily on foreign graduate students possessing foreign student-worker visas to perform the menial laboratory work. For such a cheap salary, the science departments worked them late into the early morning hours.

The American Higher Education industry has operated as the greatest pyramid scheme in recent modern history. The students willing paid for courses that the administrators, with no teaching experience, recommended. Next, the students entered into a lifetime of debt slavery, finally receiving a flim flam paper degree. Ultimately, most students encountered no good job prospects after graduations. And yet, they had to pay back the interest on the loans that would stay with them for the rest of their miserable lives! Meanwhile, the university administrators lived it up, did no useful work and enjoyed the six figure salary lifestyle.

This Amerikan, imperial political economy represents the world epicenter of pyramid scheme-scams. Every single institution within the capitalist nightmare of the United States operates under the same rubrics of extreme fraud and shameless swindle. The more flagrant abuses and profits, the better the organization. And why not, the federal, state and municipal governments get away with such extravagant legal crimes!

A pyramid scheme is simply a dishonest job situation where the one’s running the ‘business’ make sure that the profit comes out of the pockets from the duped marks. Those businesses offer no production of value, while they generally do produce shoddy products. The purpose of the business is not mass production, but committing legal fraud against the same workers who often receive no salary, or very low money, for their labor.

The only way to avoid such a scenario is either to become a homeless, traveling bum or just try to get scammed rarely, so that a little capital remains for survival. Unfortunately, we have more examples inside the imperial monster.

US military recruiters target working class saps for a disciplined military life, which includes free work training and a good step into the corporate world. The willing marks forget the most serious tradeoffs inside of this shell game: they all enter as enlisted servants. When a typical civilian enters the US military, regardless of their educational background, they willingly sell themselves as contracted slaves. Once they sign the contract, the US government now controls and owns their actual bodies and minds.

Any military officer can order an enlisted slave to clean the toilets, mow the lawns, clean the decks, spit shine the floors, rearrange bricks, police field areas, or clean a naval or artillery gun. The enlisted slave has to obey the orders, or they will receive a court-martial and an eventual bad paper discharge.

Meanwhile, the top officers receive six figure salaries, have full social privileges on base, get the best benefits including good medical services, and every few years, when the US government starts another war, they rise up quickly in rank, yet they don’t have to risk their lives in the ugly combat arena.

Corporate banks have accounts with almost no interest whatsoever, yet they use the deposit money for their own financial investments. This same bank then punishes the depositor through a myriad of fees and fines: late checks, low balances, excessive account changes, little account use, debit card limitations, bank card withdrawals, etc. For many working class Americans, they cannot even open a minimum deposit bank account, so they have to use the Check Cashing-Instant Cash scam outfits that regularly use extortion loans in order to steal people’s personal properties.

Most American Job scams demand years of experience, yet most applicants don’t have the necessary years of experience that the bosses demand. The executive managers push a particular fraud where they can receive legal slave labor, or otherwise called, unpaid internships. The applicant thinks they are getting experience, yet they destroy their personal dignity by becoming pathetic slaves with no remuneration whatsoever. This horrible con is all legal. The corporate executives laugh as they receive their humongous annual bonuses.

For purchasing housing mortgages and new autos, the willing marks forget that their payments go straight to the bank. As they pay the monthly installments, about a hundred times more than what the actual house or vehicle is worth, the bank-dealer ‘property’ depreciates. Meanwhile, they must pay another interest rate scam on top of the depreciating payments, plus any other incurring fees that come with the purchase. By the time, the signer reads the full contract, the fees will also increase over time. Any missed payment throws the debt slave into economic limbo, and the banks can later seize the property permanently. All of the previous payments result in nothing to own.

In order to drive any vehicle or pay taxes without penalties, all Americans must pay for mandated insurance. The insurance companies through the violence of the State force all Americans to purchase outrageously priced premiums. Even with some hefty payments, Americans must still pay high auto and medical services. In the case of autos, any points on the driving record, will shoot the rate high into the sky. The corporate hospitals also jack up the prices on basic services, including everything from bandages to talking to a medical doctor. The hospital, insurance and auto dealer owners all enjoy superior profits.

Supermarket chains have most of their cheap GMO products listed with the 99 cents category and often add their ‘low prices’ for only those clientele that have the pre-purchased scam ‘discount card,’ so a 7.99 product with the taxes included often comes to around 10$.

Restaurants, bars and cafes will describe regular dishes with flowery and foreign words on their menus in order to raise their prices. The server also has to push expensive drinks on to the customers. Yet, the customers are the ones that pay most of the salaries of the employees. Americans usually pay 20% over the final check, including taxes, all included as the server’s tips! Meanwhile, the owners receive the bulk of the inflated profits, after purchasing cheaply distributed GMO foods.

Using the American Legal conundrum is a complete sham. All American legal services require multiple layers of fees, and even in small claims court. In order to fight a brutal prosecution of a felony, the defendant needs a good attorney, which will cost thousands of dollars. If the person languishes in jail, then he or she will need a bail bond, which can cost up to tens of thousands of dollars. if the perpetrator does not have the money, then the victim could suffer in jail for a while – a very long while. Nowadays, trials are not speedy, and the pre-trial prison term can cover up to a year!

If a defendant receives a misdemeanor conviction, then he or she will receive a probationary period that requires thousands of dollars in payments, and this is especially true for DUIs. If the convict receives a parole sentence after leaving prison, then the convict must also make both monetary payments and time payments to the parole officer. Any parole violation will put the prisoner back into the prison gulag. Yet, all convictions are permanent stains on the person’s public record, so it is almost impossible to receive a job or a stable residence. The judges, wardens, police lieutenants and state prosecutors continue to receive their six-figure salaries – regardless of any previous legal misconduct.

Even the Amerikan Voting system, or political selections, is a hoax. Americans have a choice of two self-promoted, wealthy individuals that represent only two parties, both of which, support and prop up this whole pyramid scheme political-economic system. The parties select the hack who seems to represent the most winnable candidate, while the person running for office will change their positions constantly in order to get the six-figure paying position.

There are a lot more pyramid schemes within the Amerikan Empire, from double dipping cell phone services to high-rocket charging, city utility services. The Amerikan Nightmare persists and gloats in twisting, torturing its poorer victims. A few poor souls just give up and choose the route of honorable suicide. They know that Amerikan society has nothing more to offer.

There is nothing we can do, and this unjust and cruel political-economic system will only get worse – as the global capitalist economy drops further into its terrible, recurring depressions. The sociopaths in power don’t care anymore.

For us, we can only recite the truth and publicly condemn this whole, criminal, violent, imperial monster. So let us proclaim the truth: the Amerikan Empire exists as the most profound depravity of evil that human history has ever witnessed and experienced.



















Worlds of Pharmakopeia V: Euro-Colonial Murder of the Coca Leaf

Posted: July 23, 2015 in african plants, African slaves, African-americans, agricultural murder, altitude, American Empire, american plants, Amerikan Drug War, Amerikan Empire of Sociopaths, Amerikan prison gulag, Andean region, aphrodisiac, artists, asian plants, bad death, Biotech, botany, cannabis, capitalism, Catholicism, chemical concoctions, chemical dilutions, chemical mixtures, chemical solutions, chemical sprays, chewing, chocolate, Coca Cola, Coca leaf, Cocaine, coffee, Cold War, Colombia, colonial empire, colonial plantations, colonial state, colonialism, conflict, Contra terrorism, corporate privileges, corruption, Crack, criminality, death, drug users, drugs, ego magic, ego maniacs, ego power, energy, eugenics, Euro-colonialism, exotica, extermination, farmers, farming, genocide, global cultivation, government depravity, Habsburg Dynasty, history, Hollywood, human civilization, human condition, human mind, hunger, illegal drugs, Inca Empire, Indochina, internal refugees, invasion, Iran-Contra Scandal, Iran-Iraq War, Jazz musicians, Kings of Spain, Kuomintang terrorism, labor, Latinos, Leftist guerrillas, legal drug dealing, legal drugs, life sentences, liquidation, mandatory minimums, marketing, mass imprisonment, mass murder, mate, miners, mining, mint, mita, money, murder, narcos, narcotics, native plants, New Cold War, Novocaine, opiates, paramilitaries, partidas, perpetual war, pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceuticals, pharmakopeia, Plan Colombia, plantations, plants, potency, Potosi, powder, priests, prison population, psychobabble, reciprocity, rock musicians, royal fortunes, sacred herb, Sandinistas, Sigmund Freud, silver, smoking, snorting, social degenerates, sociopaths, Spanish Empire, state criminals, state repression, stimulants, sugar, Supermax prisons, taxes, tea, the Media, tobacco, tribute, United Nations Anti-Drug War, US government, US military, US military-spy-industrial complex, Vietnam Syndrome, Vin Martini, war, wealth, welfare recipients, white skin privilege, wine, work, worker slaves
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Coca-Leaf-BoliviaBolivian woman gives her baby coca leavescoca leaf farms AndesCoca leaf teacoca leaf colonial periodVin-Mariani CocaineCocaine Coca Colacia-contra-crack-connectionAmerikan prison gulagimperio plan muerte contra colombiaMedia elites enjoying some sniffsblow, money, youth and ego

For most of human civilization, the earth’s natural bounty of plants, shrubs and trees have helped lift the spirits of the sad, hungry and sick. But in our modern world, infected with the double epidemics of European Judeo-Christianity and Savage Capitalism, there have been other plants who have attached themselves to some bizarre love-hate representations. Those plants have always maintained their beauty and potency; rather, the sickness resides inside of the Euro-Colonial mindset, which has manipulated and twisted the plant images.

Some unfortunate plants from the exotic Asia-Orient have received some strident Euro-controls throughout recent history, such as Cannabis Sativa, (THC-Hemp), Papaver Somniferum, (Opiates), Camellia Sinensis, (Tea), and Saccharum Officinarum, (Sugar Cane).

In the Americas, originally populated with savage ‘Indians,’ and later exterminated en masse through European Savage Colonialism, Euro-criminals have strenuously manipulated two particular plant varieties: Nicotiana Tabacum, (Nicotine), and Erythroxylum Coca, (Coca leaves-Cocaine).

What decade was it? On the Inca Tawantinsuyu Four Regions Cosmology or the Spanish Gregorian Christian Calendar? For us historians it was the decade of the 1630s – a cold and nasty one – and especially for the mitas. This mita group were all young men from the scattered regions of the Andes. These were peasant stock, farmer people, but they lost the war against the Spanish European invaders, back around the 1570s, so they had to supply a tributo, or tribute-tax. to the Spanish colonial state – and they had to give away their lives too.

There they stood on that cold and wet day in the early morning of summer; tired, forlorn and silent on a brownish-green patched, rocky ledge that overlooked the pit of evil, a city called Potosi, very high up in the clouds of the mountains. The gods looked down on the pathetic worker slaves that willingly ventured into the mountainous pit. Spanish royal fortunes totally relied on this one mine pit – filled with the silver lode.

The Kings of Spain needed the silver mint for their reales, or silver coinage, in order to finance the Habsburg wars across seventeenth-century Europe. The worker slaves knew that most of them would die inside of the mine monster.

Over the years, fewer native slave laborers showed up for the mita, and so the Spanish imported, kidnapped ‘royal slaves’ from Africa to do the nasty work. All of the miners, slave and non-slave, could grab a little silver for themselves, called a partida, but who could survive inside the belly of the tortured mountain? The mountain had to vomit frequently, and it often spewed the human meat of mitayo, or mita worker, African slave and the contracted miners of all ethnicities that risked it all for some pieces of silver.

The Spanish colonial authorities began to worry about fifty years previously. How do we get the native mitayos to work for their own bad deaths inside of the belly of the Potosi Monster? Catholicism couldn’t do it – but a local variety of plant might do the job.

The Catholic priests hated this plant, but a measly 30 pieces of silver would always trump Faith under the human condition. The Spanish noticed that the native Andean farmers functioned on the code of reciprocity. When a visitor entered a rural home, he or she often brought the infamous coca leaves as gifts. The Spanish often did the same when invited into another person’s house – except the Spanish brought wine.

This coca leaf was truly a gift from the Gods. Natives also used the coca leaves during the religious festivals of the Incan Empire. What was it about this coca leaf that the local natives prized so much?

Coca Leaf when chewed or used as a tea infusion immediately imparted a swift zest of energy. The plant relieved hunger, and helped fight against minor physical and mental pains. Locals felt better after chewing on the leaves and it even aided in sexual relations when working as an aphrodisiac.

Coca also alleviated altitude sickness, depression, loose bowels, nausea, and improved one’s circulation. Native farmers often felt the second wind of work coming on after enjoying the coca tea.

The Spanish colonial authorities had realized that coca worked better than the imported sugar cane plant from Asia, and it functioned even better than the American mate plant found in Paraguay, also taken as a tea. Coca had transformed into the ultimate stimulant drug.

The King of Spain encouraged the growth of the coca plant. Coca plantations produced high volumes of those small green leaves. In order to entice the mitas to kill themselves for the Spanish King, the Spanish guards freely gave copious amounts of coca leaves to the worker slaves who entered the dark, cold, humid mines of Potosi. Even at the point of death through exhaustion, the mitayos kept chewing on the coca. The Spanish even discovered that with the higher altitude of cultivation, the more concentration of coca in the leaf. The Spanish had found a winner. And still to this day, the greatest number of European Cocaine users have been the Spanish.

The added chemicals of sulfuric acid and hydrochloride solution created the addictive solution, called Cocaine. The Coca plant has become the most powerful stimulant drug in the modern world, while no other global-cultivated plant even comes close to it, such as Sugar Cane, Chocolate beans, Nicotine leaves, Tea leaves or Coffee beans.

This plant has given new life to the hurting, confused and tired, and yet European colonialism transferred the coca plant into the cocaine concoction, all in order to transform themselves into Nietzschean super humans. At least their minds told them so.

High powered financial advisers, corporate attorneys, expensive doctors, intelligence operatives, rock musicians-music producers, Hollywood Industry-Media types and other ego maniacs have embraced this drug, while the poorer elements, or capitalist society’s losers, smoke the cheaper, real diluted stuff, called Crack, and who often end up homeless, pathetic, or slowly die in a prison cell.

This Euro-colonial monstrosity took off in the late nineteenth-century. From the 1850s to the 1900s, European colonial powers transferred the cultivation of this American plant across the globe, and especially in Africa and Asia. The Dutch colonials established massive plantations of coca leaf and coffee beans on the island of Java. The British established imperial plantations of coca and tea leaves on the island of Ceylon. German Pharmaceutical Companies, such as Merck, established the first marketing of Cocaine.. Even the Japanese colonial empire entered the coca game with coca plantations on the island of Formosa-Taiwan.

An Austrian chemist by the name of Neumann first used the term of Kokain with his mixtures of hydrochloric acid. In the 1870s, a Corsican businessman marketed the first Cocaine drink, a wine called Vin Mariani. Sigmund Freud, the great psychobabble intellectual, also lauded the drug as a great help for ‘psychologically damaged’ patients.

In the 1880s, the American Coca Cola Company, marketed a non-alcoholic beverage that mixed Cocaine, caffeine and sugar syrup, and today, fructose corn syrup. If a regular American citizen tries to re-enter the US with coca leaves, he or she will probably spend the rest of their lives in prison. But this is not true with the corporate conglomerate of Coca Cola, which still maintains its corporate privileges in importing coca leaves into the United States. The US pharmaceutical Parke-Davis also has corporate rights in using coca leaves.

Around 1900, the Eugenics movement grew exponentially, and so did the Anti-Drug US empire. The concern of course centered around lower class fiend use, especially Black Jazz musicians and Latino degenerates coming up from Latin America. The Amerikan Empire introduced the Harrison Act of 1915 that prohibited Opium-Heroin and Cocaine use. Due to this prohibition in the 1920s, a US pharmaceutical company introduced the synthetic substitute of Cocaine, called Novocaine.

After WW II, the Amerikan Empire moved into a greater offensive against the Coca Leaf, including the Nicotine Leaf, the Cannabis Leaf and the Poppy plant. The Empire even forced the United Nations to move against Coca in 1960s.

Yet the same Amerikan Empire forged a strange alliance during the 1980s. The US government wanted to desperately overthrow the Sandinista Leftist government in Nicaragua. The CIA set up the Contra terrorist network that murdered supposed Sandinista supporters in the countryside, but even this tactic did not work so well.

Congress cut off the funding, so the Reagan administration used the Iran-Contra network, to sell arms to a supposed enemy, Iran, in order to fund the Contra terrorists. Meanwhile, the US favored the other side of the Iran-Iraq War, representing Saddam Hussein. But there was another part of the evil plan. the Contra leaders also wanted some profits, so they began to deal in drugs, like the US supported Kuomintang terrorists during the 1950s, and the US supported, northern tribal terrorists in Indochina during the 1970s.

The Contra-narco drug lords produced a cheap substitute in place of the expensive Cocaine, called Crack. The user could smoke the stuff easily and the high was shorter than the Coke high, so the user had to use more of the stuff in order to feel the same ego high of ‘blow,’ or snorting Cocaine powder. By the late 1980s, the Crack explosion hit the streets. Young gangsta tough guys now tried to sell the magic smoke.

Those working class dealers failed to understand the depravity of the US government or the Amerikan Empire. Also at the end of the 1980s, Gorbachev dismantled the Soviet Union power base. The Berlin Wall came down. The Cold War was officially over.

One of the players in the Reagan administration’s Iran-Contra scandal, the vice-president, Bush I, was running for president. The Amerikan Empire needed another enemy to exterminate after the Cold War. The generals and spies in the US Military-Spy-Industrial Complex were getting nervous. The vice president candidate thereby used the Drug War for the next round of destruction.

The domestic prison population grew exponentially, and especially among African-Americans and Latinos. Even tiny amounts of Crack could give some victim a ten-year mandatory minimum sentence in prison! This same sociopath would soon turn on their man in Iraq, Saddam, and start even another genocidal war in order to end, ‘the Vietnam Syndrome.’ His son, Bush II, would really finish the job in that region of the world.

The next president continued the repression of the Drug War against American citizens, and with even greater sanctions against Welfare recipients. African-American neighborhoods got hit brutally with this new US government financed war. With hardcore gentrification increasing in the 1990s, old Black neighborhoods began to rot from the inside out, and the American system shoved the displaced African-Americans between the Supermax prisons and the poorer suburbs. The luckier ones joined the US military.

This same president then instituted Plan Colombia, which used the same paramilitary tactics during the previous Contra War, but this time against the Leftists guerrillas in Colombia. The Amerikan Empire murdered over 30,000 Nicaraguans during its Contra War of the 1980s, but lately, the Amerikan Empire has murdered over 250,000 Colombians using the Colombian state and its paramilitary henchmen.

Another part of Plan Colombia forces the Colombian government to spray chemicals against coca plant fields inside the country. Strangely, cocaine production is still a very profitable business. The real agricultural murder has actually targeted native, Afro-Colombian and other Colombian farmers. Colombia now has the largest internal refugee population in the Americas. The Colombian-narco oligarchy wants their lands – for greater coca production – with the continued help of the sociopaths that run the Amerikan Empire.

Here we have the strange legacy of the coca leaf. At one time, it was the sacred herb for chewing, tea ceremonies, religious rites and community relations in the Andean world. Thanks to European colonialism and mass murder however, the sacred herb became the egotist drug of choice for the European invaders and manipulators.

The US government now uses the coca leaf as a decoy for its murderous foreign policy objectives. Meanwhile, millions of young people of color putrefy inside the Amerikan Imperial Prison-Gulag. They have lost their lives and their dignity due to dabbling with the powdered leaf. And finally, a protective class of coca users, mostly music and media artists, while sharing white skin privilege with money to burn, still enjoy the fine sniffs of concocting, cocaine-infused ego magic.

Only Euro-Colonial, Imperial Evil could do so much damage to a nifty little plant found in the Andean mountains.


Anarcho-Historian Lesson #12: Legitimacy, the evil art of statecraft

Posted: March 24, 2015 in adversaries, Amenhotep-Thutmose Dynasty, American Empire, Ancient Egypt, ancient times, atrocities, authority, autocrats, bad historians, barbarians, calendars, citizens, civilization, class conflict, codes, commoners, conflict, conquest, contemporary times, continual war, control, control of language, corporate media, Cosmos, costumes, crime, criminality, cultural power, deceit, deception, defeat, destruction, domination, duties, Earth, elites, emperors, empire, enemies, English language, evil arts of statecraft, experts, extermination, false arbiter, false solidarity, false unity, governments, grand strategies, grandiosity, greatness, Heavens, hierarchy, hieroglyphics, historical epochs, historical ghosts, historical traditions, history, holidays and festivals, holiness, Hollywood, human civilization, human history, human senses, imperial system, intellectual concepts, invasions, language, leaders, legitimacy, lies, magic, mass murder, masters, meanings and the message, menaces, military display, military domains, military occupation, monsters, monuments, nemeses, New Dynasty, new era, New Money, Nouveau Riche, pharaohs, policing, political mandates, political scams, political systems, power, pride, priestcraft, priests, privileges, processions and parades, public exposure, public works, resurrection, rites, rituals, rulers, ruling classes, sacred meanings, sacred symbols, savages, slavery, slaves, social control, social divisions, society, sociopaths, spectacular events, state administrators, state extortion rackets, state funerals, state mandated choreography, state methods, state mythologies, state religions, state theater, state treasuries, state vocabulary, steles, subjects, televison, temples, the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, the State, threats, tribute taxes, tyrants, uniforms, United States of America, universal ideologies, urban civilization, US Intelligence-Spy-Military-Industrial Complex, usurpation, victory, vulgarity, war, wealth from conquest, world
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Thutmose the Greatus-civil-war-relief-monumentSphinx-statue-Thutmose IVMountRushmoreKarnak-obelisk-thoutmesIWashington MonumentLa_KarnakLincoln_Memorialthutmose_emporerThutmose I mummy headcorporate media symbolsNational_Anthem thanksgiving ritual

Human civilization has formed evil monsters beyond the control of our imaginations.

The first atrocity on the contorted path of civilization represented the division of small societies into the common folk and the ‘better folk.’ Those divisions created social class differences. These high partitions within human society fell into socio-economic estates, and there emerged the first class conflicts.

With class conflicts, another historical villain then tainted human civilization: the State. The State appeared as the false arbiter or umpire between the warring classes. The State’s infernal job was to create a phony solidarity through both’ the people’ and ‘the cause,’ or really, language and religion, where there was no ‘unity’ before. The State had to mix the arts of the wizard with the arts of the warrior.

The State merged the priest experts with the war experts, all of which created an administrative class always aligned with the better folk, while secretly united against the common folk. The grand strategy was how to rule over the regular folk who often greatly outnumbered the ruling classes. The burning question for those elites concerned: how to avoid the commoners from discovering the scam, then banding together and just exterminating the usurpers? The ingenious answer shortly arrived through legitimacy, or the evil art of statecraft.

Our eternal enemies, have forever personified the elites, the ruling classes, the State, the authorities, the controllers, and all of our so-called ‘leaders.’ They have mastered legitimacy’s techniques, from around six thousand years ago, during the first reigns of urban civilization, to our actual imperial systems. Some of these systems were absolutely brilliant, and those shrewd state masters designed political systems that have lasted hundreds, if not thousands of years, throughout human history.

The Chinese emperors developed the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ intellectual concept, later mixed with a mutated imperial Confucianism. The Persian emperors developed the first universal, monotheist ideology loyal to the grand emperors: Zoroastrianism. The Mexica-Aztec ‘tlatloani’ perfected the Destructive Ages of the Suns and a ritual calendar that supported such a Mesoamerican hierarchy.

The Hindu Brahmins decreed the ultimate system of purification rites versus impurities, and with all of this craziness, their multiple caste and ‘jati’ declinations. The Greek rulers established the universality of the Greek ‘Hellenic’ language and its ‘cosmopolitan’ writing culture, which eventually signified urban sophistication in the Mediterranean region. The Roman emperors produced the political ideology of ‘civitas’ through the interlocking privileges and duties of ‘a constitution, citizenship, and a refined public life.’ There were also those infamous Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian Pharaohs, in the land of the Black Nile, founded on the northeast corner of the African continent, utilized three ingenious techniques within the devious arts of state legitimacy. And it was the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom that had successfully used the three most important methods from the occult books of state power, or the deceptive arts of legitimacy, or cultural power.

The first method of legitimacy embodied the recourse to continual warfare, or endless enemies waiting for their own destruction. The second method of legitimacy represented the state mandated choreography of myths, heroic legends, rituals, symbols, iconography, festivals, funerals, public works of grandiosity, such as temples and large monuments, and like always, military displays of might and power. The third method of state legitimacy was elite control of the Egyptian language, mostly illustrated in religious-medical-legal-statecraft codes, and their corresponding sacred meanings behind the sacred symbols.

1540 BCE was the magical and masterful decade when the Pharaohs of the Old and Middle Kingdoms transformed themselves into Emperors of both Lower and Upper Egypt. The rulers would soon recast themselves as the divine spirits or geniuses between the material and the spiritual. The ancient kings remade their rule into the New Kingdom.

The Dynasty of Amenhotep-Thutmose transfigured its power into a political-military-religious-cultural glory for both the rulers and the ruled. Even the defeated and their haters admired the New Kingdom’s military prowess and artistic magnificence. Only some hundred years earlier, the Egyptian rulers had to pay extortion tributes, or taxes, to the Hyksos barbarians that had successfully invaded their lands.

The past was over, and this new dynasty transformed into a resurrected myth of greatness, like the Great Pyramids that still stood majestically at Giza. They had realized that States do have such powers.

The Amenhotep-Thutmose Dynasty found continual enemies to exploit and then defeat, and often brutally. They attacked the southern front of Nubia, demanded regular tribute-taxes, and later attacked the farthest regions of Cush, or northern Ethiopia, and even found the source of the White Nile.

The Egyptian forces next invaded the Barbarians of the West, or the Libyans. Succeeding this attack, they defeated the Hyksos and their other nemeses, such as the Hittites, found in the lands of central Anatolia, or modern Turkey. The Egyptian Empire soon extended its tribute and military domains to the southeast. They attacked the great coastal cities of Beirut, Byblos, Tyre, Sidon, Joppa, Accho, Megiddo, and Askalon, and moved deeper into the East.

The imperial reach continued victorious over the great empires of the Levant, such as the Mitannis, the Hittites and yes, even the Assyrians! Aleppo, Kadesh, Ugarit, Homs and Babylon – all fell to the grand army of the Pharaonic invaders.

This grand-majestic army, shadowing the mastery of Alexander some one thousand and one hundred years later, crossed the Tigris and Euphrates and marched into the lands of Medes-Persia. Did they even cross over to the great rivers of the Indus and Ganges? Only the soldiers of those powerful armies knew for certain.

Once conquered, the defeated had to pay protection monies, or tribute taxes, to the Grand Pharaohs in Heliopolis. They also had to supply allied warriors or mercenaries for continual war, and most importantly, import slaves. All of the conquered cities also had to allow a small Egyptian garrison to reside in their territories.

Even with all of this militaristic conquest; the wars, invasions, enemies, threats, monsters, nemeses, barbarians, savages, menaces, dangers, ultimatums and adversaries – the conflict never seemed to end. There was another war of conquest just over the setting of the sun. The Egyptian Gods of War transfigured into sadistic vampires demanding ever greater sacrifices.

With their greater extortion rackets and taxation schemes, the Egyptian elites under the Pharaonic rule amassed bloated treasuries gushing with the lure of finely made, crafted objects, inclusive of human slaves, all of which transformed into movable capital. The New Dynasty of military conquerors transferred this new wealth into the royal coffers for the lavish display of public theater, grand monuments and choreographed state rituals.

Like New Money or the ‘Nouveau Riche,’ everywhere, and around the world, the state never shirks from showing off its bad taste. Yet, the rulers had learned another valuable lesson: the common folks do enjoy watching from a distance the over the top consumption and grossness of material possessions – all in the pursuit of pride, power and vulgarity. A subject and powerless people love to see power egregiously displayed through their human gods.

The New Dynasty junta of Pharaohs immediately set about its massive public works programs: greater, and even more lavish than before. The Pharaohs had the workers construct monolithic, mini-city temples in their cities of Heliopolis, Thebes, and they even gave patronage to the great architectural wonders of Luxor, Karnak and Amarna.

The Egyptian religious-political calendar filled itself with glorious festivals for the numerous gods of the outer and inner worlds. The calendar also coincided with the astronomical wonders found in the Cosmos in order to convince the people that The New Dynasty was firmly within the route of the Heavens, the Spirits and all of the departed, Noble Souls.

Egyptian priests and scribes clearly understood that Death was the most emotional event in most people’s lives, so the death of the Pharaoh became the über-event, spectacular show for the kingdom. The processions carrying the different tombs and coffins winded around like well-oiled serpents, and even the holy animals inside of the holy temples, which included hawks, jackals, lions and crocodiles participated, all of the holy of the holies had their places in the parades of destiny. Lavishly costumed priests, warriors, administrators, royal slaves and other hundreds of attendants winded their way into the sacrosanct burial chambers.

Priests conducted massive, deep religious rituals, using every form of magic, holy images, music, song, sacred dance, poetry and sacrifice, including incense, flowers, oils, scents, foods, libations, spices and herbs to create a truly hallucinating effect.  This state theater inflamed the five human senses. The watchers understood that the era of one Pharaoh was over. A new era would resurrect and begin again, like great Horus, Holy Mother Isis, and the Holy One Osiris – through their eternal defeat of Seth’s treason.

As the final days of ritual burial finished within the temple, the scribes fashioned steles around all the images of the late Pharaoh-emperor. The steles possessed the sacred language, or hieroglyphics, of ancient Egypt. The priests, administrators and royal families understood the holy code, and they controlled the delivery of the message.

To this day, historians know a good deal about certain Pharaonic rulers, such as their wars, conquests, victories, family dynasties, noble retainers, public works and genius. Yet, we still know very little about every day life for Egyptian farmers.

By controlling the complete language, the meanings and the message, the Pharaoh system of rule would continue for another thousand years, always secure in its ability to dominate, maintain peace, and administer, ‘ma’at, or justice.

Certain bad historians cite those ancient times as particularly unique historical eras, where imperial theater transformed into one of humanity’s most fascinating epochs. Yet, we still live with the historical ghosts and traditions from those ancient days.

Actually, there is another, extremely antagonistic world empire on the contemporary human stage, and this empire is far more dangerous and potent than the ancient Egyptian variety. This empire has the name of the United States of America, and it has been in continual war, both in domestic and foreign conflicts, since its most recent commencement in 1790 AD.

Most Americans cannot go to Washington D.C., the empire’s capital, in order to attend inaugurations and other state sponsored theater. But what about those boxes sitting in our private spaces, which transmit the deep propaganda and addictive spectacle coming from the Empire’s main centers: New York City, Washington D.C., and Hollywood, Los Angeles, California?

The corporate media has a great amount of social control within the Empire’s borders, and it commands the common use of the English language – inclusive of the Empire’s enemies. How many of us use their vocabulary, such terms as ‘Middle East,’ Surgical Strikes,’ ‘Terrorism,’ ‘Peace Dividends,’ ‘Humanitarian Interventions,’ ‘Rogue States,’ and other outrageous concoctions developed from the dark offices of the US Intelligence-Spy-Military-Industrial Complex?

Like the Pharaonic New Kingdom, they all represent the furtive arts of legitimacy, the real cultural power of the State or governments. There is a saying that war is the health of the State, and this is true. But there also exists the spectacle of uniforms and other costumes, and with all of their ritual foolishness, such as flag waving, State of the Unions, annual voting, annual bank holidays, annual tax days and pubic songs in honor of the government at major sporting events, or ‘national anthems.’

Ultimately, the Mainstream News and corporate information sources, and especially on the television, take their complete message, or language, from the same ‘leaders, rulers and autocrats.’ Our media intellectuals have included  government officials, generals, spymasters, politicians, university professors, police chiefs – and other rancid experts found in our societies.

How can we destroy the legitimacy of the State, or the actual empire that currently threatens the Earth and our very lives? We must ignore and turn off their messages, never attend their staged events, verbally reject their ongoing wars of mass murder, never sign our lives away in support of their military or police invasions.

We have to intelligently and publicly discredit, ridicule their actions when necessary. Eventually, the fetid actuality of slavery within such an Empire will invalidate their sociopathic behavior and lies. No legitimacy tactics will work after such a public exposure, since a good minority of the population will reject them completely. Nothing can save them then. But this nefarious empire will not die without the most brutal recourse to violence – unto a most horrifying extermination.

Remember, state legitimacy is more difficult to end than to begin.











The Anarchists’ Most Dangerous Enemies: Leftist-Progressive-Activists

Posted: November 20, 2014 in abuse, activist gangs, addictions, ambition, American Empire, American university professors, Amerikan capitalist nightmare, Amerikan genocides, Amerikan Imperial State, Anarchism, authoritarian desires, bourgeois class, bully, bureaucratic institutions, capitalism, Che Guevara, Christian Fascists, Christian Inquisitors, Christian religious fanatics, chronic homeless, city centers, civilian disarmament, college dropouts, combat, comfort, commandeering class, Communists, conflict, Conservatives, control, corporate media lackeys, corporate media propaganda, corporations, cowardice, cowardly professions, cowards, crime, criminality, criminals, culture, debt ridden, deceit, Democratic Socialists, destroy the fun, diarrhea mouth, dignity, direct, discipline, dishonesty, dishonor, downtown, duopoly scam political system, educated snobs, empire, endless war, Evangelical Christian sects, evil, family, family connections, Fascists, fighting the system, foolishness, freedom, Global Monopoly Capitalism, guerrillas, gun confiscations, guns, Harvard, heretics, history, holocausts, homeless, honor, human absurdity, human civilization, humanity, institutional structures, invade, Karl Marx, Leftist cliques, Leftist media outlets, Leftist mobs, legal crimes, legislate, Liberals, liberty, lies, long meetings, lumpen class, management, mandate, Marxist political cults, Marxist vanguard parties, Marxists, middle class, Mikhail Bakunin, military force, minimum wage hikes, murder, NeoCons, not-for-proft corporations, occupations, Occupy, oppress, owner class, pacifism, patriotic flag wavers, personality cults, PhDs, police actions, political activists, political activities, political agendas, political alliances, political cabals, political coercion, political demonstrations, political dissemblers, political enemies, political extermination, political factions, political fakers, political hate, political ideologies, political ideologues, political ignorance, political immunity, political intolerance, political intrusions, political kooks, political lunatics, political manipulations, political mechanisms, political misfits, political nastiness, political opportunists, political penetrations, political pettiness, political power, political privileges, political protests, political rallies, political reactionaries, political sects, political sense, political signage, political sophistication, political wackos, political weirdos, political-economic elites, politician salaries, politician thugs, politicians, politics, privatized spaces, progressive candidates, Progressives, public events, public insults, public polemics, public space, radical manifestos, radicals, revolts, revolutionaries, revolutionary action, revolutionary exhiliration, revolutionary festivals, revolutionary joy and fun, revolutionary momentum, Right-wingers, rob, rule, Russia 1921, savage capitalism, service industry sectors, small business owner class, snobbery, Social Democrats, Socialists, sociopaths, Spain 1937, squatting, state criminality, state monopoly of violence, steal, surplus capital, table literature, the actuality of life, the Earth, the evil world, the human condition under civilization, the Internet, the Left, the poor, the rich, the State, theft, torture, travelers, truth, underemployed, unemployed, unemployed PhDs, university institutions, upper middle class, violence, Vladimir Lenin, war, war of position, Weather Underground, witches, working class, world history, Zio-Nazis
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Non-Profit hypocrisyLeft-wing Liberals at it againDemocracyNow Church of AmyActivist for actionfightback-literature-tablecommunist_party_t-shirtLeftist ragProgressives love obama

Nobody wants enemies, and life is often hard to live through as it is. The evil in our contemporary world increases faster and exponentially by a thousand fold, as do the desperate enemies against humanity’s fleeting happiness. Unfortunately, there also exist distinctive persons whose dark desires find their fulfillment in the coercive powers of the State.

These dissemblers seek to rule over others, to bully, to mandate, to invade, to war, and direct, administer, legislate, oppress and control, commit legal crimes, and even get away with the horrifying acts of legal theft, rape, torture, mutilation and murder. We didn’t come into this Earth with such dire prospects, but this monstrous of life spits out its venom plainly – unto the very entirety of Earth’s inhabitants.

A few years ago, in the very large cities of the United States, thousands of Americans, in true Anarchist style, took over public parks, or really privatized-state owned parks, within the downtown or central areas. Like good Anarchists, and even if they weren’t Anarchists, they set up food-ration stations, ad hoc libraries, open artist studios, and medical spaces.

These people maintained functioning urban camp sites right within the centers of the Amerikan Empire’s megalopolis centers, such as NYC, Boston, Philly, D.C., Los Angeles, Denver, Oakland and Portland. They called themselves Occupy.

What was truly revolutionary about these acts was that it brought together unemployed PhDs with the chronic homeless, underemployed college educated, debt-ridden dropouts with travelers from the lumpen class, trailer park population. The campers radically claimed the public spaces that were supposedly in their name only. They ultimately understood that public spaces had always belonged to them – not to some distant owner ‘phantasm.’

The Amerikan Imperial State and their corporate media lackeys got hit with some heavy volts of scare and shock. The ‘Occupiers’ had succeeded in creating some revolutionary momentum, or as the revolutionary writer, Antonio Gramsci, wrote, the first and most important stage of any revolutionary action, The War of Position.

Yet, the Occupiers soon lost their momentum and their power. They handed it over to the State and then their fun times of squatting-camping transformed into dire defeatism.

Only a few revolutionaries took their actions to the next level, which was through opening up, and then squatting abandoned buildings, or repeatedly blockading and harassing downtown savage capitalism as usual. The reasons for the general defeats were not due to the winter cold weather, or the confusing Occupy signage and open assemblies that had no ‘common purpose’ – according to the corporate propagandists for the State.

The unfortunate reason fell again to the absurdity of human history. The Leftists-Progressives-Activists took over the energy, while transforming the joy, and then twisting the revolutionary momentum into the trite actions of political demonstrations, radical manifestos and three-hour long meetings arguing over pathetic agendas and personality cults. Like rats to a dumpster feeding frenzy, Marxist ideologues and other university ‘educated’ Leftists-kooks tried to ‘direct’ the revolutionary exhilaration into their perverted visions of a ‘United Left’ force.

Democratic party hacks had earlier visited the public occupations in order to direct the protests against the Republicans, but their lowlife tactics were too obvious for the occupiers. Even US government plants with outrageous signs at their protests didn’t work. But like always, the Leftist cabals finished the dirty work for the Amerikan Empire ruled through sociopaths.

Since the birth of the Anarchist ideology during the mid nineteenth-century, around the 1860s, our most fearsome and persistent enemies have been the noxious cabals, alliances, sects and cults of Leftist diarrhea mouths, Marxist vanguard party lunatics, Progressive university-associated weirdos, Social Democratic Liberal mouthpieces and other radicalized political kooks from the Left Spectrum.

As Anarchists, we must never lose sight of this. As in Russia 1921, Spain 1937, and in the US in 2011, these dangerous two-legged animals have ceaselessly come for us. We must always resist their penetrations, manipulations, and intrusions into our actions, and if the case justifies, defend ourselves, both our honor and dignity against any of their violent tactics.

Are not the Fascists, the Zio-Nazis, the Neo-Cons, the Amerikan Empire supporters, the super patriotic flag wavers, the right-wing nutters, the political reactionaries, the so-called ‘Conservatives,’ or the Christian religious fanatics, are most pressing enemies? The answer is no.

Any Anarchist with some political sense and historical sophistication knows exactly what those groups stand for. They simply state the obvious: they desperately want to murder and physically destroy any resistance to their authoritarian desires in snatching control of the State. Like the Leftist cliques, their ends and means are the same: seize and run the State for endless war and for their favorite corporations.

The important differences between the Fascists and the Leftists are that the right-wing wackos are completely honest in their goals. The Left-wing wackos are not, and this explains their most pressing danger to any Anarchist actions or activities.

The Leftist activists will join our revolutionary festivals, talk the same game against capitalism and the State, and then suddenly, they will try to create a little mini-state within our spontaneous momentum. They always destroy the fun, since they didn’t lead the revolt in the first place – so it doesn’t deserve to succeed anyway.

Most of those Leftist-Progressive-Marxist mad dogs are not from the working or lumpen social classes either. They have often come out of the middle classes, the upper middle classes, the commandeering-managerial classes, and a few have even emerged from the political-economic elites. Che Guevara came from this class, as did Vladimir Lenin, and as did the turncoat radicals, ‘guerrillas,’ in the US during the 70s, the Weather Underground. How funny that a few of those Underground activists have the joined the ranks of cowardly, American university professors, all after their ‘radical stints’ fighting the system.

Some of these Leftist-Activist frauds will often public decry violence and they specially fulminate against the violent Anarchists; while at the same time, they accept the everyday structural violence that heavily inflicts the poor. These same buffoons often espouse a type of extremist pacifism – except if it is another ‘cool’ revolutionary that doesn’t affect their own comfort world, such as the Greek anarchists or Che Guevara in the jungle brush of Cuba.

The reason for their abject hypocrisy is because they have never suffered like the poor. They have always had a back door of escape, whether through surplus capital, family connections or through their elite university educations. These armchair revolutionaries love to manage and mandate because they are often first-rate cowards, always afraid of losing their comfort zones and actually engaging in the hard life of discipline and combat.

These Leftist-Marxist sects would like nothing better than to have some military force burn us all at the stake as the Christian Inquisitors previously did with the heretics and witches. If they could dispose of us through other legal, deceitful methods, they would do it. And they have committed such horrible crimes against us Anarchists throughout recent history.

Unfortunately, their methods have often worked. Most Anarchist factions that I have encountered have been small, clique-like groups that have acted just as morose, weird and intolerant as their Socialist-Communist competitors. They sit at their table stands with nasty glares trying to ‘sell’ their ‘literature,’ and often during punk shows or at political rallies. What were the differences between the latter group of Anarcho-Leftists, the miniscule Communist sects, and the Evangelical Christian cult tables that one generally encounters on university campuses and at other public events?

The revolutionary Karl Marx tried to expel the Anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, from the First International in regards to the future Class War. Marx’s defamations against Bakunin were intense and vicious, and like usual, they worked. From the beginning, these Activist hard cores have hated us. We Anarchists just don’t fit in so well with their demented nightmares of a Left coalition rallying around the State.

Some years ago, I visited a political rally in a park when I had lived in a hipster, pseudo-progressive, west coast city in the United States. The rally stage featured annoying speakers that loved to hear themselves speak, and other activist misfits. I also spotted the different Leftist and Communist sect groups and their tables. I first perused the Anarchists and their tables. As I walked around and peered at the literature, I was quite shocked by the nastiness of the table sellers – including the Anarchists. I further noted a table for the Democratic Socialists of America Club, (the Lefties of the Democratic Party), and I began to smile at their pathetic looking set up and overall lazy demeanor. Were these specimens of humanity ready to lead the next American Revolution? At least their open cowardice was honest.

I had thought that most Americans despised the Leftist-Activist-Progressive-Radical cults because they were simpleton, ignorant fools. But the truth was, and still is, that most Americans detest those miniscule Left factions because they have never been for real freedom. Instead, Leftist-Progressive radical coalitions have represented intolerant doctrinaires who care more about control and pettiness. The Evangelical Christian sects got their first licks in American culture, and so Americans are well-acquainted with weirdos, control freaks, and spiteful types over inconsequential issues.

These same dishonest and cowardly activists also want civilian disarmament and a state monopoly control of guns – so hopefully, they don’t have to do the confiscations once they ‘take power in the distant future.’ They continue to rail against all gun owners as closet right-wing fascists.

These furtive types also like to work in other cowardly professions, such as professors at universities, researchers at ‘not-for-profit corporations’ and they love the inconsequential work desks of our numerous institutional structures. Where snobbery, intellectual foolishness and cowardice mix together, these people tend to congregate and fester.

Recently, in another large city on the west coast of the USA, a Socialist sectarian actually got elected to the city council. This political opportunist used the old rallying cry of a 15$US minimum wage. Some cities already have high minimum wages for some workers, so this was nothing new.

The Leftist media outlets on the Internet immediately ran with the ‘victory story.’ They just left out the political details. The minimum wage hike would take effect over a certain ‘amount of time,’ and it would it only work in certain ‘industries and occupations.’ This same Marxist political faker made specific alliances with certain ‘small business owners.’ Finally, the ‘radical’ will receive a nice politician salary of six figures, while other local businesses, mostly in the hospitality services and social services sectors, will simply hire their friends and connections, rather than pay a higher minimum wage to an unknown. Global Monopoly Capitalism for the political-economic elites, and for the elites only – keeps on thriving.

Most dangerously, these Leftist Activist mobs prefer to support the criminal state versus their Anarchist rivals. When any type of pseudo-progressive government takes power within the duopoly scam political system, they will immediately rally and support the ‘progressives’ over the ‘reactionary right-wingers.’ The moderate centrist, sell-out candidates utterly hate the Leftist radicals – but they serve a good purpose in rallying the other Lefties to get out and vote for the political scam artist.

In regards to the Amerikan Empire under the rule of Sociopaths, this political scenario has become extremely dangerous. Already, both political parties are plotting their future ‘progressive candidates’ for the believing-ignorant public. A gay male fiscal Conservative and a soccer mom activist-Christian-light have been some of their feeble attempts in trying to publicly redeem both the Amerikan capitalist nightmare and the Amerikan genocidal Empire.

We Anarchists would never fall for such a trite political mechanism in redeeming such an evil system of rule. The corporate media propaganda will of course do its dastardly campaigns – but the Leftist-Progressive-Activist gangs have ultimately legitimized all the false change agents. These criminal activities in transforming a cruel and murderous system into something benign and good has represented their most heinous political activities.

The Amerikan Empire can never change, and nor will it ever change its criminality and just stop committing holocausts. No empire in world history has ever changed into a friendly community of autonomous societies, while no state apparatus has willingly handed over its unrestrained powers, and then closed shop for the sake of humanity. The only thing more addictive than opiates are the ambitious wills of politician-thugs in holding their political power with the immunity that goes with such power – all with the privileges that come in committing legal crimes.

We Anarchists know this truth. We have to spot these political cliques and warn others about them once they place themselves within our actions. Our Leftist-Progressive-Socialist-Activist enemies have held fast to their dishonorable plots disguised underneath their diseased political wings. For now, we Anarchists hold fast to our minds, honor and dignity.









The Amerikan Empire XI: Legal Miasmas to Rule by Sociopath

Posted: September 23, 2014 in American Empire, Amerikan gulag, arrests, attorneys, authority, beaten-forced confessions, beatings, Bill of Rights, checkpoints, citizen victims, civil forfeiture, civil trial, class, codes, collection rackets, confiscation of personal property, conflict, constitution, coporate media, corruption, court fees, crime, criminal neglect, criminal trial, criminality, cruel and unusual punishments, culture, death taxes, defense attorneys, despised minorities, despotism, dictatorship, district state attorneys, Domestic Secret Police, drugs and alcohol, elite factions, elites, empire, entrapment, estate taxes, extortion taxes, felonies, freedom, freedom to travel, freedom to use violence, government, government agents, government criminals, hegemony, history, human history, humanity, illegal searches, illegality, imperial state, infractions, injustice, jailers, jails, judges, judicial precedent, justice, Lao Tzu, large cities, law, law takers, lawgivers, lawmakers, lawyers, legal boundaries, legal immunities, legal judgments, legal madness, legal miasma, legal system, legal testimony, legal theft, legal traps, legitimate violence, lower classes, marriage taxes, misery, Monopoly Capitalism, nickel and diming methods, outrageous decrees, payments, plea bargains, police enforcers, police gangs, political elites, political hacks, political machinations, political machinery, political scams, politician sociopath, politicians, politics, poverty, power, prejudiced decisions, prison officials, prisons, property taxes, pyramid scheme, regulations, repression, restrictions, right to trial by jury, robbers, rules, sales taxes, self-defense cases, service taxes, slaves, social outcasts, social peace, society, sociopaths, state crooks, state enforcers, state murder, state revenue taxes, statutes, stealing, targets, taxes, Te Tao Ching, the Law, the public, the State, ticket fines, torture, treachery, turncoats, two-tierd legal system, tyranny, upper classes, warfare, weapons, world history
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Lao TzuCorruptionAmerikan justice-corruptionThe Corrupt Core of D.Cplea-dealCivil forfeiturepolice-entrapment-wrongFew Lawbooks_NY State

The more laws and restrictions there are, the poorer people become. The sharper men’s weapons, the more trouble in the land. The more ingenious and clever men are, the more strange things happen. The more rules and regulations, the more thieves and robbers. If a government is repressive, the people become treacherous.
Lao Tzu – Tao Te Ching – chapters 57-58

Throughout the writing of my essays on this blog, I have often preferred my personal word constructions. I believe that I have helped explain the legal miasmas and historical crimes that all states, thrones and empires have birthed, nourished and proliferated against humanity throughout history. Sometimes though, I must rely on others for the perfect words describing a most horrific actuality.

But in this particular case, a religious mystic from the sixth century BCE in China, during the imperial reign of the Zhou, had spoken a more profound truth. How funny that only 2,500 years later, as a historian, I must quote from that same author. The genius of history always embraces the brute of absurdity.

The same old state and government criminals are at it again: fashioning more and more laws and thereby creating more felons, while managing more collection rackets – always constructing more prisons.

The old Zhou imperial leaders could not have imagined how a contemporary imperial state in Washington D.C. has now transformed itself through its own cracked mirrors – through the lens of its own so-called enemies. These legal thieves and robbers currently feed at the top of the pyramid scheme, and the vulture’s hunger has taken over their souls. It has led them into the obese feeding frenzy of the legal sociopath.

The stories of terror and horror even outpour into the corporate crap media. Government agents arrest and jail small farmers, and then steal their personal property over some petty little law that the local political hacks did not know existed some months previous. An unwary driver goes through a particular speed trap where local police bums confiscate the person’s hard-earned cash over an illegal search of the vehicle. A small business owner suffers a raid and confiscation of his property over a few curious cash deposits totaling under 10,000$. A homeowner loses her house of 40 years due to a missed payment of a ‘property tax.’ The list is so horrendous and long that this essay could not even do a minimum justice for the millions of those victims from such legal crimes.

Recently, I read about one of the more corrupt cities in the northeast United States, which now has a peculiar habit of stealing people’s homes due to finding their sons and daughters using illegal drugs inside of the same houses. What type of legal monster could fashion such an injustice, such outrages?

Throughout world history, laws have existed as the ‘other means’ of gaining power over the weaker parts of society. The other time honored method is simple warfare, inclusive of sanctions, invasion, mass murder, brutal reparation payments against the defeated, and occupation. Except for the Amerikan Empire, political elites throughout history have often used the latter method against the ‘foreign’ enemy.

Law is not, nor has it ever been, about justice. Law or the legal code is the most important tool within the apparatus of power. Through legal statutes, the powerful have the freedom to use whatever methods imaginable of legitimate-institutional violence against their weaker targets.

Legitimate violence has always implied the state, or any other elite faction that controls the political machinery within a particular society. For the elites, the laws represent justice because they maintain the things as they are, or the ‘social peace.’ For those under the Law, or that have to obey the enforcers of the Law, law is just another form of tyranny included with social customs, legal institutions, and commonly accepted ideologies or hegemonies.

Although the law is a brutal arbiter of legal violence, it also has the respect of the lower classes in society. The reason for this respect is that the law gives a voice to all accepted societal members. The law, in the face of the upper class judge, might not respect the voice of the unemployed beggar, but at least the beggar has a chance to speak, or plead his or her case.

The only classes of persons that the law has usually failed have been the slaves and the social outcasts. The slave loses all civil respect and legal privileges, and becomes a socially dead piece of property. The social outcast is a despised internal enemy that the general population fears, inclusive of both the elites and the poor.

This putrid legal-justice schema has been the functioning code of interpersonal disputes for hundreds of different cultures, and during thousands of years of world history.

But something has radically changed inside the recent Amerikan Empire in regards to the Law. The federal government, state governments and municipal governments have corrupted the law system into an attack mechanism that threatens, intimidates and harasses most of its citizen victims.

American citizens do have a Constitutional Bill of Rights to protect them, but the current practice of law has thrown out this same Bill of Rights through the dictatorship of ‘judicial precedent.’ In other words, the legal authorities can now twist and pervert the Law through their own political or prejudiced whims or legal judgments.

The laws do not exist for the lawgivers, but for the law takers – the unwary subjects. The lawmakers purposefully contrive and distort the laws, so that the weaker elements of the lower classes fall into various legal traps currently set up for them.

The legal traps include diverse nickel and diming mechanisms, such as the multiple fees to use the courts, and ticketing for the those that step over the movable legal boundaries. The authorities of course move and remove the boundaries constantly. Meanwhile, the lawmakers continually reward both themselves and their enforcers with legal immunities from such flexible legal traps.

In some states, such as California, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey, the legal codes, or ‘revised statutes,’ now encompass volumes upon volumes of contradictory and outrageous decrees that have even surpassed the old Jewish Law found in the Torah, or the Five Books of Moses, from Genesis to Deuteronomy.

Even the Roman Empire would periodically tear away bad laws made by bad rulers. In the actual Amerikan Empire they do none of this. Once enacted, bad laws and even criminal laws stay on the books forever, and this explains why the state attorneys always try to keep the innocent behind bars, because if all the innocent prisoners rotting in the Amerikan gulag had their freedom, then most Americans would realize the total criminality of the legal system.

The Amerikan two-tied Legal System has turned into a legal miasma, creating the monster of Judge Political Hack fed through the criminality of creating more laws for the sake of instituting more laws. All of this legal madness receives its grease through the machinations of the Politician Sociopath.

This total political scam entails supporting a supposed just law, first through the entrails of the corporate media. ‘The Public’ seems to support the proposal. But then in closed chambers, the politicians and their lawyer minions build an excrescence of twined injustice. Even some judges have gasped in outrage at the results. Most criminal defense attorneys stand aghast with outright disgust.

Now across our Amerikan nightmare of dictatorship and monopoly capitalism, former crimes now exist as lawful practices of the state. The Domestic Secret Police, or the FBI, legally use the criminal system of entrapment against America’s Muslim population. There are now hundreds of Muslims rotting for life in prison due to not committing any crimes.

First they came for the despised minorities, but they are currently using entrapment on anybody and anywhere across this sickly empire. All state enforcers regularly use disreputable snitches, narcs and turncoats that have had their lies stamped with the legal seal of approval.

Police departments in collusion with state or district attorneys have increased the criminal practice and scope of civil forfeiture, where they arbitrarily rob regular citizens’ properties stating that their properties were some how connected to ‘criminality.’ If the robbed citizens want their properties returned, then they have to go through a very expensive legal system that will eventually break them economically.

State police forces, or any state enforcers, including jailers and prison officials have regularly used cruel and unusual punishments against prisoners for any minor infraction against the ‘prison rules.’ They have forced sick inmates to die cruelly in cells without receiving their medicines. They have even flayed off the skin of prisoners through flushing burning water on their bodies. Other sociopathic punishments have included forced feedings, denying decent medical care for the dying, forced drugging, pile ons of prison guards, and policemen that often suffocate the victims. Other tortures have been excessive beatings where four or more guards beat the prisoner to death or leave them paralyzed, or leaving the prisoner to rot in the solitary hole, so the prisoner becomes permanently brain-damaged. All of the state murderers have received some form of legal immunity.

The state thugs now recognize the criminal practice of forced or beaten confessions as reliable evidence.

The crooked politicians have increased the felony loads as the prisoner population has also increased substantially. Now living and enjoying life has become a felony. If a poor person wants to escape the misery of urban poverty through taking a hard drug escape, driving a vehicle fast without a license around town, or setting up a spontaneous street party with lots of drinking – these acts could land that person in prison as a felon, and destroy his or her chances of ever getting a job.

The right to trial by jury has been lost for most Americans. Now the district attorneys simply pile on the felony counts before sentencing. The overworked defense attorney then has to recommend his or her client to do the plea bargain flim flam game. The accused will have to do some prison time over a lesser crime that he or she did not even commit.

In many parts of the US, we still have the freedom to buy guns, yet we lack the rights in using them. Even in self-defense cases, we will still have to undergo some type of criminal or civil trial. How many Americans have 20,000$ in capital reserves for all the necessary legal fees?

We supposedly have the freedom to travel too. But as we drive on the highways and byways in this land, the state and local police gangs wait furtively off the sides of the roads in order to trap us for speeding or other minor moving violations, such as passing without using signals, or suddenly swerving over the shoulder line. Near the border areas, the federal police stop all vehicles and ask intrusive questions. Most states have regular police checkpoints for DUIs, license and registration checks, safety checks, seat belt checks, insurance checks and even drug dog searches.

And yet with all this repression and lack of any real freedom, the state crooks regularly nickel and dime us through periodically raising the sales taxes, marriage taxes, death taxes, service taxes, utility taxes, property taxes and annual state revenue taxes. And there are more taxes and fees that the madmen and women dream up. We continue to pay them as extortion rackets because if we stopped paying them, then the full fury of the Law would fall mercilessly upon us

The Amerikan imperial state has bound us within the black widow spider webs of legal miasma. But we are even worse off than this terrible actuality. Those holding power honestly believe that their legal crimes entail legal justice. We are now at the mercy of unrelenting and pitiless monsters. Hollywood horror movies have referred to them as sociopaths. The terrible reality is that it will only get worse.

Thankfully, an ancient Chinese seer could point to such a ghastly future.

True and Authentic Revolutionaries: Armed Gender Outlaws

Posted: August 28, 2014 in aggression, androgyny, authenticity, bad death, Baroque Europe, berdaches, capitalism, capitalist-authoritarian society, celebrity status, Christianity, cinema, cities, commedia dell'arte, cops, courage, cowardice, crime, criminals, cross dressing, crossovers, crust oogle travelers, culture, death, desperadoes, drug addiction, drugs, entertaiment arts, erotica, family, freaks, gender, gender appearances, gender assignments, gender benders, gender history, gender outlaw, gentrification, Glam Rock, gods of love, guns, hatred, hemaphrodites, hijras, hormone drugs, hybrid natures, hypocrisy, ideologies, ideologies of control, India, institutions of control, intersexed deities, Judaism, lonely death, Manichaeism, marginalized urban communities, martial arts, mignons, modern world, money, monotheism, murder, murder of transgender people, murderers, music, outcasts, pangender, pansexuality, political hacks, politicians, power, prison officials, professional makeup, property pimps, prosecutors, prostitution, proto-Anarchist communities, Punk movement, punks, rebellion, rebels, revolutionaries, self-defense, selling-out, sensuality, sex change surgery, sexuality, slumlords, social class, societal targets, society, sociopaths, street survival, the public sphere, theater, third genders, transgender, victims, violence, weapons, white skin privilege, Ziggy Stardust
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Hermaphroditus-adrogynouszuni berdachethird-gender hijras Indiamale baroque styleCrossdressing actorsziggy-stardustBecoming gender outlawGender outlawchelsea-manning-armed and courageous gender outlawDecember-31-1993-Transgender-Rape-and-Murder-Spawn-a-Movie

Authentic rebellion exists and it truly is the real thing. Many Anarchists consider themselves the forefront of such rebellion. Crust oogle travelers also consider themselves the true and actual punks that can survive inside the capitalist-fascist police state. But there is one group that have lived, survived and died horribly within the monster. They are a small insignificant group – but they still live, breathe, and they are giving the real middle finger to the entire culture and society that feeds on the scraps of hypocrisy and lies. They are the armed gender benders, gun carrying or martially arts trained, trans gendered outlaws. These people are today’s true desperadoes.

Why is this? Because these outlaws have refused to sit within one gender assignment from birth. They want to move back and forth between gendered appearances. They change themselves into more feminine or masculine attributes depending on their spirit or will. They know that gendered boundaries change culturally, while these boundaries have moved considerably throughout human history.

They want to express themselves the way they want, the way they ought to live, and the way their bodies naturally move and act in the public sphere. These true revolutionaries do not just masturbate to their private fantasies. Instead, they walk the public streets showing off their sensual powers. They live in both the actuality and in the fantasy. And these rebels, in the true sense of the word, are ready to fight back, either with guns or with some good training in self-defense techniques.

This final part is unfortunately necessary because the gender benders, the sensual transgendered outlaws, do walk the walk. They are public, open, and not ashamed of their hybrid, trans-sexual natures. They have no place to hide and they refuse to hide. They will react, if attacked.

Of the most heinous and wanton murders committed on the public streets, the willful murder of transgendered people is unfortunately quite common. Throughout the year, stories emerge on the news concerning a brutal murder of a transgendered person, often found lying tortured to death on a road or a street somewhere.

The criminal perpetrators are always men between the ages of 15 and 55. They often commit the murders within groups of two to five people. They find a transgendered freak walking alone, along a road or street, and so they know that they have an advantage. Unfortunately, they commonly do have the advantages in both numbers and in physical murder potential.

The male perpetrators are usually violent, petty criminal types from low social class backgrounds. Most of them have some type of violent criminal history. What is even more hideous is that some of the murderers have gotten away with their sociopathic crimes. There is always a witness to a murder, no matter how furtive or secretive the act. Apparently, there are cowards that believe the gender outlaw deserved the fate of the bad death.

Their attraction to torture and murder leaves them limited options. Sometimes, their families completely reject them and cut them off permanently. The gender revolutionaries routinely have to live in more ‘tolerant’ and ‘marginalized, urban communities. They have to share their metropolis abodes with the other outcasts from capitalist-authoritarian society: incorrigible drug addicts, the home bums, the rough vagabonds, the permanently scarred drifters and street prostitutes. In many instances, the gender desperadoes also fall into hard drug addiction and street prostitution in order to survive economically – all within a dreadful modern society that already detests them.

Within such urban decaying zones of limited autonomy, the upper class-white skin-privileged gentrifiers, meaning coalitions of urban property pimps, local political hacks and bank executive bosses, regularly target them and their neighborhoods for ‘revitalization.’ This means that they want the gender outlaws forced out of their newly created, resettlement zones of urban gentrification. ‘Artists’ and ‘professionals’ with white skin privilege and money, yes; but the homeless and poor, gender outlaw-junkie-beggar-prostitutes – no way.

Why do these heroes attract such hatred, venom and violence? The reasons are because the haters and murderers of such people secretly feel threatened, they fear such public boundary crossings, or they are sociopaths always ready to pursue the easy kill. The person that hates on such outlaws is either a secret gender bender and public coward, or the person is a sociopath that received beatings and tortures in the past, and he simply wants to take out his aggression on the lesser beings, easier marks – and hopefully not do any prison time. When it comes to the rich and powerful, they represent the ‘respectable sociopaths’ who have always come clean from their crimes. They can legally mandate other murderers to do their bidding: slumlords, cops, state attorneys or prosecutors, and prison officials.

Another unfortunate scenario for the gender transcendent is that they live in urban cities with strict laws against carrying and using weapons, and especially guns. These criminal statutes leave the transgendered warriors easier prey for the lower class sociopaths that sometimes cruise the city streets looking for potential victims. For the pangender outlaw, the only two routes available are a young and lonely death, or if they have good fortune on their side – celebrity status in the respectable world of entertainment arts.

We have the cinema-music examples of Ru Paul, Laverne Cox, Divine and Alexis Arquette. David Bowie took on the white, male, hard rock guitarist reputation with his Ziggy Stardust-Spiders from Mars image of an androgynous, drug addicted rock star in the early 1970s. This gender floating act defined Glam Rock, and later influenced the Punk movement in Britain. It is noticeable that most of the accepted third genders in public entertainment and the arts are the male crossovers to female set with full surgical operations and massive doses of hormones, which have actually transformed themselves into superficial women with breasts and vaginas. Looking at their photos decked out in luxurious dresses and professional makeup work – they have become women of affectation in spite of their births.

Reality floats back to the androgynous, pangender, third gender outlaws that have to live and survive with the rest of the modern world. They don’t have a tight entertainment subculture or talent connections that tolerates them for ‘transgender roles,’ nor do they have the money to buy a large house and thereby escape the day-to-day hassles of urban living – or even to afford sex change surgery.

Instead, they daily fight for survival, party hard, and walk the public streets in full pangender glory. Within the transgender group, the full-on outlaws will defend themselves from any or all physical attacks. The old outlaw is long gone – except for these courageous ones. They are the last survivors, and will not bow nor swear allegiance to any false ideology of natural order, murderous institution, or any societal imposed prison. They live in constant danger, and yet they are truly free to display themselves – as they prefer to display themselves.

In all my travels around the world, I have only seen one world culture that has tolerated third genders, and that was pagan-Hindu India. They had the name of ‘hijras’; although, they lived marginal existences in the Indian society.

Before the ideologies of monotheism, such as Judaism and Christianity, imposed their order on the world, most world cultures, such as Africa, Asia, Australia, the Western Hemispheres and Europe, respected the divine artistic and creative powers of intersexed deities and spirits. Those deities found artistic representations in crossover female-male bodies and third gender symbols.

In ancient Hellenic Greek and Roman civilizations, the ‘hermaphrodite’ shared divine characteristics with the pantheon of gods, and especially with the gods of love: Aphrodite-Venus, Eros-Cupid, Peitho-Suadela, and the erect penis gods of Satyrs and Priapus. Before the European invasions of North America, the natives fully included third gender people, called ‘berdaches’ within their proto-Anarchist communities.

Unfortunately for all of us living humans, monotheism, except for Gnostic Manichaeism, with our modern ideologies of control and power, have fully taken their intellectual dominance. The third gender has become an outlaw and a target for violence.

But even with all the repression against our bodies and the act of love, now called ‘sexuality,’ there have always existed the exceptions. During the Baroque period in Europe, (around 1630-1730), many aristocratic, European men wore tights, makeup, high heels, powdered wigs of long hair, dimples, long jackets and frilled shirts. These men had the name of ‘mignons.’ while the local theater regularly featured comedic farces of cross dressing characters, referred to back then, as ‘commedia dell’arte.’

Our third gender, pansexual paladins live on modern society’s fringes. Most are not armed and so they live exposed to the whims of the sociopaths. But there are those few transgendered outlaws who are also proficient in the martial arts, and even better, carry guns for any deadly encounter. These are the last holdouts of the outlaws, and they are the true and authentic revolutionaries who will never sold out.