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Dangerous Ideologies IV: Liberalism or Liberal Democracy

Posted: August 29, 2015 in advertising tricks, aerial bombings, Africa, Algeria, American Corporate Media Conglomerates, American Empire, American genocide against native nations, American slavery, Anglo-American christianity, Anglo-Canadian genocide against native nations, Anglo-white colonial republics, aristocracy, aristocratic degeneracy, aristocratic sloth, arts of exterminations, Atlantic slave trade, Australia, Australian genocide against aboriginals, Authoritarianism, barbarians, BBC TV channels, brain damage, brainwashing, British Empire, British genocides and forced famines, British naval impressment, Canada, candidates, capitalism, Caribbean sugar death camps, chemical warfare, Christian religious schools for natives, Communists, concentration-death camps, control, corporate media propaganda, criminal plots, criminality, deceit, despotism, dictatorships, drone attacks, egoism, eighteenth-century, election selections, elite laziness, elite university educations, elites, elitists, Emperor Frederick the Second, empires, Engish public hangings of the poor, Enlightenment, extermination, family names, Fascism, free market systems, genocide, gross hypocrisy, historical crimes, history, ideological madness, ideological scams, ideologies, Illustration, incarceration, indentured servitude, inferiors, injustice, institutional violence, intellectuals, invasions, Ireland, Land War against the Maori Nation, legal codes, legal crime, Liberal Democracy, Liberal Democrats, Liberalism, Liberals, liquidation, mass kidnapping of Africans, mass murder, masters, militarism, modern world, murder, Nazis, Neo-liberals, New Zealand, North American plantations, officials, palaces, parliaments, pass system, perpetual lies, perpetual wars, perverts, police harassment, policing, political cabals, political crooks, political systems, power, preferred writers, prisoner populations, prisons, professional sports spectacles, Prussia Military State, representatives, republican system, Royal Marines, sanctions, Sans Souci Palace, Second French Empire, slavery, snobbery, social parasites, sociopaths, South Africa, South Asia, starvations, state mandatory schools, state terrorism, structural violence, superiors, surveillance, the laws, the people, the police, the poor, the rich, the State, travel, tyranny, vacationing, Voltaire, war, wealth, white republics, white settler enclaves, Zio-Nazi Crusader State, Zionist genocide against Palestinians
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VoltaireFredericIIBritish Caribbean Sugar African Slave Death CampirishfamineAustralia-Aboriginese-GenocideZionist expulsion of PalestiniansamericanempireAmerikan geo-economic-military empire HARVARD-UNIVERSITY

Our modern toxic ideologies, social, cultural or political, or all of those above three categories mixed together, have always concealed themselves under the Sciences of the Good.

We have the modern examples of the Judeo-Christian Monotheist Cult, Psychobabble, Racialism-Eugenics, Mandatory-Compulsory State Schooling, Modern Clinical Medicine, Prison Punishment-Reform and Global Monopoly Capitalism.

There has been one peculiar, persistent, and venomous ideology that has regularly clothed itself under the benign classifications of both political-economy and social-cultural movements. This same false science has even parasited itself within Modern religion, especially Anglo-American Christianity. It has further appropriated the vocabularies of many other ideologies as if it had invented the Modern World itself.

Such deceit has represented the marvelous and malevolent power of Liberalism or Liberal Democracy.

Others might contend that Communism, International Terrorism and Fascism have represented the world’s most dangerous ideologies. They are wrong again. These brainwashed individuals have watched too much Anglo-American toxic television, saturated through the same diseased mind of Liberalism.

Media experts, also brain-damaged through Liberalism, have decomposed and microwaved their ideological madness within the boardrooms of the BBC channels, and inside American Corporate Media Conglomerates, such as NBC, FOX, CNN, ABC and CBS.

The year was 1750, right in the middle of one of the most violent and vile centuries in human history. It was during this particular century of legal murder and theft that Liberalism birthed its sinister appearance.

A French philosopher-intellectual-‘celebre’ writer, with the name of Voltaire, was ‘vacationing,’ or spending three years of his free time, idling, eating ten course meals, drinking tea, sampling fine wines, sleeping in luxurious beds, taking sumptuous baths, and pouting about the gardens inside the Prussian royal pleasure court. He was not living this princely existence alone however.

He was an invitee among ‘the premier group,’ a first class guest of the Prussian Emperor, Frederick II, or called ‘the Great,’ at his palace in Potsdam, Brandenburg Prussia. There was no German name for this ostentatious monstrosity that bespoke the privilege of family name and wealth. Instead it had a French title, Sans Souci, or in English, ‘without care.’ Voltaire was such a witty and polite guest for three years, that he even had a bedroom-writing studio, named after himself, in one of the fifty or so rooms found in one of the five different palaces!

Here was a ‘radical’ French intellectual-writer, wearing knee breeches, high-heeled shoes, facial makeup and a powered wig, dining in full aristocratic-parasite style with one of the most belligerent European tyrants on the continent, also similarly attired.

The militarist spirit of Machiavelli freely mixed with the free thinking snobbery of European effete manners. This gross display of hypocrisy and aristocratic degeneracy escaped the censure of both men.

All of these ‘cultivated’ gentlemen knew that they were living in ‘special times.’ They were elite men of the Enlightenment, the Illustration. Liberals dressed and paraded around in fine and lavish colors, always a cut above the common peasant or artisan losers that worked with their hands.

Most of these Liberals were actually base hypocrites, egotistical barbarians and pathetic elitists. Liberal Democrats have relentlessly continued on this degenerate path. To this very day, they pledge allegiance to these vile practices of elitism and snobbery.

Liberalism or Liberal Democracy has always operated with one set of people lording over another, while committing horrible institutional violence against inferior groups. Yet, unlike an aristocratic oligarchy of noble birth that makes the rules for everyone else, Liberalism brazenly lies through its teeth. The Liberal Democratic ideology has proclaimed the equality of all men, and now women, before God, with the freedoms of worship, speech, grievances and writing. It practices display the exact opposite.

It calls for democratic ‘elections,’ yet it demands that wealthy political cabals of liars and crooks pick the right candidates for the lower elements of society. These elected ‘officials’ or ‘representatives of the people,’ delegate the laws, and the people simply obey.

The sacred freedoms of Liberal Democracy only work for the elect masters of political-economy and social-cultural distinction. For everyone else, they must survive under the stark brutality of a ‘free market’ capitalist economy and the arts of constant surveillance. The gross hypocrites of Liberalism live in splendor through their family names and elite university educations. The rest of us, social scum, must suffer under the daily violence of socio-economic injustice and police harassment.

If we disobey, the Liberals have the prison inferno waiting for us. Meanwhile, our masters train us early in their ‘state mandatory schools,’ while they later distract and entertain us through their corporate media TV programs, professional sports spectacles and advertising tricks.

Liberalism has always been more violent, and has started more wars than most dictatorships and tyrannies. Why is this? Liberalism believes that all of its wars are good wars, because Liberal Democracies are the only decent government organizations. The danger of this ideology for our modern world is that the leaders of this ideological scam believe their own lies. They are unrepentant hypocrites. They truly believe that Liberal Democracy and a Free Market economy are the only systems that work.

Woe unto the enemies of this most sinister and terrorizing ideology. Liberal Democracies have operated as the most adept practitioners in the dark arts of extermination and genocide. They continue to beat the Nazis, fanatical Communists, and other murderous regimes by long shots.

Democratic regimes have gotten away with their mass murders, and they still come clean from their crimes, even after historical knowledge has exposed their criminality. Think on the United States genocide against the Native nations. History also documents the British forced famines in Ireland, Africa and in India, the French colonial system of ‘white settler enclaves’ versus the local Arab and Berber societies in North Africa.

Concerning ‘the white republics,’ we have the white Australian methods in exterminating the aboriginal nations, the New Zealand white containment and massive land theft against Maori communities, and the white South African ‘black homeland,’ pass system. The most sinister Liberal rule on this Earth is the Zio-Nazi system, which has maintained the largest concentration-death camps in world history against the Palestinians: Gaza and West Bank. There is also Anglo-Canada, with its permitted rapes, tortures and murders of native children forced to attend Christian religious schools run by perverts.

All ideological cabals murder well, but Liberal Democracies are History’s sublime experts in the art of mass murder-genocide, and then covering up the tracks, even hiding the records. The false smiles and suave voices of the lying politicians or parliamentarians makes the heinous acts so much worse.

While Voltaire and the Emperor sampled fine wines and ten course meals at Sans Souci Palace, African slaves in the Caribbean had to endure the tropical hells of unlimited sugar plantation work. Those slaves that refused to obey work orders walked the water wheel. When they couldn’t do it anymore, they fell to their deaths, crushed through the massive wooden and metal blades. The blood and flesh ripped apart in all directions, as the slave master considered another sale for more African flesh and blood. Not one white Caribbean slave master had to face the punishment of mass murder.

Still to this day, British official history proclaims Britain as the defender of ‘abolitionism.’ Yet, it quietly leaves out the historical facts about how the British Empire imported more kidnapped Africans onto its tropical extermination camps than all the other colonial empires during the eighteenth-century.

As Voltaire and the Emperor conversed in French concerning civil religion and aristocratic-royalty society gossip, Irish peasants had to watch their baby children starve to death due to English penury laws that excluded them totally from any legal recourse to Christian charity – meaning foodstuffs to eat. One writer exposed the madness during the Irish Famines, Jonathon Swift. Due to his British education, he had to use satire, the only literary form that could educate the eighteenth-century reading public.

The British Empire of the eighteenth-century was not only cruel to Africans, South Asians and the Irish, it also regularly murdered its poorer English subjects. For the hungry that swarmed the cities, even stealing some bread and mutton to eat, resulted in public hangings. Both English men and women suffered such terrible fates. Their only crime was that they were poor, homeless and hungry.

Many working class English lads had to keep a mindful watch for the military kidnappers that forcibly impressed them into Naval slavery on the high seas. Any resistance met the brutal torture and murder of the Royal Marines who were the cops that watched over them. Legal kidnappers also thronged the poor and working areas of England who often enticed and defrauded their victims to work to death, as ‘indentured servants,’ in Britain’s ‘successful North American plantations.’ This is the true history of Liberal Democracy in Great Britain, the first, national parliamentary system of Modern Europe.

Liberal Democracy has ultimately birthed the most nefarious world empire in human history, the Amerikan Empire, or the United States of America. This is the same freedom-loving, land of opportunity, which has the highest prisoner population in world history, with the exception of the Nazis in the 1940s, and it has the most dense legal codes than any other regime, thereby making most of its citizens walking felons deserving of the Amerikan incarceration nightmare.

This same empire always seems to find another war to start, and yet even when it loses its wars, this cabal of sociopaths has managed to murder millions of innocent civilians through economic sanctions, chemical warfare, massive aerial bombings, starvation, or through military invasions and drone attacks.

Are we Anarchists surprised when see the ‘republics,’ the constitutional monarchies, or the white colonial-settler states, representing France, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Zio-Nazi Crusader State, line up in defense of the Amerikan Empire? After many political setbacks, Liberal Democracy seems to resurrect its evil intents and recoup the losses. This ideology will not go away.

We Anarchists cannot fight such an ideology because it has seized the apparatus of the State across the globe. This same noxious belief system also retains most of the corporate media on the television.

But we must publicly condemn its practices, which speak louder volumes than its devious advertising and false words. This is a friendly ideology, fooling the ignorant through dishonorable smiles and schooled diction.

Shaking its cowardly hands means the death of millions. Even our sacred hours of sleep are in constant danger from their criminal plots.