Dangerous Ideologies II: The Psychobabble Quack Cult

Posted: December 16, 2014 in advertising, American Empire, American Psychological Association, annihilation, anorexics, artists, autism, behavioralism, beliefs, believers, Biotech companies, breath work, brutality, Buddhism, cabals, capitalism, Catholicism, CIA, co-conspirators, collaborators, conquest, cops, corporate media, corporations, corporatism, crap history, crazy, cults, dangerous people, death, delusions, dictatorships, Discernment of Spirits, dungeons, ego-self, electroshock therapies, elites, emotions, ethics, Europe, European witch trials, evil, experience, experimental psychology, fakes, families, fanaticism, feelings, Gautama Siddhartha, genocides, hegemony, heresy, history, homosexuality, homosexuals, human behavior, human civilization, human history, ideas, ideologies, Ignatius Loyola, images, imprisonment, institutions, insurance rackets, involuntary commitment, Jesuits, Jesus Christ, language, legal crime, legal powers, liquidation, lobotomies, LSD, manipulation, Manual of Mental Disorders, mass murder, mass shooters, meditation, mental asylums, mental concentration, mental deficients, mental discipline, mental freedom, mental hospitals, mental illness, mental illusions, mental operations, mental peace, mental transformation, mental visualizations, militaries, mind control, MK-ULTRA, murder, mysticism, Nazi Regime, negative thoughts, neglect, neurotics, non-comformists, normalcy, North America, obsessive-compulsives, pharmacology, philosophy, police forces, positive thoughts, practice, prayer, prisons, profit, Project 4.1, propaganda, pseudo science, pseudo-experts, psychiatrists, Psycho grad students, psycho history, psycho quacks, psycho surgery, psychoactive drugging, psychobabble, psychological warfare, psychologists, psychology, psychopath, psychotherapy, public opinion, quackery, rebellious teenagers, religion, religious enemies, Religious Wars of Europe, repressed testimonies, research, restraints, saints, sanitariums, schizo, schools, science, scientific study, sects, self-control, self-discipline, sensitivity, serial killers, social control, social powers, social workers, spiritual advisers, Spiritual Exercises, spiritual methods, spiritual power, state alliances, symbols, the bad death, the body, the courts of law, the evil world, the human brain, the Mass, the mind, the modern world, The Passion of the Cross, the rebellious, the State, thoughts, torture, transcendence, Tuskegee Study, TV talk shows, tyranny, universities, US government, victims, war, Wilhelm Wundt, wing nuts, worship
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buddha_mental concentrationLoyola Spiritual Exerciseswilhelm wundtpsychological crapNazi gas buses for mental deficientsWelcome to mental hospital hellwillowbrook abandoned mental hospitallobotomy success rateElectroshock therapy funAntipsychotics-drugs, come and get your medsjames holmes killer on antidepressantsrestraint abuse on patients

Surviving among the cluster bombs of civilization, we have often surmised about our bizarre world as the same, absurd continuum from the beginning of time.

We cannot imagine our preposterous world without its job searches, employment hustles, apartments for rent, bank payment loans, security deposits, credit policies, police forces, prisons, schools, corporations, institutions, hospitals, houses of worship, advertising billboards, street scams, mafia-gang syndicates, criminal sprees, warfare and bombings, propaganda methods, State social control – and all the other criminal vices that plague and pester our everyday lives.

Within the sinister realm of ideologies, our modern world has seen the tumorous growth of outlandish ideological sects that have not only seized the modern State, but have also entered the realms of accepted science and common sense. Some ideological cabals have even taken the reins of social control through subtle hegemonic-state alliances over a short span of time. There are many such strange and nefarious stories from the darkened and hidden annals of human history.

The human mind, or the human brain, has represented one of the most mysterious areas for human research, and at the same time, one of the most desired regions for studying the evil arts of human social control. This explains the nauseating repetition of crap advertising and state-corporate propaganda, or ‘the news,’ found on most radio programs, television screens, and even when we click on to certain websites on our laptops.

Before there existed corporate media outlets under the direction of the political-economic elites, there were other proven methods in the discernment of mental operations. Those ancient methods considered the images, forms, inclusive of symbols, or languages, which seemed to constantly invade the human brain, meaning the intersecting lines and tapes of ego-centric, fantastic, conscious thoughts.

Some ancient religious ideologies preferred to tame the human brain and life actions through the methods of ethical self-systems, such as Confucianism, Jainism, Torah-Legalistic Judaism, Zoroastrianism, African Traditional Religions, Epicureanism, Daoism,  Sikhism and Stoicism. Other religious practices preferred to discipline the mind through the experiences of spiritual transcendence, such as Hinduism, Neo-Platonism, Pythagorean Religion, Neo-Egyptian Religion, Gnosticism, Christian Mysticism, Jewish Kabbala, and African Diaspora Religions. Only one religion was successful in combining both of these methods: Buddhism.

Buddhism denies the existence of the ego-self-soul-spirit bodies, and yet it allows for the Hindu belief in reincarnation-rebirth. It negates the complete idea of a controlling deity over human life, yet it also accepts the influence of malevolent spirits-illusions that infect our minds. Buddhism developed the only comprehensive, ancient method, or practice, in disciplining the human mind.

This mental discipline first emphasizes that we understand a simple truth: our thoughts are mental illusions, which create continual suffering in our lives, since our physical bodies also grow into old age, sickness and death. The second part of the method encourages the middle path of ethical behavior in avoidance of bad karma, or actions, words and thoughts, while engaging our will, or self-discipline, to meditate, or concentrate as much as possible, on our living actuality, such as breathing, walking, lying down, and other common life activities.

The spiritual method requires great self-discipline for the personal conquest of the monkey mind. This is the reason that Siddhartha Gautama, or the Buddha, formed the ‘sangha,’ or the monk practitioners of Buddhism with their shaved heads, brown, crimson, yellow robes, begging canisters and sandals.

About a thousand years later however, another religious mystic would create an even greater method for mind control, and in another sense, he became the first practitioner of modern psychobabble-psychology – although crap history leaves him out of the psycho history lesson.

His name was Iñigo de Loyola. He was a Spanish knight of the lower Basque nobility. In the early 1520s, after a momentous battle against the French in Pamplona, he severely injured his leg during the combat. While bedridden and under severe pain, he almost died from profuse bleeding. He managed to recover, and later began to read books on the heroic lives of the Saints.

How did the Saints manage to go so many days without eating and yet keep their composure, and how did they maintain their dignity and peace of mind even when under physical punishments, mental torments, or the duress of prison? Loyola ultimately got out of bed, but walked with a limp for the rest of his life. He could no longer live as a knight, so he imitated the heroic walks of the Saints.

He gave up his weapons and fine clothes at a shrine across his route in northern Spain, and then wandered barefoot, limping with a staff, and wore a coarse cloak with relic pieces and crosses, only carrying a dirty leather bag to help him along the way. Through this hard journey, during the 1520’s, he began to keep a rough journal.

This journal would later become his famous Spiritual Exercises during the 1530s when he began his university studies to become a priest. By the 1540s, he already had a group of devotees educated in the method of the Exercises. What was inside those exercises that made them so powerful?

The Spiritual Exercises were the first, modern psychotherapy self-help manuals in disciplining the mind. Through his complete change and turnaround, from killing off his old Spanish Knight self, and remaking himself into a Catholic Saint, he attained something that only a human animal could create: the death of the old self into a resurrected new, transformed other – all through simple mind exercises.

A priest who has already inducted himself into the Exercises leads the adept through the four to five-week process. First, the acolyte has to examine his or her life to find the faults, weaknesses or sins, which have kept the person from attaining true spiritual power, or mental freedom and peace.

After confessing and acknowledging one’s sins, and next, actively changing his or her habits in transforming the vices into virtues, the devotee later experiences the life of Christ, and especially his Passion on the Cross through understanding the hard process of personal, mind transformation.

The spiritual adviser or priest leads the adherent through controlled breath work, visualizations, vocal, repetitive prayers, and then participation in the Mass. After each session, he or she feels energized and more transformed, while the follower truly feels the power in belonging to the militant body of Christ. The most important part comes at the end of the session, where the votary learns the discernment of spirits.

The discernment of spirits implies understanding the thoughts, ideas, feelings, experiences, images and beliefs that come into his or her mind. Thoughts of doubt, laziness, sensual pleasure, guilt or nervousness represent demonic attacks, and they are let go, while thoughts or images that bring peace, spiritual rapture and joy come from the Holy Spirit. Once the adept successfully finishes the Exercises, he or she transforms into the disciplined believer-warrior. The worshiper has assumed control over his or her own ‘spiritual mind.’

The Order of Loyola, or the Company of Jesus, was also an authoritarian, military like Company under the direction of the Jesuit General. This mental practice was for the ‘greater glory of God,’ or really, the glory of the Catholic Church. Loyola wanted fanatical believers to defend the Church against the dangers of Protestant heresy, or against any non-Catholic belief systems across the globe.

Less than fifty years after the founding of the Company of Jesus, or the Jesuits, they had controlled most of the Catholic Universities in Europe. They also became the confessors to Catholic monarchs, built Catholic Schools across Europe and the American Continent, and had sent missionaries across the Earth in order to convert the heathens, while the Religious Wars had taken off across Europe. This religious order even became one of the wealthiest religious corporations in human history.

Modern Psychology, or Psychobabble, has used the same methods in recent history. ‘Social Workers’ have manipulated public opinion through the US corporate media, talk TV reality shows, such as ‘Dr. Phil’ and ‘Intervention.’ Psychologists have made strategic alliances with the State through the power of illegally imprisoning, ‘dangerous’ people, while holding full legal powers in giving testimonies in courts of law.

Psychiatrists have gained nefarious profits through their bogus psycho therapy sessions, murderous psycho surgeries and their legal rights in dealing brutal, psychoactive drugs to the unwilling. Psychology has become a respected area of scientific study in universities across the globe.

Since modern psychology’s founding, under the German physiologist Wilhelm Wundt during the late nineteenth-century, this ideology has dedicated itself to controlling and manipulating the human mind. Since its inception, it has been responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths across Europe and North America.

This ideology-pseudo science has mostly annihilated its victims through committing society’s weaker populations into asylums, mental hospitals and sanitariums. . The list of victims has included the autistic, the delusional-imaginative, the outspoken-rebellious, the open homosexuals, the excessively weird, the overly sensitive, the mentally deficient, the anorexic, the obsessive-compulsive, or the artistically strange.

Through its spurious research in ‘experimental’ behaviors, and crimes of staff brutality, neglect, restraints, tortures, psycho surgeries, and forced drugging of lethal pharmaceuticals, this ideological-institution has destroyed millions of lives.

Due to its powers as a respected science of social control, governments, militaries, police forces, corporations, schools and other dictatorial institutions across the societal spectrum, have used psychology as one of their preferred methods in dominance and destruction over others.

A short list of psychobabble’s historical crimes should suffice. The ideology and institution of Psychology collaborated with the Nazi Regime’s mass murder of mentally deficient people in the 1930s. Due to their sinister success in this psycho-operation, the Nazis went after Jews, Gypsies and other hated social groups during the 1940s.

The psychobabble pseudo science used the surgery-torture of lobotomies on outspoken-rebellious individuals from the 1930s-70s, such as Rosemary Kennedy, the actress Frances Farmer, the musician Josef Hassid, the painter Sigrid Hjerten, and thousands of other homosexuals, artists, non-conformists and other imaginative dreamers that seemed too weird. Most of the victims of lobotomies either died soon after or survived as incapacitated blobs.

In the 1970s, with lobotomies exposed as a form of torture and murder, and yet none of the ‘psycho doctors’ doing any prison time, psychobabble went on the offensive with its APA organization, the American Psychological Association, the Vatican of Psycho quackery.

Each successive year, this organization’s bible, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, seems to grow exponentially. Even a nervous tic could put one on the list of disorders, and often the same psycho babble experts have suffered from the same neuroses. These ‘experts’ even had ‘homosexuality’ listed as one of the diseases to cure.

The Psycho mob soon made important ties with the federal, state and municipal governments in the United States, giving quacks full legal rights in stating court testimony and holding the legal rights to commit people involuntarily. Psychology had trumped the Bill of Rights to the US Constitution. All of this didn’t stop the tortures however, and so the Psycho punishers began to use the horrific practice of electroshock therapy, or giving voltage shocks to the brains of rebellious mental patients.

They also went on the offensive in the corporate sphere, helping to create the Biotech monolith in legally dealing the deadly, psychoactive drugs, such as Prozac, Lithium and Thorazine, which opened a flood gate of profits for both the Biotech companies and the Psycho practitioners. This practice also opened the floodgates to serial killers and mass shooters, which have become part of the diseased American cultural dynamic.

A few Psycho monsters had earlier collaborated with the US Government of Sociopaths in some very evil behavioral experiments during the 1940s and 50s. There was Project 4.1, which studied radiation effects on Marshall Island natives who had been victims of the US government’s use of nuclear testing nearby, and the Tuskegee Study, where US government doctor-thugs and psycho quacks injected syphilis into African-American men in the South in order to study the mental effects of the disease. And there was the most famous of all, Project MK-ULTRA, where the CIA and psycho experts heavily dosed US military personnel, patients in mental hospitals, prisoners and prostitutes, with LSD, in order to find a ‘truth serum.’ Some of those unsuspecting participants were never the same people again.

During the Satanic sacrifice-Child molestation scare of the 1980s in the United States, Psycho hacks were found in the corporate media defending the discredited use of ‘repressed testimonies’ in children, something not seen since the European witch trials of the 1640s.

Throughout this same decade of the 1980s, the Psychology Mafia also instituted a terrible scam on rebellious teenagers from white, middle class backgrounds. With the collusion of disreputable Insurance companies, both parents and psychologists could involuntarily commit rebellious adolescents into mental hospitals or special homes that tried to reform the defiant young people. The parents paid the Insurance companies, while the Insurance companies, mental clinics and Psycho gangs reaped the profits.

These same mental centers often recruited local thugs and weirdos to control the kids, while a few of those brutes even got away with legal murder through using restraints and tortures on the kids. This crime syndicate especially flourished in the state of Florida. The evil connivance of Psychobabble, the State and the Insurance Mafia, destroyed thousands of American families due to neurotic parents duped into imprisoning their own children.

Psychologists have collaborated with the US military through its ‘Psychological Operations,’ while sanctioning the use of torture and murder during its recent genocides in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Finally, I remember watching many of the Psychology graduate students when I was a doctoral student in history. Unfortunately, the art of history shared the same building complex as that quack ‘social science.’ Those Psychology doctoral students were often bizarre and anal, and a few of them were actual wing nuts. Were these the experts that were going to help the mentally afflicted? Psychology has even tried to capture of the art of history with its very own version of psychohistory!

Psychology-Psychobabble has been an integral state ideology through its arts of social control. There is nothing scientific about it. The Modern State and all tyrannical institutions, such as schools, cops and the military, adore it, while the Psycho leaders always eye newer and weaker victims to liquidate and murder.

We Anarchists know the truth about this disguised evil covered in the cloak of science and ‘normalcy.’ We must also fight their leaders as we fight the State, the cops, the rich elites, the powerful and the corporations. Ultimately, we should even refrain from using their terms and vocabulary, such as ‘psychopath, neurotic and schizo,’ which have become part of our common English vocabulary – and we should try to never see, speak with, or pay for a visit to one of those despicable fakes. Our Anarcho-spirit of liberty would engender a ‘mental illness’ and a forced imprisonment in one of their dungeons.

The Psychobabble Quack Cult is now the State’s and the Elite’s most trusted co-conspirator.




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