Postscript: Darkness on the Edge of Town

Posted: July 20, 2020 in history
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Darkened Death City USA

Well, now some folks are born into a good life
And other folks get it anyway anyhow
Well, I lost my money and I lost my wife
Them things don’t seem to matter much to me now…

Bruce Springsteen, Darkness on the Edge of Town, 1978

His last homage to America’s real working class was the ‘unplugged album,’ Nebraska, 1982.  His ‘patriotic debut album,’ Born in the USA, 1984, also spoke the truth concerning those millions of working class Americans who had to survive the austerities of Empire. By the decade of the 1990s, Mr. Springsteen had sold his honor to the Democratic Party.

So what’s left to fight about?

What is left to even write about?

Discernment still rises ever so slowly…

It erupts in spurts and surges forth – and ever so ominously… Especially during these nasty times of American Civil War IV.

Warnings attached.

A few days ago, in my little small town, out in the rural western parts of America, I heard some guy screaming and screeching outside my window.

You see, below me on the adobe terraces, are these little stores, which after the first lock downs in the springtime, just stopped making any money. Well, a few of them didn’t make much money anyway, just some junk-thrift shops with dirty merchandise from old people’s dusty, mud strewn cellars. The rest of the tiny stores never recovered – and especially the tarot card-palm reader. All of them still had to pay their rents though.

This local guy was apparently yelling at the tarot card-palm reader of a woman because she wanted him to wear a mask. And the man just exploded on her. It sounded ugly from above. I used to act that way before I became a practicing Buddhist. Nowadays, well I just let the social crap roll right off me. No use in suffering over life’s minor trifles.

I later talked to the man. He was a local, but I never conversed with him much because he was a super quiet dude. He never seemed to lose his cool, always low key, super mellow and was a big music fan. He worked with the local church in town, (but that church was long closed up due to the Plandemic Hoax). The pastor will never return to this dead end town anymore. Once and a while I would see the same dude, always with his genetically attached baseball cap, playing around with his electronic music gear set up, at the local library.

While listening to his rant, (as he was beginning to calm down), the man was truly upset about all the local, state and federal sociopaths destroying our town, our state – and our country. This man was angry and he wanted vengeance. He was tired of all of the forced mask wearing garbage, the lack of any stable work, no money around, cancelled local music events, cafes closed down for good, and the lack of any real social interactions, such as closed churches, etc.

The man was absolutely right. I was upset too, and even angry about all this political evil abounding in our land. But I told him, we still got to show the love – and forsake the anger.

Easier spoken than done however.

The lesson of this story is simple. We still have to restrain our anger and vexation about what is currently taking place around us. And the reason is that there still awaits a whole lot worse coming our way…

Just today, took my usual, slow barefoot walk towards the local cafe in my small town. No one was really walking about, which seemed a little strange on this sunny, summer Sunday afternoon.

I noticed that the front door of the local supermarket, (attached to the closed up cafe), had a new lock down order from the Commie governor: FACE MASKS NOW LEGALLY REQUIRED TO ENTER.

Well, I just walked right in without a mask, and was the only dude to do it. Ordered a cafe in my little cup and was going to sit outside with it. The barista told me that she couldn’t fill my personal cup anymore due to the new rules, so I got the coffee in a ‘to go cup’; poured the drink into my personal cup, and walked outside to the cafe terrace seating area.

Again, no one around, except for this new group of people in town who must have settled in recently. There was this fat, loud mouth type of a guy with thick glasses, who just kept yapping and hogging up the conversation. I think his wife was there, and he was talking to an audience of two people! I was hoping to read some Dhammapada – but this guy was loud and had a rough Northeastern accent.

Suddenly, this bizarre couple approached, an elderly couple in full cowboy dress with full face masks on their faces – and they were all outside. Apparently, the elderly cowboy outfit dude in the full mask mode, had to interject into the fat northeastern guy’s conversation.

The fat Northeastern guy was saying how much he admired the Antifa Commie Street Gang in Portland, Oregon – who were apparently taking on Trump (?) The old man with the cowboy costume and full mask set, concurred, and began harping loudly about the Fascist Dictatorship of Trump. Noticed a Commie Sanders bumper sticker on the old man’s truck (the same guy in the full Cowboy costume with full-time face mask)…

We always had some Leftists in town, but how did the Communists get in here?

Remember, during the first weekend of legal crime and rioting in America’s large urban megalopolis centers; was driving from the spiritual site in town, and saw that right across from the dirt road parking area, on the metal railings, before one arrives into town, a big ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign flew into the air. Across from the sign, sat a white guy in a nice car hawking that same sign to make sure no ‘racist’ would tear it down.

Remember similar antics, way back in grad school, when the ‘Right-wing assholes’ would put little American flags on the green lawns of the campus every 9/11 Super Duper Event Eve. One of the unfortunate reactionaries had the job of watching all night long inside his car, making sure that no ‘Leftist scum’ tore the flags away…

Almost every single thing is closed down today, and even the recently reopened restaurant across the street from me. Every local store has a mandatory mask sign taped right in the upper middle of the glass doors – threatening all and every customers.

A lot of visitors now drive into my town inside their RVs and campers, not just doing the summer vacation gig, but living full-time in their vehicles, and looking for off-road campsites to spend a few weeks!

Even friends and family members are having loud and contentious conversations during the nighttime about work and money. Tension is in the air, and more and more people are having their backs pinned to the walls.

There’s a Darkness on the Edge of Town.

As stated before in my Megatrend 2020 American Empire Series, we now have a ruling hegemonic bloc coalition of sociopaths, criminals and inmates running the USA Asylum.

If we too had their enormous political, economic, social and cultural power, we would probably run things the same way.

Who are the targets of their two-timing, double-dealing, False Flag, (Corona Waves Hype and BLM Legal Crime Spree), shenanigans?

Us: suburban and rural white guys with no or little money, the new American lumpen proletariat. First they came for the Indians, then the Blacks, and so now it is our turn for political-economic-social-cultural destruction.

Why did they target us, and why now?

Don’t know really. But we are all truly in their rifle front sights.

So here is what we know for sure.

  1. Our elites have successfully pulled off The Official Corona Second Wave Tactic. Every national, regional and local rag newspaper is false reporting and hyping up all of the faux-testing. More Americans are getting tested apparently, and all of the new and improved tests come up 100% positive – and all of the time! This new scenario especially took root in all those right-wing, Pro-Trump loser states that reopened their businesses. State governments once again have Corona Mandatory Mask wearing mandates for every single business. What happened to the Death Counts anyway?
  2. Just like after 9/11, our rulers will never give up their new found political powers. There will be endless Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Wave Corona Attacks to justify more of these outrageous decrees with the destruction of life.
  3. US Citizenship means absolutely nothing. Why are non-American citizens, some illegal and others legal, still given special economic privileges that most regular Americans cannot access, such as free health care, free attorney services, EBT Debit cards for free money, free College, or first dibs on the better paying jobs?
  4. The so-called ‘Constitutional Law’ means absolutely nothing. Why have all the big city urban governments and some state governments, (all controlled through the Democratic Party), allowed legal rioting, property destruction, grand theft robbery, looting, assault and murder for BLM-Antifa street gangs, and yet if some regular American defends him or herself from legal rioters, then they get the full boot of the law? Right now, the Democratic Communist mayor of Portland, Oregon, has supported his street gang Antifa to control the main thoroughfares at night; next, tells his police force to step down (?), and later, the arrestees get full release from some federal judge – who must also support this Antifa-Democratic Party alliance. The craziness is that those other crazies are attacking the federal building where the exact same judge works (?) There is something way off here. Our rulers now enforce the Law to fit their whims.
  5. Have we not noticed that those same monopoly multi-national, billion dollar corporations, which have profited off all of the small business closings during pandemic, are also giving millions of dollars to the BLM Inc. Organization? Why is Jeff Bezos the multi-billionaire owner of Amazon Inc. giving millions of dollars to BLM Inc., when at the same time, urban thieves storm his delivery vehicles and legally commit first-degree robbery? Something is wrong here.
  6. Why during the Corona First Wave, did Democratic controlled governments shove the closing of all small businesses, and not the big box, mega stores and multinational fast food franchises? Why did they mix Corona infected patients with non-Corona patients in the hospitals? Why did they list thousands of sudden, elderly nursing home deaths as all Corona related? Why did they push ventilators on both non-Corona and Corona patients; thus murdering them and listing their deaths as Corona? Why during this Corona Second Wave are they instead, pushing mandatory public mask wearing for all Americans – except for the homeless, political enforcers, and illegal alien workers?

The ground level, actual reality is even uglier.

  1. We are Defeated Nation. No so-called future Revolution will arrive on the horizon. What’s left in our society is a diabolic hatred between different sets of people. On one side we have a successful Cultural Marxism Hegemonic Bloc; on the other side, rigid right-wing assholes with more cultural hangups than Medieval inquisitors. The other common vices of most Americans have included: extreme ignorance, gross immaturity, strange behaviors, shameless gluttony, cowardice-fear over death and dying, pettiness over trivial concerns, and a general slob laziness. BLM does look a lot cooler than us guys. We must therefore deal with such a reality and accept our defeat. We should cope with the loss of the Nation, and really, it never was ours in the first place. The American Democracy Experiment is done and over.
  2. Trump was nothing but a Carnival Barker Clown and the Republican Party represents absolutely nothing, (except the hoarding of their own reelection funds). This party will soon become, the once and never again, Whig Party of the 1850s. Was Trump actually in collusion with the Democratic Party hegemonic Marxist coalition? Trump has done a lot more for the Leftists than he has ever done for his own, ‘Trump Chump,’ supporters. The Left has never been more mobilized and activated since his election. Trumps looks really bad on video. He will tweet one thing, and then does the exact opposite later!

As the Communist Cult Killer, Lenin, once wrote, What is to be done?

As an avid reader of military history, tactics and strategy: defeats are only first steps to outright future victory.

What am I actually writing here?

Basically, for every military-political defeat, there emerges newer openings for military-political triumphs. As a PhD doctor bum historian, this is absolutely true. Or as we say in America, when crises arrive, opportunities emerge.

We have some even better solutions.

  1. 1. Non-participation, non-compliance. What if our post-Trump rulers soon announce another War for Empire against, let’s say: Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia or China, or pick and choose your new and improved enemy of the moment – and very few showed up, nor signed up, to transform themselves into assassin-mass murderers for the US Empire? We can dream, can’t we? As the old Negro spiritual goes: Ain’t gonna study war no more… down by the riverside… While our fellow millions of Americans are dying on the streets, poor, miserable, hungry, weary – and still we pay taxes for such meaningless rights of citizenship, and where the law implies the personal whims of our now Communist styled, Cult Marxist rulers…
  2. Strategies for survival and counter-strategies. Do they require mandatory mask wearing at all food sources, so they can eventually control the food distribution? Then, we move to the rural country, and find our local farmers. We get the food straight from the source. We also accept our new austerity and rationing of food. So, if we don’t have much bread and cheese left, then we move our diet to a more vegetarian rice and beans specialty. Do they require mandatory vaccinations for work and school? We take our kids out of the public schools and home school them. If our work requires a forced vaccination, then we talk to an attorney, threaten legal action, or if having our backs to the wall – quit. If millions of Americans do this, the American Empire system will implode fully. If they decide to ban all cash money transactions, then we boycott any and all local businesses, which refuse to accept cash money.
  3. Cover-concealment-camouflage. The best method for combat survival is hiding and attacking suddenly; next up, running, stalling, and thus attacking again the Enemy.  If they close all the churches and other religious meetings, then we have our spiritual brotherhoods meet at each other’s homes. If they ban all personal ownership of firearms, then we shoot our weapons out in the deserts, mountains and forests, and then train with our weapons in closed doors with snap caps. We will still stand strong: duty and honor, faith and family. As long as we prepare the lines that we shall never cross, we will defeat the Evil Empire eventually.

Yes, there’s a Darkness on the Edge of Town.

But always and always remember. All created, component, conditioned things are impermanent and have no connection to who we are as human beings. All historical empires thus rise and fall.

For example, a few of those Democratic Party Antifa, Commie Street Gang fighters were also accomplices to the US Empire sponsored mass genocide in Syria. Those fakers sided with the Rojava Kurds in exterminating the Yazidi people, who were simply of a different religious faith as the Kurdish fighters. And always remember this, the accomplices in the great Turkish Holocaust of the Christian Armenians and Assyrians, (around hundred years ago) were also those same Kurd mercenary fighters.

When paramilitary movements take sides with the cruel empires; instead of fighting honorably, standing alone for their people – they always lose.

Worldly Empires have no friends. Only usurpers and victims.

The Light of the Dharma shines forth.
