Megatrends 2020 American Empire, pt. 9, The Rubicon Cross

Posted: July 4, 2020 in history
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‘The supreme rulers are hardly known by their subjects. The sovereigns below them are loved and praised. The weaker leaders are feared. The worst of the lot are despised.’
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching 17  (2,550 years ago in China, Zhou Dynasty)

A little historical introduction is in order. Well, it was the winter of 49 B.C. Let’s say around 2,050 years ago time. A Roman legion camping by the river, the River Rubicon that is. A cold crisp wintry morn in Northern Italy glistened into the sunlight and overcast rising day. Early in the morning it was, around 600 hours – and the Legion was ready! This was no ordinary Legion however. No, this was the Grand Conqueror, Julius Caesar’s Legion, the Lucky 13th Legion… The date, by the way, was around the 13th of January…

What did this tightly disciplined military juggernaut accomplish to become the Lucky 13th? They had just conquered the entire, and I mean, the entire province of Galia, or Gaul, the land of the Celts, now called, modern day France. That was a lot of territory back then for an ancient army to cover. This army further conquered the Belgicae, of the lowlands north of France, which now includes Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg. Furthermore, this same army had crossed the Rhine river and fought successful battles against the Germans living around it. This army even successfully invaded Britannia across the Channel, and battled the Celts living on that island. Wow!

This Lucky 13th Legion had a general and true leader by the name of Julius Caesar, a military and political genius, one of the greatest strategists and tacticians to have ever graced human history. The army knew that they had some real Divine favor, and Julius Caesar knew it too. Caesar had earlier won some amazing victories over in the Roman provinces of Asia. The man never lost a military engagement.

But returning to that army camp by the River Rubicon. What were Caesar and the 13th Legion ready for anyway, on that cold January morning? The Rubicon Cross. They had to cross that river, and not a big engineering deal in itself actually. It was the political decision that mattered… As General Caesar stated himself, the die is cast, and I must act!

Through successive and incredible military victories, Caesar also understood that he made even more political enemies – and especially among the Senate and their Patrician Elite Junta, called the Optimates. The Senate gave Caesar a warning about crossing that Rubicon River into the Italian Boot Peninsula – with his 13th Legion behind him.

Caesar could not become a King, since the Romans had thrown those crooks out around half a millennium ago! But Caesar, like all of the great military leaders in world history, had lots of ambition. Caesar wanted to become Dictator for Life, beyond King or Ruler; instead, Imperator, or the Emperor of the Great Roman Empire that now stretched into three continents surrounding Mar Nostrum, Our Sea, the Modern Mediterranean.

Caesar had some great plans: redistributing farm lands to all of the veterans of the Roman Legions, cancelling out corrupt republican institutions, limiting the political powers of the aristocrats in the Senate, distributing all of the military booty, inclusive of the thousands of slaves, into the public funds of the Roman Commonwealth, and even extending Roman Citizenship to Latin speaking residents of the City. Roman Citizenship did mean a lot, back those days, with all of its legal privileges and less onerous taxation schemes.

Caesar finally marched on the Magnificent City of Rome for some unforgettable Public Triumph Processions with numerous Roman Public Games and Festivities. Yes, Caesar even attained Divine honors for worship. And he still didn’t stop!

He would win further military victories in Africa, and especially in Egypt, throughout Asia once again, and in Spain utterly defeating his rival Roman rival for glory, Pompey. Caesar was a ‘Caesar,’ a born emperor. He thus made the famous phrase come true: Veni, Vidi, Vici, I Came, I Saw, I Conquered!

Caesar also changed the Roman Calendar permanently, moving it from the Lunar dial to the Solar system. This calendar remained the official calendar, the Julian Calendar, of both Britain and America, well into the late 1700s!

Meanwhile, his political enemies seethed with anger, envy and hate. Caesar always tried to placate the noble Romans in the Senate. Caesar was himself, born of noble blood. But it only hardened their hearts. His gifts to the Senate made him look weak.

Only five years later, after his Rubicon Cross, inside the Senate Chamber, his so-called noble friends stabbed him to death. He died as if he was a slave receiving the dishonorable death of disloyalty. Divinity over – but the Legend lived on.

Only five years later from the Rubicon Cross, after all of those marvelous military victories, Caesar received the Bad Death – and during those ancient days, things moved a lot slower.

But we got ourselves a more dangerous Republic on our hands at the moment. A dying and retching one, with a current political leadership representing an even more dangerous cast of conspirators. These ‘rulers’ are a hundred times more scheming than the Roman Senators of Caesar’s days.

This political monster calls itself the United States of America. It now functions as a Republic where citizenship means absolutely nothing for its citizens; where the Law and where the so-called Law and Constitution imply absolutely nothing. Any political hack, district attorney or judge can thus twist ‘the law’ to his or her political whims. All of the federal, state and local governments are in full Fifth-Generation Warfare mode against most of its docile and ignorant citizens – and especially against those poorer white males – who happen to live in the suburban and rural regions of the nation.

Most ominously, it is conducting two simultaneous False Flag Operations, Concocted Catastrophe Crises, or Mythologized Media Manipulations, against the generalized public: The Corona Plandemic Lockdown Hoax and The Corporate BLM Inc.-Antifa Alliance with its Legal Street Crime Posses.

Even more foreboding for all us, is that this Ruling Junta, or Victorious Hegemonic Power Bloc, (in Commie terms), now has the backup of the full Democratic Party, with all of its political powerful minions, at the Federal, State and Local levels. This powerful group does not just end with party politics.

The US Military Pentagon brass and US government policy leaders now support this cabal; all of the US Intelligence-Spy Agencies fully bolster this sociopolitical camp; almost the entire social class of multi-billionaire American Capitalists, NGO directors, Media Conglomerate bosses, Tech Monopoly Leaders, and Corporate Boards of Governors, inclusive of the Educational and Medical Establishments, help sustain their projects.

Meanwhile, the vast swathe of America’s future victims continue to wallow in ignorance and petty ego-self concerns. Our Enemies who both hate us and rule over us, are actually right about us. We are stupid and ignorant, bad dressers and pathetic losers, fat and ugly.

Just thrusting our heads out of our windows exposes their continual set of political victories. How many people are still wearing those dirty and contaminated face masks everywhere in public? How often do we see attractive, young white females posting Black Lives Matter memes on their Instagram pages?

Our Carnival Barker, Dealer-In Chief, World Wrestling Federation Orange Man, still Tweets for the Twats. He just looks worse and worse on TV. He sees it too – and he was even a Reality TV dude before becoming, ‘The Prez.’ The Obamarama Late-Late Nite Show is still laughing its head off – even without the previous studio laugh tracks. The Corporate Mainstream Media is hyping up the Arch-War Criminal, Bush II, as another ‘Voice of Reason.’ Oh man…

America’s Cops are now taking the knee to BLM Inc., and yet nobody rioted when, get this, a National Park Service Cop, just executed in cold blood a young white kid driving over the speed limit out West! Please don’t start hunting us down, us rural, white dudes driving our pickup trucks around. Please…

The Republican Party is fast becoming the Whig Party of the 1850s. Their days are numbered, as we say in America. Good riddance…

Remember a great line from the 60s American Rock band, Crosby, Nash and Nash. It was in 1969, (at at time where a lot was also ‘going down’ in America’s history), a song called, Long Time Gone.

‘But you know, the darkest hour is always, always just before the dawn.’

Our Ruling Elites are definitely smarter than us. But they are like those children discovering old war vet army supplies – and are now playing with some live grenades…

The Dangerous Moment has only just begun. The Rubicon Cross has already commenced.

Did they not understand that by allowing, encouraging and enabling the thousands and thousands of rioters, looters and demonstrators to congregate in the Streets, their entire Corona Plandemic Lockdown Narrative Collapsed? And they are still pushing the Second, Third and Fourth Wave Fearmongering!

Did they not understand that by allowing, encouraging and enabling the BLM-Antifa Alliance-posses’ legal crime spree of property destruction, looting, arson and murder, while at the same time, legally punishing non-criminal American citizens for defending themselves from violence; they are slowly losing the legitimacy of their future political victims. Once any government bloc loses its political legitimacy among a certain part of the population, it is totally impossible to recover it.

This same government group willfully murdered elderly people inside elderly peoples’ homes, (or really prisons for the economically non-productive), in order to raise the Corona Death Count.

In order to further raise the Corona Death Count, hospital authorities purposefully mixed non-Corona case admissions with Corona case admissions, so as to infect all of those poor patients entering those same hospital death floors. Once infected, the mostly lower class people who had trusted the hospital authorities had respirators fixed to their bodies. The hospital administrators later received more government welfare monies, while they murdered the majority of those duped lower class patients on the respirators. Not one hospital administrator has received any punishment for such willful mass murder.

This same government group let thousands of criminals roam free in America’s urban streets in order to commit mayhem and murder – all for a cheap political, selection year ploy.

The Real Danger thus exposes itself to all of us. A criminal syndicate now rules over this dying republic, this United States of America. Could this explain why I see so many Americans now looking into real estate in the rural west? The real smart ones, I’m sure, are looking into Alaskan real estate.

The Die is Cast. The Rubicon Cross Crucified Again. The Trusting Narrative is Officially Over.

Here is another truth from world history: when a man has his back to the wall, and there is nothing left worth left living for inside some nightmarish dictatorship, even the cowardice disappears – he can only fight to the bitter end.

Today, this July 4th Independence, in the small western town where I currently reside, there was no July 4th Parade, none whatsoever – for the first time… in a long while…

None of my neighbors seemed too concerned…

Recall that great line from William Shakespeare’s most excellent work, Julius Caesar,

‘Beware the ides of… ‘

The Rubicon Cross.
