Archive for the ‘fruits’ Category

Worlds of Pharmakopeia VII: Chocolate Delights, Slavery & Gluttony

Posted: December 1, 2015 in Africa, African Atlantic Slave trade, agricultural crops, American natural wonders, American slavery, aristo-parasites, aristocracy, artisan workshops, Asia, avarice, bad death, bitter taste, bons bons, cacao, cacao beans, cacao powder, cakes, candies, canella cinnamon, capitalism, capitalist production, carcinogens, chocolate, chocolate bars, chocolate beans, chocolate butter, chocolate capitalists, chocolatiers, coca, coffeehouses, colonialism, consumers, cookies, cooks, cuisine, cultural genocide, culture, currency, death, desserts, diabetes, digestives, drink of the gods, drinking rituals, drugs, elites, empires, erotica, European colonial empires, exotica, Flower Wars, food identity, food transformations, fruits, gastronomy, genetically modified ingredients, genocide, gluttony, gourmets, grinding, grinding process, Guinea, history, honey, hot cocoa, huitzilopochtli, human body, human civilization, Industrial Capitalism, inventions, Izcoatl, knights, leisure, luxury, mass murder, Mayan estates, Mercantile Capitalism, Mexica-Aztec Empire, milk chocolate, Moctezuma I, Moctezuma II, mole, murder, native garden delights, nuts, obesity, pastilles, pharmacopeia, physical senses, plantation killing centers, Portuguese Slave Trading Empire, pralines, production, products, Quetzalcoatl, royalty, rulers, slave export crops, slave trading, slavery, snacks, social classes, social estates, sugar, sweet chocolate, Switzerland, taxes, Tenochtitlan, the body, Theobroma Cacao, tlaloc, tlatloani, tobacco, trade, tribute, Triple Alliance, vanilla, vintage desserts, weight gain, Western Hemisphere, xocolatl
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Theobroma_cacao_treeCacaoXocolatl-Spicy-Aztec-Hot-Chocolatexocolatl_CodexNuttalChocolateria SpainGirls-On-Cocoa-Plantation-Trinidad-British-West-IndiesChocolate-house-london-c1708 - for aristos onlyCocoa-Child-LaborerParis-Pascal-Caffet-chocolatesChocolate capitalism and GMOs

In the strange, occult worlds of pharmacopeia, few drugs have escaped the repressive clutches of European sadists and madmen.

The reasons for non-prohibition often refer to a particular exotic drug’s negligible effects on the mind. If the drug causes havoc with the sinful body, and yet does not induce much of a mental change, then the elixir transforms into a good and marketable digestible. Such is the modern story of Chocolate, or as the Mexica-Aztecs referred to it, in their language of Nahuatl, Xocolatl.

The 1430s AD was a consequential decade for human civilization. In China, the Han Chinese, Ming Dynasty established a naval fleet in order to extend the economic influence of the Empire. Yet during the same period, agricultural disasters, famine and pestilence hit the Chinese rural valleys, and so the naval empire had to end. In Indochina, the Empire Ayutthaya, (modern Thailand or Siam), conquered the great empire of the Khmer at Angkor Wat (modern Cambodia).

In Europe, the religious wars and Crusades of the Catholic Papacy and Orthodox Christianity continued. First, they fought against the Muslim Turks, who surrounded the Second Rome, Constantinople, on both flanks, Asia Minor and Greece. The Teutonic knights maintained their violent forays into the northeast, against both Poland and Lithuania. The Catholic Holy Roman Emperor eventually defeated the Protestant Hussites, (influenced through Jan Hus), in the Czech lands.

In the southwest, the Spanish knights advanced their attacks against the Moors, or Muslims, in the region of Nasrid Granada. The Church continued its noxious insistence on the conversion of Europe’s Jews, whether through persuasion, legal harassment, or even the sword.

The French Royal forces began to push out the English Plantagenet royal armies from French territory, and a German, by the name of Johannes Gutenberg, developed the first printing press.

Italian artists finally moved away from the medieval, Byzantine-influenced figure painting of long faces and wide eyes, to more realistic portraits, using the ocular mirror-reflection method. The Venetian Empire possessed the most powerful naval army, and the most heinous slave trading, mass murder, sugar plantation system in the Mediterranean.

With the Pope’s mandate for the Christianization and enslavement of the pagans, the Portuguese Empire traded for gold in west Africa, and especially with the Mali Empire in Timbuktu. Due to this trade, this same Empire would later claim slave prisons and colonies on the western coast of sub-Saharan Africa, in a region referred to as Guinea. The Portuguese colonial navy initiated European Civilization’s most heinous mass murder scheme in human history: the Atlantic African Slave Trade. Europe’s invaders had yet to conquer the Western Hemisphere.

This decade also featured the political-military consolidation of the Mexica-Aztec Empire. The emperor, or Tlatloani, had the name of Izcoatl. Izcoatl was a great warrior and political leader who merged the military Triple Alliance of the three most powerful cities: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tlacopan, in central Mexico.

He also oversaw the construction of the great buildings inside the grand city of Tenochtitlan. The two pyramid apexes represented: the God of Agriculture and Water, Tlaloc, and the greater structure, the God of the Mexica: war, blood and fire, Huitzilopochtli.

His successors would continue conquer lands for imperial tribute – until the unfortunate death of Moctezuma II, during the Spanish invasion of the 1520s. One of the coveted lands for tribute, or for taxes, were the southern Mayan farms of cacao beans. When grounded, those cacao beans transformed into a dark and powerful, yet delicious, bitter drink, called Xocolatl.

Towards the end of his glorious reign, Izcoatl ordered the priests to consecrate the temples for the grand sacrifices and coming religious festivals. The emperor and the noblemen drank Xocolatl in the courts of the palace. They sipped Xocolatl cold with ice, inside of large, dark red ceramic bowls. The cooks mixed in cornmeal to make the froth thicker. The royal preparers also added honey to soften the bitter taste, and then the local spices of red chilies, annatto red color, and canella cinnamon, all of which gave the icy Xocolatl the appearance of human blood.

The Aztec priests had their long black hair drenched in red blood dye. The Jaguar skinned and Eagle feathered knights were in attendance, and they were all in the presence of the feathered serpent-god, Izcoatl-Quetzalcoatl emperor.

All of them gulped the blood-colored, darkened froth, which transformed the participants into a mental state of rapture. They sat around a large and low stone table, and continued to taste the bowls of delight, meanwhile royal musicians played military drums and flutes, and the priests burned pungent copal incense. All of the six human senses flourished under this military reign.

Emperor Xocolatl’s body was the blood and oil to the mental states of war bounty, the delight of death, and sacrificial festivities.

Through these intense royal Mexica rituals, Moctezuma I, the successor of Izcoatl, initiated the Flower Wars. Aztec knights engaged in noble combat-contests with their enemies, such as the Tlaxcaltecans, in order to increase their military courage and fighting abilities. The great market of Tenochtitlan even used cacao beans as currency. Xocolatl had finally united, both in body and spirit, or tonalli, with the drink of the Gods.

Xocolatl, or its Latin name, Theobroma Cacao, like other Western Hemisphere wonders, such as tomatoes, corn maize, squashes-zucchinis-pumpkins, potatoes, red-green chili peppers-paprika, coca, tobacco, avocados, annatto, amaranth, peanuts-cashews-pecans-sunflower seeds, papaya-guava-pineapple, wild berries, common bean legumes, and vanilla, would permanently transform European cuisine – and even world gastronomy.

These Western Hemisphere native, garden delights now find themselves at every world table: the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. European colonialism has transformed Chocolate Cacao once again, and it has cut off its sacred origins from Mesoamerica.

The first methods represented the African killing centers or the Americas, or within its infamous slave plantations. Chocolate plantings coincided with tobacco, sugar and coffee crops, all of which functioned as export commodities on the Atlantic slave trade.

European investors would later add industrial concoctions into the chocolate mix, which gave the drug – from the once extinct Mesoamerican gods – a new identity. European food capitalists introduced the dark-thick cacao to ravenous sugar, silky cow’s milk, and the sweet tooth decadence of fruits and nuts.

Chocolate is not just a drink anymore; instead, consumers can purchase the drug in cakes, cookies, candies, bars, creamy spreads, chips, white and cream colors, powders while cooks have added it to fine dishes, such as the Mexican recipe of mole.

Chocolate has entered the fine drug Valhalla of vintage wines, sweet liqueurs, pungent tobacco cigars and expensive bottled spirits. This drug is also ubiquitous inside many processed GMO, sugary snacks, which destroy the fragile human body. For those gourmets of gluttony, the physical price leads to obesity and diabetes.

During the decade of the 1580s, in the Hispano-American lands, Spanish ecclesiastics and other elites began to partake in the leisurely enjoyment of the drink. In the seventeenth-century, the 1600s, Mercantile Capitalism exploded chocolate into the refined tastes and idle pleasures of European aristo parasites, representing the first two social estates, or classes, the nobles and the clergy.

Coffeehouses in London started to serve the hot chocolate brews, and in Paris, the first artisan workshops of chocolate emerged, calling themselves, chocolatiers. Those chocolate artisans sold a most expensive delight, called bons bons.

On the American continent, every single Euro-American colonial power: the Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, French and English ensured that their sugar, salt, coffee and tobacco slave plantations, had to leave a few grounds for the cultivation of chocolate beans. The European colonial monsters gave the African slaves more work to perform before their short, brutal lives, and even more cruel deaths.

Like Sugar and Coffee export commodities, Chocolate production also violated the horrible existences of kidnapped African chattel. The European aristo rage for hot chocolate, or hot cocoa, and exquisite chocolate candies, called pastilles, would not subside.

In the eighteenth-century, the 1700s, Europeans became so enamored with chocolate that inventors developed mechanisms in quickening the pulverization of beans into cocoa powder. The French and the English became quite adept at this grinding process. Thanks to the such technology, the European working classes began to partake in the ‘drink of the Gods.’

It was during the 1800s, in Europe and the Americas, and especially in Switzerland, where chocolate factories invented industrial schemes that transformed chocolate to the consumer product of today.

First, they used machines to remove the chocolate butter from both the beans and powder during the grinding down process. Second, the factories added sugars, fatty nuts, and whole white milk into the mix, all of which created a finer, creamier and more delicious chocolate, free from its bitter origins. Third, they created assembly lines that formed the butter, powder, sugar, nuts and milk into bite sized candies, called pralines.

Some of the more notable names of the European-American Chocolate capitalists included: Stollwerck, Berwaerts, Cadbury, Ghiradelli, Lindt, Tobler, Hershey and Nestle. All social classes enjoyed the chewing, eating and drinking of chocolate.

Nowadays, most of the worlds’ chocolate bean production occurs in west Africa. Apparently, the chocolate capitalists still treat and pay their workers like slaves.

Chocolate still lives among our innumerable products on the supermarket shelves, yet massive food corporations combine it with high amounts of sugar, and then mix it all with horrid GMOs, or genetically modified products. All of those carcinogens destroy the delicate human body. Chocolate is still delicious, yet it eventually leads to gluttony, fast weight gain, and if abused, obesity.

Chocolate was once the food of the gods – found in the secret halls of Mayan and Aztec royalty. Later in history, European colonials invaded the Americas, destroyed their grand cultures, and stole their wondrous products.

European mercantile capitalism then murdered millions of Africans in order to process American plants, inclusive of the other European addictions, such as sugar cane, coffee beans and tobacco leaves. Ultimately, European technology transformed Chocolate through the processes of industrial capitalism, so that it is extremely rich and tasty. This process will also destroy the tenuous human body.

In fin, the Chocolate drug, with its sordid history, exposes Modern European Civilization’s profound culture of avarice, luxury and gluttony.



The Amerikan Empire IX: The War against Our Bodies and Minds

Posted: May 27, 2014 in ADA, alternative health practices, AMA, American Empire, APA, BGH growth hormones, Biotech, BLM, bombing civilians, BP, cancers, cereals, chemical fallout, circulatory blood diseases, Coca-Cola, collectors, consumers, contaminants, corporate criminals, corporate killers, corporate media, corporations, corporatism, covert wars, diabetes, diets, doctoring, doctors, domestic warfare, economic sanctions, endless and constant war, Exxon, factory farming, farmers, FBI, FDA, felony laws, fish, fluoridated-chlorinated bleaching of water, Forest Service, fraud, fruits, garbage food, GMO infections, GMO poisons, gun free zones, herbs, homeopathic products, hunters, industrial disasters, Insurance racket, invasions, Know Nothings, legal drug providers, legal drug trade, legal privileges, legumes, lobotomy surgeries, local grown and harvested foods, major corporations, mass shootings, McDonald's, meat, medicines, mega-corps, military interventions, monopolistic practices, Monsanto, Napalm, nuclear testing, nuts, obesity, openly declared wars, organic foods, overthrowing governments, overuse of antibiotics, processed foods, psycho quacks, psychobabble, psychotropic medications, quackery, ranchers, restaurants, so-called regulatory agencies, soy products, spices, spy and NGO interventions, state terrorism, subversive wars, superfund sites, supermarkets, TVP, Tyson, Union Carbide, US Dept. of Agriculture, US Dept. of Energy, vegan snacks, vegetables, vegetarian diet, Wal Mart, war against Islam, war against the body, war holidays, weed killer, weight loss
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American corporatismObese_AmericaGMO companiesConAgraAmerican healthAmerikan medicine

For those of us unfortunates trying to survive in the Amerikan Empire, we always have to tolerate another war that the state apparatus in D.C. and the corporate medias regularly push. We have had the infamous Drug War, the Indian Wars, the Mexican War, various foreign invasions and interventions, the Civil War, WWI and WWII, the War against Drunk Driving, (really against alcohol), the Mormon War, the War against Terrorism, (well, against various low-level ‘terrorists’ – not state terrorists), the Cold War against International Communism, the War against Crime and the Poor, (low-level crime again – not against corporate or state criminals), the War against Carbon Gas Emissions (?), the War against Obscenity, (basically against erotica or anything having to do with sensuality), the War against Tax Evaders, (certain tax evaders however), etcetera.

Most of the Amerikan Empire’s observant holidays revolve around war: Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Armed Forces Day, Flag Day, Presidents Days, (American Revolution-Civil War), Loyalty Day, and Columbus Day, (Invasions-Discovery of the Americas). But all these examples have represented the Empire’s openly declared wars.

The Amerikan Empire has actually been engaged in numerous hidden wars since its inception in 1790. In the early 1800s, the US government sent a naval invasion force into Tripoli, North Africa, in order to punish the Barbary ‘pirate states,’ for example. The US government has overthrown governments, bombed and blown up humans, assassinated people, and instigated economic sanctions against scores of countries around the world – without ever declaring any official war whatsoever.

The same has also been true in the domestic sphere. In the early to mid 1800s, there was a national political party against the Freemasons, and later, there were the infamous Know Nothings that violently went after the Roman Catholics. The Amerikan Empire allowed both political parties to legally conduct their violence, just as the US government had unofficially allowed lynch murder against African-Americans and other criminal elements.

Nowadays, the political police of the Amerikan Empire, the FBI, regularly persecute Muslim-Americans, and there are now thousands of them rotting in the Amerikan gulag for longer prison sentences than most murderers and rapists.

The US government currently manages a host of other undeclared and subversive wars against particular targets. Most recently, the US government has pushed major corporate banks into robbing the deposits of certain businesses related to erotica, guns, cannabis, homeopathic drugs, organic tobacco, organic agriculture and locally brewed spirit-alcohols. The US government has regularly persecuted other small businesses that have had peculiar banking habits.

There has even been a recent, ongoing war that has acted in a far more deadlier fashion. This engagement represents the American Empire’s War against both our bodies and our minds, meaning their physical aspects. Why would the US government want to destroy our bodies and our minds?

The answer lies with the complete US government support for monopolistic practices of various major corporations in biotechnology, (such as Monsanto), processed foods, (such as Tyson), fast food joints, (such as McDonald’s), supermarket mega chains, (such as Wal-Mart), and beverage distributors, (such as Coca-Cola). Living inside this Empire is extremely hazardous to our health.

First, most of our public water suffers from hidden contamination due to fluoridated-chlorinated bleaching, while natural gas monopolies possess legal corporate rights to infect ground water supplies.

Second, most of the foods that one sees in corporate supermarket shelves have GMO, or Genetically Modified Organism infections. The meats and fishes are often from overcrowded and murderous factory farming, where the corporate processors even resort to animal torture and wholesale extermination. The corporate processors regularly inject the cattle animals with BVH growth hormones, and they overdose these same animals with overflowing antibiotics in order to hide the feces soaked, mutilated, infected sores.

American people’s notorious struggles with obesity, diabetes, circulatory blood diseases and cancers is not just because of large plate portions received inside of American restaurants. The culprit lies in the GMO poisons plastic wrapped for unwary consumers. This explains the reasons why the lumpens, and many of the working and middle classes in America suffer more from obesity than the bourgeois-owner social class. They often don’t have the money to buy the ‘organic’ fresh, local stuff.

Third, the American landscape, inclusive of the land, air and water, suffers from environmental contaminants due to the greater legal privileges given to mega corporations. Superfund sites now exist in all urban and rural environments. Certain restricted areas are actually off-limits to humans due to nuclear testing, chemical fallout and other industrial disasters.

A few ‘accidents’ have even become international lessons in the consequences of unregulated corporate personhood, such as the Exxon-Valdez Disaster in Alaska and the BP-Oil Spill in the Louisiana Gulf. Another corporate killer, Union Carbide, murdered thousands of Indians after one of their own negligent fallouts.

Fourth, most of our cleansers and cleaners, both for both our bodies and for the household, contain various contaminants, which actually destroy our interior worlds – even though they ‘get the job done.’ Some unwary gardeners have used the weed killer, ‘Roundup,’ which is from the same corporation that helped produce Napalm gas murdering millions of Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.

Fifth, The US government continually protects these same monopolies, often through periodic federal and state legislation, while the mega-corps will often try new public relations approaches in order to cover up past crimes. Regular citizens are the ones that have to endure the aftershocks of environmental suffering. The corporate boards of directors and owners live in special, gated community areas – often more ‘environmentally diverse.’

The so-called regulatory agencies, such as the well-armed FDA, or the Federal Drug Administration, protect the licensed and corporate killers, while they often target the local homeopathic drug providers for ‘fraud.’ The US govt.’s Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management , (BLM), are also well-armed with machine guns. Again, they prefer to harass the regular people that use ‘their properties,’ rather than the corporate monopolies.

Sixth, the US government also works in tandem with another dubious triple-headed, monopoly monster, called the AMA, the APA and the ADA, or the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Dental Association. This unholy alliance moves into both the Biotech and Insurance corporate rackets where the ideology of ‘doctoring’ has transformed into a lucrative legal drug trade, while some expensive surgeries have full legal support. Meanwhile, alternative health programs receive the labels of ‘quackery,’ or unregulated and dangerous options.

One such government supported medical practice, or torture in recent medical history, represented the use of lobotomies on Americans, from the 1940s to 1960s. A few unfortunates, without their consent of course, had to undergo the ‘surgery,’ while imprisoned inside mental institutions. The psycho-quacks often used ice picks to rip apart the frontal lobes of their victims. Naturally, most of the victims either died painful deaths within a few years, or they turned into human blobs with little mental functioning. The psycho-quacks stopped using lobotomies due to the later efficacy of psychotropic medications.

Millions of Americans, especially active children, spinster women, hyper-intelligent young men, and returning combat veterans have bizarre, made up diagnoses stamped to their personalities. They are now the laboratory animals for the more powerful and legal psychotropic medications. The continual mass shootings in gun free zones across the country attest to their potency.

I have my own personal story. After living in Europe for some years, I decided to return to the Amerikan Empire. My first impressions during my return to the States, besides the flags flying everywhere and the massive loads of dangerous felony laws for every conceivable action, was the nasty looking, smelling and tasting American food.

In this case, the Europeans were right about American food – it was lethal garbage. The low standards of American foods were quite horrid from the low standards found in the cheap supermarkets in Europe. American foods generally had more of that bland and chemical taste. The meats and fish seemed worse off than the vegetables.

I also heard stories about the massive concentration camps that processed millions of murdered animals annually in the heart of the country. After seeing an undercover video of a slaughterhouse, I decided to become a vegetarian.

I was then a vegetarian for eleven years. I had replaced meats, fish and eggs with breads, rice, legumes and lots of soy products, but I still had a hard time losing weight. After a few years, I also realized that my vegetarian diet of soy, wheat and corn contained massive amounts of genetically modified poisons – and I especially discovered this debacle inside the vegan treats, many of which contained TVP, or textured vegetable protein, and processed GMO soy tofu.

Due to such body and health issues, I had quit the vegetarian diet and began to partake of the local diet coming from small farmers, collectors, ranchers and hunters. I only ate locally killed meats, and locally harvested nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Like millions of my fellow Americans on the permanent health watch, I must constantly live on guard, and stand ready against the relentless, genetically modified, crap food onslaught. As thousands of other Americans understand the truth, from this time on, I expose the US government’s insidious war against our bodies and our minds. This war is dead on serious, for we only come equipped in this life with one set.